eSport Challenge LAN Announced

image: tlresportschallenge

I am pleased to bring you the great news of 'eSport Challenge', A LAN hosted by TLR which is due to take place Friday 1st July - Sunday 3rd July 2011 at the very recognisable Wzzrd LAN centre, Enschede. The LAN itself will feature two tournaments - a 16 team Enemy Territory competition as well as a 16 team Call of Duty 4 competition.

Entry for the LAN is 350 euros per team, this includes staff entry into the event as well as player entry into the competition. Sign ups open 1st March 2011 with any team signing up before the end of March will receive the YCN-Hosting gamers pack at any point before the LAN event which includes an ET Game Server for a month and a voice Server for a month.

Enemy Territory 5vs5 Tournament Preliminary Details
  • Entry Fee: 350 Euros (5 players + Manager - less than 60 euros each)
  • Prize Pool: 3500 Euros
  • Group stage (2 maps, can draw)
  • Single Elimination Playoff (Best of 3 maps)
  • Single Elimination Consolation Playoff (Best of 3)

We hope for games to start at 9am on the Friday with the Prize Ceremony due to take place after the Grand Finals on the Sunday at around 8pm, a full schedule will be announced at a later date. Map list will be announced at a later date as well. we will be talking to all teams who show an interest in playing at LAN as well as some respected scene members to decide on maps as well as crossfire polls. Everything listed above is subject to change and is just an initial announcement.

Any questions or suggestions regarding the events should be directed HERE.

If your team is interested in attending this event, we are making a list of ET teams HERE

gl all : )
You're gonna go? Cuz we need to chill again!
4,2k to left over if both tourneys full, sounds alot.

nothing is free sherlock
wzzrd rent
wzzrd bar
wzzrd electricity & water
wzzrd pcs rent
wzzrd monitor rent
wzzrd extra mice/ps3 port cable rent
wzzrd chairs&tables rent (lol)
paying breakfast/lodging for admins

more stuff i don't know about

doubt they will have a lot of profit
still kinda sad, usually you have like sponsors, who like pay for all that stuff...

my point exactly
In which dumbass show did you hear this expression with 'like'?
I know what it is, but you use it like a moron.
are you the polish grammar police?
see you there
brb pumping muscles
get face & muscles

face comes after muscles
gl to anyone going for ET

hope to see you there with YYT :)
ye cu there xD
gj, less esl & more lans

i wanna go with you:X :)))))))))
Dude... not this shit again !? sup with london?
Well.. It's not the crossfire challenge. RIGHT ?
this is tlr mongol, there are like 4 other lans, aef, oof ,uk lan ,cic8 in London? :)
he mad cause we own them :D

No CiC but in the same place? that suck like you in ET :\
fufuffufu, even tho i rolled you not my team mates :)
they see me rollin', they hatin'
great :) cya there, hopefully doesnt clash with next AEF?
august iirc :P
ah ye idd, should be one month between these 2 lans
isn't AEF every 2 years ?
No, because of the grand success last year the event will be once a year from now on.
Please not in the high season :\\
agreed with Kri, not in the summer please...last year was hell. 30+ degrees inside and overpriced water :x
We're aware of those issues and we'll try to fix them!
nice good news :)
cu there :)))
you probably won't see any 6v6 LANs this year :]
what do u mean with best of 2, 2 teams proceeding from grousptage ?
& single elimination brackets for playoffs ? :E
thats how it stands there yes, and 70€ per player!
Stupid for single elimination - the first teams to draw TLR / Dignitas are screwed.
and 70€ for an expected 4 games seems allot.
The rules are yet to be confirmed, this is how it's currently planned. If we opt for double elimination, we have to remove the consolation tournament.
- don't do 1 map @ groupstage, 1 map lotto = could fuckup tournament.

- don't do single elimination @ playoffs, like I said the teams that get drawn with the big 2 teams in ET will just be screwed, u can't prove ur worth if u immediately get drawn against the expected champions.

- doing single elimination combined with 1 map per groupstage is ludicrous.

- the price of 70€ is defensible but only if the tournament is ran with normal groupstage & double playoff brackets.
I'm pretty sure it's not 1map groupstage, probably just play 2 maps and the results can be draws.
noob, best of 2 means u have to win 2 maps to win the game, and 3 maps in playoffs, so this isnt even that bad idea, but double elim is still be77er
He cleared it up its indeed normal game of 2 maps, dno if that's a good idea playing adler vs a team less skilled than you or having supply/grush with a bad spawntime could fuck up ur chances @ progressing from groupstage.
Best of 2 = Best team out of 2 maps

obviously this means that you're gonna play 3 maps
sound more like bo3? you win 2 maps out of 3 = gg

weird shizzle
To win the LAN you will usually have to play one of the expected champions anyway.
No shit, but this way ud be immediately out and dont get a chance to play other "sub-top" teams for that hard fought for 3rd place.
I looks like they are considering changing it anyway. In my opinion don't fix what isn't broke but it may have been a decent change :)
double elimination is superior in every way to consolation tournament - the last two crossfire LAN's were won by teams from loser bracket.
let me discuss, think i prefer double elim too.... just need to get my arse active first :)
best of 2 maps, i think
That's what I'm afraid for too :D

so 3 maps in whole of grousptage + 1/2 games in playoffs for the price of 70€
3 maps????

2 maps per match. ( Bo2 )

maybe you mean 3 wars?

edit: indeed, shit for not double elimination
ye actually wtf is best of 2 ? :S
u play 2 maps only, if tie, then its draw.
and what happens if 1 team wins 1 map and the 2nd one other map? tie? :D funny
can´t you read ? blindboy
idiotboy go eat peanuts
nice :P

gl all
nice date!
this time i might even have time :)
4 teams / group?
Awesome :)
nice effort! hope to see you there
Who the fuck said its in London ?! ... 70 € ://

Looks i wont be there this time , hf & gl all teams
nice one!

my first big lan, most probably :D
cu there :*
cu there :*
cu there nerd :D

btw faster!
are u gonna play or will u be our ekto?
dont know yet, we'll see what happens :D

and if u can pay me nerd :D
Cool! I've just bought a new bike!
Can't wait for the upcoming 4 LANs!!!!11
gimme a ride please

Since there's no fuel cost I will supply lucozades. :)
Time for to have a summer road trip.

I shall ride my bike with no handlebars and meet up with you in Marseille. :{D
i may go to this one but need a low- team :D
might be there husslin some trees
sounds goood
needs double elim though, adacore managed to schedule a consolation tourney with double elim, just email him! :P

but adacore is adacore :p
70eu per player rofl

good one
so if i came in a team without a manager i pay 50 euros for a pint of wzzrd water beer? :DD
no, cause you're under age to drink :(
you can drink from 16 in holland why dont you oh dear
aNimus will proberly roll this lan.
have fun evryone:)
ET LAN or Death Cab For Cutie gig? image: hurr

Have fun.
or getting a shave because my name is meez and i have a beard of pubes on my face.

is this your profile? kanye west? hipster reputation--
yes that is him, he is always talking about those gay bands but never listening :oooo
he is wnb hipster :|
man so indie
Entry Fee: 350 Euros (5 players + Manager)

If you are willing to pay €70 just to play some free game at lan, then you got to get your priorities right :o
What game being free has to do with anything? Dumb belgian.
nothing, dno why I actually wrote that :p, but doesn't change the fact that €70 is way too much don't you think so?
Isn't it a lot cheaper when the game is free. CoD players need to pay for the game first. :{D
gij n boss zijn toch echt schooiers eh : )
Yes me so poor :(
poor in e-achievements
poor in lanexperience
poor in e-pocals
QuoteSingle Elimination Playoff (Best of 3)

TLR gonna be 2nd at their own LAN h3h3
Great newS !
nice ;) maybe see you there
I like that there isnt a bias towards COD4, and that both comps have the same structure.

But 70 euros a player for 4 games if you dnt do well, is pricey :|
As you said, we didn't want to be biased. CoD4 is €350, and they don't have an issue with it, never have. Reducing the ET tournament entry will reduce the prize pot.
Don't mind prize, im quite certain ull fill the 16 slots anyways, but the structure should be change, both group & playoff stage.
of course you don't mind the prize, you won't win it :D <3
Meant entrance fee !
if im honest thats not that bad. we averaged out most cod lans around 350 for enterance
Cya there! :D

Stokkie gonna visit Holland ^^
and my underwear :*
Haha, mrau ! :D
QuoteGroup stage (Best of 2)
Single Elimination Playoff (Best of 3)
Single Elimination Consolation Playoff (Best of 3)

u need 3 days for that??
its just a question about timing and organisation, but how should you know that "xD"
my knowledge comes from different cc-Lans, dear :*
Cool! But as crumbs said, 70euros is alot for just 4 games :x
a bit pricey, not that I don't understand that hosting a LAN costs money but 70/player is to much.
A lot of money in the prizepot. Cant even imagine what I would do if i did get my hands on such amount of money for once :_)
webe this offline so imagine is all thats happening
Well I would like to go to lan but well

none of the guys I would like to go dont want to go.

pds because he is cheater

devix cos no money

ruoska no money

sungi cos he isnt 15 yet :_D
no because im fcking mad and ur a shit lagging hacker

nah but seriously only to a lan I would go with the people I played from 2k5 or so (devix n stuff)
€70 is outrageous.
clashes with my exams won't be there dude. drink a pint of water and shit in the toilet for me bros x
[19:57:59] [TLR|Seanza] I'm sure we can sort something out and that this prizepurse will be increased

1500€ is the rent for WZZRD, seems a lot considering they make 2 months pay in 2 days

also ET must be double elimination
Why bother even playing a map? Make it 100e pp and cointoss to decide winner.

On a serious note, this is worst tournament format I've ever seen. Seems like even 5on5 can't help tournament organizers to make proper tourney.
I will dodge again!:D
Horrible group stage and playoffs format.

are we trying to change et into cod4 a bit more here or what? O_o

i seem to remember that kind of group format and shit from cod4 in the past, i highly doubt it would work for et though
The first CC lans (ET-only) had singly elimination playoffs. And that worked.
Yet once they changed it, it did seem more entertaining.

Still, I've always wanted to try a pint that costs 70 euros, heard it tastes fantastic.
don't know about cpc2/cdc3, but cpc1 had double elimination playoffs
cool, hope to see you there.
Will be seeing all of you there together with Iceland ARNAR, Netherlands banaan, Netherlands dualinity & Catalonia uNiQe!

not even joking :)
if renzy johnsons will be there thats a whole new matter for me hesturrriiibarnnn
The flight is only 600 euros so not sure if ill go ;/ unless Brynleifur Hlynsson will give me 600 euros, that should be easy for him all he needs to do is sell the cheat :D
nice forgetting about me
dual and uni arent nerds, gl with 3 of you.
pls dude im not going? no money?

and fo with the uNiQe spanish shit??
fuck that im playing with dual & uni if they come :P
get dual and uni to backstab photo and we all make happy team :))
if someone u dodge i can backup
cu there (well i hope)
saweet, still hv uni then tho i think :/
NEED TEAM /q qualitY^seareal
70 euros... u euros are mad -_-
yiiiihaaa nice news :) hope to see u there lads !
70 pp? why increase?

Single elimination? :/
great enschede !

will be there i guess (if i dont write any exams @ uni)


decrease the prizepot and make the entryfee lower
70 euros is kinda expensive tbh, but still, avi !
roflol 2 maps can draw in group stage :DDDDDDDDDd thats hilarious. specially with a mappool that's gonna have adler/frost in it which most certainly will happen, thats just gg
finally a LAN but what about the Uk one?
Format should have been double elimination, anyways great to see another LAN!
expect Netherlandsiceq :)

ropfl this gotta be the biggest joke ive heard X:DDDD
What's wrong? ^^ Only single elimination is stupid but look to the bottom. Seanza writes that they are considering change. Why so negative?
Dude it's Sample...
Cuz he and ensam are fucking online sluts which cant perform on lan :( sad but true KRP fucking online family like dICKINABOX_mANS & stuff. Gtfo Fintards.
Probably see you there :)
70pp, single elimination and in the middle of the summer.. Riiiiiight!

also "ecognisable"?
Lol'd at July.
shit location

1. 50€. rofl.
2. Groupstage, single elimination playoff :'DDDD

All the medskilled teams, enjoy the "SOCIAL ASPECT OF GAMING", only costs you 50€ for 4 games :)
cu there if I ain't working
so do weaker teams have a chance to join the tournament aswell? seeing as it's only a 16 team tourney.
are there 16 strong teams in ET?
well i mean teams that play med/+ish scrims, that don't touch the higher skilled teams.
Hf dignitas :-))
needs some of you!
needs some of you!
needs some of you!
needs some of you!
in summer? fuck that
Im going to holidays so Im not happy bout July :D
TLR.ET promised TLR to compete several lan's in 2011 but there aren't any announced so they make their own ? ^,^ lol @ single elimination + money
like you care, you live next door ! :D
that an issue??
I was trolling but it seems to be true :D
again though i reply... is that an issue? Doesn't it benefit the community?
better late than never :p need more infos
I already feel how 5on5 brings us so many lans <trollface.jpg>. Anyways good idea TLR, maybe I'll come with team yellow.
Nice. Remember Seanza give us a tinkle if you need me. Think you got my number yea?
Are you gonna come?
Seems a bit steep for single elim. Nice though.
There'll be CC8 at spring too, right?
possibly. also AEF is in August.
GJ Seanza, don't mind all those flamers. Hoping it won't be the last ET lan in 2011.
We're re-considering the entry and format for the ET tournament. For any future questions or suggestions you have, please make a thread on our forums
any chance to see slots going from 16 to 32 ? would be nice in order not to have a competitive lan only :/
play France lan :)
well, there are some people i'd like to meet IRL who are definitly not French. I admit that it could be a competitive lan but if it's possible 32 slots would bring more fun to the event.
make your own lan ?
no thanx, i don't have a time to. It was just a suggestion actually.
go to your friends' house instead of playing lan? :p
+1 @ b3ck, not sure if thats's do-able at all, since TLR has nothing to gain from the "personal aspect" for a LAN, but Im quite sure you could get a lot more sign ups...then again, you'd need more $$$ for pc's :s
nice! right in exam time.. great success! -_______-
different countries have different exam dates :] too bad.
germany always got shit dates for everything. crap country tbh.
shit date lol
wow bunch of poor euro kids complaining about a 60-70 euro fee to get in a tournament, suddenly i feel rich even when i live in a 3rd world country, nah really, u got over 5 months to save that money , ...
think it's more of the fact it's around 110-120 dollars us/ca to play in a lan with a potential of only playing 4 games
I know, and add that the cost of..whatever hotel+food+drinks+going out, is not cheap the "total price" of going to the lan, but 60 euros per person to pay the tournament fee looks just a fair price to me for that instance, considering the price pool , looks fair to me, tbh they should be whining about having to spend money on plane/train/bus/car fuel, whatever, food, drinks money and not the cheapest part which is the entrance fee :P, and considering ppl going to lans actually do enjoy going to lans a lot, so they will have a LOT of fun in the event, happyness for 60 euro , well done.
I feel very happy at home as well :)
I wasn't looking forward to LAN that much, but I have to admit: Totally worth it.
Make sure you go with guys you like though.
woohoo cu there :_D

Klein Gallië will be the lost^camp again summer niceee
Seems like this LAN is gonna b without Eirik :(((
If you don't show up... I will most upset and I might commit a mass murder.
3 or 4 more LAN's ;)
Nej :(((
Varfor mr bög?!?!?
I'm gonna be there man... ;<
avi, pm me if you need me!

(only serious offers please)
o m g worm is back
nice entry fee :D
NOOOO, Dont think i can make this :<<
see you there
btw, is there a chance that you will host a consolation tourney?
QuoteFormat: 5vs5 (with Groupstage followed by single elimination playoffs, there will be a consolation tournament as well)

ah, read over that. So if I go and play, Ill pay for the groupstage and the consolation tourney. And that are like, 4 matches in total?
4 matches minimum under the current structure, nothing is 100% just yet, except that there is a LAN taking place and ET and CoD4 are the planned tournaments. :) everything else is subject to change depending on feedback and anything that pops up.
so there might be a chance that there will be more teams allowed? Cuz that would be cool :)
I would say that was the least likely change to happen for ET.
pure logistics and time, blame the sun
the more the merrier? :x
start a crossfire donation so they can rent more PCs??
If anyone needs a ride to LAN, feel free to contact me. Last year I brought Matias & Gifty. Don't hesitate :)
nice mate : )
i think im going :)
depends if i can get a fun team, but i think yes then :]
cu there
Finals are on my birthday :D

maybe i'm commin on 3rd
avi for subtop team that is going to start praccing 2 weeks in advance to then fail

./q ehamo
avi for a subtop team that is going to prac from February the 15th and fail. (Better than Kevin)

./PM potty on CF

(Love you kevin! Flights booked already :o cu there friend :) )
I will really try to go but can't promise anything yet :<[
But if I go I'm going to call you father potty all the time <^^<
Haha, You can just call me dad if you must! The wife calls me it now to try get used to it. Kinda weird being called it though ;p
brining small Potty with you?

If you need players for a team (Fail incomming) pmme.

underskilled, brains, payformyownflightsalreadybooked, can drink as much as (most) englishmen there.
Haha, I don't know if I will be playing or not. Flights are booked but I might just chill there or something :)
I just booked my flight but I def. want to play (just for the excuse: playing there is less nerdy than saying "I'm going there to watch others play" imo)
I doubt I will be watching if I am not playing. Hell its a trip to Holland so what do you think ill be doing ;D
hugging me?
I dont think that people realise that the structure - i.e. groupstages etc arent 100% fixed. It was TLR's plan to announce a lan as atm ET is in limbo stage. With 3 other lans going to be hosted around the same time as this event you would think people would be happy about a new lan/announcement.

If you arent happy with some of the details, feel free to query myself Seanza or merlin. Nothing is set in stone except there will be a lan on the date provided. If you are going to moan about everything then just stay home. Some of the issues ppl have raised i agree with and will be speaking with TLR etc.
It clearly stats nothing is finalized. If people don't or can't read then thats their problem?
It didn't state shit prior to admin edit after massive comment whine commenced.
"Everything listed above is subject to change and is just an initial announcement."

This was in the first and original post.
indeed, it was.

I edited to make it far more obvious, because that sentence and the LAN being 6 months away wasn't obvious enough. :)
Just curious if you are going to be attending this as a player/spectator/admin or not at all?
At the very least I will be admin, playing is an option but a highly doubtful one :)
I presume you're flying out on the wednesday aswell then?
I would do yea =)
Well if you're going from gatwick let me know. My easyjet flight is the 6:10am one. It's only about £75 inc booking fee + luggage. Book now to get the super cheap rate (goes up after January I think it is)
nice to know, ta =)

Im more of a heathrow guy, just as station near me goes directly there :P

dont mind getting in early though, can maybe meet up as that train journey is as boring as hell x)
I am meeting up with seanza at amsterdam airport around 8am in the morning. Only because I am going to stop off in amsterdam central for like half hour to pick up some tea bags for the weekend.
haha :D

yea sounds good, will try to sort out my flight soonish - will let you know.
You are retarded if you think that this was all set in stone and we changed it through a bit of whine. It was announced early to get the motivation back in ET as it is in Limbo stage atm. The main priority was announcing the dates and location of the lan.
Internet 101; don't feed the trolls.

In your own news if you feelt the need to clarify smth do it once & only once. Don't get drawn into petty irrelevant shit - it lessens what you're putting out.
Ye agree, but i dont mind addressing points made by ppl like Fuzz. I wont reply to everyone, just hate to see ppl jump the gun flaming the lan when you can be constructive about it and go through different methods. Its already changing to a bo3 and double elimination.
Ya, just when you're calling people out "retarded" :o)

It's not the end of the world if people think they've influenced decisions when it's something you'd already done anyway, could've done this a different way but meh it's irrelevant.

You've six months to keep the story alive could've used the follow up story, you'll be wanting at least 1 news / feature a month to maintain the hype. Everything any team does should be building up to this - mention it everywhere (subtly like) as you're competing with 2 established brands now ^^
There will be regular news posts :P
Great now stop living up to your reputation (seriously it's like toss on a bad day >.< ) & ignore the haters.

Peace, love, unity.
Much love x
its still obvious that the general cf player, who wants to attend a CC'like lan event, will not find perfect conditions here. As with the smaller amount of teams its clearly more of a topteam event (also the entry fee). I myself also evaluate whether I will play there or not simply because of the relatively high entry fee (compared to what ET ppl are used to from CC). Also even if TLR will change the format after feedback/requests it can never become a big double elimination + consolation tournament as everyone would love it too (I suppose due to schedules & amount of pcs etc, we all know that).

Just to elaborate ppls reactions

I'll definately be there, just in question if I am playing or not
We are working on the schedule. The thing is, id rather pay an extra 20 euro per player to attend more lans than 50 euro p.p and have 2 lans a year. Thats of course if you can afford it. You are 100% right though, it is more of a competitive lan - however that doesnt meant that only the best teams should sign up. We are looking at the schedule and trying to fit in a consolation tournament as we know that goes down well in ET lans. We will also be making it double elimination playoffs.
you should make that clear in the post then and alot ppl will be happy ;)
QuoteYou are 100% right though, it is more of a competitive lan - however that doesnt meant that only the best teams should sign up.

Why would the less good teams sign up, knowing they'll pay €70 pp and then get spawnraped 3 out of their 4 matches :-)
QuoteThe thing is, id rather pay an extra 20 euro per player to attend more lans than 50 euro p.p and have 2 lans a year. Thats of course if you can afford it.

Coming from someone who gets full support ^^
Coming from someone who would attend lan with or without full support.
hows that UK lan shaping up? ;)
Will hopefully be able to confirm everything and announce it within the next couple of weeks.
UPDATE ON MY PART: HMV going to look into getting something as a discounted rate if we want it. (Might have to include HMV in LAN name though) This is a very vague email they gave the wife so details on discount are still to be decided ect. Just let me know if you decide to have it else where?
how many COMPETITIVE teams do u expect in the lan ? less then 6 -.-
you say it like people need to rob a bank for the entrance fee. it's like 20€ more than CC LANs :|
I'm just saying I know enough ppl who already considered not playing when the entrancefee increased for cic7 and as this is another 20€ its even more of a problem for some I suppose.
saving 70€ over 7 months isn't hard. (for anybody)
I'll be spending more this Wednesday to watch 90 mins of football >/ it's all relative - is less than £20 per day good value compared to most other leisure activities? Guess so. If you were going to attend a LAN that price wouldn't put you off - if you think LANs are for losers, the price is irrelevant.
Leeds match, was at Scunny on Saturday so treating myself Wednesday. Either way it'll be a great night - completely sold out stadium.
I dislike Premier League with all my heart, but I wish I lived in England for teams in lower leagues like Leeds, Nottingham Forest, ect.

Enjoy the game :-)

PS: I hope it ain't a stupid question, but how's the "hooliganism" at lower levels in England?
It's there but not in a big way, more like a Friday night round town than anything organised. Sometimes sense it in the pub that somethings a happening but it rarely kicks off big time. Though we're still top of the table arrest wise. So course there's a few incidents every now & then but it's not all out war. The police are that on top of things it rarely escalates beyond goading & charging - you'd be daft to do anything in that spotlight with the consequences so high.

For example get in a scrap at the football you're liable to at least six months in jail and banned from football for a few years - get in a fight round town you might spend a nights in jail, at worst get a fine.
Haha, same here. In real life you can have a street brawl with only a fine as punishment, but if you show your middle finger in a football game you get 250-500 € fine and 3-6 months ban from a game.

Fucking ridiculous. Sometimes I wish I was born 30-40 years earlier, you know what I mean? :-)
It's not about being able to save the extra cost, but it's just a question whether it's still worth it. CiC7 entrance fee cost like 45euros if I'm not mistaken? And the total trip only cost me about 150-200 euros because I just had surgery so I didn't go out or drank alot and because chizz6l provided free transport. If I were to go to this one, it would only be worth it if I were to go with the same team as before and get the same amount of playtime and costs. But as always, I will wait for further anouncements before I draw my conclusions, unlike some people here :)
It was nice of you to announce this early in case anyone from the states or ca wants to come they can get a cheap flight.
nice job!

cu there
lal cu there xD
cu there sascha!
hehe cu there eiM and mott4schatzi :D
Nice work TLR! Enjoy everyone
i have a honest and fair question for u sirs

normal 4 teams brackets are bad enough even bo3, so this obviously sucks but brackets wont matter too much here as there should be that many strong teams..
playoff single elim is bad but wouldnt be deciding factor of me attending this lan, i think people are blowing this out of proportion basic CF style
make it straight to triple elim "playoffs" bo3? :D too lazy to count if its actually less games but it would be a lot better for players

but yeah seems like these lans are going downhill all the time even though its 5on5!!
Quotebut yeah seems like these lans are going downhill all the time even though its 5on5!!

1st dodger reporting for duty
hey zo niet he vriend
make them add LoL
;D, waar hing jij gister uit dan?
school tot 21:30
dat verklaart 't.

Vanavond FM'en rond 9uur/kwart over 9?
Stuttgart - Amsterdam (30.06.2011 14:25-15:50)
Amsterdam - Stuttgart (04.07.2011 12:30-13:45)


Need roommate again.
(Ground is reserved for ipson and sa7z)
nice, too bad no rtcw :<
will u fly?
why fly? i live 300km from it :p
would be cool to see my VP there ;]
Get a little rtcw tourney on there like cpc2 and ill come with indomitus for sure :D
sadly this is not going to happen. 2x 16 team tournaments is the limit - at most there might be able to fit in a 1v1 tournament but even that is quite unlikely.
Too bad I'll be in Canada :'((
et aint cod.
5on5? KRP not gonna attend
yes its a shame :(
RAAB also waiting for 6on6 LANs?
Hope i'll meet some nice guys there :P serious post.
To make it good:
Change format
Highest Prizemoney should be 2,500 or 2000/1.500. For that do entry fee 35/30€
Change some things, just do it like the ccLAN. Shit for others, playing 4 games for 70€.
And maybe do more slots, 32 :Oo
32 would make ot mich interesting idd!
ill be there!
hf, wont be there
online only
Team Leuven to win next lan :)
ik zal u supporten
kwist wel da gij der alty zou zijn vr mij
kheb niks gezegd hoeveel en hoe ik u zou supporten!
Seems this will be another LAN without Rhand.

Unless someone is willing to sponsor travelling + hotel costs? If yes, please pm asap!
dude, it's like a 3 hour drive :P
I don't have a car :-)
train should be even cheaper? besides, if you live with someone, hotel shouldn't be that expensive either. And I believe you're a working man now, so what's the problem? :O)
ye idd he drives the clark :PP
I don't know what that is man :s
A forklift (also called a lift truck, a high/low, a stacker-truck, trailer loader, sideloader, fork truck, tow-motor or a fork hoist) is a powered industrial truck used to lift and transport materials. The modern forklift was developed in the 1920s by various companies including the transmission manufacturing company Clark and the hoist company Yale & Towne Manufacturing.[1] The forklift has since become an indispensable piece of equipment in manufacturing and warehousing operations.
:DDDD ahh! Still, that should be good enough for a 3 days weekend :P
I agree ;)
I don't drive a clark, that's only for people with a "vast contract", Im' an "interimmer" :<
why the hell do you call that a 'clark' and not a heftruck in belgium (or a forklift if ur speaking english for that matter) and why wouldnt you be allowed to drive a forklift as an interrimer? :P i'm a flex-werker too and i drive the forklift every workday
No idea why he calls it a clark, and it's just a matter of principle at Nike. They have more than 1000 employees, of which not even half of them have a full time contract. So they give the better jobs to the full timers and the interimmers can do the manual labor.
What's an IBAM-student doing as a flex-worker in a factory/warehouse btw?
flexworker not vaste contract werker :P

i need money to pay for my room/food/beer u know :P

i work every tuesday night and saturday
gief ql funtournament
he yesterday said that it could be possible :O)
Time for hardcore praccing if that's the case. I might even start timing shit.
Someone make a thread see the interest from people likely to attend lan with ET team or going anyway.

Might make admins take it more seriously.
maybe later on, when people actually know they will attend etc..
Or rtcw tourney!
I want them to make one just too see you xD

you'll see me on WCG!

fro - no chance.
wouldnt even arrive at the lan center.
I'm not going to allow my team to pay TLR's salary. A payment of 350 Euro is totally not understandable and if you wish to have a team attending that does not expect to reach a top ranking I definitely hope you come up with a proper offer as entrance fee and furthermore explain the reasons for such an high amount of entrance fee (especially as I don't see this coming back as prize money).

If you come up with a serious offer I can confirm that teamoxid will fund their team to attend to your event.

Besides, I do also support twister's request for a quake live tournament.
like they will show up anyway
coming from you, makes me smile.
coming from you, makes me smile.
how expensive 58€ for 5players and 1manager and it's only the entry fee wuhuhuhu. but without sponsors u have to rent everything and pay it on ur own way, so u just need to get the money in which u spend only for the rent. they want to give a price money so it's not so expensive.
It's 70€ per player, as I don't consider it reasonable to have to pay for a team manager's entrance. I could live with 40€ and I don't realy care about the prize money. I highly doubt any team not reaching Top 3 will receive any money.
ok that's ur point but i don't think that is too expensive, that u will not send ur team to the lan.
CC6 was pretty much like 70€ with a place to sleep and a spot in the tournamnet for one player.
there are some lans, there u have to pay extra for a sleeping place so ...
the whaaaaat?

u wont pay for me? :****(
:o) k now i got a reason for not attending :_D
100% agree!
It would be really nice if I was actually making financial gain for all the hard work I've put into this. At this stage, with no sponsorship confirmed, we're actually going over budget. So I would appreciate if if you did not make such accusations such as "paying TLR's salary."

I could easily make this event 32 CoD4 teams, but I wanted to include ET because this community needs more events. Given the fact that lowering the entry fee won't help any without dropping the prize pot for ET (which is something I don't want to do). Let's say €300, you're only saving €10 per team of 5 people, it's not a major difference, really.
Reading the comments before you noticed the interest of the CoD4 community on Tek9 and now reading this after u actually noticed the response makes this comment pretty much useless. I have been requesting details about what the payment fee is for.

You might consider the amount of call of duty teams a reason to keep the entrance fee as you can say the price goes by interest - if you can tell the same about ET you might need to check further to reach the same respond with that amount of money you want to have. If you want to keep it that way I can only say that I can not invest money in an event that pretends to be good for the community even though i could also transfer the money to the danish LAN announcement that reached the same effort as you did regarding self earning.
Before announcing the event, I already knew of at least 20 CoD4 teams who were interested. This was going to be just a CoD4 LAN and then I thought about adding ET.

I'm not usually one to get involved in disputes surrounding decisions I make, but this time I feel I have to because I have some guy accusing me of using this LAN as financial gain for myself. For some people, it's not about money, you know.
You struggle in explanations. What you need 350€ from a team for pretending it is less than 60€ per player cuz you include a manager? Lacking explanation skills suck.
If over 70 Call of Duty 4 teams can show interest in just over 24 hours and the ET teams are whining about a slight increase in costs with no more than a handful actually confirming they're interested then I think it's about time this community took a step back and had a good look at itself.

Arguements about lack of organisations in ET became invalid once the interested Call of Duty 4 teams hit the 50 mark.

Also, you'll find that I didn't once mention it was less than €60 per player.
If you didn't notice yet, I do not think this is a slight increase - it is a huge one. The location in Enschede has so much pro's regarding costs and with that announcement I see those gone.

"Entry Fee: 350 Euros (5 players + Manager - less than 60 euros each)" is up in the newspost, I agree that you didn't say it though.

R0SS mentioned my comment was moronic and disrespectful. I know you can't read behind my mind but I guess I have to state that I am happy about the location and about the intention of the event. But I feel terrible if I can't fund the team that's playing for me because the entrance fee is way to high to afford for a team without sponsors atm.

Also, R0SS mentioned my attendances at some crossfire challenges as admin, and he even presumed I know about the costs coming up with an event. This should be the point where you should understand my aggressive behaviour regarding why I do want to know about the high of the entrance fee.
make your players pay some
I'm not prepared to discuss any further in public, if you have any further queries regarding the entry fee, please email me seanza[at] and I'll be happy to answer your questions.
Oh dear. You are a moron.
Yes, I'm not going to pay for your attendance by paying my team's entrance and I hope no other team does.
The fact that you can be so moronic and disrespectful at the same time amazes me. For someone who has had dealings with lans in the past, adminning at numerous crossfire lans, surely you know what other costs are involved apart from just the prize purse.

The fact you can be so disrespectful to TLR and especially Seanza, who has gone out of his way to make this Lan which is of huge benefit to the ET community, frankly amazes me. The guy is covering his own costs in pre-meetings when he goes to Enschede and visits wzzrd months before the lan even commences. You then state that some of the money is being used to fund our teams. How can you make such a bold statement when you dont even know how many admins are lined up and what shoutcasting hosts we are going to hire, pc costs etc etc.

Seriously, if you are going to whine about an extra 50 euros, then keep your money you ungrateful prick. But dont start talking crap and making false accusations about TLR salary etc. PPL like you are what hinder ET from getting to that next stage. A lan that is run side by side with cod4 and has the exact same prize purse is unprecedented. Plus the fact you will have top quality shoutcasting streams for both ET and cod4. Any additional lan is a bonus to the ET community, if you are going to whine about 50 additional euros then save your money. I hope to god your ET team realises that you are holding them back. Dont get me wrong, its great you support an ET team in anyway, but the fact you make such a big deal out of 50 euros and make false accusations outweighs the good.

To think i even pondered on the idea of trying to get a deal on cabins for teams with lack of support etc then read comments like this. Ridiculous.
For the second time in my years on crossfire I got to agree with you. You are right in all ways.
You must be the biggest retard ever on cf for calling chosen ''moronic and disrespectful'' after all the shit he has done at CC lans, get real retard your acting like your some big profile guy, your not more than a random user on cf. he probably knows more shit than you ever will know about lans
And you are some freak that randomly trolls on crossfire talking crap always whining and moaning. No one gives a shit about what you think either. That Finland flag suites you.
Cu there
on my birthday, not gonna go.
Or maybe if you add LoL :p
hmm cu there :D ?
Well done TLR, WinFakt will be there with ET and COD4.

GL and HF every1 :)
cant wait to meet everyone there!
Good Luck guys :)
hope to see your announcement soon, and hope it is sooner :p :}
cu there ;)
Have fun @ everyone who's going :)
Cya there ": D
i might eurotrip to holland with m8s, maybe i'll hop by if dates suit.
otherwise i will never plan wasting that amount of money.

QuoteAll the medskilled teams, enjoy the "SOCIAL ASPECT OF GAMING", only costs you 50€ for 4 games :)

yep true
CbZ will be back with Azur , heya and woDka !
Last time you said those guys were going (AEF) I said they wouldn't... You flamed me hard and a few weeks later your lineup was completely different. This time can I tell you they aint going and for you to accept that fact? ;D
I just hope you understood I was trolling.
Naiz, Pur3fragging maybe avi :)
I'm sure they'll gonna change the single elimination thingy and the entrance fee aswell, just because 9/10 ppl complain about it.

Nevertheless, got a free weekend, so maybe I'll check it out!
It's funny to see how crossfire whines about entrance fee and single elimination, while tek9 thanks all for saving their game.
+1 no whine from cod4 community
ofc not when theyre all getting sponsored! great reasoning x)
Inderdaaaad jonge!!! :D

Are you still playing in that Low Land Lions cup? QL ofc
Yes! Praccing HARD as we speak and even bought premium this weekend! Whoopwhoop
Haha :D I'm going to play it but I won't have too much prac for it, should be izibash vs killsen anyway :P
Cod4 is far more active than ET ever was:E

For some people (students for example) 70euro is pretty much. That 70 euro doesnt include the hotel/food/drinks etc...
cod4 is more active, thats sure, but still, reading tek9 shows that alot of people is very happy to see a lan again

and ye, 70€ pretty much, but still, the difference between these communites are quite huge

wanted to write something similar to ArtstAr's comment(Comment Ignored (+)), so not going to write more :P

Well I think, same as the Cod4 community, everyone is happy to see another ET lan. But that doesn't mean ppl can't complain :)
good to hear :)
Made short assasment how much it would cost to come there from Finland and it is atleast 350e. Mostly likely more (flies,wood,place to sleep etc etc).

No money no funny rest is bullshit. Have fun those who attend!
just wondering if it's so much for single elimination is there cabins too? :x
I'll go if Konsti goes. (Hoping spectator entrance isn't 70 Euro as well?)
what, you'll be back by then already? \o/
Shortly before that, yes ;-)
Its nice to see the lan.

But I'm not sure if I will pay 70+all other costs..Considering there are few more lans to come, as I'm planning on attending CC8 and UK Lan which will cost enough as it is.

I will obviously go if I get support and I might post that I'm looking for a team with support, but I guess a lot of players are in the same situation as me. Good job on the lan though x
cu there & troll @ single elimination
just dont fuck up the mappool and make it like 7-8 maps, 5 is enough

gr supply adler radar + fifth = frost/karsiah/bremen
gr supply radar adler bremen = win
Supply, Grush, Frostbite, Adlernest, Radar (possibly add Bremen if teams are willing to prac it and get us some good games :D)
That my friend... is an UNREAL mappool!
for 70 euro i bought psp yesterday
cu there i guess =)
avi but not going to prac :)
Haven't had the patience to read the comments on my phone, but is there any possibility of setting up a quake tourney? CPM or Live :D

Would be a good idea if it's possible :)
its possible they said
Did they say anything else about it? I could just give Seanza a buzz but I thought I'd just try my luck on here first :O)
not here, sry mate
cpm tourney for all those 13 players around
still at army? If so, when is it finished?
jep, end of May
Türa Libud! :>
Ill let you choose :O)
But bring mata and bff back with you! I miss them :(
in wut part of Estonia are you serving your duty?
nais, atleast not in v6ru(deathplace), but bitter than in tapa

tapa is laik paradise
cu there libu :-D
cuthere :)
cu there paul =)
ooo will that mean we eventually try a date..... :)
vodka date vaiko! =)
Still waiting for CC8 in Enschede! :]
sounds like fun
ET community complaining more about this LAN than EMS removing ET from the next season, funny shit. CoD4 is asking for more slots, not even mentioning the price of the entry (saving 70€ over 7 months.. really?). :D

e: 58 interested CoD4 teams and not even a little bit of whine on the tek-9 post about the LAN. if anything, they're praising TLR for the tournament :D no wonder ET will never be included in an eSport LAN.

(and I can 100% guarantee there will be teams attending who don't have full support, or any/much at all)
Quotesaving 70€ over 7 months

God fucking damnit this is such a retarded statement.

Why don't they charge 300€? Do you think that 300€ is hard to save over 7 months? No. Ofcourse it isn't. But that's not the fucking point you obtuse moron.
tell me why it's worth whining about? you can't compare it with 300€ (even in the slightest, no idea what went on in your brain when you came up with that, not even gonna get into it rofl :D). I'm sure the CoD players aren't all being supported and look how many are interested in going.

tell me why it's retarded instead of being your regular prick-like self. I was just pointing out how negative everyone is being about something so minor. :D I'm not saying the reason everyone is complaining is just about the 70€ either, everyone on this site will have something to complain about. (the date, the format, the prizepot, the location, the price, the venue, blabla)

e: anyway, I'm just saying that it's only 20€ more than the last Crossfire LAN and it's nothing to even worth complaining about? even the poorest thirdie would pull together 20€ extra. not that they should if they don't agree with the price, since people didn't go to CiC7 due to the price increase from the previous LAN too.
I'm not comparing it to 300€, I'm using 300 as an exaggerated example of your logic.

70€ isn't retarded, it's just a tad pricey for what is on offer (single elim at the time of posting). Your reasoning for 70€ is what is retarded and to quote yourself "not even gonna get into it rofl :D"
the 70€ isn't even what I was writing about I wrote like 4 words about it.. just the overall negativity of EVERYONE in comparison to not a single complaint on the tek-9 newspost. the fact that people are saying they don't want to go because of +20€ is why I'm saying it's not hard to save that amount of money over 7 months, which is not retarded at all. my entire point is about how whiny the ET community is, the "saving 70€ over 7 months" was just an additional thing because I literally don't see this as a problem for anyone since it is only 20€ more than CiC7 and I'm sure even AEF was more than 50€ ;l
agree. The general comments about the signup cost is ridiculous. COD4 community are full of praise. Hell kudos to the guys in this thread who wont get support but have stated they will attend anyway.
Over those 7 months people need to save up for this lan PLUS saving an additional 60 euros for CC8 PLUS an additional 60 euros for AEF PLUS perhaps an additional 60 euros for that other not-yet-announced lan.

Add the expected travel + accommodation + food price and you do have a costly bill even for 7 months saving. Anywhere a team can save money they should.

For AEF CoD4 also had 350€ income fee, and I was expected to ask 350€ too. I decided against this to attract more teams, with success. And that was after 6 months of no lan (and another 6 months of no lan to come).

I'm not saying how they should run their lan, I'm saying you should always take the bigger picture in mind.

And please don't compare this community to Tek-9 when it comes down to money-issues. ET is a free game and not everyone can afford a lot in this community. People who bought CoD4 are more likely to spend another 70€ for the game they like, whereas the ET players never had to pay anything to enjoy their beloved game. Also, the CoD4 community is a LOT bigger than ET's, making the demand increase thus increasing the price. You can't just drag the line from CoD4 to ET.

But I also don't like the constant criticism here. People often don't understand the value of a complement and just throw some complaint out there like it's the only thing they can think of.
if +20€ is what stops them from going to LAN then I doubt they belong there anyway, also the regular CF users who are complaining here are not going to attend EVERY LAN ;l like I said below, only teams with support will attend all the LANs this year.
Well if those regular users (who are often poor) had a choice between a 60€ lan or this 70€ lan, you don't think that would influence the number of teams on this lan? There are a lot of factors to count for, but this definitely is a factor you can't ignore (look at the money-whine in this newspost).
Quoteif +20€ is what stops them from going to LAN then I doubt they belong there

belong there ? Who the fuck do you think you are?
I guess he just means that most complaining about the fee don't have support, and most good teams will have support for LAN events. This is a 16 team LAN and cant possibly be viewed in the same way CC LANs are which obviously I would 80-85% of the teams going know they haven't got a chance in hell of winning, let alone getting out of the group stage.

Yes the ET entrance fee is in line with what other games pay for LAN events in general, but this is because ET has only had one lan in the past really, AEF was 350 too, but Krosan made the decision (afaik) to lower it to 300. This simply is not an option here, as 350 for all 32 slots is needed to simply break even.

As far as I know this is the only thing that is not up for debate, purely for that reason. The format will undoubtedly change as the LAN is 6 months off and nothing was 100% solid there, was just to let the ET scene (and CoD4 scene) know they hadn't been abandoned in after the EMS stupidity - the reaction here to a LAN being announced IS a bit OTT though :p
What did you expect?
Nobody will fall to his knees to adore TLR for a LAN. For most of the et players a LAN is like ice cream. If you get some its nice and cool but if not nobody would care.
I think you miss the point a bit :p

also LANs would be better associated with water than ice cream, they are needed every now and then or the competitive scene dies out.
Perfectly good explanation. Well said :)
With a limited amount of slots for ET, only the teams who do have the money will be able to come (which is just normal market logic).

Artstar's statement was pretty offensive though :P
he doesnt think before he types generally ;)

and there were offensive statements being thrown both ways, some a bit more targeted than others. vive la cf
if 20€ is the big thing stopping them from attending then LAN isn't the best idea for them? better? I'm not saying it's a place for rich people or snobs but generally a trip to LAN + accommodation + food and so on isn't going to be cheap so if it's the 20€ that changes their mind then they don't belong at a LAN. you always look at 2 words of a sentence and focus on that in the wrong context rather than read the entire comment and admit something is true.

if 20€ is the deciding factor of whether someone goes to LAN or not, _should_they_even_be_thinking_of_leaving_their_country_

e: and I'm not saying they are better or worse than anybody else (even if it looked that way, I'd be calling them 20€ poorer than the rest of the attendees?), because I personally would never go to a LAN because I'd need to pay the whole trip myself. just pointing out that the entrance fee being raised by 10€ since AEF is a retarded reason not to go (if they were truly thinking of going in the first place).
overpriced vs. expensive
20€ extra is no reason to not go to LAN, is all I'm saying ;K which is obviously not some beastly issue otherwise there would be at least 1 complaint about it in the tek-9 announcement, and there wasn't =d
Only thing I can say about the price is that if there are 4 LANs this year, alot of people will not/can't afford to go to all of them. Also, with the '20eu point', that becomes 100eu for any potential/actual sponsors. However, having said that it does mean a bigger prize pool, and as I'm not going I have no real opinion on it!
when you put it that way yeah, but the only teams who will actually attend all four (/more) won't care at all about those little things =p (Dignitas, TLR, Speedlink, and I guess WinFakt & Rage give good support?)
see you there :)

Ah you're attending this one yea? As an admin or just to come and spec?
Why not as player? Didn't he play with Dignitas and Black Magic already?
Yea, but I am almost certain sol wouldn't make a comeback after all these temptations.
Probably not going to attend any LANs (unless there is one well timed for me :)), but good to see an ET LAN, hopefully get some more announcements soon, so people can start making plans!
stingey cunts :D
Embarrassing aint it G. Ask BB to let u make an ET team too :P
I personally think alot of the comments are valid... well at least the well constructed ones :P

Teams that do get support can attend all the LANs granted, but in ET... that isn't exactly much. You have to look at the difference between ET and CoD, the size of the community and the support they get.

Yes, you have your top teams attending all the LANs (fnatic, BB, MYM and loads of others) but then you have the smaller teams. Local LANs get loads of teams as well (I-series). These smaller teams don't go to every LAN, they try to go to as many as they can yes, but when they have to pay everything, they have to try and choose which LAN they want to go to.

In ET, probably a max of 8 teams would get at least the bare minimum (entrance), and thats being generous.

So then you have... another 8 teams (depending on slots), that come from the same player base. Hence, with 4+ LANs this year alone, interest will decrease massively UNLESS a sudden burst of MGCs show interest in ET and start to invest (which is very unlikely).

Best example would be... myself. If I don't get any kind of support, I'd have to pay:
entrance: 70x4 = 280
accommodation: Lets say... 100e for 4 nights: 100x4 = 400
travel: 250 or 300... 300x4 = 1200

without even counting spending money whilst there... it comes 1880e.. over 4 LANs, spending money could easily make this figure go to 2500e or 3000e. Thats alot of money :P This is me being very generous with prices regarding accommodation as well.

With CoD this isn't a problem, as if 1 small team from France cannot make it, 3 English ones can. Where as... if for example, team-potty and team-sa7z wont be able to make it, who is actually going to replace them?
With 2 LANs a year, things were fine financially, maybe even push that up to 3, but now with potentially 4+, all quite close to each other in date, I fear that numbers won't be met for all LANs. Maybe this one won't be a problem as it is the first announced LAN, but others...

Just my 2c :P
u name it moses
I think im going to be spectator to, think im going with dsti cya guys there :)
make 2 tournaments ( 5on5 , 3on3 ) for that entrance fee and split prizepool :D
how dare you?!
5on5 and 3on3 !!!??! that would be a
Quotelogistical nightmare
wat? more matches = more fun.
yeah ;)

it was a quote of baggiez. he said that the logistical nightmare was the cause to change from 6on6 to 5on5 ;)
is it possible to play for a et and cod4 team? guess it would fuck up the schedule?
change the name to Crossfire eSport Challenge and maybeee
are u in one of those cities where WC handball is atm? :)
nope, i live in stockholm and they are palyed in malmö and lund, watchin some on tv though :P
since when does a team manager have to pay entrance? thats just to fool the teams and make it look cheaper than it is.

350/6 = 58

but infact it is:

350/5 = 70€ per player.

just tell the teams, the entrance fee is for 5 players an 5 managers:

350/10 = 35€ per player - GREAT SUCCES!
You angry cuz you wanted to go with a super new secret top team? :)
- super
- top
Tell me more :D
nope, just mad about those nasty tricks :p and i have no idea what BuLL is talking about.
Lol, after reading the newspost i thought "nice, that's not expensive"

And then there are 500 posty whining about the entry fee :D tOrM already said it, that's probably one of the smaller costs attending this LAN for most.
Rock Werchter > lan
Is Rock Werchter at the same dates? If so; LAN CANCELLED ":D"

Wanted to go last year to see Vitalic but couldn't get the time off work so made a decision that I wanted to go this year again :D
werchter is form 30th june-3th july ;)
if any south/north americans wanna go please pm me ;D
shaun from Canada wanted to go. dunno about others. Good luck anyway :)
Theres no fucking way anyone in South America would of make it.
16 Teams only? :S that suck
am i allowed to come and play?
answer asap
will it be in 5vs5 or 6v6 format?
Wished that some people where like the CoD4 players! Would've made the ET community way nicer
Isn't ET lucky to have double elim in the first place? I mean each match could take up to 1hour 15 mins not including setup time? (correct me if I'm wrong)

Until early 2010 CoD4 was double elim where all matches up to the WB/LB final were BO1 matches, with each match being 45 mins playing time + 15 mins setup time. When people moaned BO1 was too random, the only way to have BO3 in playoffs was to have single elim all the way through....

But I duno how much time admins normally allocate for matches in ET but if its anything over 1 hour it's a bit steep to expect double elim when its being run alongside other games and/or has a lot of teams attending.

Crossfire LANs are no longer just ET and AeF wasn't just ET and neither will the TLR LAN just be ET, so ^_^
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