GTV Betting Scandal rocks EC

Clanbase have today removed Easymode from the Clanbase Eurocup after fielding weakened sides in an attempt to gain riches beyond their wildest dreams according to an inside source.

In a story that has all the ingredients of the current betting problems plighting the Korean Starcraft scene, Easymode have intentionally fielded a weakened side for two matches straight and bet on the opposition (Impact & Rockit). Though the match against Impact eventually rescheudled, and now forfeited the intention was during both matches to field a side that could not compete with the likes of Impact & Rockit without making it public knowledge to rake in the money on The allegations are backed up by Wiaderko & Meez's GTV bank statements.

In the end the sides plans were outed from the inside as all was revealed, the side had no intention of practicing for their matches and were planning mischief for their third eurocup fixture upcoming combined with their earlier attempts at winning money on GTV, leaving EC Sup Killerboy with no option but to remove them.

It leaves Group C with just four teams left after Frogz dropped out of the Eurocup due to inactivity.
This is as close to korean as Meez is gonna get :`(
Haha, is there any more evidence of that case yet? Not browsed TL nearly enough :(

how come they only got removed now?
We are talking about monopoly money right? :P

If u read this Krosan fix betting for the ET competition at AEF (paddypower)
why is this main news :s ? it's not even real money
post something better
why did you delete my picture last night? the message in it was quite serious ( although it sounded very sarcastic )
it's not my fault that there ain't bigger news.. I hope to see some more CPL news in here =) hope team 3D starts again cause it was fun to follow them
3D will likely not come back even if CPL is revived; if they do, it'd be for Source anyways which isn't even worth watching...
I was only following them for the CS team ;p
no doubt they were amazing in CS 1.6, but 1.6 != Source :PP
I never played 1.6, so that's why I think that Source is an awesome game :p and I just like to watch how big the CPL stuff is etc.. it's cool to see how big esports can be, even on eurosport I watched it a few times
At least something's posted now, I expect a full post when Barça & Chelsea are crowned champions of their respective league btw.
id like to add this private message me and wiaderko had some time in febuary, to clear his good name ...

Quote: kevlar you have 5e on invitium

dont win. :D

I'd love to lose that match for you, but it's impossible :/ snoop and dialer would kill me... In 1st prac as ECwinners snoop was raging about my teamkills (not on purpose tho), dialer as well. And it's not like we can lose it, we have to win it, only to decease rodia's ego :p
Shits all over the MP's expenses scandal this
it hurts my soul to see good young men go bad , just for money, albeit gbooky money :<
E-money or not, they still got removed from EC and that is clearly news worthy.
I'm sure they are heartbroken now.
Real moniez is real.
TosspoT's loving these scandals!
Next Scandal is did meez really cockup the CIC7 final or did he throw it for GTV money? :P
thats actually quite good :D
even admins are able to make some jokes, believe it or not.
I like tekoa, and azatej seemed like a friendly guy when I played with him, I don't know the others but ... this is very sad and brilliant at the same time :'D
What you call brilliant is incomprehensible to me, on the other hand you are wearing a UK flag...
nothing wrong with the united kingdom

and incomprehensible? no, retarded? yes, quite smart? yes
Quote Quite smart

Quote Azatej

azatej is probably more intelligent than most of us

you fail

image: 1220744440081
i assume by "most of us" you are talking about belgians
cut the racist crap

belgian has the world's second best educational system ( only finland beats us ), the average intelligence at birth is decided by general random factors, but the intelligence one has when he finishes his education will be higher in belgium than in most other places
wow I was confused for a second and typed something that didn't belong there, now my entire argument has fallen into pieces , what a disaster

just proves that you don't have anything relevant to say, thanks for proving my point ;)
Geooooooooooooooooooooooooownd :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
vila, nie zielig doen omdat ge zelf geowned werd in het vorige argument
Kevin kan het ni aan hahahaha

u should keep quiet after unblind comment, since your comment was an impressive fail :D.
you've already proven that your iq is something around 27 so stop talking to me
goddamn it! u cant resist answering a troll m8. trolled u like 8 times this month and u always get so mad :DDD

btw u shouldn't talk about ppl's IQ when you just got rolled...:DDDDDDDDDDD

as crook said:

"Always figured you as a decent lad, but you seem to be just another victim of crossfire retardation."

Kevin kan het ni aan hahahaha
when did I get mad? I'm just replying because you keep talking to me

don't assume things that aren't sure kid
"you've already proven that your iq is something around 27 so stop talking to me "

that's getting mad


that is also a proof of u getting mad

image: umad

read again what crook said.
crook on 05/05/10, 21:54:06 PM | Reply

That was a reply towards unblind, who I think to be acting immature in this argument.

I did, learn English
ure right, but hey the same applies for u ;D at first i thought u were a nice guy, but then i lol'd.
I am a nice guy, most of the times, but you're annoying me with your random spam ( or did you think I never noticed you were trying to get me to react? ), so I reacted in pure frustration while knowing that was what you wanted to achieve
the thing is i started trolling u since the moment u answered me in a bad way some days ago ! :< so i see we'll finally marry each other m8
That was a reply towards unblind, who I think to be acting immature in this argument.
Yes, intelligence is closely related to spelling.
Always figured you as a decent lad, but you seem to be just another victim of crossfire retardation.

I do agree that aza is or atleast acts like a retard, but I don't rate those "all belgian people are stupid" crossfire members alot higher.
you might consider it an intelligent thought process to spell check your post when trying to argue about intelligence, i started the belgium hate back when i played in ET[LEFOU]BE so get your facts straight
So basically you are at the core of something that idiotic and you act proud?
On top of that, you seem to think a spelling check is a requirement for an intelligent argument?

He obviously made a typing error. I guess you recognised it as such and you just wanted to provoke him.
I fail to see how you can have an 'intelligent argument' when you can't read and write.
Since this is an international forum and that was obviously just a human typing error, I do.
I guess unblind was trollin abit though, provoking kevin.
damn this old shit is cash, u want to defend your super education over your place and u go and call the english flag the UKs flag and then the typo:D

btw also your IQ wont be any better after finishing your studies:P
That, mister, is not UK flag.
It's the flag of England, not of the entire UK, jeez those Belgians...
english flag.
couldn't agree more

it is brilliant and fucked up at the same time, finally some1 saying it =)
what the fuck, gtv money - serious business :DDDD
even poor polak like me can't find anything funny in earing virtual money
Well it had to happen some time ^^
It's like Wolverhampton and their £25000 fine :p
the LU seemed to good to be true and someone said (forgot who) if something seems to good to be true its most likely false
Lol, that's so not true. but still :>!>>>>>>>>

I think they abused the situation once it happened to be there, not that they created the situation on purpose
We had no intention to play the qualifier because a) Impact are bad (waste of my time), b) we deserved direct invite. Rest we would play.
yes we can see how you deserved a direct invite for such a stable lineup and motivated team which is practicing 0 times a week???
i didn't prac last ec but you didn't kick us out
everyone knows about the 6 hours cp training you had, nice try!
avoid the issue with a small reference to a joke i made, nice
just like you are avoiding challenges on CB? hehe i made a joke :)))
i have no idea what you are talking about but wouldn't then the game just get forced?
you obviously don't know how to use a wildcard since you said that you used the backups vs Rockit because nobody was available while we all know the truth, you wanted to be funny. Why didn't you use the wildcard that time? I can't even force matches cos your real EC lineup is never available unless its sunday, and overload offered to play on monday, tuesday, Wednesday and thursday but perfo & wiaderko aren't available, and i don't want to stay going on msn to schedule your matches, you or whoever is the clanleader/war arranger should do it. You're lucky i did it for 3 times.
i think i was in bed at the time of rockit game but sure, my fault. im not a nazi (unlike some on this site), is up to my teammates if they want to wildcard or not. i thought the whole point of forcing matches was that you didn't contact the teams and that it was well... forced?

i know which games we need to win and which aren't important, senseless to put effort into games that we don't even need to play to make it to playoffs... i think you'll find f5/idle doing the same
perfo has concerts during the week and wiaderko can't play during the week, if i force your match to mon - friday you won't be able to play with your real lineup unless you use baggiez or somebody else
sunday? irrelevant though, i doubt we need our full lineup for group stage rofl
I understand your reasons for the kick in some ways, but I think they're a bit covered up. I assume you're annoyed as you stuck your neck out for them to get a quali. Had you made this decision after the next set of rounds if us shitters had played again, I would of understood, but the fact that a lineup was there to play the teams, they made the effort too turn up against frogz (which didnt even show) with a full lineup + the likelyness of them playing full lineup against the next set of opponents and onwards seems logical reasons to keep them in. Also the fact you never let them prove themselves in an important game seems retarded, after sticking your neck out. I don't care what some of them might say, I'm sure they would still like to win EC, regardless of time spent pracing they are capable of beating a lot of the current top teams.
their next match was versus overload, the match would have been scheduled to Thursday 21 CET

[22:02:33] [@[CB]Killerboy] this is what would have happened
[22:02:37] [@[CB]Killerboy] ovr - em match
[22:02:41] [@[CB]Killerboy] forced to thursday 21 cet
[22:02:50] [@[CB]Killerboy] wiaderko and perfo are not available
[22:02:53] [@[CB]Killerboy] i already asked them
[22:03:06] [@[CB]Killerboy] and tekoa is not listed on your clan anymore

can't see any way they could play that match unless they use 3 backups.
Fair enough then. Whilst I knew about tekoa i didnt about wiadro. Can't see why this wasn't just posted originally though!
If you think you deserved a direct invite why didnt you just show us? dont get me wrong I know you are good and stuff but seriously doing things like this just because you didnt get a direct invite:x you should have just played that match and won yourself in EC
soz for engrish:D
did they actually break any clanbase rules?
I don't think so. He's just making rules as it goes..
got the same rolex, but blue, and fake :P
Rolex only about 4.600 € !?
You have two :(
Because you're a rich and swarve chap.
Why everyone thinks I'm rich? ^^
aint every korean pro gamer rich? ^^
was about to say what Scarzy said
Obviously anyone sponsored by Giorgio Armani must be rich!
I knew ET community is one of the most retarded community. What about filling my "I don't care" box?
Oo WTF? highskillers are atm a bit insane Oo
i somehow doubt it was to get GTV money.

and they pretty much had their lu out for the frogz game

your "inside source" isn't that well informed.
image: post-14673-1190869069

this shit is $$$
group C => group of DEATH :PPP
if u look at my gambling stats u would see that i always bet on my opponent, but that doesnt necessarily mean that I am gonna throw match for gtv "riches". And dont need to mention that its not even a real money.. imo not news worthy and lets face it, who didnt see this coming?
but you play the match and you're listed on the gtv lineup.
wait wernt the ones listed the same?

if this is the actual reason they have been removed, actually funny as hell.
even Highbot are stronger than that backup lulz, they can only play on sunday and they would eventually lose multiple matches by noshow unless they use that backup team, which won't win one game, waste of time.
btw what rule did they actually break?

didnt they play the previous match with full lineup or at least try and due to the other team not showing couldnt? (could be wrong hardly follow ET)
for impact they had wiaderko, mayni, noodle, baggiez fredd.
for Rockit they had wiaderko, mayni, noodle, baggiez fredd(?).
for frogz they had teKoa wiaderko baggiez meez and perfo but the match wasn't played cos frogz died, and they don't have one of the main players playing with them anymore if you check their clan log.
The full main lineup could only play on sunday, wiaderko can't play during weekdays except after 23 CET which nobody wants to play, perfo can't play many times during the weekdays (mon,tue,wed,thur for sure).

in their match vs overload, overload offered to play on: mon,tue,wed,thurs but em could only play sundays, which would mean another noshow win or backups playing, and i'm sure vila and co wouldn't want to play vs them, just like rockit would have refused to play if they knew before hand, there was no way they were going to pass through tbh.

also EM never challenged any opponent, i had to contact them on MSN and i shouldn't have to do that everyday tbh, they're rarely on irc.
just sounds like they actually havnt broken a rule and just alot of people are butt hurt. :\
well there is a rule that if you signup with "x" lineup and use "y" lineup to decieve the admins it will result in removal from the cup and suspension from the next EC if it is that grave(?)
if your talking about # Any attempt by a clan to deceive the Supervisors by letting a player fakenick, or providing deliberately false information (including faking match scores) will result in the clan being removed from the cup. Additionally any players involved in the match may be banned if it can be proven that they were aware of an attempt to break the rules. If this attempted deceit occurred in the last week of group matches or later then the player(s) will also be banned from the next cup season. In serious cases (e.g. lying even when warned) the Cup Supervisors may consult with the Cup Chiefs and a decision to impose a temporary or permanent ban from all ClanBase competitions may be taken.

i hardly think anyone fakenicked considering it was their names on the roster which were also on the gtv pages, no false information was passed considering it was all on the cb page itself.

just curious, where is the APL for this season?
didnt impact also mess with their APL against overload before? by adding someone mid game? drago maybe?
Once again, Killerboy, you're a fucking moron.

Making up rules as you go along? :DDDDDDD

Also, in the Team EASYMODE newspost, made right here on crossfire, the full Easymode lineup was listed. This included ALL 20+ of it's members, with no preference given to a 'starting lineup'.

However, [flag=nazi]Sol DELETED the newspost. Furthermore, United KingdomTosspoT has mislead the community with such slurs as "were planning mischief for their third eurocup fixture"

Crossfire 3.0 - A NORMALMODE Community.
if i post logs i'll send you and SKK back to your cave so don't make me do it.
logs + killerboy = watch out! :-D
Post logs and break crossfire rules. See where that gets you.
QuoteHowever, [flag=nazi]Sol DELETED the newspost.

Quote Baggiez on 05/05/10, 15:14:03 PM | Reply
Post logs and break crossfire rules. See where that gets you.

See the glaring similarities?

image: hurr

Newspost didn't break crossfire rules.

Logs do.
sol bad admin??

image: 2zhqe4y
In said case.

Killerboy moving the subject away from his glaring bad admining?

[insert stupid face to reinforce point]
<insert trolled hard pic>
[insert rule that admin used to enforce kicking team out of EC unjus.. o wait

Quote by KILLERBOYwell there is a rule that if you signup with "x" lineup and use "y" lineup to decieve the admins it will result in removal from the cup and suspension from the next EC

If only you did your job and checked EASYMODE lineup on clanbase or crossfire

image: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurr
no ec clan/player wants you in the cup and your real lineup cba to schedule or play their matches? sounds like the easiest decision to remove a clan from a serious business cup.
Yet we showed up for two games that oppo did not?

image: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurr
i think they were afraid of mayni

image: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurrimage: hurr
im sorry but without a APL in EC what do you expect?
all i can see is youv banned a team with no reason but folding to people being butt hurt.
its not exactly EZMODES fault if there is no APL being used...

id really enjoy seeing an actual rule that has been broken.
what does the apl have to do with this? APL is automatically generated as soon as the qualifiers finish. aka 3 weeks ago.
well without a allowed players list who is to know who is in a current lineup which seems to be the issue you are currently clinging to. Please feel free to quote me a rule that actually applies to what they have done wrong? due to the one i previously quoted hardly being applicable to this situation.
he doesnt need to quote rules. do us a favour & stfu
solid input or he could of given a valid reason to start with and skip all the hassle?
no need for a valid reason, EM didnt want to play from the start. Its better without them :P
then maybe your shit team can finally make it into EC :3
relevant much
as relevant as your original comment =)
his shit team is already in ec :) how about yours?
got a win over impact, how about yours?
mine? :d i dont play ec
then i shall speak with you no further, be gone peasant.
a forfeit no show hardly counts as a win
doesnt matter if you win by an inch or a mile =)
do you have a boyfriend?
I'm FAT and UGLY!
you must be PMSing
I deleted what now?
Team EASYMODE news post 2/3 weeks ago. Asked you about it irc if you remember
Ah, that. It was deleted because it was just a shit MS paint logo and a list of names.
Quotealso EM never challenged any opponent, i had to contact them on MSN and i shouldn't have to do that everyday tbh, they're rarely on irc.

According to their clanpage, Scarzy is their "manager", he's always on irc... :(
and he never made any effort to challenge or accept a pending challenge from opponents :(
true dat, but your statement about them never being on irc is false =(
i wasn't there for any of the matches rofl
Actually, we've beaten highbot as a mix many more times than we've lost. Also allthough we are obviously shitters, EASYMODE only wanted to play together or not at all (thats what i figure anyway). So thats the reason for the weak lineups. Wiadro and meez just took the opportunity to get some GTV monies.
QuoteActually, we've beaten highbot as a mix many more times than we've lost.

so you've managed to lose to highbot? that's a reason good enough to remove your animelinux-club from serious business-cup
I dont remember losing to them, but last time i made a comment about beating mm 4 years ago i got flamed :(. Thought i'd cover my bases.
its long time I actually read rules of gtv but is there any rule that I cant bet on my opponent? + 90% of money I lost were lost in matches I played in and bet on opponent...
E: if it was some real money or at least there were some way to exchange those gtv ones for items or whatever It would make sense to forbid players betting on their own matches. But in this way (since I dont break any kind of league rule), I wont stop betting on my opponents, its my rly old habbit, prematch ritual if u want...
This has nothing to do with it?

It would only be the same if you signed up Rockit with clown, filus, joop, hayaa, zak and you also recruited backups: me, homer, krosan, anaconda and you have no intention in playing with the first lineup, also you never pracc and the only day you can play a pracc is sunday.

They already used the backups against Impact and you, Rockit.

GTV Betting is something else, it just shows they planned it since Meez had actually already told me about their "plan" after the Impact match and eVo knew what they were going to do in future matches from wiaderko aswell.

I almost always bet on my opponent when I don't know who is going to win, so atleast if i don't win the match, i know i can win gtv money.
ah i thought that ur "but you play the match and you're listed on the gtv lineup" stands for "therefore u cant bet on ur matches" or smth similar :)
Easy Mode was created by man. They rebelled. They evolved. There are many backups. And they have a PLAN.

image: newcylon
yeah... it's our responsibility to post lineups on gamestv... right
YER, we all know meez is too busy fucking hoes and smokin weed.
i think the money doesnt play a role in this case...
the point is that those kids got an invite for ec, which is the highest and most popular league in our beloved game and got nothing better to do than fuck their group up
i just got confused by the news title :)
imo next time you should take moar mix teams to ec.
e-money, serious business :D
who cares about gtv money, I'd ban them all because they faked their lineup while signing up. that lineup cant even beat oc 2nd div teams.

watched 2 much anime it seems and think they are funny
Rofl please, you would be fucking kerb stomped by that line up.
need more W.O.G smackdown
Even if we would, does it matter? we are not in ec. thats not the point.point is that they filled totally different lineup while signing up and thus making fun of cup.

now go enjoy some more anime,super kawai kid
All the players were in the clan before this seasons EC
Lineup was clearly stated different.
when meez requested a late signup i asked him for the lineup and he told me it would be "meez, perfo, aza, tekoa and probably wiaderko", only for that lineup did i allow them to signup their clan late.
right so no matter what they MUST use that lineup for every single game. get over it, they had to use backups, so they did.

this entire post is hilarious.
If they are ONLY allowed to play EC cause of the lineup stated above then they are literally forced to play with the named people or with SLIGHT changes.
they announced their lineup on crossfire but a nazi admin deleted it.

and killerboy could of stated to the team or something about "only those 5 or a slight change is an allowed lineup"
when meez wanted to signup his clan for EC, i asked him for the lineup and he said "me aza perfo tekoa + tba" wouldn't mind if that 5th is baggiez, but more than 1 is just too much, and it happened for 2 matches from 3 already
so you expect every team to stick with the same 5 everyday all day each week of the month and year? get real, there were bound to be backups used.
all ec clans have used the same for players that are ec skilled in past and presend ec cups
Wel id like to mention Evo and Adacore here:>
that is only 1 slight change though, not a whole lineup.
adacore can and did easily compete in ec.
thanks :|
Adacore was a decent player, and i'm sure could of played in a lot of EC teams. You are a lot worse than EC skill, so hardly anything to be upset about.
I'm not upset but you have no clue how i am playing lately, prior to mine and ross' bust up on a few occasions now he has mentioned the teamplay has been a lot better when i have played so....
I am no where near impact level but quite confident i can handle myself in many other teams and back when unkind (ross sqzz me west tyyrd crmbs) went to LAN i was probably the best player that lan, you however are no where near EC skill so the way you guys by being part of the CB team and hiding behind top players got to play is a disgrace.
I am a better ET player than you I'm sure, this isn't flame just my honest opinion. I realize i am nowhere near as good as the proper players for EM, or impacts players, or..etc. I'm not an arrogant person but I'm offended you think you're so much better.
I'm not here to flame, you have your opinion i have mine, i stand by what i said, if that offends you then c'est la vie
Opinions are just that I suppose.
riiiiiiiight, cause every team in EC atm is using a top skilled lineup with top players... oh wait.
not really. he just told the lineup @irc or so. CB lineup says the otherwise = they can use them aswel (as their backups ofc) so in the matter of fact killerboy should have checked their lineup before adding them to EC not just by checking their _mainlineup_ which can't play during weeks

ololzozor. not blaming kb or anything btw
you are fucking kidding right?
that is the main reason, the gtv bets isn't the reason they were out.
lmao serious nerds are serious
just like mm did
lol u removed the second best team in whole cup. In last EC game EASY MODE had their lineup who would rape 99% of the ec teams and for what? to get removed days after.. idiots
hello there!

i doubt em would've raped rockit or dignitas. stay realistic, young lady ;)
i am no fan of both teams, just being realistic, young one
made me lol.

im supprised its taken this long for this type of scandal to come out... surely this has been happening all the time...
Do you seriously think that we did it for GTV money?
You were a good manager. :(
You think? :)

I made sure there was no prac screen shotting going on.
i meant with people who are more concerned about gtv money...

if i was in your situation facing much stronger teams I probably would have given people the night off, played for fun or given backup players a chance because you're gonna loose anyway

but i meant for your every day n00b team who get too excited by 10000 points on GTV. Its pretty simple to fix a game if u wanted to so i'm sure that someone has been bothered before.
meez biggest nerd in whole community too bad perfo was/still playing with him
Haha love the latest newsarticles, keep 'em coming Toss!
wiadro you are is my idol

chyba nizej nie da sie upasc w internecie

Why are you giving the attention they crave? Sad really
imo this is quite bullshit they could also be thinking well if we lose atleast we are rich and if we win ah well we go next round anyway. just to make it a win win situation in some way lol. would be sad to remove 1 of the strongest teams.
image: 30li2io

Elementary, my dear Watson
You called?
you must be soooo bored :-)
just really talented with paint. xo
on behalf of a shy german

image: biy2mhyqzpsosdjgp
hahahaha :D
i want it :( helloooo kitty

edit: which german : o
GTV Betting Scandal rocks EC ----> rly super scandal:-D :-D
andy pls send me my money:-D /q me 4 more details on #CZET thx
Just ban these retards for every future CB EC or NC. If they can't take an EC serious they shouldn't play in it. And afaik it's not the first time either.

Just ban 'm forever and give people who really want to play in it a chance.
was worth it

brb hawaii
Super hawaii kids?
See you on the field :)))
endless nerdness
just when you think the scene cant get any more nerdish, you do smth like this.. thank you D:
EASYMODE where shit anyway.
I concur with several other posters: Nobody cares about the gtv bets but faking lineup is just boo. Especially because of ETTV. I know, most found it very funny (ETTV trolled hard!) but it's actually not -- it hurts the game and the community.

Ban okay. Also because if a team doesn't want to play EC they simply should not sign up but not do this kind of crap.

But yet... it *is* kinda funny :D
serious money scandal business :DDDDDD
who cares about a team full of retards
lol, good job Meez.
Group C - Group of Death!

Impact & frogz don't even show to server..... waste our time.... and you kick us out and not them????????

QuoteThough the match against Impact eventually rescheudled, and now forfeited the intention was during both matches to field a side that could not compete with the likes of Impact & Rockit without making it public knowledge to rake in the money on

Unfounded allegations. Our lineup was made PUBLIC on Crossfire which someone from your admin team deleted... yet you claim WE were the ones not making it public knowledge? Too many overzealous GTV "Managers" add in lineups of teams when they don't even know who will play. Our fault? Not really. Suck my ass Toss. I also don't think you realize just how bad Impact are, that lineup could have beaten them.

Ronner calling anyone a moron. Priceless :>.
what's the point in pretending you are motivated to play this EC? come on , I've seen better trolling
i didn't plan on commenting at all but i was asked to [+ im not the only one with the password to this account]
my comment didn't require any replying !! but well .... and I wonder who would ask you to do such things
That was in Enschede not Rotterdam
but ronner lives in rotterdam
I thought he lived in Alphen aan de Rijn, might just be his work though.
did anyone even tell them that money isnt real?
virtual money hunger !
news says meez did that for emoneyz ! scarzym8

you could have come up with a better reason to kick them xd

wat een mongolen toch allemaal
ze wilde gewoon dat team wegwerken, niemand mag die morons
I pity the fools
well done, Killerboy made another good decision as usual. nerds got rolled.
Sup with other teams that switch lineup 6000 times?
image: biy52yw9tj8gp556o
deserved ! :PP
pathetic freaks
as if they are the first :-)))))

better ban cheaters instead of guys who make that game atleast a bit funz/exciting
you're such an admin :x
im not CB admin neither CF Admin, im miss independent boii :-)
you're such an admin fanboi :x
just not following the mainstream boi :)
you're such an admin fanboi german :x
Ye I'm not happy with that fact either :$
you're such an admin fanboi germann emo :x
This is fun and exciting to you?
nobody cares about it, gtv money, oh noes..
GTV money? Seriously?
Realllllllllllllly Aza?
why would i? its true.
you and your low-friends are not EC worthy.
Meez had made it clear to killerboy that animelinux-club would be playing mostly with decent players with former experience from games above lowskill
yet animelinux-club played with a tribe of mongols that wouldnt be able to beat a single EC-team. (dont tell me how you got forfeit versus impact, you guys wouldnt stand a chance versus them if they had played)

I agree on the fact that your little practical joke was greatly successful, now you should just remain quiet and post TROLLER HARD-pic 100 times a day instead of trying to tell ppl that you could do well if you would go serious since you got nothing to prove it.
nice try but i'm not in that team
well, you're part of the animelinux-club and defending them.

+ my arguments also remain correct.
not played with them in quite a while now, so you're wrong again. i'm doing nothing that involves them gamewise atm
no, Im not wrong. they're who you hang around with and who you defend, that's what I ment with you sticking with their pokemon-club.

I dont really care wether you play or not, for me you're one of them.
wrooooooooooong =(
Im sure I noticed super kawaii kids-clan in your profile, that makes you a pokemon. U lost. !:D
U MAD?! d:d:DD
U MAD?! :d.D.D
U MAD?! :d:dDDdd:dDD
U MAD?! :dD:DD.dDD
U MAD?! _d:d.D.D.D.DD
U MAD?! -D-D:d-1
just read that comment of yours now. Hhahahahahahaha laughed my ass off :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
kuningas on kuningas. :D näitä lisää!
Did Guy Ritchie orchestrate the whole thing ?
were gonne seed a noob lineup vs dignitas tomorrow and bet on them!
so your normal lineup then? image: 2zhqe4y
Pffff all that for gtv money hahaabaahahahahababahah


once AGAIN the ET scene manages to go even lower :DDDD
Called that one out 2 weeks ago!
I confess I was the source that revealed the evil plan. I mean a clan signing up with a 200+ man lineup and telling the admin the likely 5 members to be playing but then causing poor ettv viewer sleepless nights by using a backup! I AM DISGUSTED.

And to think they did it all for GTV moneys. Well I never...
image: 128801497975829984

And again to think they would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids CB supervisors!
image: Scooby-doo-meddling-kids
just let the boys play :)
YEAH, they definatly did it for the e-moneyz

GTV money is misleading, you should have used GTV points or smth like that toss
They offered me a lot of GTV money to keep this quiet, but I just couldnt
You were offered money and you just turned it down?
Ya see you make the same mistake that Meez and Wiadro made, GTV money isnt real money!
I have to admit, your doing a good job in providing drama. But i guess most people know that you dont actually believe this had anything to do with GTV money :o
GTV money isnt real? OMG i tough i was fucking rich!
Tosspot has started trolling ;o
xd this post is so 1337!
and also why is it that all wnb smart belgian dudes, are losing their arguments so hard :x??
well imo this is not about the gtv money / "betting scandal" (who cares about that money anyways) but because they were using some totally random lineup which wasn't supposed to be the team which got the qualifier/invite and making a total joke out of clanbase.
Quotemaking a total joke out of clanbase.

like they need any help
hey give back my poker chips you basterd :)
so i get it back with intrest then :)
well, i think delete their gtv accounts would be enough... :)
perfo became such a nerd, used to be funny as fuck ;p
Perfo was so cool until he met Meez
I still remember the day Meez robbed me of my innocence.
hahaha mongol ofzo? :)
e-money, serious buisiness.........
Is this some kind of joke? ':D' I can't believe that some1 could cheat to earn GTV munniez :D. YOU'S TROLLING
hm i dont actually get the point..they broke no rules, maybe !! they dont really wanted to play anyways but jeah that would mean they wouldnt pass groupstage if they would always play with a weak lineup.. so whats the problem.

every ec u have some team which are more like fillups having a semistrong lineup...if em decided to be the same this time its ok.

i also dont care about the gtv stuff.. only bad thing was that i wasted some time watching the "fake" lineup get rolled :)
I doublechecked to make sure it's not the 1st of april
delusions re: reality.
really big e-drama happening here.
omg, who cares?
such a joke
You have chosen wisely, ....... NOT !
Scandalous! What heinous crimes will TosspoT unearth next?!
meez is an egotard,with no talent but a revolting face
scared more? show up to your games plz
mmmkay i erase the face thingy, but the rest is still true
If this had happened in Korea, the death penalty would be in line for Meez and co.
This really took the heat off Ross for a day, dont worry though tomorrow i'm sure we'll find something to post about him
i know you like the pageviews but when your own site deletes our public lineup announcement it's a tad odd to accuse us of being deceitful
goddamn. i am soooo disappointed at these guys wow..






He used to be cool before he started playing WoW.
image: 26392kl

is it chew's fault for you too? =(
poor wiadro, no money
prawdziwy nolife z krwi i kosci
Think I wouldn't have personally kicked them out for a reason like that and what does it matter if a team practises or not, but ofc we can argue if it was relevant to let them play EC in the first place if they are too inactive in general
I think the problem was that they got directly invited because they gave an epic line-up, then from there they didn't play that lineup once.

Maybe the admins fault for not making them go through qualifiers but hey, they sorted it out in my opinion.
They're all fucking jap obsessive nerds anyway :/
brb rave in [random spick holiday resort] yeaaaaa boiiii
et scene wtf
removed cause of gtv fake money? just lol...
Xfire even more emo than usual.
Whats going on?
And 400 comments just like that...
Ban the retards for life!
Fuck this shit
image: I_will_fuck_your_shit_up
srsly, this is 2 pathetic for words :D
This is the saddest news I've read in a while.. I feel sorry for the nerds involved :/
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