Time for Antwerp!

[img|left]http://i39.tinypic.com/2qmi1jk.jpg[/img][img|left]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/2343/transv.png[/img]I've been in contact with Steven Leunens, CEO of Gamevibes BVBA regarding the upcoming Antwerp eSports Festival.

First off, what's Gamevibes? Gamevibes describe themselves as an innovative new media and entertainment company specialized in connecting companies with the industry of video games. Their main objective is to become the number 1 in their field of the Benelux. You might already have been in contact with this company as they started TEK9 in 2004 as a competitive gaming team which has now become one of the largest eSport websites in the world. Nowadays they focus on running events connected to eSports. In the past we've seen two different types of events: More community-based events (the Outpost on Fire series) and bigger scaled events with a huge international appeal (the Antwerp eSport Festival).

The first type is much like the Crossfire LAN's, held in the Outpost Gamecentra, focussing on the community while still having world class competitions in the meanwhile. As the organizers like to put it: Outpost on Fire is all about the community coming together for a couple of days of high standard competition, world class action and a couple of good Belgian beers to round of the evening. The event is set for its fourth iteration, which will be held next year. More info can be found here.

[img|left]http://i39.tinypic.com/ir8g2v.png[/img][img|left]http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/2343/transv.png[/img]Just to give you a small introduction to what Antwerp eSports Festival exactly is, you can visit the official website. Basically the 2008 edition came down to this: the first iteration of the Antwerp eSports Festival was one of the most prestigious LAN's in Europe, hosted in the amazing Hilton hotel right in the centre of Antwerp (Belgium), boasting a prize purse of € 50,000 for just two games, CoD4 and FIFA08. Teams had the possibility to rent rooms inside the Hilton at a discount rate, and various side tournaments were present, such as the ability to play vs. the top CS 1.6 players of the Benelux in bootcamp sessions. Booth babes didn't stay away, and if I recall correctly, there even was a body-paint stand for babes who felt like going a bit wild.

At least that was for the last instalment during 2008.
This year AEF will make its return, albeit with some changes. To quote Gamevibes:
QuoteThe previous Antwerp eSports Festival was quite sponsor dependant and thus high risk, though at the time we were able to cope due to the increased commitment of some high tier sponsors. That had to change a little bit so the prize money has taken a small bite, though we are still aiming to provide you with an extremely healthy prize purse for both Call of Duty 4 and Counter-Strike Source, working with a similar trigger system as CIC7. Ranging from the guaranteed minimum of €4,000 this could easily go up to €10,000 per game or possibly even more if we can get some extra sponsors behind it. The minimum amount of teams I can see Call of Duty 4 getting for instance is 32 which by our calculations would yield them at minimum an €8,000 prize purse. Besides doing a Call of Duty 4 event and a Counter-Strike Source event, we are also looking into doing more games this time around, with the possible additions of Enemy Territory (upon community request) and Quake Live.

What this means is that Enemy Territory will possibly be featured in Antwerp, if the community proves that ET is worth the bet. Also, the Quake Live tournament will be a pro-tourny (if it actually happens), which means it's likely we'll see some of the big guns of Europe featured at this event. This is however not a community tournament such as on CIC7, and you're only allowed to play in one game.

image: 28a22p0image: transvThe new event location will be Stuurboord, a renovated old harbour hangar that has been converted to a multifunctional event room with a stunning bar as the centrepiece and a wonderful view over the city of Antwerp and the river flowing through it, the Schelde. Access to this venue is even easier then reaching the Hilton and the centre of Antwerp is within walking distance. You will be all set to stay in a hotel nearby and not only enjoy the gaming event itself but the famous Antwerp shopping street “De Meir”, the numerous bars and world class clubs Antwerp has to offer or take a visit to the Zoo, diamond district or historical city centre.

QuoteThe new location also gives us some options to play around with as event organizers and we will try to guarantee the best possible experience for gamers attending as we separate them from the noise with soundproof walls between the spectator/sponsor booth area and the competition area yet offer those gamers who have nothing to do a chance to watch all the games on a big screen with live commentary. For those of you who cannot make it, livestreaming and high quality coverage will be a big priority for us throughout the event.

The official dates are the 30th and 31st of July and the 1st of August as well.
Steven has put me to work on a formal proposal outlining the benefits of ET as a LAN competition together with a concrete plan on how we're going to put this in motion.

For this project and further opportunities, I've written my last column concerning Vita Nova for ET. We need a team to focus on these projects, to make the best of it. Opportunities like these can't be ignored, surely not for an old game such as ET. This is the first project in a long time coming our way (except for that mysterious Danish LAN), so we need to give it all we've got. We've got until the end of the month to finish this proposal, and to get a decent overview of what should really be in there,
Krosan: I've been in contact with the head manager of AEF (Antwerp eSports Festival), with the question whether ET could have a compo on his LAN. He was open to the idea, and has put me to work on a formal proposal. What would in your opinion be crucial to have the best chance at success?

Vanner: The crucial part is ensuring the community backs the project by putting their money into the LAN. You can have the best proposal in the world and the best team behind it but if you don't have people willing to put their own money into things then you have no chance.

Krosan: We already did a survey amongst the top teams, and at least 10 teams of the very top were very interested (while we didn't ask many more either). We haven't got many MGC's, but players are willing to chip in themselves as it seems.
If this indeed is the case, what do you think should certainly be in the proposal?

Vanner: Proof that the community exists (you can't imagine what CIC7's numbers did for our project!) You also need to have complete assurances that the community can back up it's words. We had 85 teams "interested" in CIC7 and only had 46 attending. Putting actions to words is a rarity.

Krosan: Ye but how can you proof that they will attend if the LAN isn't even officially announced yet?

Vanner: You can't prove it but you can show the excellent attendances at the crossfire events. I know any organiser would love those numbers! You know yourself how serious the teams would be about attending.

Krosan: Sounds like a plan!
Well thanks a lot for your time Vanner, we'll get to work!

Vanner: Haha okay dude
Anytime, and good luck with it all, really hope it works out.

image: aax0fqimage: transvWe're probably going to be holding a 32-teams or more tournament, allowing everyone to apply. Dignitas player Reload already picked up on the idea and started querying the top teams for their motivation and willingness to attend this LAN. This is what he came up with:
  • Team Rockit
  • Team Dignitas
  • Impact Gaming
  • Plug & Pown
  • Jungle Brothers
  • reVeal
  • dESIRE (uncertain)
  • FamaS
  • tMoe
  • FiF
  • EDiT
  • VAE (uncertain)
  • Team Infused
  • Sleeperz
  • Saiko
  • colt45
  • KKC
  • Highbot
  • 1stCav
  • nkNn - angelDust
  • vital Gaming
  • [EU]
  • Eesti Verii
  • TAG
  • Team Validus
  • dev1ous.net
  • nI
  • Splendid gaming
  • miAmi
  • CbZ (uncertain)
  • sereNity
  • ewave (uncertain)
  • AmZ
  • normality[/hide]

This is only a preliminary list and will grow bigger when other teams make up their minds. We're aiming for a € 5000 prize purse when 32 teams do turn up. The income fee will be around € 300 per team, so not much more than CC LAN's. It's certainly non-BYOC, which means you don't have to bring your own computer. For the address
Our address:
Stuurboord / Hangar 26
Rijnkaai 96
2000 Antwerp
Tel: 03/202.84.00
Fax: 03/226.86.41
E-mail: [email protected]

, and for more info and pictures of the venue, click here.

image: 15zjbaimage: ip8fntSo what this all comes down to is that we've got until the end of the month if we want to make the summer edition of AEF, so it'll need to happen fast. But remember, this is only a possibility, nothing is certain yet. Although if AEF doesn't happen for ET, we can still work towards OOF4 for next year, or potentially other LAN's.

And to finish this column I'd like to quote Gamevibes:
QuoteRegardless of the outcome for this Antwerp eSports Festival, Gamevibes has a strong interest to support the Enemy Territory community in any way they can should the opportunity arise. Whether that will be during this Antwerp eSports Festival, future gaming events or a standalone ET tournament remains to be seen but we are open to all ideas.

More info can be read right here. When we've got more news, you'll be the first to know!
Good news ;-)
Woman, get on my horse!
look at my horse my horse is AMAZING
Give it a lick
mmm it tastes just like raisens!
old ;) but gold
good luck
why the journal?
ah nice :P cu there
nice joke^^&take ensam with u :D
looks bloody nice.... hope it works out
omg omg omg omg omg
hopefully I can make it this time \o
We'd go !
yp to quote tosspot

TosspoT on 19/09/09, 21:17:30 PM | Reply

who is zzz
I heard eirik is xp whoring.
suVi couldn't contain his happiness :D
omg typical
Talk 4 urself!
of course we'd have to eliminate a certain landodging player
suVi @ lan?
ben erbij lekker gamen altijd leuk
sowieso he! :DdDD
12. VAE (uncertain)

If they can't get any support (guess that's what the 'uncertain' is about), why join VAE?
Iron just didn't really know much about much
it's not about support, we just haven't really discussed it if all of us are able/willing to go there

besides, VAE actually gave really good support for my cdc4/cc5 trips compared to YYT's support for cic7 for example
Can't have a successful ET LAN without you anymore now!
Oke.Ye 'willing to go' is also important ofcourse, forgot that :D

Btw twidi; the flemish beers taste really good... (B)
How much they gave ? if its not a secret. or pm
not going to give any amounts here
it depends on the monitors. crt for iron and we will be there :D
antwerpen is wel te doen ja :d

still need lan support hihi
awww, i want to go there :x
time will tell
:XDDDDDDDDDDDD toen werd je wakker<3
moet je rhand voor hebben niet mij
now some1 get ET to assembly summer 2010!
I come to this event its 5 min from my home XD
- Best city in the world: [x] check
- Best beers in the world: [x] check
- Close proximity to my place: [x] check

- High entry price: [x] check

Benelux KKC will be there if our members are interested!
ur world must be really small :P
You haven't visited Antwerp so you be quiet now.
beside the fact that u cant know if i did ... i was aiming for the beer not the city ^^
I do know that you did not visit Antwerp, or else you would have agreed with me.

And i'll ignore that remark about the beer, you're obviously an uninitiated one.
a belgian talking about good beer :DDDDDDDDDD

priceless :P
Belgian beer receives positive critics all over the world, seriously, if you have no clue you better shut up.
Stop raging over beer boy.

Didnt find any belgian beer in the USA while i found tons of germans and dutch so you better shut up and get your facts straight before raging over something like beer.
Because you can't find Belgian beer in the US it means it's bad? Christ, you're thick. Especially since you seem to be implying dutch beer is good beer.
Id do anything to make you go rage:D
Can't recognize beer.
Can't recognize rage.
I love it how the belgians stand up to defend their beer as soon as something talks a lil bit shit:P. You guys really seem proud when it comes to beer <_<
It's like the ONLY thing we Belgians have to be proud of :x

I love your chocolate:P
Sagen Sie nicht 'you guys', bitte, sag 'Rhand'.
Yeah, that's why ecklav and fablebot also replied.
they sell stella in usa for 12 dollars while in belgium its about 1.7 euros.
Ok, i'm not raging, but are you serious? :P If you are, you are one of the most ignorant people I've met, it is commonly known that belgian beer is probably the best in the whole world.
I talked with tons of people about beer and noone could state me that belgian is the best. Some belgian beer aint bad but not the best in the world
I will not continue this conversation, because research proves belgian beer gets the highest ratings, but everyone has his favourits I guess.
The last research i read stated american is the best so we see they are all flawed :P.
It is commonly known Belgian beer is one of the best in the world. THE best seems a bit presumptuous and arrogant. ;-p
tbh talk with americans and most will say: stella artois, duvel, hoegaarden, leffe and so on...
but they are quite expensive far away :)

btw dutch beers like heineken are piss...
Sorry but they didnt say that when i was talking to them. They named Stella as a good beer but not as the best :).
you can find the same lists for literally every other brand at numbre 1 spot :P

i never said belgian beer aint good but its not the best :)
You don't even remember what you say, lawl. Yes, you DID say Belgian beer ain't good.
Its hard to troll and pub at the same time :(
belgian beer is 2 3 maybe 4 times better than german beer easily.. there is just no contest in that one for u
if you think so
well ive tasted some of both (all of be, some of germany like bitburger and some others) and the be were so much better
Then you should start drinking good German beer and no nothern cat piss.

German wheat beer is just unbeatable.
I guess not :P but it's possible its very good! any good names?
I like Paulaner or Zwiefalter very much. But these are also kinda mainstream, too, tho it might give you a chance to taste them.
I guess there are dozens of better regional beers in bavaria or somewhere else in southern Germany which you just can't get anywhere else....Germany = Beerland, basta.
belgium is also a beer land together with chocolate definatly! u should try the more unknown belgian ones aswell, all the trappists and such
Brewed according to the Reinheitsgebot? ;)
augustiner <3
wtf is zwiefalter? ich bin aus bayern und von dem bier hab ich in meinem ganzen leben noch nicht gehört xD
Vllt deswegen, weil Zwiefalten in Baden-Württemberg liegt. :)
ah oki, hab mich nur gewundert weil du es auch noch als "mainstream" dann bezeichnet hast ;o
Vllt übertrieben :X Ich dachte, es sei bekannter...aber wohl doch nur hier in der Region. :) Ich liebe die Bierlandschaft Deutschlands.
'northern piss'...right -.-
like you could compare different sorts of beer with each other...-.-
(just go for duckstein / flensburger, if you like it fair enough, if you don't it's quite likely just not your taste...but definitely no PISS)
Cat piss plz
lol, we get loads of tourists from the USA here who are visiting just for the beer :D
I know atleast 5 bars in antwerp with about 150-300 types of beer for tasting.
Ghent is pretty sweet too tbh!
Put KKC in the list please.
Rhand biggest retard ever: [x] check
- Best beers in the world: [x] check NICE JOKE MAN! NICE JOKE! :D
You'll still dodge!
I can paly there, tis achter mijnenhoek
antwerp is awsome
nice hope some ex-highs will return :D


nice teams!
Komm kiwi geh auch dort hin will dich auf lan sehen :))

survive auf lan? maybe? :)
weiß noch nicht ob die hacks auf lan aviable sind aber survive wird denke ich auf lan kommen
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL xD jij signed ons up voor elke lan die langskomt ofniet?XD <3
Ligt eraan wanneer eh
Krosan, you better put Saiko, looks shit without a capital letter :<
well smart move guys

This is in fact quite good news! Antwerp is a much better place to hold a lan than for instance Enschede. Eventhough we all have a lot of fun in Enschede, it's a lot easier (and most likely cheaper) to get to Antwerp for many people than it is to Enschede.

I don't have a team but I'd sure go!
Rebirth of Section9?
ik kan wel een ritje gebruiken vanaf rotterdam als ik ga!
valt zeker onder de mogelijkheden :P
nice ! :D
TAG or Eesti verii will come for sure :p

I can fit the whole a whole team over at my place :p Can also arrange a couple of parking spots in the center of antwerp as parking your car is like a nightmare. Would be 5-10 mins walk from the venue to the central station where the parking spots are. O, and plenty of weed for everyone :p

edit: just saw the exact dates, that exactly at the start of my vacation :p sweet
I think the venue has enough parking places, as you can guess from this picture: http://www.stuurboord.com/images?x=530&y=390&pic=pages/1/hangar26_(large).jpg

But still nice of you to propose so, very humble!
Plenty of free parking spots in Antwerp? That I have to see :p
Nah, but this is at the harbour, and prolly on private terrain, so I'm hoping they reserved some parking spots there ^^
Even at the harbour side of town you have to pay, eventhough the whole river bank is one big parking lot. It could be ofcourse, I should look up where exactly it is located but it is highly unlikely if it is in the center.
Well that sucks... But I'll be sure to check it out a month or two before the LAN to have a good idea of what our options are!
Ask the guys organizing please or give hangar 26 a call :p
I'll just mail them ^^
Ruime parkeergelegenheid in de nabije omgeving van Stuurboord (voor meer dan 1500 wagens)

Well, if its toward Petrol and those clubs you'd have plenty of parking space, but its a tad out of the center, 15 mins walk to the center. Nice clublife at that part town though :p
True that! I think I'll have 10 admins do the work for me and get myself some rave activity each night ^^
Petrol, Nano sur l'eau, Café d'anvers, Nox, Red & Blue, Capital , the list goes on and on. Most clubs are near the harbour and the red light district, which is by far Antwerps 'nicest' quarter :p
Would love to go to the Nox!
Noxx is awesome
also Trix club :))) nice dnb there + in petrol
I allways enjoyed Petrol, sometime the croud is kinda young but it doesnt try to be stylish or cocky, like a breed between a normal party and a club.

Still capitol > Trix :p Its by far my preferred club, though its more of an afterclub and its really small and cozy.
only been to trix+petrol :) and also the NYE parties ofc

and yeah the crowd is always nice when i go
just near the waaslandtunnel
book me in for a parking space please matey
you can use one from Friday 16h30 till monday 7h30. Might have one more if I ask around nicely.
I think i would almost certainly drive, its not far from calais at all
Ill confirm asap
can you fit a spec at your place as well? :D
I have a pretty large garden and its summer so ...
sounds good i'll come with tent then :)
hmm its actually kinda easy to even drive here from the UK after catching the ferry to calais, its really not far, alternative i guess is flights to brussels???
Yep, if this gets approved by Gamevibes, then I'll make a whole roadmap with options for you to choose from, a bit like the CIC7 topic :)
which road should i take from malta
Obviously.. UNDER THE SEE!
take ryanair Malta -> London (Luton) -> Eurostar to Brussels -> train to Antwerp

ryanair Malta -> London (Luton) 161,20 EUR
Eurostar to Brussels £69
train to Antwerp 15 to 20 EUR

All both ways included
Why not Malta - Brussel? :)
331.01 EUR

Toxic just said he's gonna take the expensive option :§
but he'll be in UK or MT?
He's flying from Malta to UK I think, and then gets a ride
ahhh nice nice :P
i can find flights for € 225.35 (Thursday to Brussel, Monday back to Malta)
which company though, i checked Lufthansa(Air Malta)
1stCav would be interested :)
Only a 40km drive so cya over there <o/
well done :)
Sounds really awesome, but this might affect the Danish ET Lan since it's pretty close to each other and people need to save up for it.
What about CC8? Might be somewhere then too!
yes i bet reload couldnt wait to gather all et teams and take all their money once again D:
the fucker
gotta give him a challenge boys :P
nice lekker dichtbij heerlijk kunnen pitten :D
Pm Phil and let makes one! >D
AEF was a sick event in the past, hope this one is just as awesome!
come over :)
I don't play ET anymore, + I am a poor college student :( Though if given the chance, I'd love to attend an ET LAN :D
Nice, they should play ET there !! :)
avi as rifle /qme
Nice job. :)

Welcome back Impact Gaming. :P
You gonna play with Impact then?
I have no idea who is playing with Impact. :)
own je:o? challenge ons dannnnnnn:(?
ET's little renaissance : )
no time to read it all

can sum1 summarise it all up 4 me plz? include location, price, etc ..
Date: 30th and 31st of July and the 1st of August
Format: 32+ teams
Entrance fee: € 300
Address: Stuurboord / Hangar 26
Rijnkaai 96
2000 Antwerp
Games played: CoD4, CSS - and POSSIBLY ET and QL
Entrance fee: € 300

you're kidding me right?
CIC7 = €250

It's 10 euro's more per person
yeah but umo 60 euro per person is quite expensive, is the beer for free there at least? :D
and is it byoc for et players?
It's non-BYOC, which means you don't have to bring your own computer.

We've got the best beer in the world, so yet another reason to come!
haha but i asked if its for free then if i have to pay 60 euro to even sit infront of the pc :D Hungarian beers > oll. damn i already have to start saving money then :/
it will definatly not be free xD they can't do that lol
if you go to the right places you can get beer for 1 euro? ;-)
you wouldnt come/pay anway so shut the fuck up
are you fucked up or what? i already got a team for this lan pathetic moron. hope to see you there telling me the same
its not much more than crossfire lans.. + there is decent beer there
Avi for this LAN, pm me
we love krosan <3
add nkNn - angelDust :$
ik ben wrs op vakantie dan
I could actually be available for this, renewing my passport atm
nkNn - angelDust is going
Actually it wasnt a serious proposition ;) I'm not good enough anyways
Might be avi if I can get a good team !
nice, will come to this :))) can also get a sleeping place for 1 friend very near..
10minutes from my place :P
you forgot to put [EU] in that list mister :p
In antwerpen ;o
waar ergens?
and were are we? :< <<< we will attend :DF
anexis.de :) otherwise known as team validus
if this happens 100% I'm going.
I would like to sign up TAG and Eesti Verii now. We will pay later (smell the irony). Also heard the Nexus crew is going to sign up once again!

Just saying I always supported you from the heart.

You can pay me later.
dev1ous would like to attend :)
omg! :D see you there man =)
cya there mate :)
see you there man !:_D
you will dodge!
krosan make this happen for ET ^^
impact lineup?
And the lan in Denmark or whatever country it was? Unless its posted by tosspot i'm not gonna believe it
Amazing work from the ET community, so many LANS coming up etc. Goodjob!
Not really good.
Make it later, not in the vacation.
100% landodge
better for me than the denmark one.
just for u rich we are making this lan and not the denmark 1. Dont worry !
finally in Antwerp!!! I'm coming!
I say let's get vanner to work for ET :)
come on p&p =$$ top3 this time :$$
Thuisvoordeel so np!
met of zonder u?
alst over zelf spele gaat: zonder denk k, kkan pas spele na mn examens en kweet ni wnr mn examens beginne en 1/2 weken pracce zou ma kut zijn ^^

alst over specce gaat: kweeni of ik zin ga hebbe om a la sup3r te gaan méé
kan toch ni echt ver zijn aangezien antwerpen redelijk centraal is, tenzij ge echt vn oostende ofzo moe kome
replied ge wel correct? kzei toch niet da da ver is? :d
i doubt you´ll have that easy a seeding next time :P were plenty of ppl who complained at cc7 about p&p getting such an easy group and playoffs
true =( but to quote my favourite person Witje: "i am not afraid"
respect for admitting your easy group and kudos for the quote
well tbh their only really good opponent was yyt (they had 7 or 8 matches or so? :p), so not admitting that would be just lol :D
True they had a pretty easy route, but still they had a pretty close game vs yyt and a deserved win vs you guys. And besides, not alot of clans who played better than them below the top five afaik.

We had to play blight, yyt and nou in that order, and like our chances of winning vs yyt werent small enough, we had to play with 2 ppl without sound and some fcked up screen on my part ;D

But you still wont hear me complain about the top 5, because they all earned that spot.
I'm not complaining :o Just saying dnan for example were completely fucked if you compare their route to p&p's route.

And well their win vs us was not impressive imo, we just played really bad.

I've got nothing against them, but imo they are a bit overhyped. Winning matches against highbot, phantoms, aow is good, but not super.
Even if you played bad, they played really good against u and yyt. Not saying they are a top team, but they performed beyond my expectations. They also won vs dnan online more than once, so even if they had to play dnan there would be a 50% chance the end result would be the same. Not one team below top 4 could have challenged the top 4 teams imo, and all the teams between 5th and 9th position are pretty much the same skill level. They just managed to win the game that gave them the ability to come in fifth.
As far as I remember, we have only played them once with our 5on5 line up (when we still had spho). In OC/ESL we've played them without hayaa/ati.
Like bull was playing that good.
All I'm saying is that it's useless to go on about "what-if's", especially if those are likely not to change the final standings. Perhaps you had a 60% chance of winning, does it matter? Fact is any team from 5-9 would have a close game against any one of those other teams. They won vs phantoms but the same could have happened if they would have met you or nou, its useless to go on about what could have happened if they had to play another team.
I was only saying we didn't play vs them with bull, I actually think we would've played better with spho, so it's quite the other way around. But saying "They also won vs dnan online more than once" is true, but that was quite a different line-up. It's not a secret we performed way better with ati and hayaa.
ye you did better with that 5on5 lineup and I'm sure you would have had a decent chance of winning against them, but there is no way you can claim you would have had an easy victory into the top 5 if you had different brackets.
we would have won it easy...
your ego could have won the lan, of that I'm sure.
why, we were/are just better, whats ego about that
When did you prove exactly that?
never lost to them with the actually real line up
and in offi, but whatever, we were the better team, who cares actually
grappig ben je wel
atleast I'm not delusional about my own skill ;)
what, ask 100 players and 90 will say the same
90 procent zou ook zegge da nOu tege fif ging winne ^^
hadden ze ook moeten doen
maar deden ze niet :P
wat heeft dat met dnan en p&p te maken :)?
dat op lan alles kan!
easy group? what? :SSS
in playoffs hebbe we wel sterke games gespeeld tegen phantoms & fif. Onze groep was mss wel 1 van de makkelijkste, ma als ge int algemeen bekijkt waren er zo veel groepen. + we hebbe tege 4-5 highseeds gewonne, terwijl sommige teams zoals nOu er tegen verlore & daarom moeilijke playoff seeds krege ^^. en tegen yyt was onze game ook close, voor zelfde geld hadde wij 4-2 gewonne =)
nou nou nou gewonnen.. D:

maar wel goed gespeeld
gewoon pech dat we tank weggeve 1ste rush :(((

ma jullie ware wel sterker
meeeh u guys were low :P

(like aow :P)
Seriously man , stop killing ET.
srv or ewave maybe avi!
im sommer bin ich aber net da oO
im oktober ist das kein problem aber im sommer geht es nicht oO
Splendid gaming interested !
:( too early for me :( else i would have come
Great news!
want to go there ! i'm cless and avi ! (:
awesome news krosan =)
lol nice :)
bloedhoer dan ben ik op vakantie
Europe miAmi is up
Fuck yeah!
g5 would go... if we didnt have lives in the heart of summer.

im going to malia for 2 weeks :< thats crete in case you didnt know..
so, cya there i guess!
Nice nice nice, available for a not to serious but skilled team!
clanhopper wtf?
Wou je d´r heen dan!?
denk dat ik dan wel kan ja
Europe CbZ can do it.
Just waiting for woDka's decision.
If you think so.... :D
Netherlands sereNity will most likely attend.
When will we know if ET is going to be there or not and know the prize pot??

Maybe a decent american team could show up if they found a MGC
Normally by the end of the month!
as it's almost end of the month, any new infos yet?
News incoming ;)
coolcool :))
Cmon ET, Lets get 32 teams to this event! Would be amazing :)
oSk will deliver!
heb je een negerhut?
ja zag zoiets in je msn naam, gefeliciteerd :)
Team Amazons (AmZ) is interested
how certain is your team of attending?
Now it's 0% since i got a training offer in shanghai so you can take us out ;) thx!
normality interestd
how certain is your team of attending?
Let me know when it's 100 :)
well im going 100% if that helps :p
Okey, LF team for this lan
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