Rockit.ET Completed

image: picture-13With the recent team change of Matias in favour of Blight Gaming and the unsure situation around olBaa's ability to attend CiC7, Europe rockit's team captain Clown has had the task to complete the team again without losing strength. As the main goal for ET's biggest ever held LAN event is still to place at the top, the replacements had to be made wisely and the team took its time finding suited players. As a more or less new addition Europe rockit.ET can sign Italian multigaming talent XyloS who was already part of the legendary aMenti lineup in the past. He'll mainly take the role as the rifle-nader in the team and everybody knows he is able to deliver that. Having to finalize the roster with a fifth player we can happily say that olBaa will be back in the team as now everything's been arranged and sorted out.
  • Latvia rockit. Clown
  • Italy rockit. XyloS
  • Belgium rockit. mAus
  • Spain rockit. Winghaven
  • Finland rockit. olBaa

Seeing that the lineup now looks neither new nor weaker we can trust in the strength this team has shown and go positively tempered into the upcoming tasks such as the CiC7 seeding tournament as well as the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 itself. We caught up with Clown to give you more information regarding the changes and the condition of the team.

We have seen Matias leaving your roster for playing for Blight. Now there is a gap in your lineup or has the slot already been filled?

Well, it seems that olBaa will be coming to lan with us.

At the moment a handful of people are searching for a CIC7 team so why you have chosen Xylos?

Because we have played together with him for so long, it was an obvious solution. He asked me if we would need him for this lan and I simply can't say no to him!

Some users are thinking your team will not be able to perform as good as before the change. Tell us your plan to proof them wrong!

All I can say is, that we can't prove anyone wrong untill lan, so, right now people can enjoy speculating how good or bad we are, like usual!

Lets say you will regain your strength - which teams will be the hardest opponent for the Top3 spots?

Blight and YYT, obviously and some teams that aren't expected to be top 3. 5on5 is such a different mode, that we just can't overlook anyone from top/high seeds when we play against them.

Okay, anything else you want to tell the ET Community?

Thanks to people who support us, and also the ones who don't! Hope you enjoy the games from LAN!

The first official match versus infinitus

finally! gl rockit!


QuoteBlight and YYT
it hurts to agree with meez, but I agree
its very easy to agree with meez, he is slightly brilliant.
this is true
Main new plz!
and gl.
bimbo negro non ti stacchi da sto cazzo di et
gl guys
blight vs rockit final imo
ure team got only stronger :] gj
no chance to win
why? ure at home
They need me to win, right?
best of luck guys, see you there :)
Xylos needs to get back to #1 rifle
strong lineup

gl guys
nice addition, gl
top 3 , nice line up ;D gl olbaa ^^ hope u'll play against YYT :D
Will olbaa lan dodge?

[ ] yes
[ ] no
Will olbaa lan dodge?

[ ] yes
[x ] no
Will olbaa lan dodge?

[ ] yes
[x ] no
Will olbaa lan dodge?

[ ] yes
[ ] no
[x] whatever

Hey mate, have you seen latest ep of heroes?:D
Heyyyy, ofc i've seen.. Heroes has been kinda boring this season. Last ep was ok imo, kinda curious what sylar is going to do ^^
Yeah :D It's kinda boring, but last ep was nice ;) Do you think Sylar and Pete will cooperate?:D
Well, ye... Sylar is kinda emo atm :D so everything is possible :DDDDD
True that!:D
wait? something happened?

i stopped watching around episode 14 after watching 20 minutes of NOTHING HAPPENING and rage qutting the episode
then don't fucking watch it you stupid nerd piece of shit
last 2 ep have been amazing. Some wrold destroying is back and a lot more fun now !

[S P O I L E R]
Sylar went to Parkmans place, he talked to his wife (girl, whatever). Parkman came back and met Sylar in his home talkin' to his wife. Bla bla... Sylar wants Matt to help him (Sylar wants Matt to stop his hunger ability), Matt 'closed' Sylars mind in a nightmare (ya know same happened with Parkman and his father), then Pete comes to Parkmans place. Pete took Parkmans ability to C where is Sylar and to save him... BLABLABLa...
[/S P O I L E R]
Was kinda nice, I am waiting for another ep!
cic7 winrars

gl david
gl wing, david and clown =)

hf @ Enschede !
gl !

underdogs against blight though, take advantage !
looks like a very solid lineup, gl :)
Nice lu :o Gl winghii.
gl clown and xylos!
Expected them to win CC6, they will take it now at CC7, narrow win vs Blight.

No team can approach the skill-level of those 2 teams, including YYT which has no chance vs them at all.
so funny how everyone forgets about Jungle Brothers...
yesss ! Good luck Rocit and xylos !
gl rockit !
olbaa out, dAv1d in PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
part of their plan


they wouldnt use their main tacs on an ettv prac would they

you cant know if they work then (:
im sure they prac more than the tuesday with ettv

easy for olBaa <3
imo nOu Blight and rockit will fight it out but there are several other teams i am looking forward to see perform :)

gl clown and winghaven though!
good luck!
nice to C XyLoS!
gl clown + co.
izi bash for FinlandOlbaa
One of the best line-up :D
GL! Olbaa sure??
aMenti/TLR iz back ! (except for olBaa) :DdDddddDd

GL , i hope they will deliver like in the old days
Nice lineup. Potential winners, tbh.

Just check their achievements : p
Don't wanna give 'em profile hits! :D
nice, gl clown
gl winghaven and others!
Will Clown aim?

[ ] yes
[ ] no
gl olBaa and whole team!
gl Clown, Xylos, mAus, Winghaven and olBaa!

cu @ Enschede
LAN winners :]
i thought thats ur job ? :)
Hehe :) wont happen cause we are never able to prac with our LAN lineup :(
impressive team
nice team, gl xylos and clown
Where can I see the lineups for lan?
why is every team picking up a fuckin retarded fin ?
where does this hate come from? :D
Because you are half polak, half finnish and you are polak lover... Now you know where does that hate come from.
That's what I am talkin' about!! :D
Kocham cie !! :D:D
Oh man :D

Minä rakastan sinua! :XD
Who the fuck are you anyway ? :D GTFO man, seriously.
cos german immigrants believing they're something between Xzibit & Rocky will never be better than med
Nice team :))

cu@lan oLBaa :D
Much better lineup than the one with wiaderko. Good luck guys and hopefully see you in the final again :)
as if you will make it into the finals ..

stay realistic old pal
"At the moment a handful of people are searching for a CIC7 team so why you have chosen Xylos?"

Why would you not pick Xylos? :D

Good luck.
because you can take scatman for example...
actually good one :D
omfg hayaa:D

so sweet! :D
yey u are back, i luv u <3 :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
thats what i was thinking lol
another sweet boy! :D
hf dudes
good luck olbaa! :D

gl Olbaa, bad luck mAus.
Good luck guys!
go xylos :)
backstab xylos and take jere:D
goo rockit! :)
Keep that aim steady Davy :-)
np 4 xylos
lucky you mamatitty suckin fagget ain't comin to lan
why don't you come by and see or do you miss the cojones opening your pathetic big mouth in the real world? ..
haha my man <3333333333333
xylos! up is down
rockit will got m1lked!
i c wot u did th
backstab olbaa and take Worm:D
backstab yourself, dick.

he's aimwise the best of em
ROFL !!!

olBaa will never go to lan, you'll see !
He already did.
Talking about upcoming lan.
You didnt know!!! He already did!!
Talking about upcoming lan.

But tr000, never know what bro does.

know finnish cheater lan in my ass!!!!!
Inside info, no lans this time !!
why not marvje , oh wait
good luck clown !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i still have the best gtfo gif ;)

check my profile
"dead" is such a relative word.
rockit will own blight will own YYT.
Seen a similar situation were a guy punched this bitch, what happened later on was the guy was in hospital for about 4 months lost all his front teeth, broken ribs busted knee cap, fractured skull with a broken arm. Obviously the dumb fuck didn't realize that she was with friends. I guess there is always a lesson to be learnt when one seeks what one is not familiar with.
would do the same
almost as strong as blight, so good chance to win now that it's 5on5
Why almost strong as? I guess they are even better. But it depends on which team has the best TEAMPLAY together.

Hope they do fine and win cc again. I always supported amenti tlr rockit or whateva :D
I see some weak links here whereas there aren't any in blight

and nee, I don't want to say names aloud
OMG Maus, OM Maus, O maus, maus, ....
Go Rockit! CU@CIC7!
welke site? q;
gL guys :)
hope you guys win, gl
yet u hang about with KRP :P
Rockit found the best possible player, they are strong now and prbably they are the favorite to win the lan. I dont expect less than the final from them.
I dont expecet less than the final from you either
Good luck , Lineup is decent. :P
He looks like Winghaven!:XD
Best team participating in cic7, Gl b0ys.
Netherlands Hope will enjoy it for sure
depends on who pracs more between blight & rockit
That sounds like a dodge.
cic7 winners :)
Final will be Blight vs. Rockit
As always, all of best to ya lads :)

Don't let my expectations down!
Team 's okay.
izi CIEC7 bash
Be honest. Olba will never go on this Lan. So it would be the best to take dAv1d!
ye ur right, im too bizi :p
excuse me but why he wouldn't go there?
Hehe I dont want insult you :P your a skilled guy :P
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