CIC7 is complete!

image: cic-header

The Crossfire Intel Challenge 7 is over, the biggest Crossfire event completed with an abundance of thrilling matches and a plethora of memories. From everyone at Crossfire we'd like to thank all the players for attending aswell as all of the spectators that came to visit and hope you had a great weekend. Heres a summary of everything that went down!

Enemy Teritory
Europe Dignitas - €2500
Europe Rockit - €1500
Poland tMoe - €1000

Call of Duty 4
Sweden Fnatic €5000
United Kingdom Reason €2500
Europe Power Gaming €1500

Sweden FeruS
Germany butchji

ET & CoD Brackets

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- QuadV VODs
- Rockit Coverage

I would like to give a personal thanks to our Sponsor Intel for making this possible, for their support, Dreamhack for the use of their fantastic computers. In addition our events simply wouldnt work without the expertise of YCN-Hosting & Ravenwood, nor the efforts of or the other supporting coverage organisations and last but most certainly not least the admins that ran on empty all weekend long!
ferus = ET & QL & CSS pro

why not put up the full standings list?
on the rockit site is a list
Not full =P
List should be on crossfire, don't want to read rockit based news items !
true, but the rockit list is pretty nice with the team pics =)
Never saw so much hard work go into an event before, thanks as always for the LAN Stu but more importantly when is the next one :)
i think eiM did his job very good!
we paid rockit to drop a map just so he was happy

cu cc8 :)
GJ to all the people making this happen!!!
All the hardworking people THUMBS UP!
CiC7 WAS THE BOMB! when is the next one:D?
great event !
CC8 coming?
was a bit disappointed to see the cod4 finals being played last, somehow I still see cc as an ET based tournament and feel like ET should be closing it
Was originally planned that way just worked out on the Sunday to be better for the schedule otherwise things would have run even later! :P
imo you should show the 4th place also
in et: Europe YoYo Tech
in cod4: Hungary infinity-skills
ql demos plz
QuoteDreamhack for the use of their fantastic computers.

Were those the ones without PS/2, if so, they were shit ;d
They were the white ones. There were only 5 in wzzrd, the rest were all outside at the COD bit.
Had to play QL on one of them, they were terrible ;d
Lol, they were awesome for us tech support guys, not much went wrong with them :D
Well, first I found out I couldn't use my PS/2 keyboard. Then I got a new keyboard from krosan which broke halfway my match, the 'D' button stopped working. After restarting the match with a new keyboard I couldn't press enough buttons at the same time (It was a razer keyboard) so I kept getting stuck and stopped walking every now and then. Besides that, during the match every 1min and half or something my mouse went dead and could barely move it for 10 seconds. After that it was normal again. Worst match in years ;D
Heh, shouldn't come to get me! I was the most awesome tech guy ofc! :DDDDD
that sounds shit :P
that's why there was a post that PS2 wont work. Take those PS2 to USB things with you. But nooo, blame the computers not your own stupidity -_- :D
I actually took a converter with me, but it failed because the keyboard refused to use more buttons then I wanted to, just like the razer keyboard. Also the computers that were used for ET did have PS/2 ports.
afaik most Razer keyboards have anti-ghosting on them (at least the news ones)... How many buttons were u trying to press at the same time, 50? :DDD
Not more then an average player would, I know the razer's usually don't do that, that's why I'm blaming the pc's :[
Maybe a stupid question but does the MGC like Dignitas or Rockit get a part of that prize money? And if so how much :O ?
also would like to know...

im pretty sure there are gamings that take all the money, some are just taking entrance fee costs...
entrance and maybe if they give some support to travel :o
dignitas paid flights and hotels!
and girls..
oh wait ;xd

we got 35 teams playing in ET tournament... every team had to pay 250 euro... 35*250=8750...

Prize pot - 5000 euro... Where izz teh moneyzz Tosspot? :>
u clearly have a clue about what the money is used for...*sigh*
same as you...

almost always money from entrance fee goes for the prizes... prolly same situation here...

On the other hand im pretty confident about this missing 3 grands... Crossfire is sponsoring trip for the admins + some money for wzzrd...

Just wanted to get confirmation from toss...
and whats wrong with that?
absolutly nothing... was just wondering if it werent better to make lan outside euro area... Poland or Czech Republic... It would be just... cheaper? :>
A lot of funteams come for the weed afaik:D
weed is legal in czech republic :D
you can have some pot in ur pocket but doesn't mean its legal.

in case you didn't know, only post communistic countries & scandinavia don't allow for any amount & they can put u to jail for that.

all other countries allow up to couple of grams &/or you'll receive ticket like for drinking beer @ public places.

am not saying that czechs are bad choice, actually i like this even more than netherlands. however my point is that you can get top notch stuff in every single country if you're smart enough.
90% of the players/teams come from within the euro area (mostly NL/GER and neighbouring countries) so I doubt everyone wants to travel that far!
stupid logic
Why not host it in Ukraine? It's even more cheaper there!!

maybe its expensive for eastern players to come to euro zone? it wouldnt work that way if the lan was organised in czech rep... which is just cheap country...
Flights are cheap everywhere in Europe and you can get accomodation in holland for like 20/30 € a night, especially when you share a cabin etc... I doubt it would be that much cheaper in Czech rep + you will need a suitable location which would probably be in the main capital => expensive. Also most of the people would have to travel way longer to reach their destination (which will also cost more) and I doubt you would have the same numer of teams if you would organise it in Czech Rep + the sponsoring would be way more difficult and not as high => lower prize money. Let's face it, the majority of the people from xfire are from NL/GER/BE/UK or close by so what's the point to remove the whole stuff to Eastern Europe for the sake of a few players. Next up, you could move it to ukraine or moldavia, would be even more cheaper.
cant belive that western ppl really think countries east of germany are 3rd world like...

There are plenty big cities in Czech, same as Poland or Ukraine...


1 euro costs 3.88 zloty
1 CZK costs 0.15 zloty

And you dare to tell me it isnt cheaper :X

Ow and the cheapest flight i found was around 200 euro...

Stop being ignorant...
With all the lowcost carriers in the UK/GER/NL you can't get it any cheaper. It's way cheaper to fly to UK/GER/NL then to Czech Rep + more destinations are served so your most likely closer.

And I'm not saying that Czech Rep is 3rd world like. All I'm saying is that it's not worth to organise it in the Czech Rep when you take everything into account. Otherwise why not organise it in Ukraine or Romania? It's cheaper then Czech Republic.
no its not[ however dunno abour Romania]...

After Taking everythin ig account Middle Europe is the best place to make LAN... Accomodation is cheaper because its not euro anymore, Its closer for Fins, Swedes and Estonians...

Renting the LAN place would be cheaper prolly same with pcs...

give me ONE reason why Holland is better than Czech republic or Poland or Ukraine, OR even Germany[however it would be pretty expensive]
Why does it matter for Estonians, Norwegians or Swedish that they are closer? They have to fly anyway and like I said flights to NL/GER are much cheaper because of all the lowcost carriers.

Here, I give you 8 reasons:
1) Because Tosspot wants it and he organises it so why would he listen to you when he wants to organise it in holland?
2) Like I said, you CAN have cheap accomodation in NL so cut the crap about the expensive euro. I bet in Prague it's more expensive then in Enschede.
3) Proximity of the majority of the xfire people (there are way more people on xfire from BE/NL/GER/UK then from CZE or UKraine)
4) It has already been organised 7 times in Enschede so why change it? Prolly you get some discounts etc.. + they are trustable owners + easier to organise when you know them. Also a number of admins are from NL + loads of NL people can let people sleep at their place, not so in CZE.
5) More wealthy country so easier to attract sponsors. I doubt you can easily get that much sponsor money in Czech rep. like in NL
6) Cheaper flight tickets to NL/GER and way more airports close by
7) It can't be organised in Germany because of the law (no under 18 allowed) so no option
8) overall more people speak English in NL & better (handy for PC problems etc)

Now if you start to use arguments too and explain why it should be organised in Czech Rep, that would be great! And don't use the "it's cheaper then in NL" because that's not true. Hotels are as expensive as in Western Europe and there are way more options and possibilities to sleep affordable close to a LAN-center in NL.
Was going to reply to you, but its sensless... Some just wont drop their prestigious place
eh, what? -__-
Czech republic isnt so far away and the travel cost wont be so great + so much more polish /cz teams would come. ( more than those dutch only teams ). Top teams would be there anyways
yeah, maybe it would be cheaper, but when ppl have to drive to pl/cz, they would be afraid of their cars ;)
well thats some point :D

on the other hand im affraid of being raped by homosexuals in NL :<
bottle cork ftw! ;)
if CiC/CC would become something like touring LAN over the Europe it would be rather interesting.. lot of teams could take part of it... i mean like top teams would get paid either way and play + win it but lot of other clans from different regions could take part of it.
especially for scandinavian/baltic teams its pretty much impossible to go for lan like this if u won't get paid off by sponsors
in that cast host it in the US!
I might be wrong but the CoD4 prize purse at least got more from the entry fees, imo.
fucking dumb??

1st of all u need to rent the whole hall + cp's and so on

next to this u nede to support the admins and so on

get brain pls^^
no... get some knowledge how to organise offline event...
even with 24 teams the prizepurse was 5K, there were more ppl expecting a bigger prize purse for et this event.
Yeah but last event they didn't have to rent Dreamhack PCs. There were a lot of these, high spec & driven from Sweden by 2 Dreamhack organisers. Sadly, all that doesn't come for free :(
ah i see, my bnc is gone & i didnt spot you on lan :D. got a spare one? ^^
I'll sort that out for you once I've had some "breakfast".. I just woke up :D
haha, i saw you go to bed pretty early last night :D, how long did you sleep, :D
I just woke up about 30 mins ago ^^
I understand that it is costly, but those PCs made no difference to the ET tournament... Personally I feel like it could have indeed been a little higher, ofc not up to CoD standards but 10 extra teams? Could've thrown a little more at it.

Mrh. I don't really care, just hoping that the money saved is used in getting ET to another LAN before the end of the year.
u really think he'd organize the tournament and not take a piece for himself?
didnt want to say it laud, because he would prolly ban me :<
so dignitas is back to Blight or smth?
Blight basically shat on Dignitas and didn't send them any money for a hotel or anything, so ODEE helped them out with that. I personally asked ODEE if they would continue to play as Dignitas and he told me the name change was for the tournament at the moment and he will see what happens in the future.

So yeah, they played with d. tags because ODEE helped them out.
thank for the great time again Toss looking forward to the next lan :)
BeneluxP&P should have got most underrated...
what did they do :D
no one expected them to get spot nr 5
i think if we didnt play vs P&P at 5 oclock in the morning they would get raped as online ... srsly
yes, nice logic ^^ we werent tired at all =)
Jack Sparrow delivers!
What kind of bullshit reason is this, like you were the only team that was tired, everyone got this so this can't be an excuse. And you didnt played them at 5oclock because we played them at 5 oclock.

Maybe you need to start praccing now in the middle of the nights so you can't use this excuse at cc8.
chill out bro ;)
I'm :).
but seriously, if you lose a game then you lose, dont blame the time that it was to late, i'm sure p&p wanted to play earlier aswell, but if that aint possible then it aint possible.
All I know is that I had an enormous fap-urge when I got home!
I have no idea what that is, but it sounds shit.. gl with it!
The urge to fap...
You let us wait 2/3 hours, your not allowed to say that :D
They had the easy way up, whats so unexpected ?
Ik durfde je niet aan te spreken, je bent nogal groot in t echt :-(
xD is maar goed ook want anders! ;)
"Ati" geeft best wel beetje de indruk dat het een klein iel ventje is he :D blijkt ineens het tegendeel waar te zijn, ja daar schrik je wel van natuurlijk :(
Precies :-P

En hij pest me altijd online dus ik hield me maar in :-P
Ye cuz unlike nOu we didnt lose our game vs the highseed. nOu there brackets were harder cuz they came out 2nd & still they get the award. No1 rated us top 5/6.
Didn't knew nOu got it, well they don't deserve it either tbh
Who did deserve it then? :P
ja eigelijk wel =)
kk ferus > all rofl :D
ferus won the QL event
yes and the ET one too =)
what rank did we (FiF) ended? :D
nice event :)

hopefully another event and KKC will attend (With Rhand, so anyone who wants to beat him up can plan on atending)
Dunno about anyone else but I am glad to be home for the #1 reason my lips are no longer chapped up. Anyone elses lips feel like ass all weekend long?
mine were bleeding on saturday and are still fucked now :(

what was that? windy?
it's probably the airconditioning (if they have any?) / circulating air
Dat heb ik de hele winter lang. KANKER LANDDDDDDDDdd!
Even my Labello lip stick thingy couldn't fight it =(

I blame the beer this time!
ye i think it was the beer
I blame the minus 5 degrees :( my voice sounds like utter shit as well - plz next time in mid summer season :)
haha same here
what the fuck

EVERYONE non-dutchie i spoke to had that... holland is broken
Didnt had any problems with that.
i picked up a cold sore that's how fucked it was
I'm sure you'll lose it :P
thanks for that great event! Was great fun to be there.
My thoughts about the tournament :

_ lot of teams +- 35 , big plus
_ 5v5 format turned out to be good
_ some really great matches
_ Utter shit coverage ( sorry TosspoT but the stream was really suckage)
_ Prizemoney? Isn't 35*5*50 about 8700 euros? Only 5000 as a prize rather low? I expected something like top 5 paid.. (especially since CoD has 12K entrance money and only 9000 prizepurse? , 6K to rent the venue + admin expenses is rather lol)
_ Hope there'll be a cc8 , would like to attend one again
agree with you (yes indeed!) :-)
what just happened? =DDDDD
Guess he wants to be in CiC8.edit team :)
That would be something :p , mesq lio vila kevin acid :D
like that won't happen!
nah no chance ^^ I'm usually the one to organise everything, phone them etc but i'm kinda sick of it and it got impossible to play with acid working, lio basketball , kevin school , there was not even 1 day when everyone was avi at the same time (hence the forfeit in last EC)
hmm ye, pretty shite then (all the reasons mentioned might cause some problems after all ;d)

but still, a few of you _might_ always continue, atleast that's what I think :p
I would only play with some former teammates I think (same reason you quit YYT for jere) , i'm really not interested in playing alone in a foreign team just cause i'm really not interested in the game itself , it's just for some BE people I keep playing it :)) )
juups, same :-)
vanaf juni benk terug 100% active dus dan lukt da wel ! <3
dunno, but it just seems like I agreed on every line you said..

brb gonna splash water in my face or so ;d
Think I speak for all of us "dodgers" when I say GTV's arni, skooli, wond3r and all the rest of the crew did a phenomenal job under difficult circumstances to get us all the live games and replays!
Great job everyone!
nice :)

need cc8 announcement. next time i want to book early...
Need it soon to keep the teams playing o/
Would be great to see Intel stick with the event too!
Thanks for organising this event!
Was a great event, thanks for having me to help! Can't wait for the next one!
Was an amazing weekend - Thanks Intel for making this possible :)
Fantastic event guys! The best so far, everything ran so smoothly and all credit needs to go the people behind the scenes and the dedicated people that supported this event. Also a big thank you to Intel for supporting the event, can't wait for the next event now!

Well Done everyone!
my resume:

Total disaster: Poland Perception

"Online only": Poland Zmk,Germany Cokeser,Scotland rAzbo

Better then expected: Belgium Fostrum,Poland n00n,Hungary Nonix

New talents spotted: Czech Republic Denton,Germany Mks

Damage whore award: France KArN4J(13.300 dmg against enLANced on supply)

Most overhyped player: Germany gr0ss

Top 3 aimers: 1.- Belgium mAus 2.- Netherlands Modus 3.- Germany Blad3

The rest were as expected imo
Why modus on 2 ? Did maus shot more then 50 acc ?
tbh was hard to choose between both for #1, I guess i put mAus on top because of the hs acc ratio or maybe coz im a bit his fanboy :p
tsss en ik dan heumeuh
You must be kidding.. Judging the best aimer only from acc?
lolz!!? better than expected, i was low- as always!
matias and fragstealer hitted a lot better than maus in my eyes, and i am sure they were way better than the other 2
Nobody outaims modus on lan..

didn't spec him :< what team he played?
but..but...I forgot my mousepad :(
Total disaster: Poland Perception

"Online only": no idea

Better then expected: Hungary Nonix for sure! he was really awesome

New talents spotted: Switzerland Denton

Most overhyped player: Germany gr0ss / Belgium mAus

Top 3 aimers: 1Germany butchji @ 1st day, 2nd Poland Frag'Stealer 3rd Estonia RELOAd
more like Germany kReSti instead of Germany Bl4d3 and Germany Bl4d3 = online only
think fragstealer should be in top aimers
blade wasnt that good that online tbh.
just watched him 2 matches,amazing aim
thanks for da event, looking forward to next one.
Very nice LAN, except for the food at the WZZRD itself. Made me feel sick on the journey back...Vomited the whole night and I'm still sick of it.

The car was full of famous ET personalities...and all I could do was vomiting...and vomiting....and vomiting. :(
online only shouldnt be allowed to post here
my resume:

Total disaster: Poland Perception

"Online only": Germany Cokeser, Poland anatolik, Netherlands overshie

Better then expected: Poland Frag Stealer, Germany gr0ss, Hungary Nonix

New talents spotted: Czech Republic Denton, Germany gr0ss

Damage whore award: Poland Frag stealer

Most overhyped player: Belgium mAus

Top 3 aimers: 1. Netherlands Modus 2. Estonia reload 3. Belgium mAus
but..but...I forgot my mousepad :(
you used my spare one so dont whine ... :) get well
better than expected? Frag`Stealer has already owned back in 2k4 @ fist polish lan and got mvp award.

u pefectly pointed that you have no idea what are you talking about.
if will add up all of these whine about him before this lan and I will take into consideration pressure which rested on him, yeah he did much better than i expect him to do, and it wasnt a question about his rivalry basis of previous lans. Well i just said he did better than i expected him so i just put his nickname right on my list, and if i "dont have idea what am i talking about" so who know then better what did think before the lan? maybe god
he plays @ top level since rtcw, played already at lans and so.

in my opinion ppl should've expected ownage, after all thats what they got. pretty expected from a player who was already owning 6 years ago.
damn expected longer answer and atacking me like always by yourself, but nice to see it, ok so well.. i did expect him to play well at lan and i knew he won't disappoint any of us, because of his epic experience and good manners at high level, but still didin't expect that he's going to one of the brightest "star" of this event.
its all about coke anyway ;D
didin't get the point?
how the fuck someone who's getting even accused of cheating can play better than expected? ownage online = expecting own offline. isn't that clear enough? if someone's low online and plays good at lan, then you can write "better than expected, rofl.
you still didint get it or what? FOR ME he played better than i expected, if i expected him to give 6 k dmg and he gave 8 k dmg THEN HE PLAYED BETTER THEN I EXPECTED, damn whats your iq level
just delete your comment and go somewhere else
why should i? maybe you will do it
overSchie pwnd!
overschie played well, only he had to much of the green stuff the first day D:
+1000 on the cokeser online only part!
stfu or I puke on your lap on Enlarged. I CAN DO THIS!
lovely event stuart - was a hoot to be there and thanks to all the guys to make it happen and it was nice to finally put a face on many of the players i have encountered along the way - see you on the next lan for sure :)
next LAN will be enlarged ;)
actually it will be the maxhouse but i know what you mean - what i ment is the next crossfire challange cause that is it what crossfire is about
poor excuse! gonna see u there ;)
excuse ? i dont understand but sure i ll try to make it :)
...sounded like "i´m at CiC and Moaxxhouse - no time for enlarged" - unfortunately i wont be there prolly :/
:( i think i ll make enlarged this year :)
...what makes me thinking bout attending too...for the 6th but last time
may i be aGu´s mascott? i wont play any game there, dont be afraid :D
you can be our/mine mascot whenever and whereever you want that is for sure - and you can play as well :) there is no question about that as well :) - i am looking forward to meet you in person so attend than i ll be there as well
MVP for Smurf and his playing style!
Just curious, why is it 1000/1500 for 3rd/2nd place when it was 1750/750 last time (iirc)?
less moneyz for guys like you :D?
Yeah, I suppose paupers like you need it more :)
ofcourse! you prolly spend more money for breadrolls & petrol daily, but for polish people it's like another survived month. 8D
Indeed! :DDDDDD

I think I'm the only player who was really fucked over by the timing of that :D
haha lol :D 84 euros less for you :)
gj. Really enjoyed watching the final stages.
congratz top3
only good coverage was gtv tbh
my resume:

Total disaster: Perception

"Online only": anatolik

Better then expected: interaction

New talents spotted: Denton

Damage whore award: mAus

Most overhyped player: hmmmmmm no idea

Top 3 aimers: 1. mAus 2. reload 3. butchji without a question :)
cu all at cic8!
my resume:

Total disaster: Perception

"Online only": nOu

Better then expected: P&P

New talents spotted: denton

Damage whore award: mAus

Most overhyped player: butchji

Top 3 aimers: 1. mAus 2.frag stealer 3. karNaj
yes cuz ferus played in high lvl in CSS ( i guess ur too new :( )
cod4: Hungary infinity-skills was awesome
I'd like to see some complete results.. Like 3rd place and further down in the Quake Live tourney.
And also for the ET part, I know I could probably look that up but itäd be convenient if it where at display somewhere, for those of you that were there as admins it shouldn't take that long i reckon?

Overall though, well done. I'm glad that there are people organizing events like this! :)
Yup, only results from matches are shown there though. And no QL standings.

Not that I care really, would have just been fun to see some more complete standings and statistics, I don't have the time to look through every match on GTV or on that link.
my resume:

Total disaster: aGu

"Online only": cokeser, luMpi

Better than expected: frag'stealer, team aow

weirdest playing style: silent, frauwe

Damage whore award: wiaderko

Most overhyped player: night

Top 3 aimers: 1. mAus 2.frag stealer 3. butchji
weirdest playing style should be smurftang imo.did u see him play?:D
he has one fucked up name
team aow was not better than expected ... oO
my resume

biggest faggot Ive ever seen: paUz. I can understand why rockstAr may have dodged cic7 after taking a gander at the mug of what should of been an aborted fetus
but he is actually quite nice :(
he has to be "quite nice", just look at him
n1 ferus takes it all :D
he got paid to play css

so he cant be so shitty
do the teams keep the money btw ? i mean the players?
ye he played in the old CGS leagues with Stockholm Magnetik, basically the States tried to turn e-Sports into the NBA/NHL/MLB and failed. Hard.
Why was Blight representing Dignitas?
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