Major change in EC XXII invites

image: 31507r6
Europe has folded just before EuroCup XXII invites were announced. We had to make a last minute change. Now, Malta toxic has informed me that Europe wonderland won't participate in this season. Since I didn't want to simply switch them with another team, I have decided to revolutionize EuroCup Qualifiers pretty much.

EuroCup XXII groupstage will consist of 16 teams, 4 groups per 4 clans. There will be 4 directly invited teams who will create poule 1:
  • United Kingdom Impact Gaming
  • United Kingdom Team Dignitas
  • United Kingdom Aero Gaming
  • Denmark Rage Gaming

Then we will have 16 clans that will play in Qualifiers. 12 of those will play in EC XXII. Qualifier teams will make 8 pairs. 8 winners will create 4 pairs. Winners from "winners" - clans who won 1st game will create poule 2. Losers from "winners" will create poule 3. Then we got 8 "losers" - clans who lost 1st match. They will create 4 pairs. Winners from "losers" will create poule 4, while losers from "losers" will be automatically put into one of the OpenCup Premier League groups.
  • Estonia - Europe WinFakt!
  • Europe TAG - Europe vibe

  • Europe EC Winners - Spain Gamerz Connexion
  • Europe zeroE.mvp - Poland high5

  • Germany Speedlink - Poland 1stCav
  • Europe two4two - Europe stronger than hate

  • Europe i dont know - Europe ICTUS
  • Germany energy wave - qualifier tournament winner

1st matchweek - till sunday 26 Sept (with exception of the last match, can be played on monday)
2nd matchweek - till thursday 30 Sept

Since we have to remove 3 clans recently invited, we have decided to make a tournament between 4 clans that has been added the latest. The winner of 1map matches tournament will take a spot in EuroCup XXII Qualifiers and will compete vs Germany energy wave.

Qualifier tournament schedule:

Time: Thursday, 23 September

20.00 cet - sw_goldrush_te

Poland :h - Poland blurred vision
Czech Republic inteRaction - Europe fuzion

20.45 cet - supply

Czech Republic inteRaction - Poland :h
Poland blurred vision - Europe fuzion

21.30 cet - radar

Europe fuzion - Poland :h
Poland blurred vision - Czech Republic inteRaction


Another EC Season is upon us and SteelSeries is yet again sponsoring the Enemy Territory EuroCup XXII by giving a total of 750€ worth in gaming hardware for the teams that will place in top3 this season.

5x SteelSeries Xai Laser Mouse worth €79.99 each
5x SteelSeries Kinzu Optical Mouse worth €34.99 each
5x SteelSeries 9HD Mouse Surface worth €34.99 each

CUP PAGEimage:
Nicely done. makes EC alot better.
well its true, ec should be only the 16 best teams. No need for 4 fill up teams :P. It has more prestige now & will make oc premier stronger aswell. :P
o I was on about direct invite but np :)
Ye figured :P
we already had direct invite other system too, just could become 2nd seed, now 1st seed for sure

seems a little odd, tovarnak going down!
first: dwukropekha – ICTUS

then: i dont know - ICTUS

noobs joh appeltje eitje :P ik ben weg
Quali for EC Quali ":D" , that's funny . gl
So this means we dont have to play against Speedlink tomorrow?
No, you got a direct.
too bad :( :p
I'm totally lost now
clownbase did it once again...
ist doch jetzt einfacher für euch oder?
jo klar, ist halt nur wieder peinlich wie die clanbase ihre eigenen entscheidungen bereut und 2 tage später den ganzen plan umwirft ^^
sie können wenigstens noch fehler zugeben!
wo hast du das denn gelesen? :D
naja mit ihrer änderung geben sie den fehler indirekt zu^^
ich glaub er fand den satz so philosophisch und tiefgreifend, dass er davon beeindruckt war wie du dich da ausgedrückt hast :)
du hast mit deinen deutschkenntnissen angegeben... ich kann kein deutsch tbh! dx-)

Vielleicht lieg ich ja auch falsch, aber dann ist duke echt low :DD <3
würd mich auch nich mehr überraschen^^
wonder why you didnt invite all high qualifiers though and still make them play the game for the poule. anyway seems like a decent schedule nevertheless
looks nice
UK dominated ET :)
what is rage-gaming :O ?
former sleeperz
ok then didnt know it
looks better now! (not for us thou)
humm3l will so not like this
hör auf dich zu amüsieren, doofi :(
you jus' mad coz im amüsiering on you
shouldnt you be reallifing?
feel sorry for you :p
very cool :DDDD
waiting for the lowest EC ever comments.
looks weird now
God that makes so much more sense - nicely done
this is fucked up
Ever thought about the fact that not all teams play on a thursday...
if i was allowed to post logs i'd show you how many times realize said "we are avi thursday 100%" at first.
QuoteTime: Thursday, 23 September

Makes no sense at all
Instead of keeping your chosen format and giving another team (hi@HB) a chance to prove themself (like you basicly already did with EC Winners), you skip the whole thing and introduce a new quali system with no justified reason.

Did I also get it right that you basicly took Speedlink's direct invite away? Some might say you dont like the Yermanz...
Please, stop about Highbot, they're shit and definitely not deserving an EC quali. Based on what Speedlink should have a direct invite ? I've made #evu.cup 6 for a clear purpose - to see who is performing well at the moment. SL signed up and couldn't have been arsed to play a single game, besides, they forfeited their matches @ SummerCup as well which never looks good.

There is a justified reason - having 2 teams with decent players less -> makes no sense with making EC 20 clans. The prestige should be kept and it won't if a lot of med+ clans gets (check what happened in last EC). None of the games were played, none of the teams that were previously invited, were now dropped out without a chance of playing.

Yeah, some say I don't like the Yermanz - it's people like you who desperately try to grab a nationality argument when they know they're out of anothers.
Don't take it that seriously man. I didn't say that SL is worth anything, just asked if you took them their invite away, what you, afaik actually did. Also about the nationality thing. It's usual that there is some wondering about your choices as almost noone knows those Polish teams, yet you took four of them into EC qualis. It's just the way it is, deal with it. Although you justify your actions not everybody has to have your opinion now.

Also I didn't bring any nationality argument into play but rather said people "might think" which is not automaticly my opinion.
I'm not saying that everybody needs to think in the same way as I am but if you think otherwise, come up with arguments, why X is better than Y instead of offence without explanation. It's always easy to throw a mud.
so because we didnt play some random cup which didnt have anything with cb/esl it means that we were automatically out of "competition" for direct invite?
Based on what you should have a direct invite ?
I dont see why rage or aero should have one.
Comparing the results from last 2 EC's, lans - why not?
rage didnt attend the lan, they werent rly shining in last season of EC nor EMS.
got 4th 2 seasons ago @ EC
previous EC after ending 2nd in our group (group with idle) - we had to play f5 in the first playoff bracket, and then impact in the loserbracket. (because of the fuckup @ Group D - where people gave forfeits to get easier brackets)

& Didn't play in the previous EMS, so no didn't rly shine. :)
thats not answer to my question...
'random cup'. some precup for oc/ec run be the one person who makes the qualies. Only smart to play it :P
people who dont figure out its worth playing shouldnt be invited to eurocup, you can never know if they understand what ur talkin about to them :D

they should name it sherlock cup or sth
some people are just too stupid to understand this:(
your team dropped for the lan and has been playing since what 1/2 weeks again? Can't see a reason for direct invite
Just because we werent attending the lan it doesnt mean we didnt play. We were actually one the most active teams around (if not the most). We just had played for ~3weeks with merc all the time because of vacation time (but was still playing).
I am not saying we should get fucking invite ffs. I just dont see any reason why should rage get one. They didnt play at lan, in last season of EMS/EC they (as zZz) placed worse than we did. At the end I just dont see why they are getting rated over us, who did well last season and didnt change any single person in lineup for 4 months...
cause we proved ourselves at that evu cup ?

Don't think your results were either that good previous season ? Why should you deserve it then, for the mediocre achievements last season ?

+ judging from pracs we did (yes omg prac) we're better than you guys atm too so w/e
once again, i dont think we should get an invite and i dont think u deserve one. And from praccs its more like we are even, its going up and down from pracc to pracc...
Someone had to get an invitation.

Personally I'd pick vibe, because they won OC Premier last season, but Rage wasn't a bad choice at all. And to be honest they are better than your team.
u r wrong, nobody had to get an invitation, thats my point, it was much better the way it was before with 2 invited teams only. btw, isnt vibe dead since last OC?
So he would need to replace some teams. Who should he get then? HB? No way, they probably won't pass the group stage. Savak? No way, we are playing like shit. Blah, blah, blah... In my opinion he made a great decision.

Vibe is playing actively again I guess.
well, on first look it seems that direct invites increased from 2 to 4, but actually its reduced from 8 to 4. I asked Homer one simple question, he didnt answered yet and he prolly wont. I just cant see (besides that evucup shit we didnt even play) why rage got direct invite.
On the other hand, this situation would have not occur without those dropouts, but its kinda stupid to change the whole qualification system because of one team who wasnt even involved in high qualifiers. In mid qualifiers were already many quastionable teams, I dont think one more would make any difference... I am done here, dont have anything more to say, howgh
Please hummel #2
Me saying what team is better than the other one is subjective, hence needless. Also I don't care enough as neither myself nor any rockit team is involved. The players should do that (like FiluS does) themself, although it might not change anything.
hohoho i better play your amazing hosted cup that has nothing to do with CB if i want to get invite next season, hoho. You still didnt answer why ECW orginally got a high quali.
Because ECW are going to be the ECW and shouldn't be anything lower than a high quali?
Try to answer on a question why my tournament has such timing. I make it to see the difference between clans. If I got doubts (and I certainly have if some teams have similar achievements), I can simply put them in the same group of league to see who is better at the moment and use it. Why dignitas or impact didn't play it? (Although they could of course, they would have some good games granted for sure - pretty good pracc for them) They didn't need to - it was obvious they will receive a direct. Who else got such achievements that can be sure about receiving a direct ? None, hence the tournament. Teams are earning it, because they can show that now they are better than other teams who got similar achievements. I've responded to your previous enquiry already.
It is a useful tournament, great for teams looking to get an invite. However, i dont agree that you should basically force them to play otherwise there is a chance they wont get invited to EC. Impact didnt play it because we arent active atm, starting praccing again this week.
Please, show me one team that got forced to play my tournament. It's pretty obvious that you're proving your value by results, isn't it?
You cant force any team, in essence your saying dont play your cup and you might not get an invite...
No. If you read it like that way, in my opinion, you're misunderstanding me. But hey, for someone glass is half empty, for another, half full.
if the glass is half empty, it means im half full... as every real gentleman
glasses should be empty, otherwise, laffe borrelaar
it was just a shit time where u started the evu-cup we where in our summerbreak, we thought we could handle to play this cup, but it wasnt like that so it was just a shit time
QuotePlease, stop about Highbot, they're shit

Shouldnt you be objective as an admin?
This is objective, sorry if you can't see the obvious.
thats just sad :DD show me one of the NEW teams, which do good already...

it takes soem time to become good as a team.. but whatever,hater
Hater? :XD Sorry, Highbot, invited to qualifiers in XXI season decided not to play it in the day of their first official. Pretty much professional, isn't it ? Besides:
image: game21119
image: game21132
pretty decent results for an EC quali worthy team :D I've even saw your lost pracc vs Vae Victis, an EC quali worthy team should have some different results.
Please, we never ever played with our "normal" lineup,yet..true, we didnt play good in those offis, but judging by an prac result is pretty retarded.
Every new team needs some time to become good, i doubt that sth. or fuzion are doing better than we do atm.
cool, Sleeperz getting invite instead of :D:D:D

And getting Poule 2 because of
We will, as soon as the next lan is announced. going to lan, hehe. :D
Good luck with searching a gaming with full lan support + money on drinks and food :DDDD
When will you come on IRC? Need to schedule Winfakt vs in EC, and you also need to schedule your EMS match.
ems scheduled, sunday 22 cet, vs squad 21 cet ?
As far as I remember, it was Rage who was playing in the final ?
Because we lost like AERO(last night) on adler and delivery. Woah! No EC invite for that!
yesterday Aero lost vs gZcon, so lets get them an invite also!
There are some teams which really deserved the invite, and poule 1. Your point is invalid.
was ems & he is talking about the evucup.
and STILL we got an invite :P conspiracy????
snogard dragons won of squad, they should get direct invite imo aswell
Snogard with cheaters :D
this only proves that none of these two teams (zZz & Aero) deserve direct
My team's got Impact, ESL Winners, ewave, Speedlink and zeroE in EMS qualifier while in another there is only dignitas and Ictus, and I'm not complaining.
which i must add is terribly formatted! thx ESL
ictus is fucking awesome they deserve a nice quali
wp vs mvp :)
Thanks Lazio m8, looking forward to play against you guys again! :)
a team filled with tons of unhittable estonian fags should never be allowed to play anywhere!
Replace them as usual?!
more polish teams to ec , they all deserve it
sad to say, but having blurred vision in qualifiers is a joke.
qualifier of qualifier*
does it really matter? i think that you overrated them a bit, but that's only my opinion.
lowest ec ever
lmao at qualis for qualis and cheaters getting direct invite
Quotecheaters getting direct invite

trolled hard
haha u mad ptit con
politesse grosse chiasse
ftg fdp ntm
QuoteDirect invite:

United Kingdom Aero Gaming

image: game21126

image: trollface
nerds will rage
QuoteSince we have to remove 3 clans recently invited, we have decided to make a tournament between 4 clans that has been added the latest.

baserace dropped out before qualis have been announced (not big deal i think). wonderland is the only one team which folded so far (in fact you didn't say anything about '3rd' ghost team XD).

so basically instead of replacing one team, you decided to mess 'a bit'. so even if we won that qualiquali shizzle, we'd have to face energy wave. it doesn't make me smile because tag is at least skilled, clean european team (unlike them - no offence for hungarian powerhouse ;D).

its not only about us, you made it harder for other teams e.g spanish maffia, ictus, high5, while its easier for speedlink, + not mentioning 2 more direct invites.
so many cheaterteams in qualifiers ;p

especially Poland

cb always delivers :)
gl griim
Looks alright.
so basicly ICTUS had to play random lowshit (low on ETTV) polaks :h, and now we have to play IDK to get assraped, I dislike >:

anyway, not a bad idea, but in this format you should've given HB a chance imo

good thing ECW didnt get a direct invite
Basically, when you lose your 1st match, you will play vs winner of a qualifier tournament, which could be :h.

HB @ EC, sorry but I laugh hard. Besides, how on earth I should give HB a chance when I reduce teams :D? Where's the logic?

Wtf 3 UK teams, I be hatin Yermanz :(
3 uk orgs, 0 uk teams
trolling is a art, son.
why u ppl care so much about EC qualis and stuff?

As if anyone could win against dignitas and impact... its just pointless to play EC
hahaha good point :D but its worth to take a shot...
ecwinners will be strong. Also some other teams can make it hard for them ^^
make it hard and win against them are different things...

and i dont belive in ECW... ET is so 5o5 now, and they got prolly the most useless polak ever...
Well if they keep playing they will rape :P
u cant rape with 4 players only...

as some smart guy said lately... in 5o5 u cant have one useless player[to frag or to do obj]... all must be decent aimers, and all must be teamplayers...

why do you think clowns team isnt in the best of the best anymore? cause they got clown, who was great 6o6 player... all he did was obj, while rest could frag... now he also needs to contribute some heavy damage, but hes just unable to do so...

ET's main format is now so similar to 3o3...

PS. i hope i dont make too much sense
a 5on5 team with wiaderko and dialer aint able to rape

both players dont fit into the 5on5 format.
date/players ...
"As if anyone could win against dignitas and impact... its just pointless to play EC"

I only showed that it was possible last EC/EMS season, so it's possible now also, so fuck off :)
not pointless actually there is a 3rd place free

aero got a direct invite? :S
why shouldnt they ?
aero noobs lost to magico:PPPPPPPPPP dont u read news homer?!
who plays for aero?

Jere uNDEAD Lun4tic AL1 Sup3r Gifted
Check you're TS3 records, maybe you already flamed them :)
he acts weird towards us so could be : )
Congratulations for the direct invite. You deserve it! :)
nice, and still no hB h3h3h3 nice!
why rage directinvite Oo
Stability, they've kept the same 4 out of 5 players since 2007/2008(?) when they won OC Premier, I think its about time teams get rewarded for being stable (even MGCs won't pick-up unstable clans).
Aero Gaming
Rage Gaming

honestly, i think idk should've been over them but as they're not mgc they didnt get it

well bv in ec qualy is.. i dunno how to describe this sry
Homer is our meight.
lets see if u can "confirm the trust" of homer with decent games ":D"
its not about being trustworthy, simple corruption.
still show that the corruption was a good investment :DXDDD
iR i hope you'll take it, deserve it atleast tho.
much better! well done
hard to pick the 4 teams who would get a direct invite. Nice to see stable teams like bF&Rage be rewarded, they might not be better than the quali-teams, but they are more stable.

Good job imo.

+ Also: OC premier will become more interesting to watch/play.
(c) Killerboy

well,you just wrote it in that channel, tho I was thinking about it before too :D
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