Crossfire Community Awards 2010

image: 2copyp

Today we are happy to announce the kickoff of the annual Crossfire Community Awards. In the coming three weeks all registered users on Crossfire will be given the opportunity to vote on their favorite players, teams, events, movies and determine the eventual winners of 2010.

From today, December 16, until the 31st of December (midnight) you can cast your votes on 10 different polls, ranging from the best players in Enemy Territory to the best movie of the year and "Player you'd like to see come back" award. The results and the winners of polls will be officially announced on the 8th of January, 2011.

All registered users will be allowed to vote. However, beware that you can only vote once and that you cannot change your vote afterwards.

You can vote for the following awards:
To vote for the awards, visit this link: Crossfire Community Awards 2010 (enable javascript)

The nominees have been selected by a panel of top players and admins. These are the panelists that decided the nominees:
United Kingdom MerlinatoR, United Kingdom owzo, Malta toxic, United Kingdom Kamz, Belgium Sup3r, Finland Vanhaomena, Poland dialer, Malta Killerboy

Please remember that these awards are for the entire year of 2010, not just the last months.

Special thanks to Netherlands 4drenalin3, Malta toxic, Netherlands Frop and Poland wedeus!
After reserving your comment for so long, I think it's time for you to use it m8.
I'm waiting for the right time
What about now?
Kamz? Sup3r? wat :D
Quotetop players and admins


/!\ lol what?
PolandChaplja ? :P
Well done Krosan!
Team of the Year Europe Atrox

Player of the Year Netherlands PHOTOSYNTHESIS

Community Member of the Year Netherlands banaan

Most Improved Player Netherlands dualinity

Medic of the Year Iceland freaK

Most Objective-minded Player Netherlands dualinity

Rifle of the Year Netherlands banaan

Field op of the Year Netherlands PHOTOSYNTHESIS

Player you'd like to see on LAN award Iceland rNz

Frag Movie of the Year Iceland rNz's movie

Most Overrated Player Chile casek

Most Underrated Player Netherlands PHOTOSYNTHESIS

Player you'd like to see come back Canada xstacy

Aimer of the Year Iceland rNz
thought id be the Player you'd like to see come back
nono u won that already in CS ;D
shaddap asian
You hurt my feelings </3
voted AL1 as best medic :$
same here :D
Field Op Of The Year 2010 :XX
:XD never gonna happen <3
voted 4 ya <3
where are boNg and phyzic?
* Team of the Year - Dignitas
* Player of the Year - Frag`Stealer
* Community Member of the Year - Robaciek
* Most Improved Player - numeric
* Medic of the Year - Squall
* Most Objective-minded Player - R0SS
* Rifle of the Year - sample
* Field op of the Year - dialer
* Player you'd like to see on LAN award -
* Frag Movie of the Year - sprAjt teaser
* Most Overrated Player - mAus
* Most Underrated Player - hayaa
* Player you'd like to see come back - NIEDZIOWIEDZ
* Aimer of the Year - hayaa
I see what you did there
You better vote for me, ocwinner.
Suvi not there :S not worth voting
you should be in some of the list :( most underrated!
such a shame that i wont finish my current project until the end of the year :(
maybe it would have been nominated then :D

ok, maybe next year. ;)
et will be dead by dec next year
make sure to not release it within the first 6months else it'll be forgotten by the end of the year :P
Haha exactly that was my thought! :D
5 of the 10 movies in the list are from the first 6 months. :)
for movies it probably aint true simply because we have the movie section on CF and some kind of rating system for it. but for everything else that does apply :p
chry/undead for sure as most improved
don't some of the 'like to come back' players currently play?
idd, snoop is back with speedlink.
nuggan was on lan
Belgium al1 best medic plx
It can also be perceived as "player you'd like to meet on lan". Both ways are valid :)
I had a good laugh reading this, thanks.
Finland Matias player of the year?! In 2007 64% of all crossfire members didn't think he was good enough for TLR!! ¬_¬
u missed a lot
most improved player of 2008 & 2009! ":D"
Yeah, and I mean, how much can change in 3 years.
Too bad there's no "most hated CF member" category anymore.
Add _GAME_OF_THE_YEAR_ subsection.
cant see my nick on those lists
wonder why..
Player you'd like to see come back - where is Poland wiesiek ?
wiesiek is/was playing with zeroskill (3rd div @ OC)
butchji was playing with TAG + JB
ferus was playing with dignitas
Night was playing with dignitas
mystic was playing with impact
snoop was playing with impact

etcetc. obviously it means who do you want to return to the top of ET :)
Germany butchji was/is playing with TAG in OC premier or smth
slac skilldropped hard :)
ENSAM, kapaa, Fel are slacced EC winners 2010 :XD
Matias not in best medics?

Best aimer nominees was kind of disappointing
Slarto/Scarzy are needed, I agree.

Where is Azatej ::S:S:S?
snoop already made a comeback. ;)
dont u comeback! sc2 is moar important :-)
we need a solid team germany again :s come back now!
but then we need 6on6 back :D
eirik nominated as fops of the year?? I guess I missed smth...
Why is fragstealer and nuggan in "most underrated"? They are far from being underrated tbh
and same goes for some nomination for most improved, fragstealer is good for ages, so does sqzz . And freeze secured bronze in this category year ago....
I have a feeling that u didnt put a thought into it, just spitting out some names from top8 teams
Fops of the year was indeed a bit dodgy to nominate because... well frankly there aren't many real fops left in 5on5 :p
Doesn't mean the results can't be exciting, on the contrary!
Most improved also counts the victories they've made in the past year. If before they've never reached those goals, then they've improved (even if the competition was worse :P)

Just as the text said, the nominees were picked by 8 wildly differentiating panelists. Even got a Finnish representative in there. :)
result of that fops thingie wont be very exciting considering that u reducted nominees count to just 5 ppl. But I can think of many ppl who can be marked with fops stamp (rockstar, blade, I even consider myself as fops)
well, achieving smth in ET is matter of team, improving personal skill should not be linked to those achievements tbh. Fragstealer, sqzz and freeze should not be there, they are good for long time, everybody knows that. For the record, have u heard about me or zak two years ago? I doubt that, but yet, in last two years, we ended up 3 times in row in top3 of EMS, if thats not an improvement, dunno what else. Another guys who could be in most improved are rockstar (if he is not cheating...), blade, kresti or mant. Its not just about achieving top3 in EC (and in jinostas case, he didnt even play in playoffs afaik and sucked big time on lan, i wouldnt call that as improvement...)
You're probably right, but it's still up to those 8 community people who put in their opinions to elect those 8 nominees each. It's not always a perfect system, but it's a fair one :)
I wouldnt say fair one, but easiest one. Maybe for such "once a year" events, it would be better to widen the circle by few more ppl who had been watching more than just top5 in the very last season of EC. I may be sound a bit harsh, but thats what I think of it (in most categories its ok to see same names over and over again, basicly just because they rly are the best of the best, but its shame to see few players to be nominated for most improved players for more than one time). Besides that, good effort
It ain't easy but I agree that it's not the perfect system. Maybe next year I'll come to you for advice on this matter with a bit more time to prepare. (no sarcasm :P)
well, atm I am in "hybernation", I have quit active playing few months ago and waiting for my hand surgery, but if i will come back I can help. Atm I am still into community, dunno what will be in one year tho
it seems like u never received my email!
dont you think that having a finnish repres is pretty much of a must since finnish have dominated the ET scene for the last 2 years 100%?
While that's an overstatement I totally agree :P
finaldn best ET countri for 2 years ???????????????

agree [ ] disagree [ ]
M1lk is a better fop than anyone in that list :( kind of disappointed
Where the fuck is United KingdomtheeZakje?
I'd vote for him as team of the year tbh!
best aimer, phyzic??????????
Not sure if i've played vs him lots of times, but the only time recently that i've known about it, Finland Flashdown was much more rape.
QuoteField op of the Year


I actually voted for him :D
some options are strange but anyway nice effort, I like it.
Had a good laugh at:

Most improved player -> Frag'Stealer -> isnt he playing rtcw/et playing on top level for ages now ?

Most objective-mindes player -> zerender -> amazing engi, how active was he during the whole year tho ?

Field Op of the year -> Eirik -> since when is he playing fop ? he belongs to the medic voting.

Most overrated player -> Clown/Winghaven -> how can players who've proven themselves thousands of times be overrated ?

Most underrated player -> Frag'Stealer -> Hell yeah, see at my first point.

nice effort tho.
check who was doing pick ups and it gets all clear :p
wasnt eirik the fop before suvi and euruz left? or was euruz sleeperz' fop? :x
hell didnt play for zZz when suvi and euruz did, he played before they came and came back after they had left, not during that time afaik.
TLR <- Forever Fanboy
Matias <- LANHero
LION <- Made EC Interesting
rockstar (nuggan already went?)
Requiem by -Max- hands down
Jinosta (rest of the list aint rly overrated? x])
NuggaN (that man is a beast)
Most Improved Player - Frag'Stealer, seriously:P? He has been good for ages.
True, tbh none of those players improved much at all.
List needs more demzor
Nice News post, must have taken a while to write up, voted!
had just one minute to make this?:D
I don't remember chaplja being polish.
no award.

i thought zZz|hell played fops ;)
krosan, did you pick this panel?

also as I said the last time, there should always be the option to vote "other", otherwise it's just silly.
Yep I sure did. In what award voting system do you ever have an option "other" among the nominees? :P
Well I dont know about the internets, but in more or less every voting system where either atleast one of the determing factors aint voted for or where the nominees do not hold an uniqe touchstone shared among themselves.

Well actually I just find it funny that the panel you picked more or less is the same guys that was supposed to decide who gets banned and who doesnt. :-p
Quotemore or less is the same guys that was supposed to decide who gets banned and who doesnt

there should be "other" and then u can name your "canditate"
för example im thinking that matias should be category in best medic and i would vote him on.
lots of funiez like last year !
ROSS overrated and underrated ! k
Most Overrated Player: mAus

you could also put links in Frag Movie of the Year
"Frag Movie of the Year"

no ?!?!?
no al, no win
where is fag of the year / most hiding player ?
You obviously forgot to add ;)

And Krosan, I'm sorry I didn't have time to fix it today. Still have some big exams tomorrow :/
No problem :) Whenever you got time!
NuggaN kind of already went to LAN, almost 3 years ago.
just had that convo on vent, not since hes been aiming sick like lately (dont doubt him one bit)
Germanyvirtu for Most Objective-minded Player?
stopped reading after kamz for Most Objective-minded Player.

would love to see mystic return with fintastic 5 :)
i think mystic more suitable with toxic & co.

ORRRRR raveneye, xpaz, etc. 8D
most overrated player: maus
When will this close and will peoples votes be shown to the public?
QuoteFrom today, December 16, until the 31st of December (midnight) you can cast your votes on 10 different polls, ranging from the best players in Enemy Territory to the best movie of the year and "Player you'd like to see come back" award. The results and the winners of polls will be officially announced on the 8th of January, 2010.
wtf why would that whole process take a month?!?!?
nice effort
It's nice to have this, but tbh, the "Most Overrated" category is a joke. That category will never whatsoever reflect any form of truth. It will be based on votes made by players who either don't understand all the roles played in a game of ET or people who dislike the player in question. It's rather silly tbh.

If for example Clown would receive this "award" then this would just prove this point. All those players there have done at least something right and managed to earn the respect from fellow team mates to play alongside them. In my opinion, we as spectators shouldn't be judging that. We'll only have have a biased opinion about it anyway.

e: panelists, can anyone of you share your reasons behind the choices you made for that category. Can you for example tell why all those players deserve to be nominated as most overrated player of the year?
I started out giving a short statement with each of the nominees, why they deserve the award. However, given the amount of nominees (112), it's quite a daunting task and certainly not realistic for someone who doesn't get paid to do it :P

And these are the Crossfire Community Awards, the awards given by the community of crossfire to the players and notable members. Of course this won't be a perfect reflection of the rightful "best" in each of the categories, it just shows the appreciation and general opinion of this community :)
Naah yeah, that's for sure, you shouldn't have to that.

I got a bit carried away, but I still don't see the point in giving this award as it is sort of misleading, imo.
xylos for president!
meh, i want to change my vote
R0SS most overated underated player since Clown.
Clown is good.
By far the hardest:

Most Overrated Player


E: Surprised not to see perfo in any of these sections, he is by far one of the best players i've ever played with, after arcade, of course.
Depends completely on the game type. Winghaven couldn't adapt, never found Jere too sepcial, Jinosta never peaked, ferus was pretty OK, I guess, and R0SS isn't special at all, so I don't understand how he could be overrated.
he peaked before AEF, went there, blew dick, came back, spent some time riding dick with some polaks, came in top5 of EC = win
"spent some time riding dick with some polaks"

well seeing how terrible he was at AEF he must've done something that made them take him in with mvp :-)
Never played Jinosta and thought 'OH WOW THIS GUY IS SO GOOD' he has great aim but that is about it.
I don't get FeruS there, a few years back when i played against him, I always knew who was shooting cos.. well, he aimed kinda hard.

# Player you'd like to see come back


(no thanks, Status Quo - In The Army Now. - after training, gonna go to Afganistan or Libanon : o)
hope you'll catch a bullet
That would be totally wicked! Never heard someone would have caught a bullet from mid air with bare hands!
toio semmonen lontoonkieliin sanonta ku sanotaa et toivoo jonku kuoleva
tiedä mikä sanonta oliskaan tai mistä ni kyllä tyhmänkin pitäs tajuta mitä toi tarkottaa, pöljä :)
puhuppas, poju, suomea.
yritä viisaana miehenä ymmärtää
mee mortti vittuu
:D: alikessu jo :(
miten ne sut päästi pällitesteistä läpi?
saamal melkeen täydet pisteet molemmist
Didn't Nuggan play in Enschede already together with savage?
Squall ftw
For whoever made the list of players you'd like to see on LAN, Germany rockstAr is actually Canada rockstAr. :)
Aye, changed it in this newspost, but still have to fix the polls :P
most hated/cheater of the year?
u 4 sure xD
xD ye most likely :P
even didnt deserved to be mentioned imo
I actually missed the most hated vote :(
why would you have around 8 choices for each, except FOP of the year?
Not many real fops to choose from in 5on5 :P
you can still find 3 other fops :S winghaven at least, even if he only played with spanish team for a bit
He also played at AEF for Rockit :P
there u go :-)

but i can also understand why i'm not there considering the panelists :P
rockstar for fop of the year???
Field op of the Year
United Kingdomhste on supply defence
Most overrated player — mAus
Most underrated player — m1lk
nice :)
"Player you'd like to see on LAN award" lol...

Player you'd like to see come back

Ye ... hard choose :S All of them
agreed. + mAx and Ganon and Shewie perhaps
mAus will get 3 awards this time :)
Where is my award ? Lamer of the year!!!
I'm kinda disappointed. Every year you can always vote for the same persons...
true, true :(
Second that...
Thats probably cause there's barely any new talent around? plain and simple.
have seen frEeze playing in lan!:) he have playd 2 estonia lans!
It will be about CIC lans ;-)
fuck u he have proofed to EE players that he dont hack so dont care about CIC and AEF hes lanPROOFED
im not flaming, im just saying, this vote will be about who you would like to se on CIC lan :-)
So all these random ass obvious polaks are clean cause they played in some PL lan that nobody could spec? :)
you should add psykotic movie, no doubts!

mAus: Best "AIMER"

reload/sqzz: Best "RAMBO"


Do you have any clue about ET?
no, he's french................

Don't get your point there
oh wait

you are.........and frogs never understand anything except for french :(

but yeh, I make no sense at all :D I know! :$
he actually has fast and solid aim
FYI, reload is revive medic also
Add psykotic to movie of year and start voting for movie once again!
Panellists nominating themselves.

Also, worst panel ever considering the description. At least change the description eh?
Who has nominated themselves for anything? Im pretty sure the only person on that list that would have nominated themselves for something is Kamz and that's because he probably deserves to be in the catagories he has been entered into...
come back of mAx maybe ?
Player you'd like to see come back Finland Xpaz[LD] !!!!

Fop of the year: hayaa, only player worth voting from that list.
voted for hayaa as well. the fop list is kinda funny :p
<333333 you golbaa
the vote site doesn't work here,
and some of the nominations are pretty much crap.
Turn javascript on!
was on, however, restarted firefox, tried again => success
Player you'd like to see come back:
Azatej !
1. Requiem
2. Woody and nothing more
3. Overclocked / nOu way!
should have been definitely, undoubtedly nominated : /
And put at the last place!
nah top 5 : >
kamz didnt put me in the most imrpoved player 2k10. u failed.
true dat +111 :)
wtf in United Kingdom sqzz and Poland Frag'Stealer at most improved players. United Kingdom sqzz was always sick player and Poland FragStealer was always insane aimer(but he couldnt show it as eng smg in Poland Fear Factory) and he plays in top EC teams for at least 4 years.

those come back awars is also fail imo coz, theres so many highskillzors that quited that, choosing those 8 is unfair :/

imo you should write short statements why you've chosen those candidates for awards.

btw. best field op looks so poor :<

Team of the Year - United Kingdom Dignitas
Player of a year - Estonia RELOAd
Comunity member - dont care
Most improved Poland numeric or Belgium chry
Medic - United Kingdom sqzz
Objective - Germany drago
Riffle Italy XyLoS
Field op - United Kingdom razz
wanna see@ LAN - Finland Sample
fragmovie - dont care
Overrated - United Kingdom R0SS/Jinosta
underrated - Sweden NuggaN
comeback - useless category - Poland r1co/rio Finland Iron, Germany weak Czech Republic marv and much much more
aimer- of course as polak my vote goes to Poland Frag'Stealer
Why don't you pay me?
Aimer of the year - Poland ska !
I cant vote for some reason.. when I click the buttons nothing happens :/
Turn javascript on!
nothing happens when i click the buttons...
Turn javascript on!
Improved player list is shit.
Scarzy obviously improved most.
Team of the Year - dicknitas, they won lans which is the most important thing in ET
Player of the Year - voted olbaa, afterwards i think it should belong to drago
Community Member of the Year - Killerboy, good cheatbuster :)
Most Improved Player - chry, seen nice ownage from him this year
Medic of the Year - Lepari, biased opinion because he is from my team, doesnt change the fact he is a great medic
Most Objective-minded Player - ENSAM, he would get mad if i dont vote him
Rifle of the Year - xylos, nice ownage through this year
Field op of the Year - hayaa, good damage dealer fop with great aim
Player you'd like to see on LAN award - myself
Frag Movie of the Year - requiem
Most Overrated Player - ross, dont get why ppl say he is underrated :D
Most Underrated Player - chry, dont think he gets as much attention he should
Player you'd like to see come back - xpaz, would love to see him throwing cans all over the map
Aimer of the Year - squall, love his aim when he is playing actively
Team of the Year - dicknitas
Player of the Year - miNd
Community Member of the Year - Killerboy, good cheatbuster :)
Most Improved Player - numeric
Medic of the Year - miNd
Most Objective-minded Player - miNd
Rifle of the Year - miNd, nice ownage through this year
Field op of the Year - close one, miNd or / ensam
Player you'd like to see on LAN award - myself
Frag Movie of the Year - twisted mind
Most Overrated Player - ross, dont get why ppl say he is underrated :D
Most Underrated Player - miNd, dont think he gets as much attention he should
Player you'd like to see come back -
Aimer of the Year - mind / nuggan
QuoteMost Underrated Player - miNd, dont think he gets as much attention he should

dont think he got as much attention from his parents he should've
I'd like to nominate myself as community member of the year. I feel like my contributions this year have really lifted ET to the next level.
Team of the Year - United Kingdom TLR/Impact
Player of the Year - Finland Matias
Community Member of the Year - United Kingdom MerlinatoR :D
Most Improved Player - Estonia frEeze
Medic of the Year - Belgium Sup3r
Most Objective-minded Player - Latvia Clown
Rifle of the Year - Italy Xylos
Field op of the Year - Norway Eirik
Player you'd like to see on LAN award - Germany boNg
Most Underrated Player - Finland miNd
Player you'd like to see come back - Estonia Night
Aimer of the Year - Poland Frag'Stealer
appreciated buddy :_D
medic should be about reviving, not whos the best aimer/rambo medic, and sqzz has won it too much already !
Agree! But United KingdomYou > BelgiumSup3r as medic :x
Just voted for crumbs, always underrated! super medic and always will be :)
Team: FinlandFintastic 5 No need for explanation
Players of year: ItalyXyLoS, amazing LAN perfomance after long period of inactivity + still playing great.
Community member: Croatiachaplja, coded new anti-cheat, no question.
Most Improved: Belgium uNDEAD, amazing job with bF and after it, played game for dignitas, amazing.
Best medic: United Kingdomsqzz, plus for his strafing skills, incredible medic. EC winner
Most objective-minded player: LatviaClown, I am not sure about this award but I think this is a fair option.
Best rifle: FinlandSample, Amazing job, dominated ET with F5. Can be counted on the Best rifles of all time list.
Best fops: United Kingdomrazz, just putting him here
Wanna see at LAN: FinlandENSAM/Sample 3 EC and 2(?) EMS victorys online, LAN achviements: none
Best movie: Requiem by Scotland-Max-, No doubt, Kamzs try was nice tho.
Most overrated: BelgiumJere, I don't know if he really fits here but it feels like he has been going downhill since FiF quitted. After joining to Aero, he hasn't been in highlights anymore.
Most underrated: United KingdomR0SS, doing great job as a engi, solid aim, EC winner
Want to see making comeback: Finlandmystic, The Legend(as stated in Kamsz movie), made half-comeback showing he could still compete on the highest level.
Best aimer:FinlandSquall with F5, amazing aim, nowadays not so mighty.
mystic is overrated anyway in today's standards.
I think he still could play on top level if he made comeback
Yeah probably, but don't know if he'd be as outrageously noticeably as good now. Times have changed, games evolved. He was ahead of his time, though.
squall was in f5 for like 2 days
Did mASCULINE MANS win EC this or last year?
think there have been more EC's in 1 you can count them as 2010
cant specify..pfft

team: dignitas
playeroftheyear: drago
community member: lion
most improved? ross? :d
best medic: reload
most obj. minded: drago
best rifle: lightning
best fop: razz
LAN? : rockstart
movie: most hated 3
most overrated: mees, ( would go for maus)
underrated: gonna c/c ross
comeback: night
aimer: reload
Player you'd like to see come back - Finland Raveneye ofc
Most Underrated Player - Finland miNd
yeah votes, like the admins wont just pick what they want ^_^
I think you forgot me in almost every category ! :'(
Most underrated is a bit of an oxymoron innit!
Yay me?! :D
team: United Kingdomdignitas
player: FinlandMatias
improved: United KingdomR0SS
medic: United Kingdomsqzz
objective: Germanydrago
riffle: ItalyXyLoS
fdop: United KingdomrAZz
movie: requiem
overrated: United KingdommEEz
underated: SwedenNuggaN
comeback: EstoniaNight & Finlandmystic
aimer: BelgiummAus

Comunnity award goes for LION for the good work hes doing.
geif me pocal
Quote Aimer of the year

EstoniaAnderson my number one actually.
NetherlandsjAck a.k.a jaCek
Fuck! I somehow couldn't spot torspo or freek in players you hope will return. Must be a bug I guess? :P
maybe because he is playing -.-'
Barely. Thats not what I consider a comeback. ;) Still waiting for his fragmovie. :(
haha, thanks in advance to the 2 people who will vote for me :D

miNd for best rifle, sqzz for best medic/obj player (clutch playa!)
that's my two cents.
No Haya at best aimer but sqzz is there? Awesome!
people have to be blinded by sqzz's movement or smth, he has great aim imo
He sure does, never meant to imply that he doesn't, but other people have even better aim :)
sqzz is an excellent aimer
he sure is :)
bad comparison since sqzz's aim is top notch
I still would consider others to be more stable aimers :)
Sqzz has better aim but Hayaas is good as well
Haya has a more stable average from what I've seen
all years same xDDD
Team of the year: Impact for the improvement
Player of the year: XyLoS
Community member of the year: krosan
Most improved player: Jinosta
Medic of the year: sqzz
Most objective-minded player: R0SS even if he's a cunt
Rifle of the year: XyLoS (based on lans also wich Sample didn't go to.)
Field op of the year: idk i will say kaRnaJ
Player you'd like to see on LAN award: Sample
Frag movie of the year:Both kamz ones but Most-hated 3
Most overrated player: feruS
Most underrated player:R0SS - miNd cant decide
Played you'd like to see come back: well Night and raveneye
Aimer of the year: mAus but would have said nuggan if he played whole year.
rockstar not nominated for fop of the year , when he is one of the best fops around atm,well done panel! :)
FACEPALM on Field op of the Year
rockstAr should be nominated for fop of the year...

p.s. did eirik even play fops? :\
you should be best medic :(
:D thanks <3
didn't really get how ross was in overrated and underrated but ye...

- Team of the Year
Team Dignitas

- Player of the Year

- Most Improved Player

- Medic of the Year

- Rifle of the Year

- Player you'd like to see on LAN award

- Frag Movie of the Year
This is ET by Kamz (I'd say kot's movie if it were an option)

- Most Overrated Player

- Most Underrated Player

- Player you'd like to see come back

- Aimer of the Year
yes mate, someone else who voted for Xpaz!
MerlinatoR n00b why not nominee me???? :p
who are crumbs and jinosta :o?
best aimer :

and yeah wtf ROSS is almost in every categories :DD
# Team of the Year
Team Dignitas

# Player of the Year

# Community Member of the Year

# Most Improved Player

# Medic of the Year

# Most Objective-minded Player

# Rifle of the Year

# Field op of the Year

#Player you'd like to see on LAN award

# Frag Movie of the Year
This is ET by Kamz

# Most Overrated Player

# Most Underrated Player

# Player you'd like to see come back

# Aimer of the Year
couldnt vote for most improved and most underrated players cos none of the nominees fulfilled the topic :l someone has just put some random names there with no thinking and done, gr8 no?
nerd awards 2010 and dave aint even there :/
Haha, weird stoner :D!
It is sad to see how SLAC developer chaplja is underrated as a community member in your votes. It is shame to see other randoms in the line with him
he has a backpack of stupid shit from his past and it is now being balanced cause of the SLAC project.
Rifle of the year: FinlandHukk

And i wanna complain about the Player you'd like to see on LAN award.

NuggaN was crossfire lan and PERFORMED good but the rest in his team sucked bad.
Chaplija deservers community member for SLAC.

Drago for player of year !
The results and the winners of polls will be officially announced on the 8th of January, 2010.
tbh not one of them is best fops of the year :(
put more players in there pls
who is, according to you, best fops 2010 worthy ?
me ofc
no dunno don't think there is one fops stiking out atm, don't even think this award should be voted for
# Player you'd like to see come back

GZA and AdZz !!!!
who are these randoms?
i said randoms

do you think you're a random?


i wanna see acozz comeback again :]
every year the same shit ... *cough
Yes, with the exact same options.
Player of the year:
Toxic for sure!
cheater of the year?
This is ET by Kamz > all
Finntastic 5, Matias, chaplja, sqzz, LEPARI <333, Matias, miND (LOL!), Lunatic, Ensam (LOLZ), Overclocked, Meez (not because he is overrated, but because this was the only nomination he seemed to get WTF???), mInd, Raveneye (because PetriP-TNT nor Saintt nor Mulsu wasn't there), Squall

You're alive! :o

How are you doing nowadays, still playing something? <3
Where is the crossfire retard award? :(
Player you'd like to see come back: hupo
There just isn't any other flame thrower player that can convince me.
Player who i want to see back...

where is Polandwiesiek wtf?
this is an outrage, BelgiumGokusan isnt in any of these nominations.
We already got too many niggers in this nominee list kthnx :D
Admins, warn this guy hes being racist! :'(
shut up :<

The truth is meant to be!
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