Map Pools!

After some deliberation the Map Pools for both CoD and ET are now ready, for CoD it was relatively straight forward but for ET with the change to 5on5 it took some contemplation, we decided to go with only 6 maps in contrary to our usual 7 for fear of offering an unbalanced map pool, we have a mixture of 3 'stable' maps and three 'fast' maps.

CoD Map Pool - backlot, crash, citystreets, crossfire, strike.
ET Map Pool - Goldrush, Radar, Supply, Delivery, Braundorf, Frostbite

There was a desire to put further custom maps into both lists however neither had suitable new candidates at such short notice.
Flame on!
no banner ?
need adlernest!
image: 33_15_15---Fire-Flame-Texture_web

we have a mixture of 3 'stable' maps and three 'fast' maps.

When i attack its always a fast map
When i defend its always a stable map
braun :l
frost :o
otherwise ok
braun & frost > Delivery
- fucking 1
= fucking 0
actually the result is 0 cuz fucking - fucking = 0
good job errorr you noticed the error in the calculations :D
except "fucking" is a declaration of the type for 1 (compareable to java - int 1) :P
what ohzora said
deli is a fine map, just needs a lot teamplay. Ofc many ppl don't like it, and I don't like it personally that much either, but it's still a good map even if I hate it
deli is fucking useless..
the first attack sucks since you allways plant and then cap, only exciting thing of the map is if an engi goes through down and builds the thing :P
Braundorf is a unique map, it's the only map that finishes with a dynamite, so anything could happen in that map. Reactor is a brilliant map to watch & play just requires teamplay. Not a fan of frostbite. I would prefer adler > frostbite though
Frost I don't like either... rtcw maps just never fit well in ET
And braundorf is an ok map, but I just hate the lean camp, rifle spam etc in that one. It's better 6on6 than 3on3. In 5on5 I have no experience, but still I don't like it much. Ofc it can turn out to be a good one, but I got my doubts
I liked braundorf ever since we beat FinlandtA in it!
I've beaten even mystic in that map and still don't like it :(
oasis also ends if a dynamite goes boom (2 to be precise)
Braun is okay for 5o5, reactor is the perfect map for 5o5, should be in list
tell that to Clown
he was the one who made this maplist?
no he just disgusts reactor massively
he's a lamer. Reactor is one of the most exciting and thrilling maps in the game. Always cool to play it
+1 And it requires a good amount of teamplay, and is more tactical than all these new schoolers think!
You don't even play 5on5...
I'm saying this the last time, reactor has been tested for 4 years, and every time it has got negative feedback.

Come back and whine about LAN maplists when you actually gonna visit it.
if people would consider it as a stable map in the mappool maybe they would actually start praccing it and find the possibilities of the map. as it is, you cant find a pracc opponent very easily who would like to play reactor while having tactics for it.

reactors potential is far more compared to braun or frost or deli.
ET is nothing without spectators, and even if I usually disagree (because I'm mostly player not spec) I rather watch some exciting map like reactor and not crap like braundorf. I watch usually many LAN games.

Apparently pretty funny if one guy is stating which maps are played on the LAN even if he is a famous LAN player himself :D (I don't really think you picked the maps, but krosan makes it sound like that)

And well, reactor maybe isn't the map where the better team always wins, but basically that's what makes gaming interesting. Surprises should always take place. And well, it's a bit easier to go to the LAN if you don't need to go over the sea. Actually we were going to attend CPC 2 for real, but helix folded so too bad.

I might visit the LAN at some point if I got time/money/etc, but pretty harsh talk by you all in all

It's true I haven't played reactor 5on5 but my bet is that you haven't either, have you?
6on6 I have played it multiple times and as I said, it's usually the most exciting and thrilling map.

I'd rather pick adler and bremen in the maplist if not reactor, but at least braun and frost are just complete crap
haha what a clown. chill bro
reactor is probably one of the most exciting maps ever, and yes, it got negative feedback because certain top teams failed on it due to the fact they didn't know how to play it... same happened last summercup with sos, it was a thrilling map, yet lot of teams didn't even know how to defend it

seriously the tag whine about everything which is different than supply gold or radar is amazing.
duh, need covert to blow end

clown no engi clown no win
yah explains :D
fuck him, put reactor in
Reactor needs to be in as the 7th map imo.

its suited to 5on5.
it's suited for all gametypes :) just haters out there hating it :)

best map since 5on5 quakecon :)_
where's adler??

braundorf xDDDDD adler/bremen will do just fine thank you

btw. Need QL map pool aswell :))
nice fuck up there
b4 and frost => bremen and adler imo =(
ja nog ff
replace braundorf and frost with bremen and adler and it's all good
whats wrong with braun? i like it in 5o5 :P
rifle is just so fucking overpowered in that map, specially in 5on5

also having one man less makes it even harder to defence which will result in faster times and increased randomness
same for delivery..
bremen should be left out :-) sucks in 5on5 compared to other maps
I know that it ain't ideal.. but there aren't any better options

it's still a lot better than braundorf and frostbite
Although i like frost, the et changes have mucked it up a bit too much for me.

I'd still like to play bremen, even if its really hard to defend now.

Adler I just don't like.

I would of just had a map pool of

goldrush, radar, supply, special, bremen
there is ice reactor dubrovnik - all better than bremen
adler instead of b4 and it will be acceptable, braun is just bad in any format with rifle
Should have thrown Supply out. Or atleast find a way to ban those jump scripts.

I honestly can't imagine that most people I play(ed) against are able to do those jump on their own. Fucks up everything.

Personally I don't like Braundorf as well, I think it's a really poor designed map (gameplaywise).
Adlernest would have been a better choice.
I so agree with the jumping part, even though I'm sure there are quite some people who can do it on their own.
Ik herinner me een bind die ik van jou heb gekregen! :D
I know when I was playing in evolve perfo, toxic, razz, xylos and me could all do the main wall jump without scripts, and tox had about an 80% success rate at one point. I was up at around 50% myself. I can't imagine that others would have serious problems either.

EDIT: And with impact, tox, xpaz and wiadro were all really damn good at that jump - it wasn't uncommon for all three of them to make it at the same time.

The East wall jump is incredibly easy.
What boggles me is how so many people can do the radar side jump with so much ease... That's like one of the hardest jumps :s
I suck at slide-jumps, but I know most people find them really easy.
thats the easiest jump :D you dont even need full stamina
Then I don't know how :|
You just strafe! :D
teach me how to strafe :<
side jump? which one? from fake to west? I have one "easier" way how to jump it :)
Nono, at the cp-door ;)
wat? dont use sarcasm on me, wanted to show you better way!
I'm not using sarcasm, you think of the wrong jump at the wrong place.
ah,already got it :D sry then XD
took me time to learn it too, but now I can do it good. wanna train some time?
Dno how you could teach me :P
Well, you can look how I do it so you know "from where to jump". And I can look on you and tell you what to do in another way ;)
lol ok why not ^^
just wanted to be nice and help some1 :|
i said ok, why not, that means: if you want to help me with teaching me that jump then it's happily join :)

you seem to be misunderstanding quite a lot :p
well, meaning of that sentence was np4me, but "^^" has confused me :)
Are you trolling?
main jump is really easy aswell
need jump toturial by hayaaa!
Ah well, guess I'm just lacking behind then.

People seem to be investing endless hours to learn every trick there is =(
Yeah. Quite a lot of the time in evolve when we were just on vent chatting or discussing tactics or something we'd also be on the server doing that supply jump over and over and over and over again.

Also, I realise I completely forgot sqzz - don't really need to mention that he could do it flawlessly.
"People seem to be investing endless hours to learn every trick there is =("

took me, with some proper movement skills, just a few days to have a reasonable success rate of about 60% to give it a try few times in a war. draqi on the other hand has about 80-90% since ages.
trickjumping is just almost the most interesting part of ET, so isn't that kinda natural :)
Never thought it was fun :(

Maybe that's why I really suck at it.
I've done trickjumping at least as much as played 6on6, so yeah it's fun :)
Never understood the fun in it either, weird. :|
I cant do both of them, only when i'm very very very lucky :(
I used to handle the walljump with my old pc @ 100 fps. Now I can't get it right no matter if it's 100 or 125. :l
There was teh YCN config loading thing so they could look at your config before you use it. We should ask them to bring this back to prevent the scripts as damn they annoy the hell outta me aswell.
You can also just type it in the console during warmup, it doesn't have to be in the config.
So there is no way for admins to check to see if they have used it? I say admins have the right to check just after the game... if a players has found to have it loaded for the match their team forfeit the match... I know it means admins takign 2/3 mins of their time to go through the configs/logs or what ever. But it makes it so much fairer for players who dont use these scripts!
I think it would be a bit too cumbersome for the admins :s
Well we could propose it but I doubt that it's going to be checked.
Well at least tell teams before they set up that if they get caught using on they will be removed from teh comp... fear factor ;)
kinda many ppl can do the jumps but I kinda agree with you that the jumps pretty much suck
well jump scripts are one thing and i agree on that but what i hate even more are those retarded rifle scripts. :<
more or less every other game allows any kind of jump/move script, as long as no glitch is triggered, in their major comps. why shouldnt we? hell we even accept cheaters and excheaters playing and stretches our anal sphincter further than it would be done in any other game.

not saying any of the jumps are particulary hard to do without
QuoteThese maps are not fast. Good teams can hold anyone on Braundorf,Deli, Frost, etc.

well that certainly ain't true.. or maybe I just have never played on a good team :)
for lan ? wtf
Possibly Adler instead of Braundorf or Delivery, but still great pool!

replace braundorf and frost with bremen and adler and it's all good
Nice to see frostbite but can we please drop delivery? Its such a bad map! Put adler in for it as adler is just so nice to play + watch!
Ye frostbite is great, and has superb spectator-value. Delivery feels like there's something wrong with it but can't figure out what. But objectively seen, the map has only positive pointers.
I would still say the weak link here is delivery and maybe the ebst map, to watch at least, is adlernest. If those 2 maps swapped i would personally say the best mappool i've seen in a long time. Nether the less i'm happy would just have to forfiet delivery when it comes to playing it :P
The map is heavily dependent on a rifle and is possible to win just through simply having a reasonably good rifle... It's a joke, Adlernest on the other hand is just a great all round map and I don't think we need to prove it after EC what ever it was! Yes, Adler and B4 can be kinda rifle based too, but nothing like delivery :P
Ye maybe adler was better instead of delivery but different people have different opinions, and in the end I think this mappool is a great compromise for everyone :)
Only positive pointers...
Do you play ET?
Probably longer than you...
Manly reply. How can you only see positive pointers on delivery?
Your reply to me was mega-mature also I have to say...
Ask eiM for positive pointers, he'll give you plenty :P
I know, but trolling is an art!
go watch some of the games between two pretty equal top teams and I'm pretty sure most of them end up with a time around 5-7 minutes
where's adler?
frost uit , adler in , klaar mooie list.
we demand adler!
and etice :D
Everyone whined about frostbite and braundorf all the time and there was no chance to put these two maps in the mappool but now when TosspoT placed them on the maplist it's prolly end of discussion.

Oh, and for me both maps are perfect for 5v5.
braundorf out adler in. make it more 2 stage map like most rtcw maps where!
Flag/cp+docrun = win
Braun is a 2 stage map -,-
Flag / plant
" like most rtcw maps"
Most rifles are happy with this pool i guess
need adler
a typically-you reply...
nazi admin...
Much more sense in 5on5 than 6on6 at braun TBH!
it still isnt better than adler imo!
aw..... need to start praccing those maps then ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDdddddd
Adlernest in 5v5 is way better than Braundorf and I've even played both of the maps in the last weeks.
braundorf kinda sucks compared to adlernest , frost is good !
braundorf seems like the only map that is not rly nice. Good job.
QuoteDelivery, Braundorf, Frostbite

image: 2zhpbgl
Braundorf,Deli, Frost - not fast maps? What the fuck man? :D
braundorf :|

shitiest map ever
having braun/frost over bremen and too a lesser extent adler is a bit strange
remove delivery and braundorf and replace those with bremen and adlernest, then u got good maplist.
adlernest? ;z
Bremen - is too big for 5on5 i think
Alder - is alright though peeople always whine about it
B4 i personally like alot so im happy its there even if others dont
Supply - wouldnt be ET without it...
grush - solid choice
Delivery - not a personal favourite but alot of people play it so it makes sense and it can be good
Radar - solid choice
frostbite - yeh its ok dont like the whole ladder thing tho

Personally i would have liked:
supply, grush, radar, adler, braundorf, reactor, frost
Goldrush, Radar, Supply, Delivery, Braundorf , adlernest
swap bremen for frost and you've read my mind.
i like bremen personally but its just a bit big for 5on5 (i think)

though imo you always a good game there
I really wonder who make these lists up :D
"After some deliberation the Map Pools for both CoD and ET are now ready"

Next time ask people that know more about the game. Who the fuck adds delivery, braun and frost.

Add Bremen_b1 and adler and remove 2 of the above maps.
Why add bremen... Its useless 5on5 (I don't know why but something about it just isn't right for 5on5) and why take away Frost.... Surely you should take away either Delivery or Braun
Bremen isn't useless 5on5..
It's actually good you just need good teamplay. Trust me it works.
Matter of opinion i guess, i reckon you need to have 6 players instead of 5 to make the map good but oh well :)
Bremen is way better then the other 3 shit maps they added. It need teamplay, crossfire and it's not lotto.
Next to that they should use BREMEN_B1 as map and not b2, B1 has faster gameplay and would fit 5on5 better.

And can anyone tell who makes these maplists? based on what arguments and then i don;t mean the arguments of some guy called Krosan who only plays on pubs.
That's true, i prefer Bremen_B1 too, and i hate it when people call maps lotto... A lotto map in your opinion is basically a map in which you can't afford to make a single mistake throughout the entire defence...
That's the same as saying no one should have luck cause it's random.
Getting full on adler? Call the map lotto!
im not guna lie buddy, but i dont understand what you mean there :D
What I mean is people call maps lotto when they can't understand how to play defense and the whole team gets a full spawn for retardedly pushing.
Well, I can't see light being one of them if I'm honest, but at least you understand me :)
those 3 shitmaps are better than bremen and DO require teamplay
Finally no adler! Curious to see how braundorf/frostbite will be played.
missing bremen & adler. Frost can be interesting, but b4 is shit.
delivery is a good map lol :d why do people hate it??????????
- The map is 90% inside only
- Long distance shooting reduced by the same amount
- Lean + 3hs rape
- Corridors...
- Rifle overpowered
- Fops = ammo only...
- Artys/Airstrikes are redundant
- Worst first stage ever, there is no "defend" first stage, you only "delay" your opponents by some seconds

Now compare it with maps such as Supply, Goldrush and Radar.
What's the difference with Adler then? :DDXD
There is much more long distance shooting
corridors are much larger
rooms are much bigger
easier to defend first stage, there is no way to defend delivery, it should be fixed, wider flag room and put a gate @ down so it must be planted before passing through.
I know I know, just trolling you :P
only the first stage of delivery is hard to defend, for the rest its quite easy if u have good enough teamplay... if you dont play as a team, things can get REALLY chaotic which results into being overrun by your opponent
you only love it cos you beat dNan on it :o)
i dont think bf ever lost delivery in a game... im not trying to be cocky or whatever :D im just saying with the right amount of teamplay, its really easy to defend and even easier to attack =)

and iirc our defence was really chaotic because we didnt really play like a team :d we just won because their defense was even more chaotic than ours
We beat you the first or 2nd time on delivery though.
i know :d it can get a little too chaotic for us aswell
because they fucking suck at it :D
thank god im not attending

first 5on5 and now Delivery, Braundorf, Frostbite in mappool? haha
braundorf @_@

At first I read
QuoteDelivery, Braundorf, Frostbite

and thought "LOL :D! Good to see has a sense of humour again, just like the good old days!"

and then i realised you were serious.
shut up dog

what the fuck is wrong with supply goldrush radar mappool
shut up dog
Yea sure take away either Delivery or Braundorf, but not Frost, it's just too good. Maybe do what hummel said and add Ice instead of one of them, maybe even swap two maps for Ice and Karsiah again like hummel suggested, I reckon that would be a sick idea
Once again the world would be a better place, just if everyone listened to Humm3l :(
That is so true!
rather map pool of three with only good maps than six maps with three of them total fillers
1. you arent going to lan so ssh
2. whats the point in watching the same defence against the same attack on the same maps and have no different out comes what so ever...
what has watching to do with this? mappool should consist of maps that players like, not spectators.

and since when attending lan is required in order to comment on map pool?
so instead of the same 3 maps we play the same 6 maps? great argument

the same 3 maps have been played in competitive quake for OVER TEN YEARS and nobody complains, et community is just full of ADHD spastics
the change to 5v5 will make the outcome different. No other maps needed imo.
I second that. The ET community is retarded.
image: n658140970_5146

Get a haircut you fucking mess
This mappool is just ridiculous, why frostbite and braundorf over maps like adlernest or bremen?
I like the mappool :)
QuoteGoldrush, Radar, Supply...

image: gaijin4koma2_peersblog_1200684608

Quote... Delivery, Braundorf, Frostbite

image: gaijin4koma_peersblog_1200684654
nice HoN rape. too bad they ganked me so much early game :'( Its amazing how many ETplayers you meet while playing HoN. Its even more amazing how outdated ET is without automatic ready up and no voicechat. Whenever i hit some ETpub im constantly mashing my HoN voicebind and trying to talk with my teammates :p
Hehe, when was this? I have this gay thing that I get disconnected every 20 minutes due to "K2 error"
yeah kongor stormed out of his cave with eight doombringers savage mace & a behemoths heart, and of course aegis, gg
but well 0:11 played
what are you talking about

that's 0:11, as in, 11 seconds into the game
How is this even possible lol
how did he manage that????? :DDDdd
- braundorf
- frostbite

+ reactor (a must)
+ adlernest
Just a suggestion, why not think about trying out reactor again? :o
been saying that for quite a while, it poons
reactor instead of frost!

AND DELIVERY? which is probably the worst map ever made in ET history

great maplist, can't wait for finals on delivery and braundorf with frost as decider


why not add vacant to cod4? or perhaps mp_shipment, i heard it's good
You realise delivery was in the final of CC6 and was ridiculously exciting?
Thats what I wrote, exciting! :)
Delivery is never exciting to play though.
delivery is so boring for me, i am behind a field ops (in the room with that box) staying and waiting for revive. If a panzer or rifle comes i just can pray i have enough medicpacls under my ass :p
nice telling tax !
half of the teams doing it
failed tactic :)
whatever amuses the viewers!
Atleast the CoD maps are.. well they are the only playable.
Frostbite is not bad, though delivery AND braundorf? Were you smoking pot or something..
Gonna put them best by order:

Supply, Goldrush, Radar,Frostbite, Delivery, Braundorf.

I'd switch braundorf or delivery with adlernest or reactor/dubrovnik
I think adler should be added and b4/frost/delivery replaced with bremen. Not gonna flame though, most maps can be perfected with prac. I just think there is a bit too much lotto in the current map pool
bremen is shit compared to those 3 maps in 5on5
Not really, requires a lot of teamplay and rotation. The better teams should do better on this map, but i guess bremen is genuinely too boring to watch.
bremen is only about the spawntime.. especially in 5on5
generally all maps are about spawntime. But because bremen is that big a lack of crossfire or rotation will leave players outnumbered. It is one of the better maps for teamplay, just boring to watch.
Well, how can i phrase this?
I honestly think that Bremen's second stage is able to have a crossfire compared to Goldrush courtyard or Radar. But once key is stolen that stage is nearly dead.
that's exactly what delivery and frost require, not so sure about braun thou, should be replaced with adlernest(don't even see why this map was removed from the mappool given the fact that its 5on5 + the fact that it was played in every cup in the past few seasons..)
braundorf is a fail in 5v5 but awesome in 6v6
please ask the big teams about it, i think they will agree adler > braundorf

Can it be changed Toss ? or its a final desicion ?

please listen to the community once again..
+32 (idler count of
Supply, Grush, Radar - fine
frost - don't know, could be same as 6on6 when 2 min time is not something crazy
braun - could be much better in 5on5 than 6on6
delivery - monster fuck up, in 6on6 it was a decent map, now it is just shit to play.
just since I am the mapper I have to be curious. I do agree its harder to defend with 5 people on two objectives at a time but it cant go from decent to shit by just one player less tbh :D Isnt it the challenge to still hold both objs with a low amount of players ? ;)
any map where you have to divide your team just sucks
yeah, goldrush and radar are simply awful maps.
you don't divide your team on grush or radar :\
maybe 1 stage of defense on radar but still..
what maps do you consider team dividing then?
special delivery.
you have to hold switch and push obj at same time.
you could say the same about gr, you need to steal docs and make sure truck is clear, though u dont have to do it simultaneously.
not really. even with the docs you help to push for the same point: the truck/barrier. it doesnt mean you can't help push just cuz u have the objective. the only map where you can't do this is special delivery, unless you want to give up your position in the controls.
you dont have do it simultaneously on goldrush - thats the point. thats why you dont divide a team there.
while on delivery, it is crucial that you keep controls while you deliver the gold to the truck AT THE SAME TIME.
well.. we just rape enemy on spawn, giving them like 2 fulls on average, than we push the buttonroom with all 6 of us, than we all rush down..

so in 30 seconds, we outnumber the enemy 3 times.. ezbash 4 razzia.
I think delivery is an awesome map!
don't bother explaining eiM :> he won't get it
You sure about braundorf? Rifle was already imba in 6on6 on it. Now each random spam kill counts even more. ;o
even if the rifle would be 2x more powerfull than smg it doesnt mean the map will suck imo
in rtcw the pf is like 2 players but its still fine :P
spam kills are not random, most of the time they can be expected!
That's one of the things why RtCW is not fine. (imo) :P

I'd try it at least. Maybe 1 more cup, or some "showmatch". It probably won't be awesome, but i can't see how it can be worse than delivery is now :|
The issue with Frostbite has always been the difficulty to defend on it, because of VERY limited defense positions. In 6on6, if you let one medic push courtyard and the rest side, it would already be 4v6 because the guy defending spawn is completely useless then, and the guy watching courtyard gets instagibbed by the medic rushing courtyard and people shooting from side. Then, the medic that went courtyard has complete dominance over the axis, because to stop him, they need to give up on defending side. This just gets even worse in 5on5, if you've ever played Frostbite in 3on3 you'll know what I mean.

Braundorf is like Delivery in the sense that you only need your lean buttons and a nade to win. Spam is WAY too powerful on Braundorf. Braundorf is also not easy to defend, because if that one medic that goes through spawn manages to catch anyone off guard, it's over already. It's too hard to recover from an engineer planting the controls.

Delivery first stage is the biggest bullshit I've seen in a while, I don't even know why it's there. After that, the game is completely decided by who gets nade kills and who doesn't. Though it isn't as bad as Braundorf and Frostbite, I'd rather see and play Adlernest or Bremen.
nice to see braundorf and frostbite back!
no, that online only teams(teams that don't come to lan) cannot compete anymore in the online Intel cup's on sunday so that they won't fuck up the seedings.. at first it was gonna be like that
nope, the seeding tourney.
das te laat e man
twas ne nipte :p
was mainly refering to change of the seeding tournament recently after loads of whine about it

hopefully the same is going to happen with this map pool
gtfo :(
adlernest instead of braundorf :(
add missile, bremen or karsiah :)
Add adlernest :|
no bremen? :o
there's a lot of teamplay in 1-2 people defending a switch while the other 4-5 push for an objective elsewhere.
nvm pAuz you dont get it.
Like i said before, i never said ther isnt much teamplay in the map, i just said it sux in my opinion (first part i dont really like, find it kinda retarded but remember my opinion) however I also dislike the second part, I find ther to many walls, AKA hide shoot and heal spots. Yea ther is teamplay needed and nice spam but that doesnt change the fact i hate the map because it got to many walls and the fact it is inside just sux
was talking against pAuz :p
you really got no head do you
heey i know what you mean. its just your oppinion.
Like i said before, i never said ther isnt much teamplay in the map, i just said it sux in my opinion (first part i dont really like, find it kinda retarded but remember my opinion) however I also dislike the second part, I find ther to many walls, AKA hide shoot and heal spots. Yea ther is teamplay needed and nice spam but that doesnt change the fact i hate the map because it got to many walls and the fact it is inside just sux
i know. i was being sarcastic. i hate the map, too.
deli out adler in or possibly smaller mappool
fucking nice maplist, looking forward to play braundorf :D
braun is only fun with rifle..
ugh, i play rifle and even i dont want delivery and braundorf..

they're boring..
frostbite became even more lotto with one player less on each side
We are always listening to comments so if something is very clear as being a popular move it will be made, but as you can see nearly all the comments are varied in someway shape or form
Thanks for the damage you are doing to this game with this 5on5 shit.
There's no map better for 5on5 than for 6on6, stop trolling the community.
More players= more fun.

You obviously dont listen to a community saying gtfo with 5on5 in each post where we read 5on5 takes place of 6on6. After your lan announcement CB decided to fuck 6on6 completely even for NC and now ESL remains questioning if they are going to be as retards as CB and you.

So pls if you listen to the community im Bill Gates.
You're not playing at this LAN, if I'm right you've not played at any of our events so...what does this matter to you? If you dont like it, do something about it. Dont just sit here and whine. We do not force ANYONE to play at our events, they do so because they want to...accept that.
5on5 is easier to get cause he fucked 6on6. So you are right im not going to your lan but you fucked a game that I play and started this 5on5 shit, so I can sit in my chair and whine to you.

They would have done the same with 6 and you wont have fucked this game even more.
You dont play in my tournament so go and play in your own?
Of course i dont play your shit nolife freaks lan tournament and never will, so who are you to decide you can fuck this game in to 5on5 and set the new rules for competitions.

Keep your rules for the fat wanker boys and let normal people play like they always used to.

Who are you mr lan boy to set the new rules for this game?
You do know these rules only apply to the LAN right? That clanbase/ESL also want to play 5on5 now is not his fault.
it is tbh.

e: but i dont rly care, i suck in 6o6 and in 5o5
Of course is his fault, as CB just followed the rules he started. Really genius from their part also but he started this shit bringin the all times failed 5on5 format again.
Quoteas CB just followed the rules he started

So you are saying CB followed the crossfire rules, where in clanbase does it say they have to follow the crossfire rules?
Clanbase make their own rules, they don't listen to crossfire. So clanbase did choose it themselfs.

I can see your point though, eventhough I think it's invalid.
it mostly is, if they hadn't switched to 5on5 we would have a split community which would most probably result in an impending death of ET
Who exactly is "we" if I may ask?
Just one question: Who made this mappool and how?
pls add adler
No missile? Diz shit's gunna faaaail!
Need overgrown instead of citystreets.

oh wait..
6 maps = loser of the cointoss choses.
so: delivery & frost out, adler in
ehm 6 maps = winner of cointoss choses tbh!
forgot about the one that has been playd
i see you prac @maths a lot !!!!
ye, i'm starting to understand it a bit!!
that#s why im focussing on other subjects now, accounting is just as gay as maths -.-
bremen for braundorf
tbh ask all signed teams for the 5th or atleast 6th map and see which one wins it
image: fuuu
plus fucking one :D
only 6 weeks ?
its great toss first make 5v5 then adds these shit maps, just to make his job as a shoutcaster interesting
instead of whining about the maps, could we discus about a decent 5n5 cfg? less rifle power, or even no rifle (wich would be heaven for me) and stuff like that
nice map list :")
ET Map Pool - Goldrush, Radar, Supply, Delivery, Braundorf, Frostbite

image: 14525-Ginger-Cat-Holding-A-Surprise-Sign-And-Popping-Out-Of-A-Birthday-Cake-Clipart-Illustration
Just leave one of the maps out, braun/frost

5 is enough
mhh interesting can't wait to see how it turns out
adler instead of frost
Braundorf :D<3

I personally like it, can't speak for the pro's though ;)
glad to see frost and b4 :)
i think the last to crossfire challenges there was often some nice moments on maps like adler,delivery. par exemple the match h2k vs 8BiTs

i think with a nice teamplay this maps are usefull.

i prefer supply goldrush radar delivery adler frost
braun out ice in :) et need some changes, always the fuckin same maps
braun out adler in
braun and frost out adler and bremen in!
delivery & frost 8DDDDDDDDDD

seriously, bremen adler & ice are all better

btw are deciders forced or can you eliminate?
braun out -> adler in (something which shows up in comments a lot so here you go tosspot)

I think frost will succeed and will be fun , especially for the spectators, with excited moments at the trans etc and its not that lotto.

Curious about Radar ; it will be boring as hell to spec thats for sure. But there are enough lotto maps so lets give it a go
frost out => bremen in :)
and I personally don't like delivery as a 5v5 map, but that's just a personal opinion.
I already send my 'view' on maps to eiM so he can re-read it for more details.

But I think it's a nice mappool.
no adler means no sneaking for the obj =(
nice seeing goldrush back!! fuck this sw version :)
sd gr radar adler bremen_b1 reactor


and i'm still lolling about that intel cup when u guys removed reactor because clown whined about how shit it is

and what about oasis or swoasis?didnt try it i assume
frost out, really dont mind what u put in instead, just frostbite out (adler bremen??)
remove 2 from delivery/braun/frost and add adlernest
I say the mappool is pretty solid. Only change i would make to improove it would eb to remove delviery for adlernest. Most people here seem happy with this decision aswell!
Changing et to 5v5 is alrdy a huge change, I dont think we need to change the maps aswell. the mappool on cc6 was kinda perfect.
he meant the seeding tourney
Braundorf & Frost OUT
Adler & Bremen IN

Arguments :
We don't need 3 'fast' maps in a map pool of 6. I think 2 are enough to play a potential decider.
And 'stable' maps are faster to play nowadays with 5on5. So don't expect 2 hours matchs in group stage if you doubted of it.
Braundorf & Frost OUT
Adler & Bremen IN

Arguments :
We don't need 3 'fast' maps in a map pool of 6. I think 2 are enough to play a potential decider.
And 'stable' maps are faster to play nowadays with 5on5. So don't expect 2 hours matchs in group stage if you doubted of it.
You are IN !o:
Frost OUT
Adler & Bremen IN

Arguments :
We don't need 3 'fast' maps in a map pool of 6. I think 2 are enough to play a potential decider.
And 'stable' maps are faster to play nowadays with 5on5. So don't expect 2 hours matchs in group stage if you doubted of it.

Braundorf can be a decent map but please all except frostbite wich is not played since years :E
You are IN !o:
Frostbite out, Adlernest IN
Delivery out, Bremen In
delivery is awesome. remove b4!
I think B4 is a great map for 5on5, + it will be exciting to see how its played at lan :)

See you at lan, look me up :)
delivery or braundorf

(new) bremen
Braun and frost out, bremen and adler in. I also wouldn't be upset about delivery being out either.

Frostbite is fun to watch but players hate it, but in general they are at least receptive to adler.

Braundorf is always either long and boring or over too quickly.

Bremen is the perfect mix to me, all the basic ET objectives are there like in grush (dyno, run docs, escort vehicle) and I think it's a good test for teams.

Adler, like I said earlier, is the more followable of the lotto maps and the doc run is just as exciting as frostbite.
braun & frost out

adler must in

and bremen is also fine maybe sos_secret weapons?!

braun was always way too small for 6on6, dno if 5on5 changed that since there is stilla rifle in 5on5.

Perhaps alder instead of braun? I would also vote for missile, but most people somehow don't seem to like it.



delivery in frostbite out
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