NC XIV: Qualifiers

image: jrck0h

image: cb_text_small3

The following teams will have to battle each other and attempt to secure their place in the group stage.

image: detailsblack123 Qualifier Information

The qualifier matches will take place between the 12th until the 17th of January; news posts about each game will be published later on this week. The top two out of the three teams will proceed to the group stage.

A qualifier match is played on two maps. Both teams select a map from the map list before the start of the match and inform the cup admin at least 30 minutes before the match is set to start. The admin will not announce maps until both teams have confirmed their choices with him. In case both teams have chosen the same map, the second map will be selected with the conventional method of map elimination, preceded by a cointoss. The admin will choose which map is played first. In case of a tie another map will be played.

Challenge your opponent using the roster.

image: detailsblack123 Non European Nations Reminder

The ClanBase ET SW NC XIV is an online European tournament for national teams. National teams are led by captains who are appointed by ClanBase based on the support they have in their national scene. Only European teams who play in a European country, Russia or Israel may participate. Exceptions may be given by the Chiefs of Cups.

All nations participating must agree to play according to, and with, the rest of the European nations; in other words, all matches must be played on European servers, in respect to the European time zone, unless both nations agree not to.
See Rule reminder

image: detailsblack123 Schedule
  • 12.01.2011 - 17.01.2011 - Qualifiers
  • 21.01.2011 - Groups published
  • 23.01.2011 - 31.01.2011 - First matchweek

image: detailsblack123 NationsCup Format

NationsCup XIV will have a similar format to last season's NationsCup with two qualifier matches in which the two winning teams proceed to the group stage.

The Group Stage will be composed of 4 teams per group, with 8 groups in total, for 32 participating teams combined. The top 2 teams from each group will advance to the playoffs which will be played using the double elimination format. The playoff tree diagram will be announced shortly after the group stage is over.

image: detailsblack123 Admins

Every season we ask for dedicated admins to help out the supervisors with uploading screenshots and making matchreports. This season is no different so here we go, we are looking for people who can:
  • Speak and have decent written English.
  • Write interesting matchreports, interviews and/or predictions.
  • Make well thought out and impartial decisions.

Admins are an integral part of a cup's success, so if you feel like you're up for the task, don't hesitate to sign up. Of course, you can also simply sign up to upload the screenshots of your own match, so you can make the cup page a bit more interesting for all to see.

image: detailsblack123 Contact

If you have any suggestions or questions about anything, feel free to leave a comment or visit us at and we will answer as soon as possible.

image: detailsblack123 Source News Post
image: detailsblack123 NationsCup XIV Main Page
turkey have to qualify and iceland get a direct invite, unfuckingbelievable.
Icesave took care of that
team turkey cb acc looks crap
why turkey and not a team like romania?

e:but looks good, gl
because im too pro ;d
Joci ma? :D
nu , doar ca m-am bucurat de ocazie sa ma laud :D muhahah
cu cine ma cu body ?
leave romania alone !
wanted to see team columbia vs team china :)
AL1 for victory
should be ukraine vs turkey & colombia vs china

gl all
col vs china would be pretty impossible to find a server for considering they are on oposite parts of the world and both countries prolly dont have the best routing...
no, just no :p
are u aware that the earth is actually round?
man dont blame him, when u google for a map and go to images colombia and china are super far-.- anybody could get confused-,-'
The Manager from Team Colombia is polish? :D
Kinek ClanBase VIP Member Poland Send private message Temporary Manager

cant u read fuckin mongol ?
So NetherlandsFrop has 8 more days to finish his lineup ;)

Good luck to the teams!
it would be much better if u would put Team Colombia vs Team China as both teams would have less problems with ping, apart from here, when some team will play with non used ping.
Whoever wins will have to play against Euro teams with high pings anyway.
true, but now both turkey and ukraine get annoyed by high pings instead of just 1 team :P
if a highping team would get in the groupstage multiple teams would get annoyed !!!
didnt think that through :s you so smart
Nah you set it up weakest vs strongest.
:o team china O:
gl Team China :D!
LION, im disappoint. Put the europe teams to match against each others.

For the first time to Lion, plz use some brains before deciding this kinda pure faggotry.
Quote Nah you set it up weakest vs strongest.

Nothing to do with europe retard
GL Team China!

Zhong Guo Dui Jia You!
LOL We will :D
Good luck to all participants.
gtfo Ukraine, we want to see China in main tournament!

btw. it was a real problem to do 4 groups with 5 teams?
omg Team China omg!

btw wheres JapanTeam Japan??
hope they stay in lagland.
you also would lag on a server that is about 9000 km away
high ping doesnt mean lag.
high ping doesnt mean lag.
not enough professional players atm :/
They also don't like 5on5 :]
Why all nations cant play NC? who needs a quali ..
groupsizes dont fit else I guess
why wouldnt you put colombia vs china?
Why wouldnt you put my dick in your mouth? OOOOOH!
cuz there is 13 hours difference in would be very difficult to set the match.
china ftw!
Quote....all matches must be played on European servers....

what the ...?

fair rules pls.
hf columbia
Replace Turkey with Italy, you won't regret it :P

Just kidding!
QuoteAll nations participating must agree to play according to, and with, the rest of the European nations; in other words, all matches must be played on European servers, in respect to the European time zone, unless both nations agree not to.
See Rule reminder

Thanks for the help. What happened to the Crossfire World Cup? At least with that we don't have to put up with this shit.

Message to whoever we get drawn against, please consider playing us on even terms. We have a US west coast server (ETTV enabled) to allow for this. As always, teams are welcome to practice on the server to assist with getting used to the "conditions".
Noone really can give a shit to play the game with 200 when 99% of the games are fon europe, its not like the ping issue matters at all, usa/aus/china and whatever countrys there are would still get raped badly
So if it doesn't matter, play at 200 ping then. Even if we play on euro servers (@ 350) euro teams will still whine "unhit" etc. Even if they end up winning.

We don't expect to win, we just expect to be able to compete on even terms. That's the whole point of any international competition.
playing ET when a tsunami is heading your way, COOL!
dude our country has a landmass bigger than half of Europe.There is more flood affected area in Queensland than the size of Germany and France combined (thats a fact).

Despite this, we have large areas of our country still in drought or not affected by these rains/floods at all (like where I live).

In saying that yes, two of our NC members are currently affected by these floods but most are returning home now or weren't adversely affected (waters receding etc).
cant agree more. if want nations from around the world to compete then have fair rules too. dont make rules which favor europeans only coz its "european tourney".

thats like u just want to show that yes it 'NationsCup' by including China/Col/etc. but dont rly care about other nations taking part in it.

"A disappointment"
so why d ont destroy them on equal terms..

e: and aus / usa / chili can be better than you think...
scared lmao EXPECTED
LOL!!!! they did it again..., hf playing with 350 ping :<<<<<<<<<<<
mexico is going to win anyway with you leading <3

old rules, always been there.. not likely that anyone expected fps game could be played like that in the first place.. CF WC is not CB NC replacement...
That's like going back in time and saying dial-up speeds is the fastest we can expect for the internet.

One day the whole ping issue won't exist but until then, times are changing and where once we couldn't play 200v200 ping or 150v250 we now can and that should be acceptable IMO.
I expect each and every team to display and demonstrate the true meaning of sportsmanship, always, and in every competition.
More to the point; I expect and suggest every European team to be fair and try to find even grounds between themselves and non-European countries.

I am trying to change the current rule and get rid of it for good, but for now I cannot force a European team to play on a non-European server. Hopefully until the groups kick off the rule will be changed.
Thanks LION I appreciate that. Like I said we obviously don't like the existing rule but we hope other teams will be willing to at least negotiate a little :]
very much appreciated.
Why you care. You are a noob and will prolly never play NC :D
cant agree more. but i do care for my friends.
waiting when team Qatar will buy best ET players to play on them :)
Not possible. Don't forget that CB never sleeps!
oh well i'm kinda disappointed that turkey got removed.

what happend to Turkey?
ahh, thanx.

2 bad they cant participate.
Sure is, they let them last year but not now...
it had to be hosted by esl/cf then
Last year they forced us to send a scan of our passports :/ this time they wont even let us play.

So i wonder why the fuck they asked our passports in the first place :S

It would be nice if killerboy, could help us in the matter. I dont really blame the admins but it would nice if they could convince the ¨CB chiefs¨ to let us play. But i guess thats kinda impossible
Well the "CB chiefs" can bend rules when they want to regarding "experienced requiring cups". If its a benefit for them.
:P do you remember the match against personality :P that's why i'm never going to argue with any admin or supervisor from clanbase

Cant remember it atm, enlighten me!
ur to stupid to be enlightened....

wacka wacka ^^
I wont crouch into their asses to participate in this cup. I tried my best to convince them that the rule is stupid and that the cup is about fun, but it didnt work out.

Trying to discuss about the participation makes no sense neither, because the majority of the community are some kind of racists/ kids. One part of them are just hating all turks, because of prejudices or experiences and the other part just want to flame/troll and thats why they are writing comments like " then move back to turkey ". Dont try to comment on such comments and just stay above this.

We dont need this cup to be happy. ;)
I definitely touched you there :> .
you hit the snare xD
wanted to see you owning nerds :(
don't Colombia and China have an 11 hour timezone difference? :D
13. 'Tis indeed an awkward situation and the main reason why they weren't originally teamed up against each other, but if Colombia play around 23:00 then China can play around 12:00 which is ok-ish.
13 hours diff, we gonna play vs china at 11:50pm Eastern time(gtm-5) so this match is actually possible.
Ukraine finally doesnt have to play Canada to get into the cup? They might actually make it?!
Romania last time. They were much better. ;(
uh! I just remember like 3 times in arow we played each other to get in lol. GL you got it this time!
2 times though! :D thanks, you 2 !
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