Former Fear Factory X-Fi is back!

image: Zmiany-w-dywizji-CS-w-Fear-Factory-X-Fi-

That happened in 3 minutes, after some converation with Rafcio a.k.a Poland Wrobel
old Fear Factory is back, but we are only known as Fear Factory not playing in this multigaming anymore.

Lineup is as follows:

Poland Wrobel (c) (fops/medic/browar)
Poland wiesiek (headshot/medic)
Poland n00n (fops/biceps)
Poland zMk (vodka/rifle)
Poland Templar (medic/backrape)
Poland uf0l (medic/PanTaifun)
Poland Xanah (medic/leszczyk:D)

wish us good luck and visit our channel in irc #BERZA

image: z5608912X
good luck

need PolandtMoe vs PolandFF
Good Luck! I dont get the pic though!
Berza = station
berza is train station in wroclaw
Where's Xanah ?
pls wiesiek........................................................... oh c'mon already:D
dobry fejk kurwa :XD
n00n a nie fejk :XD
co kurwa :D?
gowno jebany cweluy myslisz ze co ja pierdole get mozg jebany kutasie zlamany
o czym ty kurwa pierdolisz :d najebales sie ?:D
ty bezmozg chuj, razumiesz?!
mate, did u learn that while being in PL ?
or u jsut use google translator as the legendary forwardua does ?:D
I have a polish roommate and I think in ukrainian "understand" is "razumit"! How are you those days?!
so no Xanah in the line up ?
Xanah missing! Good lineup though
you need Poland Xanah with you mummies :(
Roll them belgians again!
Why wrobel and noon when 1 fop is bad enough?
true, will play Bic Ops then :)
nice wellcome back
gl wiesiu & xanah if he plays!
why our clanpost wasnt on main news but this is? racism!

gl n00n!
was just too obvious that MM guys will make a comeback after the lan i suppose
;) you picked your teammates, now deal with those jokes ;)
same with u
actually the most 'suspicious' guy is not with us already so its just you ;)
you cheated @ cod4 ;D we all know whos most suspicious guy :>
oh, then no, tMoe still have the most suspicious guy! :D
The first one of MM was.
which was obvious "joke" from Reikkeri. eventhough ensam (leader of masculine_mans) posted that it wasn't the real lineup, admins didnt react.

tAz: "i will roll ec like i rolled last ec"

mate snoop would say: ADMINS REACT
How should I react? And why did you not contact the admins yourself instead of whining now about no main news (dunno if it was you).
i mean admins didnt react ^_^
ye that1 shouldn't be there
pawel noob

no piotrek no fucking win
wiesiek headshot offline only :)
sup about you bro :d?
not much :P just laming around :p sup bro?
just eating a lot :p
not much, bitchin around :<
gl chlopaki:)
potrzebujecie rifli z prawdziwego zdarzenia ;D
no na pewno nie ciebie :D
przeciez oczywiscie ze mialem Ciebie na mysli...
GL gentlemen
how comes dickmans post didnt get into main news and this shiet gets?! awesome...
cause you could've belived in yourself and pm some admins :-)
nice, good luck :)
a ty co kurwa na nogach tak wczesnie :D, na uczelnie :D?
sniadanie jem wlasnie i zaraz spadam :D
e tam sniadanie jebnij banie i zajaraj blanta na sniadanie to Ci dzien szybko zleci :D no ja na 10 do pracy na 10 godzin i troche mnie to wkurwia powiem szczerze :)
no to by mi sie przydalo :D bo dzisiaj nocka bedzie zarwana tez :P
no to gl ;d, ide sie ogarniac powoli powodzenia tam i do pozniej :)
w koncu !! :DD
na berzie!!
gl n00n!
thanks dawg
as i said =)
btw. try to recruit naga or s4rna as backup ;) and find real MGC
gl FF yeah :)
Once i started ET-pro there were 3 teams who owned. There was idle, Netrunners and Fear Factory :D. GL guys! (n00n you finally did it :D?)
haha templario :D gl
you miss an engi smg
tMoe vs FF qualifier incoming :)
if we get a quallifier we're not gonna participate in ec
racja, nie dajcie sie oszukiwac
bez jaj :p nie wiem jakim chujem musialby byc admin zeby tak nas zrobic :/
just killerboy ;D
nah ;) KB loves me! <3
im serious here! :D
I know thats the funny part :D
at ec finalz?! sure!
guess coming 3rd at a lan makes u feel invincible. Wouldnt be surprised if u dont get top 3 in ec, especially judging ur performance from when we (uk) played u guys the other night. Would actually find it hillarious if u didnt get a direct invite to see ur reaction.
i understand how you must feel :) you sucked at lan with celsus and now you got 4th with your 'best team'. I fully understand your frustration and I apologise for making you feel that way.

So mean Ross :<
the point of u finishing 3rd and us 4th is not the reason why i said what i said. However, if u want to talk about lans i suggest u look at our whole performance against urs. Ok u beat dignitas, however u got rolled by rockit compared to our 8 second loss on decider and dignitas beat u pretty comfortable the 2nd time round. Anyway, my point still stands, with u and wiadro in the same team i doubt u will get top 3. Btw u didnt make me feel like anything, im pretty sure if u would have played us at cic7 we would have beaten u. Not to mention that we beat u in the online tournament - finishing the whole game within 20mins. Anyway, ur still a top retard who i wouldnt play with if i was getting paid. Ur statement about ur team not thinking is hillarious, u act as if u and tmoe are the best team around.Point still stands, team uk mix was too strong for u in prac - u got no chance against the finnish teams and maybe some other mix teams.
i dont really know who signed up (apart from some lagged onliners) so i cant say we will come top3 but nevertheless you lost your best player aswell so i dont get why are you so confident right now. There's pride and there's arogance :)

Oh, talking bout lans, we won against the winner you didnt win against anyone from top3. Close or not thats still a lose ;)

Btw did you complete the lineup already? Would be nice to have more teams in EC :)
we lost our best player? There is no we and if u are referring to wiadro i wouldnt say he was our best player. M1lk was by far the best player we had at lan. Ur talking about my confidence? What confidence? I dont even know if i am playing ec or any online tournaments in the next few weeks/months - just stating u got beat by team uk so i wouldnt be surprised if u didnt get top 3. Just looking at ur replies i can see how retarded u have become since coming 3rd at lan. I mean u were always a bit of a cock before lan, but reading some of ur comments now - its hillarious.
im not cocky :) actually the one who changed lately is you :) and we've been losing to team uk before the lan aswell (those guys are actually really good:)). True, Milk was amazing at lan but id say the rifle has more influence anyway.
doubt u will get direct invite, and if not.. its not like u would loose vs FF in a possible qualifier.
why do you think we're not gonna get a direct? :)
you're not good enough to win a quali?
nope, could win a lan but qualli is soooo haaard :<
that's kinda retarded :-D
only very few teams are deserving and are given a direct invite these days and those are teams which usually stuck together for a while. and it's not like you'd lose the qualifier. there's a good chance that you'll get an invite i guess but if you're too 'lazy' to play 1 game, then you don't even deserve it anyways.
but like hayaa said, the fun part is that you're even serious :-D
so who deserve direct invite if you're saying that top3 team @ cic7 shouldnt get it?
they might deserve one. they don't deserve one IF they have an attitude like "OLOL WE'RE TOO COOL TO PLAY 1 QUALIFIER GAME WHICH WE WOULD WIN ANYWAYS". because that's the typical attitude of some (for ec) newly formed random mixteam which will fold after or during the cup anyways.
what about getting the lowest seed after EC quallis? Thought about that? :)
why would you get the lowest seed? usually admins are supposed to balance the groups as far as possible ;o
direct invites = top seeds :)
even then you would at least get seeded as 2nd.
i think its rathe 3rd of 4th see only if its qualli but i might be wrong
well i just guessed that there are only 4 direct invites again, but we'll see i guess ;)
face it, EC is not as prestigous as it used to be and we'll get bashed later on by the fins anyway ;)
prolly true but i don't get why it hurts to play 1 random game (instead of a prac for example) which you're going to win anyways.
its not that we dont believe that we would win or anything like that. My point is, if we dont get direct it believe it would have nothing to do with our skill and thats why we wouldnt play :)

There are many other polaks this season tho so who cares ;D
Have fun guys!
nice team GL dudes
Poland n00n to pwn some bitchezzz
no gnajda, no win, losers.
gl szkoda ze to tylko clan na ec/oc ?
niszczyc tam :) omg n00n :/
nice to have u back :)

chyba zaczne znow ogladac ettv xD
go fuck yourself finally..
go fuck yourself finally..
nice ! gl guys !
very good to read these names in one clan again.
best of luck for you all guys, especially uf0l my love,
wieslaw hs mastah and zMk riflehero :)

hope you guys win every fucking cup and lan and
stay together for a long time...

<333 my favorite polish g(a)uys

p.s: uf0l, wieslaw, how is it going? :)
nice, gl !
Where is gnajda? 8D

gl guys =)
gl xitorz
missing gnajda tbh btw ofc...

gl guys :D

kocham cie XD
if these guys were actually active and hadnt took such a long break they would beat tmoe. GL, kutas 4 life
You need kot\s4rna to be quite better. But the rooster looks good !
image: RoosterSF1
Mmmm.. Looks so good, man.
I dont think kot will ever play under FF tag with FF guys :)
lol nice guys

needs Poland Kot .
good luck guys :)

I just love the sentence: "WE ARE THE FEAR"

nice lu gl!
there was conflict between them. kot can play with them but only under Team Poland tag.
because kot doesnt like FF guys at all :) At least he never played, and propably will never play with them. Except team-poland.
czemu w newsie ktory na owned piszesz w roosterze jest jeden gracz wiecej? :O
bo lineup bralem z topicu na #berza :)
GL FF :)

@n00n, grafika sie kreci, ale kumpel aktualnie ma tam jakies zamowienia, a ze to charytatywna robota to musisz poczekac az znajdzie chwile czasu. Ale znajac go to warto :)!
spoko zajebiscie, dzieki, a jak myslisz ile mu to zejdzie? aha i slij na maila jak cos:)
tylko nie wywalcie ziomka z klanu jak ostatnio : )
same ol' story.
gl n00n!!!
nice lineup.. gl :)
hahahahah a mialo byc dla beki:DDDD
nice team GL in ESL/CB
gl FF :)
GL! BTW Berze beda remontowac od kwietnia przez 2 lata :<
Poland wiesiek (medic/vodka)*
wow gl :D
good team, gl =P
nice to see the legend wiesiek back
nice team<3
rachet, mitos,krc i spolka - taki sklad by sie przydal :)
u guys maybe go to any lan?
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