colt 45 and two zig Zags!

We would like to announce our new ET team today. Now that the lan is over, we are ready to prepare for the upcoming Eurocup and possibly other tournies such as ESL EMS and cc8 (:_D).


image: 19073001

Quote by KamzThink we got a really nice team here. United Kingdom razz and United Kingdom sqzz won eurocup when ET was in its prime. Sweden NuggaN was apart of EC Winners who were runners up last year and has an amazing shot and Netherlands Ati_ has many videos on, to which the whole community faps over. Hopefully we get a direct invite, if not a qualifier would be cool and we'll play some games and see how it goes :P

image: 3316_pabloklein


Sqzz and Nuggan! Too much headshots incoming.
nice team.
GL to all of you!
baby thats all we need!
sqzz is a beast
Nice lineup. Should be allowed to go to cc8 but tosspot is 23 and holds a grudge online :(
please as if kamz would ever go to a lan :D
why not bro
you'd have to ask him for his reasoning
thats some point but you cant know as long as tosspot wont allow him
i don't believe he is banned from LAN
he wasnt allowed to attend cic7... but on the other hand he didnt want to go there...
he actually asked tosspot if he could attend, that i really don't believe
omg sqzz omg
Gl lads
not so impressive line-up tbh.
Afroman FTW, nice team.
Decent lineup, gl!
gl kamz faggot
good luck guys, good to see that hYpe and NuggaN are still active
and the whole lineup look like a real powerhouse :)
gl guys ;]
gl lads
gl Atiunderscore & sqzz , kamz
nice lineup, gl
lookin goood, gl
cool that you didn't call it .45 in your mouth c8
kill some bitches Ati_ !
Gl guys.
lol. nice tag Ati_ !
I hope we get to play you in the quali.

gl kamz!
nice LU.

Great lineup... hopefully we get a quality EC again? :p
nice LU!! Gl uk boïs and ati!
izi bash 4 MM bb
good luck =D
good luck guys
damn nice
Loekino's love island colours ?
nog niks :P wel trials maar nog geen invite

but nice team
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD nice stealing sa gaming colors there
razz and sqzz won ec ?? what did i miss ?
gl kamz and nuggy :)
run boy run. gl lads :)
áh ok thx.. i forgot they were in that team
Who is cs3r ? :/
gl guys
gL dudes!
nice ping ati, polak
gl guys :)
we only played once against JB ;d
uk tag + me with other name
nice tag kamzati :P
f*ck censorship.. f**kin hate it

nice team gl!
good luck kamzz & razz
good story bro.
gl all apart from nuggan ;D
Nice! gl guys =D
nice team, gl
gl 2meter
Kraken has been released
2weeks max etc
Gl sqzz :D
gl kamz & squirrel :d

(wtf yesterday @grush, another rush with obj over some head to secure it @truck :X )
censorship sux...
Good luck guys, Ati_ is a bear though
gl hf owners
gl meatshield, sqzz razz haip

shit name for a team though
gl ati :)
gl Ati_ & NuggaN
ec winners.. gl KaMz
The llama joke is long dead, accept it Dutch nerds (especially you joop!)
It's not a joke, it's a lifestyle..
image: 2521_joop
nice team, gl KaMz and sqzz.
gl ati
nice ping :')
cu at cic8
ati lagger
gl rlly nice team :)<3
Anonymousteam-mp40's new arch nemesis
kamz @ cc8, fantastic
kamz faggot :D
im jealous
what Ati_ said!
gl kamz razz and sqzz.
i like your colors
Nice tag Ati :DDD
pro shit pro song pro lama gl
nice team gl guys!
nuggan and razz makes it insta win
ale chujowy lineup
Dieses Video ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar.
give em hell razz & sqzz my main men
just know you can only borrow ATI till the end of July!
good luck dawgs! you miss someone like me in the lineup im sure but it will work as well :D
and i lol'd as always at ati's statement :)
Nice to see razz back again, gl man :) & to the rest of the team offcourse the same.
friendly and good players cannot fail, gl !
gl aat, but we need you at cc8 for some dNan pown!
NetherlandsAti's ping sux :S
gl gavin :) and razrivatunerz :)
omg sqzz omg
gl Ati_!
you quoted yourself in your own team interview.
The line-up looks unbalanced so I predict the team will not challenge the top teams, or there will be a line-up change in the not too distant future. Nevertheless, good luck.
I disagree. Team looks 'class-balanced'.
I suppose the dynamic of five versus five is different but the line-up looks too aim-centric in my opinion, though most of them can and will multi-task so I might be wrong; I only watched one map of CIC7 so I am not sure how well the format worked. Anyway, Ati_ is an aggressive rifler, KaMz will multi-task, nuggan is a medic, razz is an aggressive medic and field-op and sqzz is a medic, who will be used in particular contexts, which means he cannot be defensive or used in a supporting role. I assume, then, that KaMz will have to be completely defensive to counter-point the other players in the team, or nuggan/sqzz will be used in a support role so razz and nuggan/sqzz can be used in a purely offensive fashion.
no mixer no win ;D
Well only thing it misses is player like Squall/mAus/butchji, otherwise it looks ok.
hallo Nuggan? :>

or did u mean defensive medic ? :>
Nuggan and sqzz both have uber god tier -aims but atleast I haven't seen them in as big roles as the guys I mentioned before.
Nuggan was the "hammer" of ECW... till lags won over him :<
hello razz is in the squad
Nice team but seriously, 2 weeks :(
et is 5on5 now? o0


since when??
since tosspot decided lans are easier to organise when are 5o5
3 months for now and it's here to stay.
holy scheisse, HI HAUKE !!!!
t'as encore tes mains dans cette putain de poudre blanche mon putain de mout?
je me suis perdu ici en allant chercher ma berline de luxe americaine qui consomme beaucoup de gasoline...
suit les traces de pneus de ces vehicules americains, toi même tu sais où ils t'emmeneront.
have fun owning xD
cu lan kamz :) you can touch my cock if u'd like to
druwyn for the win
gl junk52 eh` colt34
2 shit pings, 1 packet lamer and 2 hackers.

I agree with Ati's statement though!
might as well ask here. I need a bnc, pm me! =)
Didnt i give you one ? :D
Sponsor us the dNan server :p damn aow :D
I thought you died and you dont need the Server anymore :[
dNan died ye, we (colt45) need one :P
ye, but it died or you changed the pw or smth, I thought you removed it :(
if it's still up and working pm me the details again, I've cleared my pms, cheers m8 <3
A winning team!
Ati_ lagger xD
what da fuck
gl guys x)
gl pigmic45
nice team.
gl in upcoming matches
baby that's all we need!
nice vid :p
2 weeks, after their first offi loss
nice name
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