R0SS ousted from Impact

Impact gaming find themselves looking for a 5th (online) player tonight as R0SS found himself at the center of a bitter clan versus country row. The Impact lineup still fighting in the Clanbase Eurocup have found themselves already shuffling the pack collecting Razz from Colt45, and the irony is it was that move that set the whole chain of events off.

Ross took charge of the UK team after the depature of Kamz, with the UK just one match away from the final. His decision to practice tonight with the UK team ahead of the game against Estonia ended in a debate with his manager eVo, one that left him with the ultimatum, Impact or the UK - not both. Ross chose the UK a decision that has left him both out of Nations Cup and out of Impact. Ironically however, Ross would never have taken the captaincy had Impact not plucked Razz from Colt 45, leaving Kamz to quit his roll as UK Captain.

On the decision, eVo had this to say:

"OK myself and Ross had a strong disagreement over whether he should be calling off prac's for Impact to prac for the UK, as far as i am concerned my responsibility is to Impact and making sure we are prepared as possible for LAN, i took objection to Ross's attitude and he took objection to mine, we probably both overreacted in hindsight, didn't help i was in a bad mood before the argument but i stand by my position which is that the team comes before NC however I understand he has a responsibility to the team"

When questioned about the fact eVo himself is a former UK Captain:

"Yes and I appreciate the issues that come with captain, however thats just being on the other side of the fence for you, anyway I think possibly we both maybe overeacted but that happens sometimes"

Two camps Ross wont find comfort in are the colt 45 camp, nor anywhere near Jere who can still remember his very public ousting from YoYoTech prior to CIC7.

Impacts Lineup to attend AEF remains, as it did prior to todays decisions:

Germany snoop
Finland mystic
United Kingdom sheep
Switzerland gifty
Wales sqz
OMG 1st
I'm 2nd because i reply to you hannah :P
Me is 3yrd.
stupid decision in my opinion if UK had a game tonight why wouldnt ross pracc with them ? wtv.
omg omg omg
evo acting too professional
xDD being a manager is serious business you know
ouch the drama
I can merc in the eurocup
Not really news, but ok.
Thanks for taking the time to tell us this. Should I quote overdrive and state some bullshit rhetoric he read in a 3 year old high school new media book about audience dictating content not author? Watch the audience post 100+ comments.
I hope it gets only 99 comments and you feel like a chocolate fireguard. (If you PM me offering to pay me to spam this post, I'll do it!)
Chocolate fireguard, not heard that one before! (Stealing it for a cast!)
you used that nicely in the cast ;D
so, it was a field day after all!
Hated every minute of it :P
I'm just saying I don't find this that big of a deal. The impact line up has been unstabile and constantly changing since CIC7. And now it's news something changes again?

QuoteShould I quote overdrive and state some bullshit rhetoric he read in a 3 year old high school new media book about audience dictating content not author? Watch the audience post 100+ comments.

What the fuck is this bullshit? Don't bother me with shitty quotes I don't give a crap about.
I take your point on the first part, but this type of news is too often assumed as common knowledge.

That last line is good! I'll use that in future :D
doesnt take a genius to work out that UK were very unlikely to beat EE again and make it to the finals. Had i been eVo i would have said ok if u loose vs EE ur NC is over anyway and thus we only loose 1 prac day which imo is fuck all of an issue. However if you win and proceed to the final many more prac days will be lost to prepare for the final so u would have to leave impact if u choose NC over EC.

no need for some ridiculous debate
it isn't to promote current impact lineup but ousting ross out

guess you know the jere case anyway
Well i didnt know and im sure the majority of this community didnt know either.
I disagree.
its sqzz

Ross seems to be really outstanding in getting into trouble!

Did Razz get kicked, leave or never was part of the lan lineup? If he got kicked why is sqzz still playing with them?
sqzz was playing for UK, didn't he have to prac with R0SS?
razz is gone from impact too
lol... i wonder what their internet lineup will be since gifty is unavailable.
Disagreement of opinions
yeah but you cant flame sqz, hes too nice!
He's too valuable. :-)

But still pretty harsh double-standards. :D
well what's not mentioned is i had no clue about this going public, i was afk for a few hours calming down and trying to decide if it was just an overeaction, ross made a decision/mistake? to mention it to tosspot thus going public and thus the news post about his ousting instead of everyone just calming down and discussing the situation, both me and ross can have a volatile side sometimes and strong opinions so sqzz was never really involved, the argument was more between the two of us
Missing one prac is not really worth getting volatile over?
well he also mentioned he would continue to prac with uk if they got through, its not the commitment i want and the way he told me "he was praccing with uk so just deal with it" rubbed me up the wrong way *-)
i will rub you
dear god..
No it's just sheep lol!
a bit hard the decision to make him leave impact, or not?

the nationscup would be over in... 2 weeks? or even only 1?

so there would have been enough time to prac?
this is not 100 000 000 dollar football shit... :D:D:D:DD:D: its a fucking game and ur acting like a fucking fifa manager =DDDDD pay those $ to ppl who ur in dept and stfu.
hell of a manager u are when u kick players in an overreaction and need hours to think about it x]
its called calming down and walking away from the pc
wich is related to my comment how? i already pointed that out
awesome lineup
didnt sno0p quit for zeh ever?
This is probably stupidest reason to kick a player from clan ive ever heard..

btw wheres razz? :<
gl snoop!
This was kamz secret plan to take revenge after they killed colt45 !
now you got a team that could perform at lan, gj
would be nice if kamz joins impact for the i-net lu ^^
Excuse me, your wall of text is blocking my path.
The banhammer might destroy the road block!
remove paragraphs
gl sqzz sheep :)
recruit kamz ive heard he is lan avi
2010 - The year of e-drama
uber lineup
still dont know who that sheep guy is, must be some oldschooler ;]
that's what it is bound to be with you participating :D
actually the impact lineup looks pretty strong atm

well, any lineup with mystic in it is invincible
It was an hour prac for semi-final of NC, not exactly an everyday thing, what a random reaction. :S
Sag mir wie sich mystic anfühlt nach der LAN, snoop!
werd nen sextape machen und es dir zukommen lassen!
Ein paar Streicheleinheiten würden schon reichen. Aber danke. :)
seit wann bist du in meinem team? noch ne lan mit dir..
ich weiß genau du liebst mich...!
again R0SS involved in dramatic events!
gl with the team x
hidden backstab
You jsut got the weakest shittiest link out.

imo that's great news lol
gl snoop
well, dunno how valuable ross was for team (and I have never played with him so my opinion about him can be a bit limited) but I would say that impact looks stronger right now, at least on paper
can someone make a flowchart (or something like the facebook thing of ww2) so i understand what happened (starting from the c45 lineup)?
Will bullet points do?
would work too.
1. Razz leaves Colt45 for Impact
2. Kamz feels backstabbed by Impacts UK players and leaves UK team
3. Ross takes over captaincy
4. Razz gets removed from Impact
5. eVo issues ultimatum to Ross, prac with UK and you're outta impact
6. Ross leaves Impact
7. UK lose to Estonia
image: 4wixza

its a timeline just for u
that's just the best timeline... ever!
- c45 lineup: had razz & sqzz
- impact took sqzz from, c45
- 1/2 weeks passed
- impact took razz from c45
- kamz gets annoyed and drops his NC Captain because he didn't want to play with razz for doing that
- c45 dies, only playing offis now, they split up
- ross takes NC Captain role
- ross wants to practice with team UK, but this meant he can't practice with Impact (and sqzz + razz are in impact and UK aswell, so that would mean no prac for Impact)
- evo & ross have an argument
- evo tells ross to choose UK or Impact, ross decides to stick with UK, and razz follows his steps and quits because he didn't agree with evo's opinions

smth like that
wrong razz went over a week ago
ah didn't know that, missed it.
Serious Business.
what have u done to ROSS noooooooooooooooooo
hä what?
Lan is 3 months from now.... Serious business
Dialer's response to the situation: "It's not like R0SS playing for impact he's just a backup... atleast eVo told me that. Also I heard that sqzz and razz will leave and form their own team."
now that is some great entertaiment on this late tuesday evening!
What a bollox about nothing. If you can't even let one of your players play an ET match with his country for a place in the finals (for 1 hour) then that's pathetic. Days enough to practice.
Had no issue with the offi but the 2 hours before the game that were scheduled for Impact prac
Surely the team could wait, it was a semi final afterall.

God save the queen!
we could if the situation had been handled with a better attitude, you dont know the full story and you weren't there, it seems communication wasn't great to let others including me know of the intention to prac with the team tonight thus meaning others wouldn't make the effort to be online and therefore wasting their time
Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can for your country
stop stirring to try to create entertainment stu
50% is stirr
50% is that you should have understood the situation having been the UK Captain before
i always understood team > nc
depends on the circumstances
team -> lan -> fun/money
nc -> nobody cares -> ???
Jeah like there is any real ET practice. They just join a server and having fun. Nothing serious there, so its pointless to act like this.
you compare the chance to get UK into the NC final (happens once a century :D) to 2 hours of random Team practise (happens multiple times a week) ???
i would understand it if impact would have had an EC match at the same evening

bringing r0ss into such a situation to decide... :D hell thats so childish, unsocial...WRONG

what are you doing if reallife stuff keeps one of your players away from a practise?
you also tell him; "eighter your granny's funeral or Team IMPAAAAAACT?" XDDDDD

you've not only failed as a citizen of the UK you've also failed as a Teammanager :<

peace out
Team > NC, that's true, but NC semi-final official vs team prac? Doesn't take a genius to figure out the priority on that one. No need to even have been a Team Capt or anything because it's quite obvious anyone would choose to play the official.

I don't know about attitudes given or anything, nor do I care about that, but you can't blame him for making the only realistic choice.
i had no issue with him playing the official, he was choosing to prac with uk instead of impact which was my issue
Every team usually pracs a few games before the official. I really don't get what the big deal is about him chosing an NC semi-final offi over a prac with his regular team. Can't see anything wrong with what he did.
What I don't understand is; if you want the best team then surely you'd be willing to put up with a few arguments? But if you don't want to put up with any arguments, why take snoop?
but let's be honest, you don't realy buy eVoeVans crap, right? I think even mere humans should be able to figure out that it was about other things than "scheduled pracc time", like for example: better LAN team etcetera
Quotescheduled for Impact prac

gl snoob!
you never get tired of it!
Not guna lie this is old news, i announced this in one of my previous casts :)
Ross only left tonight at 6.30pm
Well, I missed your cast thanks to the RTCW that was going on, was it good? :)
match was a touch dull, goldrush was good on ee offence.
I reckon a duo cast for the final is on the cards ;)
+1 nc final
UK only lost by 5 seconds on goldrush :(
nobody reads this message :DDDDDDDDDDd
i did :DDDDDDDDddd
UK gamers are always some dramalamas
always the brits. cant you all be superawesome like w3st? :D
sounds kinda retarded but ross was a backup & had intentions of making his own team anyway, so gl to new impact, gl to ross, love to my homies

also, did razz leave or was he kicked?
Posting on crossfire at 23:36 on your birthday. Wild one?
out tomorrow night, nothing good on birmingham tuesday nights
Happy bday homie <3.
drama will continue, sqzz and razz will come back to c45 and win ec
This is so much drama and again ROSS is in folved only this time not on the bad side in my opinion. Oke i don't know how the discussion when't on, on vent and stuff like that...

But it's just to much drama to split up a team...
I mean after all UK lost from Estonia so a team lost 2 players for what, for nothing after all since it was just for one evening but hey... what the heck lets just bitch fight about it... I mean since when can eVo decide such things since there are no contracts after all that you can ask such things of you're players... i mean look at soccer even then the player will go play for it's nation's team instead of not playing for his club althrough they have a contract...

So after all i guess eVo should take his horses down and just say sorry and take the fella's back in impact.
[I hope you guys could understand my crappy english but hey i tryedt my best=D]
Gonna be a long comment so be prepared !

I originally said i wasnt gonna make a statement and leave it be to save the usual drama that happens when my name gets mentioned in news posts. However, after reading some people's comments i feel im entitled to give my view. The story is true, except for the fact i wasnt an official impact member, there was a number of discussions between me and paul (evo) about making it happen - but this never went far because of me having another lan team which will be starting in around 2 weeks and evo wanting to keep giving the lineup a try. I originally joined as a backup and only wanted to stay active until my own lan team began praccing.

Anyway, after a number of weeks of dissapointing pracs, lineup changes, inactivity etc we came to yesterday. After a few hours of prac with impact i mentioned to the impact team that me and sqzz wont be playing at all tomorrow due to the NC Loser Bracket Final game. After just receiving the captaincy little over a week ago i had to arrange a prac in some day, unfortunately for impact that was tonight - 2 hours before the game. When i came online i was greeted by a rather unpleasant message from evo that he couldnt give a shit about nc prac. I tried explaining that it was a decision that i couldnt avoid seeing as it was the only day we could prac and me having little time to act as uk captain. I obviously wanted to win the match tonight, not only for the UK sake but knowing if i lost the amount of utter garbage i would receive after making a few statements about kamz.

So after a heated discussion with evo I was told that if i played for uk i would have no part in Impact - which in truth wasnt a hard decision for me. A loser bracket final game to reach the grand final of NC is quite an important match. Its a shame me and sqzz were given an ultimatum when we were probably the 2 most loyal players but thats what happened. I still stand by my decision to prac for the uk seeing as Impact still dont have Gifty back from Australia, mystic being away for exams this week and tonight being a big match for both the players and the UK.

GL to the team and hope to see u in the future lans.
Tbh, I think most people would do what you did, especially as there was pressure on you to put in some effort for et.uk.

+ You seem to be much more interested in LANs, and as you're not playing for impact.lan it can't of been a hard decision.
I understand completely ;)
I understand completely ;)
good decision tbh, as long as u dont have any contract with them you are free to do what ever you want to. and tbh i dont get why evo is starting such a trouble about 2 lost pracc hours with impact
I could actually tell from the length of the comment that it was a long comment, but thanks for pointing that out!
I understand completely ;)
Well that explained the whole thing, got to agree with your decision.
good boi, emo :*
as far is have understand this kiddo behaviour eVo seems to be a truely wnb pro managing nerd.
Evo is actually (probably) one of the best manager arounds I think

we've had our differences in the past ( wel, he had them with vila and lio and I was stupid enough to get myself involved ), but I learned to respect him nonetheless
respect is one thing, but imo its a ignorant reaction if u set an ultimatum to "ur" players, just because of 2 lost hours of train.
afaik none of us know how both of them exactly reacted, so we shouldnt be judging

and your opinion about Evo in your earlier post well, nice opinion one someone who >possible< did one stupid thing during several faultless years
true! no one of knows what exatly has happened there.

all i know is that he always tried to do the best for the team and obviously he did always really well, i never have seen any manager in et who watches every game of his team with such a enthusiasm(?). but nonetheless whatever happenend there doesnt justify such a childish behaviour of setting a ultimatum like "we or get leaved" - since all this is about, is (official) 2 hours of regular pracc.

this is my opinion :)
I already said i overeacted but lets get it clear how this went down.
I wasn't monitoring irc and sheep came online and spammed us all for 3o3 before pracs,
- sqzz replied saying we have NC prac tonight from 7,
- sheep replied saying wtf thats retarded team > nc ,
- sqzz replied saying heh i dunno.
I then at home came online, probably in a bad mood from a shit days work replied saying franking i don't give a fuck about NC pracs its not my concern.
- Ross replied saying "well tough we are praccing with NC so deal with it"
Thats what really set me off and thats how the argument kicked off, it should never have been made public, i even had a private convo with gav where i said that if you guys had nicely put "its one night and its a big game, its not a regular occurrence i would almost certainly have just said ok go for it", but the way it was spoken to me made me instantly get into a fuck you frameset and then ross followed that up by saying "and if they win he would continue to prac with NC team", as far as i am concerned thats not acceptable, there are days Impact don't prac which he could use for NC prac, either way thats his issue, my concern is to the team.
U don't need to be a big genius to understand that this official was important for Uk (your flag uh? and for those players).

have you even read what i wrote before replying
Completely, but either way asking Ross to decide which side he wants for just 1 pracc+1official is just kiddish, no matter what ross said. Using another excuse would fit alot better tbh...
If you were putting your money into a team and someone spoke to you like that you would kick ban them too, its a total lack of respect and not something i was willing to tolerate
Fair enough, but still he is a kid, you should tolerate a bit more, i guess...
kick ban me? Sorry but i left on my own will - i was never removed as a lot of ppl think.
well actually now with snoop they got serious chances for all the upcoming events..
and btw having the choice between ross and snoop is not even worth it questioning...
pick ross? :XDD
I would normally say something like; its about time he got a taste of his own medicine, impact now have a stronger lineup without him, etc etc. However it doesn't seem like a very hard decision to choose praccing with your nation due to a semi final match, plus only being a temporary member of impact, he was obviously going to want to win vs EE than lose and pracc with a temporary team..

strong lu for impact anyway, gl mike n sqzz
cool story bro
this is definitely something mo*demanufacturer would do ahahahaha
Expecting butchji to join as well in a few weeks.
needs butchji!!!! :D
Bunch of dramaqueens :DDD
in every team ross has recently been in the team is playing bad + starting to lose its players.
ich hab schon über 80 pokemanz bei blattgrün
lu looks stronger now(if sqzz stays here), gl

serious business
his country come's first, respect!
So conclusion:

eVo is angrynerd
R0SS is just nerd
razz is quited nerd
KAMZ is weak nerd-leader
UK are n00B nerds
and impact is overhyped nerd-team
It's so funny that these UK guys have started to use patriotism as a excuse. Ever since I at the age of 8 learned about the Danish Vikings and their quests in England I have had no respect for them, they are in my eyes one of the most arrogant people ever seen. I think it lies in their blood that they have to be above everything and act like complete retards.

By saying this I do however have some exception for some UK people such as Toss, jizz, gnome, owzo, adacore, sheep & co.

But people like eVo & R0SS are really starting to piss me off. Starting to act like ET is the new G7 game making some really bad mistakes and being so ungrateful is really a shame.

Currently the only positive thing I can see in eVo is his adorable cute baby, but that't it. May sound a bit harsh but from I read and know you are in my eyes the black sheeps in this community currently, you even overrun Robaciek for that matter.

Long live the Vikings.
I do however have to say that R0SS has changed a lot in the positive way :)
Excellent use of vikings well done.
What a silly statement, your being very stereotypical and then going back on what you said by saying there are exception to this law of yours.

Maybe those English are the only ones you follow/read about, and the fact that you hate eVo/ross is because they rarely get good news written about them on here, what a stupid base for the foundations of your flawed from the start opinions.

You even admit your opinions are based on what other people write.

I would put it to you, that not only do the British have a sense of Grandeur that we may not deserve anymore, but every country has had that, referring to your use of the Vikings here.

Long live the Vikin...oh wait.
Long live the vikings!
Long live the vikings
Long live the vikings!!!
how idiotic
QuoteCurrently the only positive thing I can see in eVo is his adorable cute baby


QuoteEver since I at the age of 8 learned about the Danish Vikings and their quests in England I have had no respect for them

how come you have no respect for the Danish Vikings?
i agree with you that my reputation isnt that great on here or anywhere in the ET community. However, most that know or play with me know i am not the type of person most accuse me of being. I get called arrogant all the time, yet most of my time playing et the past 2 years has been playing with players like mav and tekno - 2 players who probably werent as good as me at the time but i enjoyed playing with them and seeing them get better to the point where they both placyed ec last season was nice. You can also ask teams and players i have merced or mixed with, havoc hydro heartz - im not an arrogant guy.

The Jere issue is cleared now and there is in fact no bad blood between me and Jere. You can ask him this yourself. The fact that i took a lot of crap for that scenario when it was a team decision shows imo how loyal i was to the team. I admitted that the way i did it was wrong, but that was my mistake.

The Kamz issue there are a lot of untold stories here. There was no issue with kamz leaving the UK team, in fact we still had a decent relationship then. When it turned sour was when kamz started pming VAE telling them they should get a forfeit win and trying to stich 3 of his fellow UK players up. A lot of stories u hear or read especially with me involved arent 100% accurate, but i dont take it so serious that i have to write a statement to try and prove this. I originally told evo i wasnt going to comment on this newspost until i read a few comments i didnt agree with.

To your last point about UK not wearing their hearts on their sleaves is rubbish. I have always been very patriotic and always will be. I agree that Nations Cup isnt as honourable as it used to be but that doesnt mean i wont try and do as much as i can to win. Im a very competitive person, hence me wanting to prac and win for the UK leading to this scenario with Impact. You always seemed to have a grudge against me and im not sure why, but ur entitled to ur opinon. Sorry for the long reply.
QuoteI get called arrogant all the time, yet most of my time playing et the past 2 years has been playing with players like mav and tekno - 2 players who probably werent as good as me at the time

nice proving his point in the very first sentance of ure reply xD
its trying to prove that im not arrogant. I think they both would agree that when i started playing with them they werent that great. My point is that if i was so arrogant and had a big ego, why would i play with players that werent better than me. Anyway ur another 1 that just goes with the flow, dont even know me and judge me on newsposts. Ur opinion ur entitled to it. I dont think i have ever refused to give anyone advice when asked, configs - including my own and even playing with players that i didnt really know.
but you shouldnt be surprised that ppl find you arrogant when you talk like that x]
i would of never had played ec last season if it wernt for ross and sqzz teaching me this shit game.

and evo wtf are you thinking? couldnt give out a couple of hours for an uk pracc oh yh the team you once also captained, and kicking ross for that reason when hes a backup for player who hasnt even played et in the last few months and wont be playing for another month if im correct.

some people aint got a fucking clue.
imo u and ur clan still arent rly EC material but hey who am i 2 say that :>
wtf are you on about? i dont have a clan and im not in ec, what i said was that i was in ec last season, and if you say i didnt deserve it then, i think the way we placed 7th kinda shuts you up.
it doesnt really, couldnt be hard in an EC like last season's :D
beat teams like glitz and authentic but yeh what ever you say.
im just saying the way ross brings it looks just arrogant
ive seen weird stories related to comments/news here on cf, but this one is the best, the fucking vikings xDDD
Who bet you to slip Vikings into that post?
image: TechnoViking-1

Technoviking is amused!
drama drama drama

one gets kicked, other one joins.. np
An England English team leader doesn't let an England English (the damn CAPTAIN!) player to practise a few times for Team England England when the whole NC is going to be over in a week anyway? The England king would be disappointed
God Save the Queen
I don't think Impact give a shit, he & razz weren't going to be in the LAN team anyway.

Ross doesn't care because he is starting his own team.

So that leaves the community, who care more than the people involved. Super interesting stuff.
R0SS seems to be quite egocentric anyway.
I won't disagree with you, it often happens to med/+ players when they get into a good team by accident.
ok so you fucked up your NC captaincy and now you sabotaged kamz/ross' work on it, GJ eVo !
Take Germany buttji !

E-Drama again...
somebody have to steal mystics cfg at lan :P
nice lu
sad story for ROSS tbh, gl for your next projects !
emh, at least im glad that this cocksucking walking assface got kicked out of this team, and the lineup looks better now!
ohh,not snoop again :/
to much fuzz
gl snoopiiboy.
taking ET too serious LOL
R0SS'S LAN team is a pretty good lineup
can't spill, I made a pact with R1CK R0SS da B0SS
i understand, i know a secret lan lineup too :))))
No you don't.
ross will be fine :)
Lol'd , if you are in a NC LB FINAL that would come on first place eventhough you play for a team imo .. So what if you miss 1 -2 pracc days , it's not like you guys have an important match incoming (impact) and 3 people of your lineup were in the UK side anyway

razz - sqzz - ross

I've never seen you pracc with a full lineup , always evo in there or someone else so ...

And now you recruit 2 new people to change the lineup again in june when Toxic & Gifty will be avi again , you can't pracc decent now anyway so who the fuck cares if you miss this pracc week... You are just a mix team nowadays

on a sidenote ; Belgium zeto best aiming medic around.
i wont be joining up in june... as im unable to play ET in my current situation which caused me to step down from the team :)
Don't really think they'd need anything else here. 2 superior aimers, the mine planting God, Jesus The Healer and Raveneyes apprentice :D And if Toxic comes back, lets make ET 6on6 again.

gl Mike n others :o)
deserved, fucking faggot
haha n1 :P Would be nice if you can get his cfg :PPP
so R0SS can finally build up his new supersecret team :D
gl ross good boii.
well, just another team that will get beaten by rahul's soldiers on lan.
image: nevermind_the_jubilee


:( gl further ross :*
seriously eVo should get a fucking life, all he does is talk shite on gameservers whilst speccing, embarressing himself in front of ettv viewers. Sad..
Oh get the fuck over yourself evo. It's a online game ffs, it's not the fucking premier league....

As if it made much of a difference anyway, one prac..
dann bring dein eigenen mit LoLZ
Darf man nicht.
was is das denn :D dan sag den du willst crt is bei cs doch das gleiche die zocken auch alle mit crt
you won't die if ross misses one prac with a team which fields a different lineup every game, eVo.
Da gibts doch um de Ecke son kleines 'Resturant' direkt am Center... die Pizza war eig. ganz okay da..?
This whole story seems a complete bullshit. I don't buy it tbh.
Evo should understand by now that they would obviously prefer to play for few hours under Uk flag. It was a decisive game, wouldn't last so long.

- Fake story?
- Evo gone mad?
- Bad day from Evo's side?

Also serious nerdy business is serious uh!?!

After so much failures by impact side, 2 hours wouldn't make the difference.
The new lineup looks good. To bad that you guys seperate way with a discussion.
it's just a game lol :p
I hope Miley dies the ugly little bitch with her german sheppard teeth
you lot take this shit far to seriosuly......lol
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