TLR Mapping Contest

This contest has not been altered in any way regardless of the recent announcement of TLR closing down

image: blueprints

TLR have announced a mapping competition for Enemy Territory, the aim will be for the map to be played at the upcoming TLR eSports Challenge event in early July.

After contacting well known and experienced scene members, Latvia Clown, United Kingdom crumbs, Germany drago, Belgium Jere, United Kingdom mztik, Poland numeric, United Kingdom R0SS, Germany urtier, Finland Vanhaomena and United Kingdom Owzo. Our 'mapping panel' answered some questions for us regarding a potential new map for Enemy Territory.

There are two entry deadlines for the competition, they are as follows:
The 1st beta edition must be submitted no later than 1st May 2011 at 20:00 GMT
The 2nd beta edition must be submitted no later than 7th June 2011 at 20:00 GMT - (Final Entry)

The map chosen as the winner of the competition will receive 150 euros prize as well as getting the chance of seeing their map being played at the highest level of competition, a LAN event. You may enter as many entries as you want.

Entry Criteria - all points must be met.
  • Maps are to be designed to be primarily used for the 5v5 competition format
  • Maps are to be mainly outdoors, indoor objectives are allowed but must not be the main map section
  • Maps must contain a doc run as the main objective (docs area must contain TLR logo)
  • Map times must be 12 minutes or 15 minutes
  • Maps must contain a re-capturable spawn point (flag/command post)
  • Maps must be created from scratch, existing projects or editing existing maps is forbidden
  • Maps must display the TLR logo at least twice around the map near the main objective areas.

As you can no doubt see, it is required to use the TLR logo in some form within your project, this can be subtle as you like (docs being the shape of the logo, statue in the shame, something you blow up in that shape - etc) if you have no ideas for some subtle uses, you can use the images provided by TLR as you wish: IMAGE DOWNLOAD

To enter your completed map, send an email to seanza(at) with the subject "MAPPING CONTEST" followed by the name of your map and include a download link in your email by the 1st of May, 2011. Your map must not be made available to anybody else for testing prior to the first deadline. TLR must be the main distributor of the map files.

Source: TLR News Post
Download TLR logo:
Good luck all!
QuoteMaps must display the TLR logo at least twice around the map near the main objective areas.

Needs some tuto for mapping x)
GTK radiant, now google is your friend :D
Maps must contain a doc run as the main objective (docs area must contain TLR logo)

A map should be Clanless. And without Clan-Adverts!
The map chosen as the winner of the competition will receive 150 euros prize...

ill start right now :>
enjoy, best thing you can do is a secnd grush or supply :)
like the_last_rush.pk3 or Resort_Depot.pk3?

no thx. I'll not place any Clan-Adverts in my maps :)
you can always release both a branded and a clean version
Forget about the criteria someone just please make sw_railgun for 6on6.
nice idea :)
izi for Germany eiM
nice! good luck all !
good luck to all :)
Let your "mapping panel" come together, think what should be done and then find a good mapper to do as the "mapping panel" decided.
need some tutorials to help new comers to mapping to have a chance but this is a good thing to see and throwing money at the problem should attract good results

shame u can't use old/unfinished projects though but i guess that would be kinda unfair otherwise
dont really need new comers. Need some good maps from experienced ppl.
yeh but longer term you need a pipeline of fresh talent being trained up to replace those who become demotivated or don't have time to map
yes, et will live another 5 years
well same in brink or whatever comes next
check tutorial section ?
yeh there are some tutorials on there and some are good

but also you need to find a way to encourage people to take up the mapping challenge as it does take a long time to make a good one and its hard to stay motivated
QuoteThe map chosen as the winner of the competition will receive 150 euros prize as well as getting the chance of seeing their map being played at the highest level of competition, a LAN event.
pls dont make ugly brown maps :x
wow good idea gl :)
new playable map incoming
maybe even more than one.
not all can win but can be played if they are good
That would be even better :)
gl Germany eiM & FranceDyal
:D Coquinou va!

I would have been tempted by that if only I wasn't already making a map for the Weaver Project and then thinking about finishing the one I started for ETXreal, ^^, but I'll stay around!
inb4 penisdorf.pk3
couldn't expect less :{D
Wanna play it with me alone at night?
nope i prefer being forever alone on valentine's day eheheheh
Tu sais pas ce que tu rates!

8=======================================3 O:
gl & gj tlr, good to see an mgc honestly step up to help et.
I was like 'cool maps incoming' than i read:
(docs area must contain TLR logo)
Maps must display the TLR logo at least twice around the map near the main objective areas.

No offence to TLR but ads in a map, fock off plz.
the logos can be part of the map, they dont literally have to be .jpg images on a wall - they could be on the side of a truck, a statue in the form of the logo or the docs themselves could be like a 'relic' in the shape of the logo. For their 150 euros they want something very small out of it, and in the end quite insignificant compared to what the ET community may well get - potentially a new very playable 5on5 map.
Maybe make a tribute in the map description, you know when you are going on the server the text on the right. But logo, no just no
so TLR logo could also be in garbage :=)?
advertisement in ET map is just lame, since TLR really doesnt even have anything to do with this game, execpt some crappy team with bunch of nerds who wllbe happy to see their clan tag in the map which they had worked their ass, life, off.
i bet there is nothing usefully cool about it to pput really to put that thing on the map, if you doesnt use creativeness and put that in some funny pleis like garbage :)
i would agree to put #crossfire there so noobs can find their way here (before they are hooked and they could just stop playin this game and go learn NN engRIsh you know what im sAYiNNN???)
whine more, hax less
its not rly that bad, look at quakelive, theres adverts all around ql - in game, it's not a big deal at all

IF they ever did an et live or anything similar it would be the same thing
i would own you in et live
Is done for pretty much any sponsored comp - fairly sure the xf mapping contest contained the xf logo - wasn't the winning CoD map called Crossfire?!
someone should make a collumn or something like that, where the most important things for a map are listed. For example: "

It has to have more than just one way to attack"

Would help the mappers a lot i guess, because not everyone knows what a good map needs. They would built just a good looking map, which wouldnt be playable on the highest level.
cmon deniz
you know many things about ET and you can write really good ;)
Owzo has not played quakelive for like 15 days he might aswell be declared dead
I'm still contactable ;)
Make a map with little demanding graphics. Want to have at least 90fps ;(
Seriously get a new pc the game is 7 years old and you cant run it.
do your thing Netherlandsxeoxis
I hope by docrun maps you mean maps like supply, radar, gold, not adlernest of frostbite :S
that is upto the people making the maps of course - its just meant that one of the main objectives needs to have a docs run (or maybe two, like radar).

supply doesnt have docs! :P
Thats why I added it.
logo :D is open for any showmatch request. Gl to all participants! :-)
you should post this on splash-damage forums (, thats where the mappers at! Also does it have to be a new map or can people make stopwatch version of released version as well for example?
QuoteMaps must be created from scratch, existing projects or editing existing maps is forbidden
Im curious about their responses - as most people over there hold a grudge against crossfire :D
that is why I did not link to Crossfire but to the TLR page ;D
The mapping community is a real friendly one, everyone is really polite and helpfull to each other - people give proper feedback etc.... Hold that against the charming flame from 200 ungraceful twats on crossfire and draw your own conclusions ^^
aw come on!

dyno objectives can be fun too :(
only main objective needs to be docsrun, look @ radar for instance :)
of course, a map lacking of any destroyable would probably never work.

but i dont understand the end-stage dyno hate.
it was pretty much a unanimous decision by all of the mapping panel :)
Well, if the last object is a dyno you lack the last-second thrill, especially at the second round when the map practically ends at 00:30
Oasis > Radar :D
u can still have a couple of dyna objects just not as main onject.. which i think is good since it just add some useless time in the end if u cant plant or all engis are dead
name a 5on5 map which is in the mappool and its final objective is to dynamite

none :)
more of a reason to make one.

edit: erdenberg 8D
never seen it played in ec/nc/ems/cups only in 3on3s or ladders
b4 was played in many ec's :*
"name a 5on5 map", not name a shitmap.
wolken was a good map though..
nice! gl
QuoteMaps must contain a doc run as the main objective

np for meine jumping skills
good luck!
the only map that have logos and has been quite successful is bremen, and there you will probably never see the logos in normal play.

imho having a logo at map load screen should be enough, it's just distracting otherwise.
where's the logo in bremen?
theres several hidden ones, crossfire logo behind one of the wooden fences leading to nowhere, another logo behind the cart that is under the stairs closest to truck and more.
sure there are also some easter eggs and out of boundry text in some of the other maps also, but nothing you will normaly see.
and there's a url under the wooden stairs
That was taken out for B3 I think, IIRC! :)
possibly, and yes :)
Most people replying about the logo assume it has to be the like this: when it does not, it just has to be the shape of the image afaik - creativity can be used to make it actually a part of the map like a crypt with the gold objective in it, the docs itself could be a relic in that shape or buttons could be in the shape etc.

Don't think they are asking for the logo to be plastered all over the place :p
oke, I like new maps
Cannot find any logos in Bremen at all. Only one I know, is the rooster on Adlernest.
means you aint looking hard enough, I can remember atleast 3 :)

and the rooster is a easteregg, just like the board on the same map which hides another board behind it(think it's the board just near the rooster) and aint distracting like logos on maps like 1v1dm, huntplace etc.
Smart idea, the logos are fair enough considering the 150 euros, hopefully people will find subtle/clever ways of putting them in.
as pop ups maybe xD
QuoteMaps must display the TLR logo at least twice around the map near the main objective areas.

So someone build a map for competition play and tlr get the glory? :P
QuoteThe map chosen as the winner of the competition will receive 150 euros prize as well as getting the chance of seeing their map being played at the highest level of competition, a LAN event.
nice idea, hope there will be new good playable map in the future! Gl to all participants
Nice, gl to all the contestants!
good luck all, hope we see some new kick-ass maps
ohyeah don't forget to add some TJ's!!!
great initiative, lets hope smth great comes up

QuoteLogo's in ET


I tell you: Nothing.
looks nice, but logo's in a map is too much
no ideas, not gonna participate
E: My old comment from a column:
QuoteI don't think you should even bother having such a competition, you will just get a bunch of "non-acceptable" maps. If you want new, good maps, the competition should be more like an event, where the mappers, for example, "report" how are they doing. It's better if you have other mappers and players commenting the progress, not just whining when the map is done.
come on bro, whack out the magic
help and get 75€?
i aint got no time/motivation/nerdskillz
this is true anyhow, but this is diferent since its a competition.

totally agreed that the next mapping event should be like that tho
great idea, dont see the reason for the complaints regarding the logo, you can always make it like... u are stealing 'TLR's Documents' instead of war documents or whatever. and just shape it accordingly. its not like they are asking for much when theyre putting in 150 euros for it.

should add... multiple ways to attack
- 1 main way
+ at least 1 other way that takes ppl out of the 'main' defence but needs to be harder to go through or longer to go to, so that part can be defended easier but needs to be 5 seconds at the fastest away to reach from the main part.
Map development time....

Around a month... 5 hours a day (give or take)

Work that out as £/$ per hour... you got job in Africa.
People that have made maps in ET before have got nothing out of it, so they've done it for free before, I don't see why the ones that are still around now wouldn't want to make a map for 150 euros, as for the, that small amount of money is a motivator and something small to get as a thank you. That small amount can even motivate people to learn how to map and try create a map, even though as an hourly rate it is tiny, its still money.
it's not a job.
but it isnt actually a job lol, its a one time project and u will get 150 for making a map, when usually if u do a map u just release it and get no money in return , so dont see the bad part of the deal here for "mappers" :P, so no point comparing it to afrika, also it is just stupid comparing it sry.
very nice idea, the logo part is fair enough cause of the money!

hope eiM will compete :*
i am helper? :p
time will tell? :p
Can't understand the whine about the mandatory logo.
TLR puts in 150€ into this contest, the logos are a little reward for them.

And it's not that big of a deal considering bremen has logos aswell and nobody ever whined about them.

Can't see how that's going to be distracting ingame.
It's not like everybody will just stop dead infight in order to watch the logos because they are going to be the greatest eye-candys ever seen.
Thanks for proving im not alone, all these fucks whining about the logo can tie their penises to a tree and jump
Nice one and goodluck guys!
No one will paly those maps... ET scene doesn't want anything to change...
looking forward :) gl everyone
how will the winner be chosen by the way
probably a few showmatches & an admin panel decision?
Some mapping videotutorials I uploaded yesterday:

For anything else hit #et.mapping - Dersaidin Chris xeoxis Dyal usually glad to help
Some one need to show this to Marko or what his nick was, the guy who made all the MLB maps!
i thought the same:D there is like shitlots of releases for the pub scene.
Get map maker like Stoerfaktor, the mlb guy, uje map maker
As far as i know the mlb guys aren't mapping anymore... their last map came out 3, 4 years ago i think... Stoerfaktor is a modder, not a mapper per sé... decompiling a map, adding stuff or modifying textures is not really a big deal... and UJE...yeah, good choice if you're up for a 5v5 sniper- or panzerwar...

You are right, sniper maps mostly, but they have obj maps aswell, just not known to the comp players.
Dunno if Niek will do a comp map, for that they will have to talk to him personally.
UJE obj maps i know are fuken huge jaymod maps-. never seen a uje map that could be used for etpro competition tbh :
Hmm, a map called Ambush

With some changes, it might do better than some i suppose.
hmm i think that map is huge man.
nice initiative, if TLR is giving out 150€ they can put the logo wherever they wish

please make the map with happy colors instead of depressing braundorf style
pink red and yellow ?
green, blue etc :P
raw_te :D colorful and good
GL FranceDyal you can do it!!!
<3 Encore un coquinou de plus! <3
1/ Make MarseilleMarseille.pk3
2/ Win 150€
3/ Profit
You actually got a point there. In Radar, Supply, Goldrush and even Adlernest and Frostbite elevation plays a significant part.
When we have this cool engine which permits those things, we should use it!
nice idea :)
good luck
to whoever makes a map for this... please don't make super wide hallways and huge ass boxes like missile.
that's probably the only thing wrong with missile if you think about it.
QuoteMaps must be created from scratch, existing projects or editing existing maps is forbidden

I started a map couple of weeks ago, this means I can't enter it or?
Are you remaking an excisting one?
If you're making a new one there shouldn't be a problem.
What would be wrong with having a big TLR logo integrated in the map anyway? I wouldn't give a shit if there was a big ass bright orange logo on the docroom wall in Adlernest or above the gold in Goldrush for example.
Awesome idea. Putting the TLR logo in the map in some way seems like a fair deal tbh, dunno why people would get upset about it :/
Only website known to have retards complain when something useful is posted.

gl to all though, hope we get a couple of nice maps from this.
cant agree more mate, what i wouldn't give for a crossfire without these retards!!
Ad placements in maps is actually a good idea. Deals with big companies at LANs would bring in a lot of money.

Well done to Merlinator and TLR.
Couple of serious questions..

When you say..

"Your map must not be made available to anybody else for testing prior to the first deadline."

it means literally that, you cant have anyone else who have played it and know about it in the community?

and when you say..

"Maps must be created from scratch, existing projects or editing existing maps is forbidden"

Does that doesnt mean maps that have been shown and privately tested but not released?

edit: after re-reading that nonsense above i'll make it clear, I've never released a map but have plenty of old maps that have been tested previously floating around, can I grab material from these if they've been seen before?
Weingarten or smth :D <3
The map must be a new project (from today) to be valid for this competition, sorry.
are you sure?

" You can enter though, this rule obviously is there in order to forbid changing existing and thus released maps. If you have not published any alpha versions of it yet there is no problem with that rule? "
I dont understand, to clarify.. I havnt ever released these maps publicly just on my computer and with a few ET pals, please make the position on this more clear!
The map you enter into this competition must be a creation which you started after seeing this announcement.
How would you check?

Sorry but this rule is so easily broken that it's somehow stupid to have it in the first place. A rule that would forbid any map that has already been published in any way would have been better, more realistic, and more controlable.
iexactly, it is stupid lol. i dont see why this guy h2oxigen is even talking about it, if u have 100000 million maps in ur pc never released but some of ur friends have seen it, just pick 1 , tell ur friends to stfu and get in the competition, as u said there is no way they can check, so there is no point argue about it , is it :S?
I wish i could export what i have in my mind into a map. It would be really awesome, look wise and game play too!

e: Good stuff, thanks TLR for the opportunity. Prices keep people motivated, competitions like this is a must have! Specially because some looser maps could be good and playable too!
Make some sketches, scan them and pass them to a mapper. You get 50% of the winnings :D
ahah thats a great idea, but i still "dream" that someday i will be good enough to create the map i have in my mind.. i like to learn new stuff :P
same! i've got some ideas i've sketched on top of google earth maps lol
good idea et needs new maps
yo muma needs new maps
Great idea from the TLR side again really helping ET to keep its self alive with all these project's going on. Great Work! x

Sick of playing the same maps day in day out theres so much more to be done with ET in my opinion.
what razz said
Why you neckin him?
I was thinking of a giant store for a hideandseek map, like Home Depot!
I'm genuinely shocked with all the whine, this is an excellent idea and the kind of initiative needed to keep ET alive. I wasn't aware that our answers to questions would be used to bring about a competition with a significant cash reward (OH NO NOT TWO TLR LOGO HOW ABSURD... NOT).

I'm usually the first person to be a realist, but how can you not be optimistic about this project? I say good luck to all the map makers and hopefully we'll see the new supplydepot! :)
Here here.

Great work TLR - maps & a LAN!
I kind of support this comment, up until you say the new supplydepot :(
ahaha 150 euros?
in 15 hours of job i earn 150 euros.

how many days and hours to make a map?
Most mappers (if not all) have received nothing for their work but a bit of gratitude. €150 is a pretty nice prize for something you'd normally do for free anyway.
usually you do not even get gratitude but rather flame and laugther :D
exactly, i hate the way some ppl react on stuff we make for the community with our free time and then shit at us :(
yeh i feel bad when ppl gets flamed for making a map when they actually tired to help. its pretty lame
A "thank" sounds like take advantage of someone else's kindness.
150,00 euros sound like charity work.
It's a contest... give prizes

graphic cards, processors, cpu, cases....
Maybe it sounds like a contest.
Not everybody needs new hardware or even wants it. But everybody can use money, and if they want new hardware then they can use the money.
nowadays what do u really buy with 150 euros?
hardware - insta whine about how shit it is (good example was card on tek9 movie contest)
money - its too small amount eyeyey what u gonna buy :(:(:( sad panda

its always something and u cant complain about it, if it would be without any prize i see you whining about it

so im asking you now, what do u buy for 150 euro? nowadays u can buy with this money good lcd screen, sennheisers hd555 or 5.1 system to enjoy your favorite music, even used gaming console. its not small amount
a lot. stop complaining stfu, if u dont like it dont participate or comment. cu
i might actually finish a map i started a year or so ago :p would need to work on it and dunno how much time ill have but it sure is a good competition :)
The map must be a new project (from today) to be valid for this competition, sorry.
how can you check this? if he hasnt released anything yet, it should be allowed as you cant check how 'old' his map is right?
same shit with movie contest, atleast few movies werent made in small time (1,5 month as i remember)
Going to laugh if he submits a map the he actually started as a new project and they decline it because of the comment he posted.

Perhaps there is some "super secret code" in the map that lets them know when the mapper started, that is how they'll know!
well u are correct, cant be checked, unless some1 comes here and posts "i been working over a year on this x map, cu at competition", then he just basically posted proof of it.
so , the rule is a bit dumb, but i dont see the point making a discussion about it when ppl that have a map, never seen , never tested never released , can just stfu and get in competiton and no1 will know, so whats the point posting "i have a map already , can i participate, how caN u check zomfg.? " ... it is just pointless imo.
are you sure?

QuoteYou can enter though, this rule obviously is there in order to forbid changing existing and thus released maps. If you have not published any alpha versions of it yet there is no problem with that rule?
eiM said that, not me or MerlinatoR : )
oh you're right my fault, but can you check it somehow?
how exactly is that relevant if the map in question was never released...? You may want to reconsider that rule, although there is no way to actually check it in the first place, because it will be hard enough as it is to get a couple of decent entries.
Yeah just ban these 3-4 mappers who have started their work before the competition. It's not like we need new maps anyways.
just put it in, they don't know what's "new" or "old"
just shut it, say you started it for the competition, if its a potential winner i dont think seanza will be lame enough. well i do believe he will but whatever.
Post it to splatterladder. I see new maps in their site everyday.

what u check splatterladder for btw. last time i checked it out was years ago when i was jaymoding.
for pub ip's :D
why are you whining bout the TLR Logos'. If you play the map you won't stay infront of the logo and say: "Oh my god i see a logo now i'm going blind".

Theres nothing bad about this.
QuoteMaps must be created from scratch, existing projects or editing existing maps is forbidden

too bad :( was gonna convert rtcw maps into et :D

ps nice work merl

things why a game stays alive:

- new maps
- more cup support & lans
you and your bloody conversions ;D
Cool idea. Looking forward to seeing these maps. :)
prolly wont participate, weird rule about old projects.. good project incentive none the less.
Why is the rule weird exactly?

The reason the rule is there is to prevent people from having a head-start.
well, didnt you read kevins reply? :o this rule is soooo easy to overcome and i guess there arent just a few mappers out there who have a plenty of WIP maps on their PCs. How you wanna control that? :o
Well if you want good maps, then the rule is stupid. You are basically telling people to desregard all their original, tested ideas - it seems absurd. If you want a good map, then let people reuse maps they have already created but not released.
nobody can check it if u havent released anything yet
oh come on, just provide an old one, add some features and that's it... no1 can blame you
better not create lag maps
Hey MerlinatoR you can maybe add some point also details in map are also nice and specially the proportions of the map not that it is like coast a inflatable boat that can host a tank and some ppl in it keep it kinda realistic.

PS didnt knew you also write news for TLR but keep up the good work.
This is part of the whole eSports Challenge LAN I am helping them (Seanza) with, and its going great so far :)
Funny to see how Seanza does not reply to people telling him that the rule that forces new projets is lame and can be bypassed easily... Cmon, this is obvious, this rule cannot be applied..
result will be five new nice maps to play -- but only one winner -- anyway gl all

a new mod instead of stopwatch would be nice too , for example last man standing -- every player of the team has 10 lifes untill he is out of game - last player or players left from one team wins the map !!
It already exist but nobody use it. Some RTCW or TCE server are in last-standing mod.
Go one splatterladder
And look at last man standing gametype.
nobody use it because its not in competition - a cup would be nice
Play CoD or CS
et is the only game i play -- have family -- so i better play LEGO with my son than pc or go out with him
Toi, tu sens le gros gay, =).
Toi tu ne le sens pas etre pas, mais tu l'es :)

Quoique là tu va le sentir:
Non, c'est TOI qui va la sentir :

ye more adler. ffs
!! :) cool
Will love to play the map in online competition also!

+why not play RTCW frostbite version also!
gl to! hope to see some kick-ass map
would be nice to see a list of who are going to participate
nice idea, but like always map of the winner will be played in one OC/EC season and the again everyone will come back to standard map pool
as with bremen which was the winner of the last mapping competition? uhm
bremen is the only one which stayed
and the only mapcompetition winner there is
nevertheless, bremen is not played at all :D
yet it is in the mappool and within the ~ 8 maps that are played if at all ;)
yea true but i'm just saying that its a really shit map, especially for 5on5 !
probably just because I made b3 :D
:D all versions are shit
hope You wont hate my upcoming project that much ;) but you can try to find some invisible walls :P
because most new maps are pure shit
wish i had some mapping skills
u makin something now or not?
Nope too busy with work
too bad for ET players, good for me :p
Well I gathered you were doing something aswell so it kinda deterred me from even trying, always fail at completing maps.
:D my own maps werent that successful until now tbh :D but thx
hey for all people making a map:

Don't make a map where you can run to the obj in 3 secs.. like that one shit map in bio, it's just about spawntimes after that.the best map ever for me is oasis.. there you actually need real crossfire in axis and organized attacks and real teamplay in allies, spawntimes are not in big role there. I WANT OASIS BACK!

I just hate supply last stage, it's so much about spawntimes! some1 fix it plx!
why are you so good?
clanhopping ftw. you learn all pro players' secrets :-)
Oasis Type +1
omfg, this is the thing! +1 for you
+ this is more old enemy territory style // War style
to all those guys out there who already had a project running just dont be dumb and shut up, just enter the competition. jeez...
Why is owzo in that list?
Playing this game for 7 years or more (RTCW as well afaik), shoutcasting ET for 1-2 years and played in many LANs, i'd say he's got quite some experience of what is a good map by now.
Afaik hes hasnt played ET for 7 years, and got into RTCW after he started playing ET, yeh ok lans but they are lan only teams and never competed at a decent level. And the best maps from a shoutcasters point of view are the ones with a random element, where the better teams doesnt actually always win i.e. frostbite, adlernest etc. And the maps more suited to competitive play are their least favourite to shoutcast, i.e. suppy/goldrush. To me, competitive ET maps shouldnt be designed so that a single multikill or bit of luck can decide the game or gift the team with an unbeatable time. Which happens on maps like adler/frostbite and thats the kind of input I expect from a shoutcaster...

I'm not trying to dis owzo, I like and get on with him well, just dont think he has the credentials to be giving creative input into new ETMaps


also, I've been playing ET for 6 years, been to lan and seen the best and worst of ET's currents map in there most competitive form, and I've been speccing ETTV for about 5 years, does that mean I could be in that list if I wearnt completly inactive and fake nicking? :P
Quotedoes that mean I could be in that list if I wearnt completly inactive and fake nicking? :P

Making good contributions to the community on a regular basis also helps. I would rather owzo have input in this than some "oldschooler" that only played the game and never contributed anything worth while.
I have contributed to this website! I've done like 2 interviews, I was a new-poster for a few orgs (overload,influx ":D") And I once wrote a very lengthy journal on the affect Santa Claus AKA KillerKrisKringle, was having on the fossil fuel crisis! :D

There are plenty of people who owzo is above in standing and input to this project, just imo, he shouldnt be there :P
I still don't know who you are/were hence I can't tie any of your said contributions to you. So my comment ".. contributed anything worth while" still stands.
I never implied that I should be in that list, or im experienced or knowledgeable enough about the game to have a some decent input. I was just questioning owzo's involvement :)


profitz, but i think all my old journals god deleted :((
Whats your real nick?

e: cupper I think?
From a shoutcasting perspective - I concur.
The Last Restort = The HUGE EGO!
Logos all around the map have never been a problem in quakelive, why is everyone whining
quake live <> ET
How's it a problem in ET?
players rarely make money themselves, why would they support companies who do
some1 has no logic.
What gave you the impression that TLR make money?
hosting a lan definitely brings some money
i cant see how u can host a lan without profiting
+ they have sponsors etc
You're wrong, believe it or not. Of course, it is possible to profit from running an event, but I chose not to. Any profit that happens to be received will be put straight back in to other events and eSport activities. I'm not money hungry at all.
+ TLR's sponsors (apart from YCN) are not involved in the event whatsoever.
i wish i had the skill to do a map xd
QuoteMaps are to be mainly outdoors, indoor objectives are allowed but must not be the main map section
Maps must contain a doc run as the main objective (docs area must contain TLR logo)
Map times must be 12 minutes or 15 minutes
Maps must contain a re-capturable spawn point (flag/command post)

Haemar_b1, too bad it can't compete here, ^^.
retexture and mirror it, NOONE has played it anyway ;-*
Hungarian team has already played it on ettv...
-Maps are to be designed to be primarily used for the 6v6 competition format
How finished do these maps need to be for the first deadline?

My map will be fully playable but it will be lacking in details and such I think.
That should be fine.
missile was nice in 6o6 iirc :o)
missile is a sick map, really enjoyable to play!
The logo requirements and the email to send the map to still the same? Considering recent whatever events with TLR.
There will be a news post before entry date refreshing everything for people. (and also clarifying any details which people are unsure of)

From what I have read, everything remains the same - just the email to send entries in may well change. This will be included in above mentioned news post :)
fair enough, gotto get back to working on it :>
Nothing changes with this competition. Contact and logo still the same.
question, does simply writing "THE LAST RESORT" on a sign or a wall qualify as a logo? Or only the actual logo :d
Actual logo
1 .Have you received some maps already?
2. When will they be published for other players, to collect some opinions and features?
actually looking forward to this.
its ofc highly doubtful that this will result in a new map being played but hey if this doesnt do it nothing will.
just make 2versions, nameofmap_lan.pk3 with ads and nameofmap.pk3 without, if the lan version will be playable then we'll play the version without ads in leagues, cups etc.
Urtier rox !
18 Hours to go!^^
show the betas ?
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