MW2 taken out and butchered

image: 15ey975

One of the most highly anticipated game releases of all time is approaching with the next installment in the Call of Duty series. However, the world may now have ended for the competitive CoD community who were awaiting a fresh breath of air to their scene. Unfortunately Infinity Ward have 'done a fritzl' by making the most inbred decision in gaming history. Today the Infinity Ward community manager confirmed that since CoD4 was released the guys at IW have lost their mind after announcing the following changes to the game.

  • IW partnering through Steam is what you will see in the future. Matchmaking is not through Steam, but IW.NET is run in conjunction with Steam.
  • GSP's will no longer be renting out servers. Meaning there will be NO clan servers.
  • No PunkBuster. VAC will be used as an anti cheat.
  • Retail distribution: Pre-orders will get a disk. Or you could order from Steam.
  • DLC may now need to be paid for - not confirmed.
  • Piracy was only a small reason for going to IW.NET - not the whole reason.

  • No more clan servers. Private matches, replace clan servers.
  • Listen servers will connect to each other.
  • IW.NET/Steam will replace the community server admin

Competitive gaming
  • Competitive gaming has changed forever.
  • It might be possible in the future for IW engineers to load a "competitive" setting on IW.NET, but it is far from a guarantee. It might also never happen.

  • Modding the game is now very much in question. Fourzerotwo had no info on modding. However, it appears that there will be no mods or maps for MW2.
  • Modding in SpecOps? Unknown.

Bullet points borrowed from Cadred. Time will tell whether these decisions will prove fatal to the game.
pls explain me this in 1 sentence

this is about cod? and tags says wolf l?!??!?!


NICE TOSSIIIEE! first u say that we need to filter our shittos so we cant see the shit what we dont want to see!(yo dawg) and then u make some tagging errors! jeeehaaa
poor stufF!
what the fuck...?

Are they fucking retarded or something?
I wonder if Sokal and Endrant Studios were also making mw2... :P

Looks like we will be playing Aion for another 6 months before we can get a hold of Brink
but Endrant is awesome... ;( who else has added to multiplayer such as awesome thing like lags for all players while someone else is connecting instead of normal server message like in any other game? it's something new we have never seen before! or so awesome graphic details that even i7 with 6GB DDR3 and 2xHD5870 wouldn't run this game smooth!
lols is this for real?
bye bye cod
you all know you will buy it..
canceled my pre-order ... i only buy games worth it ( meaning i wanna play mp ) now i'll just download it from torrentleech for single player.

i sincerely hope someone cracks the ps3 code so i can download games for that too ( yes i'm willing to spend 300€ on a bluray writer just to fuck those idiots a tiny bit in the ass)
Why the fuck are companies so clueless about competitive PC gaming. I would have moved to the console long ago if I didn't have to aim with a goddamn joystick.
you can get used to it, seriously :P
I bet if every morning after you wake up you stick a coke-can up your ass that eventually you will get used to it.. but it still doesn't make it a good idea.
Depends on if you like the idea!
because it´s a negligible minority
These are very bad news for pc gaming in general...
Def. not buying that crap now.
they have del that post , the sad twats
Noticed :/ It was up to 142 pages the last time i watched it =D
wow. just wow.
at least vac doesn't lag like shit :D
HAHAHAHAHA. Some people just cant be dumber...
well... companies just don't care about competitive PC gamers anymore... they sell 10times more copies of the game for the casual console gamers...

golden times of "PC gaming" are over, it's all about consoles nowadays... sad sad... :(

I put my hope in ETQW and it failed, i put my hope in CoD:WaW and it failed, i put my hope in Wolf and it failed... i guess it will be the same with CoD:MW2 now... this time i won't even buy it if this is true... gonna wait 1 or 2 days what ppl write about the competitive part of the game... then i'll decide

sad rly... maybe gaming industry makes me finally quit and retire... something my girlfriend hasn't managed so far :D

or maybe i just sticked with the wrong companies.. ID & Activision ...
Quotesad rly... maybe gaming industry makes me finally quit and retire... something my girlfriend hasn't managed so far :D


Quotegonna wait 1 or 2 days what ppl write about the competitive part of the game... then i'll decide

if you did the same for the games you mentioned before, im sure you wouldnt have bought them :)D

although i must admit wolfpro seemed promising in the start, but the game itself was just so shit a simple mod couldn't fix it.

image: CAN_WE_FIX_IT
well ET:QW was nice after the Beta, i still would buy it... but i gotta agree on CoD5 and Wolf... i shouldn't have bought those piece of crap games :/

i still hope those stuff mentioned by IW will only be in the console versions and there will be dedicated servers in the PC version... if not it is definitly a fuckup...
I just decided to drop my pre order with play!
Good decision.
while this is undoubtedly shit news, im sure csspro or some such mod team will still mod the game.

i suspect this is just cause infinity ward just cant be bothered with the on line shit and are outsourcing it to steam who are already gear, badly, to support online games !
There is a reason it has taken so long and we still don't have any proper version of CS Promod, CS:S / CS 1.6 are harder to mod than games such as W:ET and ET:QW are. In the latter two games, modders get access to the full "game logic".

If a game would be a car, the game engine would be the car engine, the game logic would be everything else. With the game logic you could make a Smart look like a Ferrari (like for example ET:F and TC:E did with W:ET, and the original CS did to Half Life!).

Call of Duty has always gotten the "CS" like mod support, in which mods act like a layer on top of the original game, meaning you are limited to hooking into the game and changing things, instead of being able to fully rewrite key parts of the game.

Now CoD4:MW2 will run on Steam, but it will remove the ability to run dedicated servers. I don't know if you ever played a game on a console, but they are the best example to demonstrate how locked this model can be.

Mapping is a different story though, I think W:ET, CS and CoD all offer the same amount of mapping support.
hmm. though i believe your absolutely technically right, somehow i just don't see this actually turning out as the post states. someone at IW or Activision or even Value will need to take there finger out of there ass when the general masses have no where to play !
play et and stfu
haha good...i hope now less ppl will buy this

brink all the way weeeeeeeeeeee

The requested topic does not exist.

hmm i would rly like to see nobody buying this game for pc
Yet, it will be a nice game :-)
but dont u get the point?

i mean they can't just do what ever they want if ppl won't buy this they will see whos got zeh powah :>

i mean rly cmon... same with wolfenstein..stop supporting crap or ridiculous decisions what so ever..(even if u like the series)

nothing will change until that..

it's the consumers fault...if u buy the game u say...hey it's allright and they thingk...yay see,we've done everthing right...ppl still buying it
yea but it takes 2 sec might make them think
I had to check the date to make sure it wasn't April 1st.

Was this Activision or IW's decision though? Seems odd that the actual developer would endorse such lunacy however makes more sense for publisher to push such ideas.
I checked it twice.

Not surprised though, IW has been losing their touch with the PC community ever since they got acquired by Activision
i laughed out loud
- No PunkBuster. VAC will be used as an anti cheat.

That's the only good point.
Modern Warfail
Just woke up and saw this. What. The. Fuck.
Thought about you when I saw this, said to myself "Krosan is gonna be crushed"
My thoughts exactly... This seriously makes MW2 @ CC7 very doubtful.
IW are censoring PC community responses on their forums. A 1400 pages topic was erased together with a lot more commotion...
This sucks.
Sounds like same shit that went on Wolfenstein board
cant be real... is a joke
if its not a halloween upcoming joke the game will fail like warrock or smth.
otherwise somebody wanted to see the game bleed before the release :D

the petition is a joke... they betrayed u and now u get down on your knees and beg for changes i mean cmon

self esteem


just let them down..
of course i will buy the game :D
download it
loled irl x)
hahhahahaha that is fucking gold
DLC may now need to be paid for - not confirmed.

Also for patches? Are we supposed to pay for bugfixes? :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Nope DLC are small updates, that add new features and things like new skins or new maps.
so if a league decides to add a new map to the mappool you have to pay for it? seems pretty stupid to me :-p
No, the new maps will only be made by IW, and if you want to play them, you need to pay... Choosing to add a new map to the mappool will probably mean everyone in the tournament has to buy that shit...
and that's what i ment :p
thats just what he wrote. -.-
Ye didn't read it well :<
At least there's 1 positive view on this.

With all the new games failing on the competition community...people wont give up on ET that easily. =)
Simply move on to another game
Understandable, pro-gaming is nothing to retail. Get rid of piracy and you gain in profit. Sensitive decision.
Read "the pirates dilemma" by Matt Mason. Piracy has in fact increased profit.
Thanks for the tip, half way through but has been a good read so far.
This is not just crippling the competitive community, it's every community which gets crippled. For one, random pub clans will not like this at all (and yes, there are thousands of those type of clans in CoD) because they want a central place to play.
Second of all, players need to play somewhere, so Activision will either host all servers themselves or use a P2P system. The first situation means there will be a limited amount of players who can be online at the same time, and there is a big chance that there won't be any low ping servers around for you to play on
As for P2P... If you ever downloaded from Kazaa or Limewire you might have noticed your download speed is never stable. Guess how you notice this in a P2P game? By a ping which is less stable than the current worldwide economy.
ooh by the way to any developer/marketing gurus/anyone associated with this game in anyway i will be stealing this game off the internet and i will not, scratch that i refuse to pay for it, so remember im mugging you. yes YOU. hahaha and i gave you a fat lip cause your a bitch ass cunt!
how is it bad that you dont have to pay for a server anymore?
how is it bad that finally pb gets shut down by important games?

still made my cancel my pre-order. will check it out first.
hahahaha xD so nice how all you CoD lovers laughed about the wolf fail, and now your beloved game also goes down the well. i would have only played the singleplayer anyways.

i really had a good laugh, fags.
Couldn't care less. I only play the cod series for the single-player games anyway.
so go hate somehwere else and grow some hair.
Caring and hating are two quite different things.
just leave this journal
It's not a journal, it's a newspost. Pay attention.
now my point is invalid.
your point was already invalid since the first reply.
that u got no hair or that the ppl interested in this are not interesting in you being not interested.
cauz i thought both things were kinda true.
Both actually. I do have hair, albeit not a lot, but I choose to shave it off and as for the other point, you can only speak for yourself and not everyone here. So no, both your points are invalid.
Pre-order removed :)
an obvious attempt to keep ET alive

*parties DOWN*
Was gonna buy it on the ps3 anyway.
WAHT A GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FU IW!! U have finally made a gr8 decision on this gr8 franchise \O/

stick to et =/
you know that you cant rly compare that, beaucse ET is a very old, with boring (by now) gameplay, with crappy behaviour (laggy shit, limited by engine) and a rly small competetive community while being croweded with cheaters?
lul just lul
What the hack ? :S
They've gone mad...
No more mods, cfg's,private clan servers :(
The only good thing is that there is another anti-cheat programm
Recalls the good times @ Et and cod2 (trickjump, and other funny mod servers)
All new FPS games atm are so full of fail that essentially old games like ET and Quake Live are becoming the future. How ridiculously ironic is that?

Due to PC gamers losing all faith in developers and new titles in recent years I can see the warsow model/re-developed old titles being the mainstay for FPS communities such as this. It just seems all the evidence is there that there is no place for the competitive gamer in the profit focused world. Let's face it, these games will still sell year after year due to the competitive communities making up only a minimal part of sales.

The real question for communities such as this is more one of which direction to go in regardless of shit new releases and the lack of faith therein.
True, best things in the world are always made by dedicated fans & enthusiasts who are addicted to what they are doing. Profit seeking might give developers more technological capabilities, but at the same time it limits there freedom.
23208 Total Signatures

just wow.

from one of the petitions
This is so shit. Thank god I didn't pre-order it.
excuse me

in the commerce there is a simple rule

You don't like it?DONT BUY IT

Probably they did us a favour ... If u think about it, mw2' s cod4 with new maps but it cost 40 euros...

since when you rebuy the same game for a map pack?
The SP will be amazing, so just pirate it ;)
i am thinking to buy the game tbh
i have all the cods and i dont care at all if competitive multiplayer will or wont be supported

i play on cod 5 public servers too and i still have fun even if people say it's a dead game (maybe dead for kids... that slowly filled and killed the competitive scene...)

rtcw old times when netgaming was cool, are gone.

I'm glad for you if you don't mind :)
this thingy is the preordercancels on pcc will not effect anything because the majority of sold game copies belong to the console sales
All our hopes in BRINK XD
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