Answers from rockit.ET!

image: 10yl6wkOne week ago we started something new within our project. We invited the community to ask their special questions to our Enemy Territory team, be it game related things, motivational things or simply their plans or goals for CiC7. Within the very first few minutes we already got several interesting questions for all rockit.ET gamers. After a period of a week, we picked the best questions and handed them to the players and today we can present their very own answers. Read More if you want to know why Clown is playing with his keyboard on his lap, who XyloS believes is the best rifle or when they all started their competitive way in ET.

XyLoS, why the hell do you play with your keyboard on your lap? (stated by ovie)

Clown: Actually it's me who does it. And the reason for it is, that it's more comfortable for me that way because at home I play on this kind of table. Click

Who do you consider hard to play against regarding to aim atm? (Trikk)

mAus: Every player has a decent aim these days, so I would say everyone.

I'd like to know what the atmosphere on vent is like. Who is the guy talking all the time & actually the ingame leader. & if they lose a map do they whine or is there someone to boost up the moral. If they whine, who is the guy whining. & who keeps up the spirit withing the team. (gifted)

Clown: Well the atmosphere is good when we are doing fine, and of course not that good when we are losing. I wouldn't call it whine, but in praccs, I always try to point out the mistakes, and just make sure everyone knows what went wrong, so it never happens again. At the same time in officials, it's too late to do that, so I never do that during officials, all focus after a lost map, is to the next one. Wing and me usually keep up the spirit.

XyLoS: Clown is our ingame leader and everyone of us listen to him as much as possible; Whine is possible sometimes but only when we really need to focus more on something we're not doing well at all.

Who do you think is the best rifler and why? (KypzZ)

XyLoS: Gifty. He has natural gamestyle and I like how he plays, he doesnt need to learn stupid trickshots to be a good rifle.

Do you think competitive computer gaming will ever gain a wider audience, like other sports? (beeranbj)

Clown: Maybe, but it's a long way to go for US/EU region.

What player was your role-model when you were starting out competitively? I know there's an entire generation of RaZiel fans because of his aiming guide, but who did you look up to when you were new to competition, and what made them your role-model? (Brisk)

Clown: For me it was Finland Sanctity and United States of America SerbiaN from RTCW. Just liked how solid both of them played, I remember watching some demos of serbian on base, where he basically holds south radar/spawn way on his own as LT with arties and stuff(which isn't that unusual but I liked how effortless it looked for him) + he was a good trickjumper. Oh, and later mystic after seeing his dominance vs Norway and U96D!

Who do you think your ideal 6 players are and why? (havoc)

mAus: My whole team - us against the world!

Whats your favorite trick to do ingame? (decem)

Clown: I like to spam nades over supply 1st stage wall after we have taken flag, in hopes that i'll kill the engi planting mines at tunnel, or an axis guy who pushes to open the door and nade us. Have been killed that way too many times, so I do it now myself! Not that useful, but fun

XyLoS: When I'll decide to learn some rifle trick I'll tell you! I just like to spam when I know it's helping my team in what they're doing.

What is your goal @ cic7 with your team? (Andre)

Clown: Ultimately, to win the lan.

When did you guys started playing ET and what was the reason for each of you, playing this game instead of games like cod or something else? (roxAs)

Clown: 2004 summer. Played ET because of how much I liked RTCW single player back then.

mAus: If I remember well in 2005, I was at my big brothers place to study but he was playing ET! I was like hey what's that? Teach me. What makes this game good is the crossfire lans.

XyLoS: My brother forced me to play et in 2005 after i spent some months saying he was a retard playing that shit game, we all know how was the future. I played CoD4 and as far as games will be like that, please tell me ET will never die.

I have question how maus keep himself in shape (et skills)
any special warmup? (Slaw)

mAus: Well normal I am just playing praccs and if I am really out of shape you will find me on bio. Specials warmups? Nope.

What is the most annoying thing in ET? (Fist)

Clown: Cheaters.

mAus: Laggers.

How you start playing after comebacks? (chmpp)

Clown: We try new things almost every time we come back for lan, only few people stay in the same postions/do the same things. We adjust things from prac to prac, but it depends alot on feeling etc. We are pretty stubborn, and don't want to change, but other teams force us basically because of their improved gamestyle.

What did you do to achieve this skill level/level of teamplay? (ReWolf)

Clown: Play publics, play mixes, listen to other, better players. Learn from other teams, even if they are worse than yours.

Do you find that the amount of time you invest on ET negatively affects your personal life? Perhaps you could give some examples of your responsibilities in real life, and the team's practice schedule; for example, we start practice on Thursday slightly later because Winghaven has salsa classes. (evan)

XyLoS: It all depends how many hours you stay in front of your pc playing ET and what are you missing to play. Luckily we don't play so much and you don't get killed if you say that you can't play sometime cause you've something important to do.

Clown: As I said, we don't game that much, so I don't think anyone misses anything. Wing comes home from gym @ 20:00 cet, so we start then, but salsa classes is a good guess as well!

Whats gaming for you? just having fun or have some of you considered doing it more seriously? and if seriously, what kind of goals have you set for yourself? (decem)

Clown: For me, gaming is fun, but only competition gaming. Money or prizes don't need to be good, just the competition has to be good. Otherwise I get bored! I like to play ET, it's a nice game, but as you know it, it doesn't have esports like future, and I don't care. As long as people are competing, and there are top level teams playing for SOMETHING, I'll keep playing it.

You've kinda stayed on the same skill level where as other ET players such as Worm have excelled. Why do you think this has happened? (Havoc)

Clown: Could write a whole page about that, but I guess I've reached my limit in terms of aim or maybe because I don't practice it anymore on publics etc. Maybe some of these questions motivate me enough to practice it again, like I used to do back in the day.

How long do you see yourself gaming on high level? (ReWolf)

Clown: Don't know, as long as I want, I guess. Don't really enjoy playing singleplayer games anymore. So, when I get bored with ET, I probably won't be gaming at all.

Clown all I see u do at lan or hear u do because we never talk is play bowling. Do holland have ur bowling shoe size ? (ROSS)

Clown: I actually don't really like bowling, but yes, suprisingly they have my size shoes there, and bigger.

Why didnt u (Clown) ever put yourself into medic positions and let someone else to do engi work. (chmpp)

Clown: I've actually played quite a bit medic before. Probably 2 years or so in total, I've played only medic in the teams I had in the past. Also, 5on5 forces me to play medic more now, so, I'll play it.

Do/did you ever use the compass/command map? (hkt)

Clown: Very good question! Not everyone on the team needs to check the command map and compass, but for engineer, it's one of the most important things.<br>
Uses of command map:
1) Can check the status of Command Post (If its built by either team, in building phase or not built at all). On most maps it's not that useful, but when you play radar defense, and you are defending cp, it is pretty useful. You can check if there is a use to go and fight for that cp if you all have died on it, and know that there are allies at it. I mean, ofcourse you will hear when cp is destroyed, but, what if a rifle with low charge is building? And it takes him for example 15 sec to build it? Then it's no point to go there(mostly), and you can check it with command map, but at the same time if covert ops destroys the cp, and noone is building it, You will see it also and can push for it. That is, if you can make it before the engi, which you need to know according to spawntime.

CP not built: Click

CP in construction phase: Click

As you can see, there is no cp icon of any type on the command map now, that lets you know that cp is being built.
CP built: Click

2) You can see which of your landmines have been triggered.

3) You can check where are your teammates exactly, if you are sneaking on some map, and about to take the objective.

4) You can check if someone is moving the truck on supply after the initial steal.

Now, about compass, best friend of an Engineer on attack (besides a Medic).

How many times has it happened, that you are runing a bit faster than you're medic on for example back attack of goldrush, or even when jumping for tank from main? And tried to go for tank just to realize you're medic isn't as close as you thought he is? Well, that's what I use compass for, I can see the teammates around me, and how far they are from me. If they are too far, I just stop for a second or something. Medics won't find this thing useful, but I can't believe that any other engineer doesn't see how useful this is.

Me going for tank, with medic behind me: Click

Thanks to all the people sending in their questions and of course a big thanks to our players for aswering as well!

hell yeah
nice work bo:D
Most credits to SPU9 & the players, me just published the result ;)

Funny how gifty thinks Xylos is the best rifler and vice versa
Noticed the same! Buttbuddies.
QuoteAswers from rockit.ET! (139 views, 7 comments)
first thing i noticed too :)
Nice read.

mAus still using CRT?
month ago ago in QL he was whining that if he had crt he would have bashed someone
month ago ago? u mean 2 months ago? :D
JEW being grammar NAZI?
Answers from
Thanks for answering both my questions.
Quote by XyLoShe doesnt need to learn stupid trickshots to be a good rifle.

Trickshots are stupid ? That's a new one. I don't see my shots as trickshots anymore, just basic shots every rifle should know :)
theres plenty of reasons that trickshots can be stupid
for example the kills mostly come when noone else is ready to attack so they are less valuable or even useless if that someone gets revived
and it takes time to shoot it and u wont be going on time with teammates etc etc
Good riflers do it, when the opposite team have a stable defence up.
lanproofed, please!
everyone can learn trickshots and get someone if he learns the right time, im not saying u are stupid cause u do it, but in my opinion a good rifle is the one that can kill you in every situation withouth the needs of trickshots ;)
Winghaven to lazy to answer? ;d
Raveneye > all !

thou he hasn't played for ages afaik.
mAus obviously couldnt be arsed with them 8D
basicly you can call it "answers from clown" :-P
anyway good work, liked reading it
"Interview with Clown" :D

Nice read.
boring , waiting q&a with blight
Nice clown. :) Others are boring.
actually not bad at all

thumbs up
was fun reading tbh, reminds me of the times where i was a noob playing jaymod and was excited everytime there was a pro match on ettv (dono why)

oh & keyboard on lap = russian stylez and it's pretty sweet. i figured some other et players must do it too?
got less space under my table than on it :{
Your huge cock uses all space?
nice job!
nice read.
I've got decent aim!
with paleHook's aimbot

Why are you bitching to me about it? :o
Nice :)
new et guide?
great! This is real example of how team management should be working!
nice ^^
thanks for answering
i appreciate clow's humility
Thank you for the answer, Clown!
so who else apart from clown makes up the rockit team?
Actually I had fun while reading.. good job :)
we all know how was the future
QuoteWhat is your goal @ cic7 with your team? (Andre)

Clown: Ultimately, to win the lan.

If these were the best questions, then you must have had some epically shit ones.

EDIT:- Seriously, the answers are nearly as bad as the questions, if you don't get better questions next time, make up your own, and MAKE the team answer, after all aren't you paying for them to go LAN? They owe you.
dont do it crossfire style and make it up!
I don't understand you! :D
me neither, in rl he talks shit also
wannabe BLIGHT :D
most interesting news article i have read in a while, at least the answers from clown anyway
nice read
Really upset that my question "How mad do you get when you lose the internetz?" wasn't included while some quite dumb questions like "What is your goal @ cic7 with your team?" or "how maus keep himself in shape (et skills) any special warmup," made it into the final stage.
Fix that next time.
"how maus keep himself in shape (et skills) any special warmup," made it into the final stage.

actually this is the most important question out there. too bad the answer is not serious.
You will not get a different answer from anyone. You wont find someone drinking redbulls before every game in order to aim better...
you wouldnt think the truth !
image: happy_businessman
*MAIN NEWS!*[/b]
pure, make it journal
Only 1 player in or what? I wanted Meez to answer some questions :<
we are not italian, sry mate :-/
Meez came in too late. Will prolly do other interviews later.
Wing is busy as hell ;D
I'd like to answer some questions! But as bo said I think this was already done before I joined.
How do you keep in shape? Do you drink energy drink, coca cola or water during a match? Do you have lucky underwear?

thx for the answers allready m8:)
I'm fortunate to have a really awesome metabolism so even if I don't exercise for a month and eat lots I still won't put on weight. But I typically walk to college most days (30 minutes) and go for a run 2/3 times a week. In Summer I play tennis but the weather isn't really good for that and inside isn't the same.

I very rarely drink energy drinks/pop, 95% of the time I will be drinking water, occasionally a glass of fruit juice. If I'm feeling tired, I'll take caffeine tablets or get a cup of coffee.

Not really no.

nice answers, ty!
good one clown.
Appreciate the answer clown, however, the advertising and team sponsoring is far greater and is on a professional level comparing it to the E.U.

Considering teams come together and drop off the scene as quick as the weather changes from day to day, it would be hard, almost impossible to find a a team of players who someone would seriously consider investing the time and money. As the basic problem is the background culture of each player. Also simply looking at the various teams, you see a mix of team members criss crossing from all over the eu, so when someone decides to form a team and fly them to various lans the cost factor is astronomical in comparison to the potential winnings. Then you have the immature behavior of team members who although agreeing to be in a team they still feel that they have no moral or ethical obligation.

I guess the above describes why i chose to drop out of the euro scene and focus on a U.S. team although im situated in euro. Considering that gaming is very real and has a ludicrous market with winning's far exceeding or at times that extra level higher comparing it to lans within the eu. So i guess until i see a team with a steady crew over a period of time i simply cannot see why i would support a team on a full sponsorship level within the euro.

At this point i should mention that there are a handful of member who i have had my eye on for the past 3-4 years, so i guess time will tell if and when i decide to approach them. Surprisingly enough, its not if the player is computer literate that hold's his potential in gaming, but his overall attitude to gaming and the possibilities such a career that it could hold for him or her. Obviously when referring to a gaming career i am not referring to strictly playing games online but also applying his thirst to get involved into the gaming industry on a production or marketing level. That is simply what i refer to as un-cut diamond waiting to be transformed and promoted into the ranks of professional gaming, both here and abroad.

So once again i appreciate your time in answering, although i would have have enjoyed reading every team members opinions on the full set of question's i have posted.
QuoteWho do you think is the best rifler and why? (KypzZ)

XyLoS: Gifty. He has natural gamestyle and I like how he plays, he doesnt need to learn stupid trickshots to be a good rifle.

you mean Poland scripts
who the fuck needs scripts for trickshots? Oo
wiaderko, krein, etc


image: ekqgpg
wiaderko is just a nerd not a scripter
Who do you think is the best rifler and why? (KypzZ)

XyLoS: Gifty. He has natural gamestyle and I like how he plays, he doesnt need to learn stupid trickshots to be a good rifle.

image: pabloklein
QuoteWho do you think is the best rifler and why? (KypzZ)

image: bgqynt75off2q2a4m

QuoteXyLoS: Gifty. He has natural gamestyle and I like how he plays, he doesnt need to learn stupid trickshots to be a good rifle.

image: patience
Clown suckz <3
didnt know the icon thingy on the command map when the cp is in the construction process :O
Interesting answers, and a good initiative.
Compass would be ten times more usefull if the character (you) would always look to North, instead of turning around (and the map is fixed).
Answers from rockit.ET!

Answers from rockit.Clown!
Who do you think is the best rifler and why? (KypzZ)

XyLoS: Gifty. He has natural gamestyle and I like how he plays, he doesnt need to learn stupid trickshots to be a good rifle.

I disagree, you should do anyting to ensure your advantage as a rifle. I do think the riflescriptusers are gay.
really nice answering from clown ^^
w0w serbian was really your ideal? you know he got busted for hacking and i also raged him back in the day

All you have going for you is meloncholy :o
and the fact that sMn raged his face twice
i wouldnt really know , i was just joking :P

But as far as i know him and warrior were two of the best rtcw players, correct me if im wrong
no your right.. but serbian was busted for hacking just so you know
nice reading!
Whats your favorite trick to do ingame? (decem)

Clown: I like to spam nades over supply 1st stage wall after we have taken flag, in hopes that i'll kill the engi planting mines at tunnel, or an axis guy who pushes to open the door and nade us. Have been killed that way too many times, so I do it now myself! Not that useful, but fun

Does that work? :D
yes, ADETO or ETHR or me do it
Gonna try it,
Where 'dyou need to stand for the throw?

middle part - outside on the left to throw it on that camp spot, and on the right to throw it near cave
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