ET-Cast: November Pilot 02

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Following on from last months first ET-Cast Pilot episode, the second of three pilot episodes is now complete.

The plan is to have 3 pilot episodes completed by the end of the year and then we will sit back and look at if it is viable to continue. We will work hard on changing the show if people come up with good ideas for different aspects of what we already do or totally new ideas - we tested the water with online interviews last month and this month we have done the same with a written interview and our very own 'Top 10'.

Links to the interview and the Top 10 can be found at the bottom of the page underneath the youtube embedded videos. Please subscribe to support the cause!

PhoenixTV presents ET-Cast
November 2010 - Pilot Episode 02

ET-Cast Moment of the month
Finnish star matias shows great composure and concentration to get
a quick spree of frags inbetween two long pauses against Aero Gaming

Hopefully you enjoyed listening and reading any of the news items you missed, I worked a little on what was said in the last news items comments, sorry if I didnt please everyone but its still a work in progress - more feedback is very much welcomed.

Also, even if you only have skills in small areas of media or art we are looking for assistance - please dont contact me looking to get money.. we aren't receiving any ;)

[center]ET-Cast Top 10 : RazZ Interview : October show[/center]
Looks like the first shoutcaster is fucking depressed, please, more enthusiasm !
e : low quality sound
c'est pas vraiment un shoutcaster, il fait qu'expliquer mais tu as raison :)
Oui, je trouvais pas de terme plus approprié, sur le moment :P

I like this but RASHOMON put some emotion in what your saying so its not so monotoned. That way people are more interested to listen into what your saying for the whole video. Other than that i love this. Good job mate! :DDD
yea sorry, I delayed it a lot as I was quite ill :( I started with some enthusiasm but it peetered away - at least I didnt have the cold still :))

next one Ill drink a few cans of monster energy drink before doing it! ;]
Ahhh well you were sick can't do much about that, but i love what your doing. Sometimes I am really busy with work and don't have the time to read up on ET. Your show your running on youtube good for me cause i can listen in and find out whats going on with the ET scene. Good luck with this and know ill be watching and tuning in man.
I never played vs raveneye but cool stuff :D
get matias a new and good pc :<
or let him roten, he was playing for like the best team in ET and he cant fix his computer? sound arrogant to me.. ofc i dont know the whole story but that's what i've heard
Yeah you know, some people just don't have the money to fix a damn computer. Nothing arrogant there. >_>
nicely done :D
great job, keep it up!
what about mAus 5 man vs mvp?
Always getting my months mixed up
Oh I'm so excited for November 25th :XD
nice :)

ec final were a nice cast :P
Good work. :)
Very good work :-) would be nice if u put your irc in this post.. Need to talk to u!
not fully setup on IRC or the web atm - but can pm me here or #gZilla ;)
nice merl & co, keep it up :)
not sure if anything is changed from the first one but i liked that much more than that

keep it up !
Quote by wallebut i liked that much more than that

so which one is better :D
well done merlin ;)
I still don't understand why you won't give me any money.
talk to unblind, he is swimming in it he says
keep up the good work!
great job merli. Although it would be nice to make a better vid, like animated, and with a better sound. Keep it on !
thats the plan after the pilot episodes, currently working on it :)
Good work.

Not really utilizing video though... feeling more like a podcast atm. Turn it into a panel show, get a camera and some guests!
planning permission for the multi million pound studio is still being reviewed ;)

but yes, needs to be more watchable :) rather than listen only
gj merl :D
keep up the good work!
Terrible sound quality.

When announcing new team line ups and stuff you might as well have a match of theirs playing in the background. You know, make it more interesting. That black screen is just depressing and makes me want to quit listening.
Also, some enthusiasm doesn't hurt anyone!
Yeah good but I'd be a tad more controversial - take talksport as an example, just editorialise more.

Also got pally with some of the top players & get them to rage, needn't name names but smth along those lines... =)
Awesome work man :) Keep it up! As mentioned before me here, after the pilot episodes have been released, try not sounding so monotonous ;) I'm not saying I'd do it better. But it'd just be nicer to listen then :)
rly n1 :-)

Raveneye is back :-p
Nicely done. In all honesty though, anyone can multikill Aero these days :P
pfff dude, this is making me depressed
Very nice Merlin! ;)
dynamite is not gonna get planted as raveneye.. raveneye? :DD
Good stuff! Though you should have clipped that moment of the month movie off right after owzo's done saying "and the match is yet again paused" ;)
Get a second guy with you and discuss the topics !
I liked. Good job :o)
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