Aalborg Lan = Troll/Scam

image: 42873382

So after seeing this news post - http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=news&mode=item&id=6142 , I decided to look into it more as I got more interested since I wouldn't mind going to another lan.

However, I noticed a few things:
  • The text on the banner at the top was written in a default font and the text printed on it brang up no results on google..?
    [center]image: failne[/center]
  • I noticed there was no website with any information and just somebody trying to "sell" the city to the community and suck people in.
  • After checking up the dates 10th-12th on the Gigantium website, I decided to have a look on the website and also contacted Gigantium.
    [center]image: 30146774[/center]

So there's no doubt that it's a troll job by some Danes trying to get money from people for the entrance fee. I guess times are tough for them.

You could have least said it was being hosted from 12th-14th, dumb trolls! :c

Sherlock Kamz, over and out.

Aalborg news posts:

haha adi :D
old news :P
I knew Kamz farewell was more important than the AeG2010
Aalborg ain't in Croatia last time I checked!

change that NOW
You're 2L8 :p

hopefully though the croatian lan will take place but no promises yet
That's in october, so doesn't sound very legit either... :(
it most probably will not happen then, cod4 nor et, and their site is down for maintenance after some hackers redecorated it :p

so hopefully we will know soon
Kamz Holmes -o.o-
Already booked my ticket :U
I thought something was suspicious about him and to be honest he should be removed from this community.
i bet adi is broke (poker fish) and tried to get money this way :P nice try adi
donk lololol
LOL Nice one
Who the fuck would go to a LAN without even knowing who are the supervisors there?
Rage cause you lost your camel?
image: niceswan

sounds low risk to me, if the lan is fake at least there is womens volleyball
Handball* , Euro 2010 even, serious business :P
True, I also mailed and got the same reaction.
sweet, now ban the guy
Nice Sherlock Kamz!
Dear Aden "adi" Rovcanin

never fuck with the community

Yours Truly,
The Community
n1 kamz :)
n1 kamz :)
Sherlock Kamz :D

well done
Who send you this screenshot? =D
n1 kamz :)
never believed that :)
Its all Meez' fault...
What can I say. Called it.
Well if they tryd to scam ppl into giving them money to them for an event,
i'm prety sure u can sue them for it :D
n1 kamz, already knew it was scam tho :D
so will entrence fees be returned??
returned by whom? not by gigantium or cf...sue adi then
They thought up this whole elaborate scam just to be blown up by 1 email?
Quote by danLso, to cut the long story short, don't EVER trust adi about anything, most of us have learned that a long time ago but now it's time to enlighten everyone else that may come in contact with him
nice, was already searching for that post. thanks :)
aint that a bitch, a nigger caught a whitey stealing.
my gosh. jokes even gets worse a day by day.

starting to look like a CS community.

haha i would laugh my fucking ass off if everyone felt for it. allready knew he was scamming xDDDDD
rofl :D good work kamz boy :)
I hope you are wrong mate :(
oh yeah this is counter troll from kamz :D
counter troll :)) btw gl with your new team m8.
gg kamz :D
man those trolls got served
someone who fooled the community that well shouldn't be punished :)
Oh now that makes sense. Well he shouldn't get punished by the ones that he actually fooled, so the ones that didn't trust this crap at all from the beginning will punish him.

i dont think the 3.8 percent of the voters will be going to lan now
Legit lan is legit :D:D:D:D:D:D
Nicely done, Kamz - I was going to email the Gigantium myself but hadn't got around to it yet. Sucks that it's fake, but it was pretty obvious from the previous news posts.
image: sherlock2
United KingdomKamzlock
More like :

image: kamzlock
worst fail this year.
You want a banner too? /q me
adi is a retard nothing new :x
Thanks for sorting this out officer
are there so many clueless people here or what?

a six year old kid made that banner
no link what so ever to the site
no news on Gigantium about this
no sponsors

ye very hard to figure out this was a troll right?
There is a difference, oh eternally negative one, between a rumour of something being a scam and an actual confirmation.
eternally negative one :) im sure he likes the ring to that
why did you have to spoil it
Kamz. Pointing out the obvious 2k10.
Work of Captain Obvious is never done. Don't forget this!
dont think it was planned by adi

maybe he just got the info by some other guys and tried to make the "krosan" for danemark. i really dont think that he is so dumb that he tries to mess with the whole community. Well look what happaned if everyone payed his money already. People would directly assume that its adis fault -> police to adis home -> adi fucked up anyway.
so why should he do this if he has anyway no chance to get the money in the end?

(i guess SOMEONE in crossfire knows where adi is living ...or least it would be possible for someone to get his real identity, since he is in the community for some years now...(or am i confounding someone?) )

adi lies too much, pretty sure he made this up for the lulz
hm. thought he is a well known ET player and not this thype of guy. he must be really stupid

e; k convinced me. i just saw the "ip-comment". must be his fault then
Trust me dude, you're right. There will be a statement up in a couple of minutes hopefully. Just waiting on Krosan :).

Been here way too long to spoil it.
kamz from most hated to most loved! :-)
..and I'm speeeeeeedinnnnnnnnnnn..
nice kamzlock
n1 Kamz:)
adi should get a ban
like i already said in some journal, a "ban" is too less in that case imo

Quotei didn't really follow it on crossfire, just partly, but if anyone was harmed (and i mean money in that case), someone should report that case to the danish police imo... this is not some foolish troll anymore if you want to steal money from ppl with such an attempt.
mad nerds here

image: trolled_hard
HEEEEY i posted this pic before and admins deleted it HEEEEY
Nice one kamz, good job




haha nice :D
Ahahahaha, what a story Kamz!
Glad someone busted that homosexual bosnian scumbag!! (remember that guy DefCut exposing his gay doings???)
Anyway, keep up the good work, haaaaugh??

image: 29wviog
no shit

+ ban him for false information and scam
kamz for president
image: Sherlock-Squirrel

wp kamz, wp
Ffs Kamz, stop trolling, this lan is legitimate. Don't bash it just cause your not invited.
damn, I live around 10 mins from gigantium :(
:D you always post the right pics:)
so, it was fake?
Not at all, there should be a statement up soon. Krosan is on it :)
statement about being a liar and a douche bag?
you are feeding the troll :-D
I feed alexL too :D
those guys didnt answer u back tho?:s
never thought i would say this, but well done kamz
what the fuck :D

probably the most shittiest news post that I cant flame like "journal plz". Because it need attention :D A fucking joke really
so how much money did the get?
Nothing, never asked for money.
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