Friends in Force back with a bit of Power!

image: logo4j
With the 2011 season coming to a potential start, with the United Kingdom The Last Resort LAN already announced and rumours of the a BelgiumAntwerp eSports Festival in planning, Benelux Friends in Force have come back together and are preparing themselves for both online and offline events. With Belgium Jere re-joining his old teammates, you can expect to see that old FiF atmosphere which once occurred before they called it a day, sadly without Belgium Worm.

Without further ado, here is the Line-up you have once missed!

United KingdomreAlize-

Netherlands ins
Belgium Jere
Netherlands Jo0f
Belgium siL
Netherlands vANQ

With such an experienced team of players who have all had their share playing and placing in the top ranks of the Enemy Territory scene, and with a lot more attention focusing into our community, this was a great time for United KingdomPower Gaming to snatch up a well respected and recognized Enemy Territory team.

United Kingdom Power Gaming.ET has one goal, one motive, and that is to retain their position from were they finished, and battle their way to the podiums. The team is looking to place in the top 5 in the upcoming online and offline events. This will only come with dedication and motivation, which the guys are currently full of.

Below are a few statements from the player and management perspective:

Quote by Jere
After some other projects I was asked again by FiF to rejoin the team. The team was lacking form but after numerous praccs, we are seeing a lot of potential, and motivation to continue from were we left off. We are signed up and ready to go for the eSports Challenge LAN, where we hope to regain our top-5 spot back. Further more I want to thank reAlize- and Power Gaming for their support and believe in us.

Quote by siL
Proud to be part of the team! go go power rang... gaming! Furthermore I'm grateful for Power Gaming for taking our team as part of their magnificent organisation and I am positive we can bring a set of good results, and live up to our targets!

Quote by Chimpy
On behalf of Power Gaming, we are really glad to have finally moved into the Enemy Territory scene. We have great faith in our new addition to the Power Community and look to expand our name into this game. The team has a lot of experience playing at a top level both online and offline and we expect this to grow and flourish.

[center]You can support the team at:[/center]
"Naniwa's marriage to Power Gaming was short lived as only four days later the Russian Team Empire announced him as their latest addition. The circumstances around the matter is somewhat cloudy: According to Alexander "StrangeR" Solomonov (head manager of Empire StarCraft 2) PwG announced Naniwa as their player even thought he himself hadn't applied for the position."

gl FiF but I don't know what 'Power' is offering you :D
naniwa is weird anyway, 2 weeeks after that he went to dignitas :D
everyone would do that....
I've got Naniwa's Power Gaming contract sitting in the draw next to me, he wanted to leave to join Empire and we didn't want to stop him.
image: logo_indesit
kitchen appliances.
awesome gl
nice to see FiF back.. GL!
congrats, more orgs please :)
whats up with (Worm) anyways? havent seen him in a lot time..
Inactive bud, taking part in sports most of the week :)
but will he eventually come back n play , or he just stopped et-?
He won't.
lololol like u know that guy who are u?
rea storm?
Awesome! :) Good luck guys and thanks to Power for their faith.
Good to see you guys are back, hf.
go go PG!
why would power gaming take shit team like this?
was a top5 team back then
Nothing without Worm, and neither was "real" top-5, never been on top, really.

Anyway gl to the team will be suprised if they even make it top-8 with this lineup
they were top 5 on lan. Never seen you there
One hell of achievement when there is two teams that are able to fight about win.
You are wrong. Check the teams.
Cause this team go at lan :)
Yes, i know that, aint so hard go to lan when u live next to lan center
easy for jere puta <3
llol fintards mad :p
never mind you wouldnt understand lol D:
needs worm :(
gl used to be my fav team
Nice! Gl FiF!
wow! great to have power gaming @ et. too bad worm aint part of the lineup :(
about time. wb :}
Once again, I work my magic ;)
wd on the org :P
I'm too good for this job :(
going to lan as manager??
Nah, I wont be going LAN, I just helped them out :) I'll 100% go AEF if my team goes :)
good luck guys,always liked fif :P
good luck ! :)


you can be sure to be 5th
You found the secret :o
So good! Glad Power took in a team. Good luck all!
Gl Power and Jere :)
Good luck lads :)
Somehow this group always seem to get some of the best MGC's, Jere must be hung like a horse!
They have me :)
no worm no win. Wim powerr
gl jongens!
add worm instead of vanq

e: I remember some good flame wars between us guys :D
gl poeners

nice lu
Will only be half as good as with Worm, good luck anyway.
nice gl
Benelux teams getting support for benelux LANs, great
Best of luck guys!
Would be nice to see if you could reach a top spot ;-)
You better help them!
they should be able to do it without me I guess ;-)
missing some worms there
no Worm no win :(
good luck boys
Good luck, nice opponent :P hope to play more wars against you
Heard they were going to recruit Ross
I asked him 20 times but he refused every single time =( Even big moneyz couldn't convince him unfortunately :(
Best of luck boys ;)
truly sick, gl old mates :)
Always my favourite team!
Good luck Rich!
Nice to see you guys back. Good luck & have fun.

Hey Netherlands ins. let's twist again?! =)
Haha, yeh baby! How have you been?
I'm cool. Heavily busy cause of gf & work issues, but it aint anything new tbh.

How about you homeboy? :)
Ah, finally getting the rockstar life you deserve! I'm proud of you my robotic Finnish
grand star!

I just came back from inactivity after about 6 months or so, been on a internship on the River Duchess. I got to see a lot of nice places and met a lot of new people, it was a very nice experience!
Now I'm just trying to get back to my old me again in ET, a lot harder than I imagined :(
Komt wel jonge!
ik wacht! ;P
Nice to hear. Sounds cool!

Shouldn't be a problem for you to hop back in ET. Just couple of dingdings / a duel and voila!
nice ;)
gj realize and welcome back
Friends in Force had not all the time, several teams in Wolfenstein?
Gl boys <3
Nice to see another multigaming pickup a team. Good luck guys,

Nice CoD4 team they got :))
The best :D
Isn't that eSuba with changes?
well done realize :P

best of luck!

Now hurry the fuck up and sort out a PC/Laptop!!!
what happened to that guy who wanted to buy me a laptop ?? :D
He disappeared, never pmmed me back! when i get on my PC (GFX is dead, getting new 1 tonight) ill see if i can find him! But you do know the other part of the deal, so sort it out!
it was me, but I lied.
Amazing to see a team like this pick up the support they deserve. Also, its great to see another org like Power start supporting ET. Must have been hard convincing them, i know i tried a few times! Just make sure you reward their support! Much love x
Thanks Ross! See you at LAN hopefully?
The Bitches r Back :D

gl ladies
good luck! :p
gl boys!
nice to see you back FiF :)
Gl & Hf guys! <3
nothing special I guess..
gl guys <3
is realize still a cunt?
gl! looks promising even tho replacing BelgiumWorm won't be easy :)
Go play jaymod toi :p
GL INS, random ownertje
nice, gl
gl sil & jere!
Zomg Power Gaming CS 1.6 team has lurppis in lineup:

lurppis desettää(kinda parody from belowed link):

lebarin dessun heilautus:

Btw, natu is so Humm3l #2 ;p
lol, best of luck guys :)
nice, gl!
nice to see you guys back in action together.
you need Freedune

image: drunk3
get team for lan :(
cuz ur awesome ;)
havent played actively for a long time, so i dno about that :P Dont have too high expectations if I decide to come back :P
i know :)
goodluck siL :)
nice! good luck
Nice to see you back! GL
gl guys , nice to see you back + awesome MGC in ET scene :-)
gl ownerz!
oh yeah and...

No Worm, No Win.
oh yeah and...

No Worm, No Win.
gl prienaren!

Im sure you will rage!
gl jere! misses worm badly tho!
GL, poene die handel
too bad without worm the team will be less but i guess they will do alright still
inst ins and vanq are busted long time ago?
or im mistaken ;`<
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