*UPDATE* The Impact Player?

Impact Gaming who were in the headlines this week for removing United KingdomR0SS from their online roster have moved quick to snap up another player, one some of them are very familiar with in the shape of Polish star Polandwiadro. Wiadro was in the headlines prior to CIC7 with questions over his loyalty being raised, however after he answered in style with a dominant performance for YYT at the event and tonight has confirmed he will be moving back into Impact, for whom he played at CC5.

Following CIC7 he moved into Easymode and with their demise he found himself looking for a new home. Ironically his home would come in the arms of Impact manager eVo who was quick to lambast the behaviour of Easymodes players only to pounce upon the availability of Wiadro to fill the hole in his team. This comes contrary to a public conversation the impact manager partook in at CIC7 stating he would never have the pole in his team ever again.

- Update -

Impact Gaming manager eVo did not confirm this news. Krosan went to have a talk with him to figure out eVo's side of the story:

eVo, reports are that you have taken wiadro into the Impact team what can you tell us about this?

This news is fascinating to me since early stage conversations have taken place between myself, wiadro, adacore and sqzz. Wiadro messaged me a few days ago asking if he could join up for EC until gifty gets back, at this point we are positive about the idea however want to discuss the options with the full squad to see what they think.

Fair enough, you have been quite vocal about easy mode and that you think they should be removed from EC, now you are considering taking on one of their players?

Yes we are considering it, my understanding of Wiadro's situation is that he was asked to play with easymode and then basically found they never played, I'm not sure of the details within easymode relating to his activity etc. however he has told me that due to some changes in work he could be fully active for us if we want him, at this point I will discuss with my team and go from there.
I would say that we can make our own news posts about players should be make changes, I don't require TosspoT to make them as all he seems to want to do at the moment is try to build up scandal, as far as I am concerned he is just shit stirring to get activity on his site.

After all these line up changes and fuss surrounding your team, do you think your chances for AEF are still up to par? Do these 'scandals' or e-drama affect the performance of your team on the long run?

I don't think so at all since what we have been doing up until now is more judging the players, their performances, where there may be weak points or areas we need to work on, i think its clear we have lacked a true rifle and we have been desperate for gifty to get back from his travels, some of the players have needed to adjust to 5o5, in fact they still do, mine and adacore's position is to build a team capable of winning in AEF and if we are required to change players to do that until we find a balance we are happy with then that's what we will do so that come AEF we are in the best shape we possibly can be.
evo: will never recruit wiadro into impact (again)
wiadro: impact are noobs

"No one has the intention to build a wall!“

- Walter Ulbricht 15th June 1961
Maybe he didnt have such an intention at the moment of saying this :DDD
that's why they started building up the wall only 2 months after his statement :D
thats the whole points dude. the quote is basically the same as evo said and did.

he said he wouldnt but he did.

they said they wouldnt, but they did
no shit?! are u sure? :D
not really, my grandparents didnt have the chance to tell me those stories, for some reason. . . u might wanna explain
what... the... fuck .......................................................... you can't be serious
ofc not dude this is an online gamers forum how can somebody be serious in here.. if so, they might wanna search for a life
hast du was gegen antifaschistische schutzwälle du amerikanisiertes kapitalismuskind? :DDDD
nö im gegenteil :D ich bau bei uns im garten heute sogar wieder ne mauer auf!

irgendwie muss ich mich ja gegen meine kommunistischen roten nachbarn schützen :/

scheiß marxisten pack
Quote by WiadroYYT were fucking awful, it was a team of BAD, BAD PLAYERS.

erm, good to know ^^
you only just found out?
ye but i havnt been on irc today
what snoop said :X
Articles need more pictures ;)
Like the content though!
gimme a suitable picture
some markup tags would make the news post much more attractive
atleast flags could be added

and you could use impacts team logo as header e.g.
I reckon there wouldn't exist any proper or suitable pics. I was just messin really ;)
However, I could let you guys hire me as your paparazzi, I'd be taking awesome sneaky pictures for all scoops!
thought nobody would get it :D

btw: you're up early. or late.
the little girl or what?
Huh, no. Clue: Check the image's source destination.
I know the game but dont get the point :o
oh shit, bit slow in the morning. didnt think of the pic as related to something, just thought someone posted funnies pic.
Haha... I was like how can you NOT get the point? But yes, if you don't have Tosspot's question in mind, it seems a biit random indeed :)

PS: But since you mentioned funny pics:

havent played zelda :)
Me neither. But it's still funny :D
i don't get this picture :(
and what question by tosspot do you mean?!
As said before I never played Zelda but I am pretty sure the boomerang would actually collect the gem and kill the eagle and actually coming back.

As for Tosspot's questions that is about the other picture and you can easily find it when you check the orginal post I replied to.

.. oh wait :(
you should get yourself a banner called "crossfire, your daily ET soap" ..
or "CB EC, your daily ET soap" .. or both.. ;-)
Oh God :DD
lineup change every week, http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=100155 would be a way better newspost!
He's allowed to play? awh:(((
There will be ugly consequenses
what's the lu?
how can anyone take Impact serious nowadays? fucking clownshow.

EC aka E-drama Cup?
Nice shooping me on wings body! :(
It's a good shop though :D
i was even wondering wheter u r crouching or sitting on chair or smth like that :D
in real world if you hear that word clown, you obviously think about latvian Clown
Jezus christ. What a drama about Impact etc. Just get the fuck off with those newposts already!
United Kingdom asshole out, Poland asshole in

the overall retardness in this team just slightly got smallered though
seen us hop clans? :-)
You guys are above high, you're demigods.
You guys are above high, you're demigods.
u r just stealin' baguette eaters :)
like you could hop anywhere BD
you're not good enough to get into impact :x
gl wiadro my online & lan m8

#baserace.et is with you
Lol'd. Wiadro just can't get enough of clanhopping :D. It became an addiction for him i guess.
if your clan dies and you are the best rifle in ET, you stay cless? :)
Wiadro is just a funny figure imo. :)
tbh I have rather jere/zMk than wiadro:D and xylos is also better, but he isn't active anymore.
wiadro is better than zmk/jere(atleast on lan)
Everyone has different opinions. Have you played with, or played against them all?
well actually I have only played against jere but yeah thats my opinion
but wiadro can play only twice a week, this aint a problem for evo ?
so what about gifty now?
was wondering the same
I think he's only filling in for EC, guess maybe they have ec and lan lineup
gifty > wiadro

seriously... wtf is happening..
i was awaiting your comment :)
its bloody mental :X
you just took a guy who say you're shit.

Glad I could help.
its really stupid, this drifted off the original plan completely :S
funny facts time!

wiadro claimed he has just sunday off work to pracc! Now it's 2 days!
wiadro literally said you are useless and won't play with players like you ever again! Guess what?
wiadro claimed that he learned his lesson and won't backstab again cause it's not worth it! Guess what again?

I really wish you good luck. Oh, and I wouldn't tell gifty yet since you never know what your new player will do. Just a suggestion :)

i hope u do know ive had no connection with the impact team for over a month now yea?
as ive said before, i wont be playing with wiadro again, i know what hes said so why would i? i fucking well hope someone has spoken to gifty, this is actually ridiculous. glad im not apart of this, its a shambles :S
good to know at least you are not two-faced like some of your friends (former/current). Next step will be taking back R0SS! I'm also quite suprised the little nazi is ok with the change :)
If you read up, the little nazi didn't know until he read this newspost :P
not saying he had anything to do with that decision :) the little nazi doesnt seem angry though :) a little statement would do the work!
Why are you so angry towards Snoop?
im not angry :) just stating my opinion about him :)
you should hear him on vent sometimes,
Just out of curiosity, why don't you like Wiadro anymore? You played on same LAN-team and stuff..?
attitude and mentality clashes causes me to not want to play with him... id still speak to him but i wont play with him
I remember when wiadro offered to buy you a drink and you smashed him in the face with a beer mug
wiaderko will replace gifty until he is back, aka for EC only i guess.
well if ya hadn't stayed in the UK for the summer!!
#velerion - stable since 1989
ye true, we are la familia <3
Hehehehehe. I see what evo has done here.
sad troll
always changing something
this is just like O.o
cool story bro! Actually I didnt expect anything less from him. I'm a bit suprised they took a person like him but it's their problem.
you are typical player that I dont like to play with!
you mean pro? :D

guy whos thinkin pro you mean
yes, his brain is enormous <3
thats why he will never get the recognition imo he deserves as rifle. fair enough anyway.
you have no idea what they are talking about do you?
I fucking love this EC!
sqzz better jump ship, this line-up is quickly becoming most hated.
No kamz, no h8~.
lol, eVo is blinded by skill
What loyalty? You whine at everything -.-
This is Impact's 10th lineup this season? Should have kept it like this:

Finland mystic
United Kingdom sqzz
United Kingdom razz
United Kingdom Sheep
United Kingdom R0SS
remove ross, then it should be stable and skilled
infect on 08/05/10, 09:10:40 PM | Reply

remove ross, then it should be stable and skilled

I hope you're joking with this? :D ross was one of the key players in impact gaming.
snoop would do hell of a better job
and you know what you can do a hell of a job of?.......sucking my balls
You really can just gtfo because you are stupid, we all know that.

And starzi, try to suck less top players balls, it's just pathetic
starzi sucking anyones balls?

Nigger please
Everytime I click your name your online.....enjoy life n go out, feel a lil breeze on your chest.....besides its not like your any good at the game you beeen hovering at low+ for years...find a new profession Sander
starzi your comments are always the fucking best ones to read. STARZI WHAT THE FUCK?!?!!
lol - how you been? u going aef?
Yea i think ill be there. You showing your face there fella?
even nOu have a chance to beat them :P
so what is the actual line up now?
lulz :D
u should rebuild this:
snoop/m1lk :)

2bad some of them are inactive :/
+1 man, I would be pleased to see syK coming back
syK plays atm. Although i dont know how actively.
nearly 5 days a week, BOOYA
Good Player-Manager Scarzy gets his players online, on-time.
kick impact out of EC for too many LU changes, same rules apply for every team!
you are all mongo's man... :D

...this rolling lineup shouldn't be participated in EC anymore... IMO ...make a pool :)
A pool would indeed be a nice touch for the upcoming, hopefully hot summer. ;)
seems quite nice scenes, luckily I don't have any idea what is happening

any time soon
This is worth logging into Crossfire Saturday morning.
Wiadro best rifler in ET atm <3
hallo? half of his trickshots are riflescripts. Expected those to be banned for ages, but apparently a 180 script is considered cheating, though riflescripts are ok.
Krein > wiadro
really bad decision evo. I can respect bucket for his ET skills but according to some of his teammates last season he's the definition of a nerd and basicly killed any teamspirit or joy ppl had at playing the game.

gl, you'll need it!
Those are some harsh words!
coming from his own teammates
overload for most stable topclan ever ( or ex topclan, depends on how they will perform during the ec )
people say wiadro isn't loyal but he'd backstab impact in a second if snb reformed. he is just that loyal.
The ridiculousness hits it big

i see the scene havent lost it's drama :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
I have a hangover and what is this?

ps. im 12 yrs old
You can't get hungover from energy drinks matias, you can't.
i just finished moving house and what is this :D
it can fit well as journal, or make kevlar's top3 movies journal as news
I wasnt removed - i left. Also quite surprised eVo took wiadro after what he said about wiadro on the train home from cic7. Not surprised about wiadro - 1 of the most unloyal pricks u will find playing this game. GL to the rest of impact though x.
exactly my idea also. I cannot understand how they took wiadro again after last season.
Total lie, he is loyal. He'd backstab anyone to rejoin SNB.
you dont have to post that 10 times to same news post, we all know how he likes to watch anime & play HoN & sc2 with your nerd brotherhood.
oops truth hurts
2 lineup changes already?

kick plz
Who cares about Impact Gaming. These news contain scandal only now lol.
everyone talking over and over about impact++++++++++++++++who cares
soon mystic will leave for the reputation impact is getting atm =o
I'm lost, what's the line up now ?
United Kingdomsqzz
United Kingdomsheep
Polandwiadro / Switzerlandgifty
Which on paper is pretty FUCKING SICK.
nääh, dignitas will bash them anyways
Even on paper?
Another backstab incoming.
Theyll come 4th anyways
You are a fucking idiot evo, You kick United Kingdom Ross because he isn't able to pracc 1-2 days and now you take in a Poland idiot that is only avi to play after 22.30 :DDDDDDDD , great managing skills , no offense
it seems to me this isn't real ..

i doubt evo would pull off something stupid like that. he'd fuckin bullshit himself?!
wiaderko can play everyday from nextweek :D
you seriously think i would do that?? Come on now vila have a word with yourself :P
Well I don't know, it's no flame towards you as a person , just the decisions made..
No but come on surely you dont think that either myself or adacore would recruit someone who couldnt play?
Probably not but the guy you recruited is the most disloyal backstabbing unreliable fag ever..
i think ross was kicked/left because he's gonna go to lan with a different team
5euros says there'll be another lineup announced within the next two weeks
50 euros? hummel?
gl guys, nice team

also gl2u evo!!! :D
didnt expect this 1 :D
Remove from EC? I only see 1 player from original lup!!!
don't forget noshows... clearly not dedicated team. cb ban them too imo.
if it is to replace gifty for EC and wiadro is active, i guess it was a good decision.

no idea about all this hating stuff tho.. but it is funny to read all the quotes :D
I love how news is posted about Impact lineups without me even confirming anything with the other players or adacore, wtf is this shit tosspot!!!
QuoteYes we are considering it, my understanding of Wiadro's situation is that he was asked to play with easymode and then basically found they never played

image: trolled_hard
Quoteas far as I am concerned he is just shit stirring to get activity on his site.

who cares, its fun
Quote by eVoWiadro messaged me a few days ago asking if he could join up


Quote by eVomy understanding of Wiadro's situation is that he was asked to play with easymode and then basically found they never played


Quote by eVohe has told me that due to some changes in work he could be fully active for us

I'm sure tmoe are thrilled to hear this 'update'
what you rofling at its the truth?
We're on vent with wiadro now ...
Great then you can ask him if he left me an offline msn message asking that, i copy pasted the message to sqzz on irc to get his reaction so probably have the logs of it too
Quoteasked to play with easymode and then basically found they never played

Quote by wiadroWHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT? I knew they don't play. I had work shifts
Also I'm not implying that you are being dishonest, because it looks like you're forwarding what was said to you.

But I can assure you, it's fucking hilarious. Read into it what you will.
your version of the truth is different to other peoples, but whatever makes you happy!
eVo, reports are that you have taken wiadro into the Impact team what can you tell us about this?

This news is fascinating to me since early stage conversations have taken place between myself, wiadro, adacore and sqzz.

You are such a liar, outright, no two ways about it LIAR. Dont try and get the sympathy vote that the big bad tosspot is out to get you, crying a river over text messages and then get Krosan to post an interview with you that is full of lies.
There are no lies in it and to quote someone tonight, Big bad Tosspot, "dont flatter yourself"! And FYI i dont need favours from you
Mature comment
What can you do? The guy is harrassing me via text, hes asking my other admins to delete the newspost when there is a reality that not only did wiadro confirm he joined impact, but i've a secondary source of evidence stating from evo that he'd joined. There is no way to combat pure lies, evo didnt like negative reaction from the community and is trying to back away from it. Yes I might have written the piece in a 'scandal' fashion, but like with every newspost made by me on CF, it isnt just plucked outta the sky to generate pageviews, it is correctly sourced. Why would after how ever many years I just start making shit up? eVo loves to play the victim, only this time it just doesnt wash.
relax toss, I was just surprised to see _you_ make a comment full of flame, I'm not interested in this situation at all, I don't know what happened between any of the people involved, therefore I won't judge anyone, chill
Lets be clear on this:
Did i like the negative feedback, no
But that takes nothing away from the fact that wiadro still to this day has not joined Impact.
List of events in order:
- Wiadro leaves me an offline msn message saying that since EM are no longer in EC could he play with Impact until Gifty gets back
- I forward the message to sqzz and then ask adacore to come online to discuss it
- We chat about it, think its potentially a good idea however need to clarify a few things first and speak to the others who aren't online.
- I spoke to wiadro and voiced my concerns over some of his actions in the past and wanted to find out if that is something he would do to Impact, he assured me it wasn't.
- I spoke to killerboy to find out if Wiadro would be able to play with Impact in EC, he said yes and so happy with that i fed that info back to wiadro who was now offline.

At this point i went offline as i am moving house, the next steps being to talk to the rest of the team on sunday to see if they agree.

i check crossfire and see a whole news post from you about wiadro joining etc, as is clear from the response from snoop sheep etc they did not know since i hadn't even discussed it with them, it hadn't got that far.

So i wasn't fucking lying and this post going up is bullshit. Following your text to me saying wiadro told you he joined and i asked him if this was true and he said he has been working and most certainly hadn't spoken to you, he did mention that baggiez asked him if he was joining Impact to which he said yes, i am assuming this is how you are getting your clearly very accurate information!!!
This just keeps getting better and better :D
you can never get enough of e-drama
There should be new section "Drama".
Wiadro, you can join anyone and anytime you want. You won't lose any respect from ET community since you had none.
he is still way above his country average though.
above with skill? of course. above with respect? like i would care.
so why u care so much about him ?
I do not. :)
u are wow rob <33333
i like the edrama!!
Shits getting serious!
bad publicity for evo
ET is embarrassing.
I thought tosspot and evo were best friends!
Let that be a lesson to you haya, if you make a newspost that leads to negative comments about eVo/Impact he will turn on you!
ohh , well every1 loves me! including eVo! im sure he will forgive you!
when did crossfire become the wwtdd of et?
good read
We both know that aint true, when you ignore the fact that we/they cheated during 2 weeks. But yeah, you also know how I feel about them now ( and if I havent told you, it's not hard to put the pieces together :P )
Why not just use eVo, he assured me that he is easily EC skilled.

Also, too many lineup changes, no shows, instability?? Kick please killerboy.
i feel very amused - keep that up crossfire!
i feel sorry for mystic
nerd rage
kick from EC!
it's actually interesting to read all the dramas, even if tosspot really tries to exaggerate them

Just funny how we are going towards professionalism and managers + coaches in ET, if they also look for and change players to find a good balance
wtf is this shit
gaming is real business haha!
Oh god. This is getting more pathetic by the day!
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