CB: EC XXIII & OC Spring 2011 Signups

image: 2wh3093

Welcome to the ClanBase Enemy Territory EuroCup XXIII and OpenCup Spring 2011

With its long history of thrilling and action packed matches this spring season will surely be no different. So prepare yourself for one of Enemy Territory's most electrifying tournaments to date.

image: s_head

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EuroCup XXIII and OpenCup 5on5

As clanleader or trustee you may signup your clan for this cup. Clans must have at least 6 clan members, each with a SLAC ID.

The Supervisor for this season will be: Israel LION

06.03.2011: Signups open
20.03.2011: Signups close
27.03.2011: EuroCup XXIII groups published on CBRadio
28.03.2011 - 06.04.2011: Qualifier Week
11.04.2011: First matchweek

image: s_head

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OpenCup 3on3

As clanleader or trustee you may signup your clan for this cup. Clans must have at least 4 clan members, each with a SLAC ID.

The Supervisor for this season will be: Belgium GoldoraK

06.03.2011: Signups open
20.03.2011: Signups close
28.03.2011: Groups published
04.04.2011: First Matchweek

image: s_head

image: opencup3
OpenCup 2on2

As clanleader or trustee you may signup your clan for this cup. Clans must have at least 3 clan members, each with a SLAC ID.

The Supervisor for this season will be: Poland szczurek

06.03.2011: Signups open
20.03.2011: Signups close
28.03.2011: Groups published
04.04.2011: First Matchweek

image: s_foot

Every season we ask for dedicated admins to help out the supervisors with uploading screenshots and making matchreports. This season is no different so here we go, we are looking for people who can:
  • Speak and have decent written English.
  • Write interesting matchreports, interviews and/or predictions.
  • Make well thought out and impartial decisions.

Admins are an integral part of a cup's success, so if you feel like you're up for the task, don't hesitate to sign up.

Signup for: EC XXIII | OC 5on5 | OC 3on3 | OC 2on2

Questions? Or in case you need any help, feel free to leave a comment, visit us in #clanbase.et or contact us via Email\CB PM.

Additional Information
image: detailsblack123 EuroCup XXIII Main Page
image: detailsblack123 OpenCup 5on5 Main Page
image: detailsblack123 OpenCup 3on3 Main Page
image: detailsblack123 OpenCup 2on2 Main Page

Last, but definitely not least, we would like to wish the best of luck to each and every person who is participating in the Enemy Territory 5on5 Spring 2011 OpenCup! Together we can make it a great cup!

image: 347hh5e
first reply :D
second, gunna roll
enhanced gonna bash 7th league!
finally :)
can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( fuck 1 key is stuck nao -...- )
signed up
hope it doesnt mean another split/fail for my team ":D"
finally a cup with good admins.
NORDIC-eSport 12/12 10 Only

what monitor u haz?
ah u read the thing in my profile :D, not really true anymore i guess, but i dont even know wtf my monitor is
trolled hard then
inb4 EC only oxid
stray is gonna write the same for oxid.. :D
na don't think so :'<
they are an obvious EC team
Having won both, OC Prem + ESL, they surely deserve a qualifier at least (even System6 + inteRaction played one)
wasnt oc premier winner automaticly invited .. or did they change that ?
changed some seasons ago
too bad.. as long as they are still activ ( + close to the same lineup) they should get invite
rofl, they will own your shit team heheh
And they sure deserve one.
ye im just hating on them a little bit.
where are our mice
Next step is a main news with no SIMOON no win.
I thought only ESL didnt give out prices they promised :O
they did, yet GGL still ows thousands :>
don't talk about stuff you don't know anything about :P
i have too much personal experience
owns or owes? :D
both i guess
eaten by catz
got ours in like 2-3 weeks :---___--)
Cu in finals
lowest ec ever
All I care about this is that I just want to say lowest EC ever
I will actually be able to shoutcast the entire tournament for a change too! (5v5 obviously ;D) If people want group games casted maybe make a poll for it, because imho it's not too fun casting them now seeing as the teams skill levels are that different until we get to the knockouts :O)
cu there 2v2.
Fucking well Done LION!! Your the man!!
need team :(
ill be back for this =D
GL all!
Need OC Prem team :-)
eeeee o

wooo ho

Luckily GoldoraK is not the supervisor of 2on2 OC, might actually play it =D
Yes im also dont wry :) szczurek will be add soon for 3v3 and i will be soon for 2v2 as usual
you know you should finally learn some English?
well you are the worst admin I've ever seen and you speak pretty good english
Oh noes.

Why do you want to ruin nice competitions with your stupidity? Just asking
he is probably one of the best admins you can find out nowadays,despite of his english skill is not really good,since mine isnt either good i dont care at all :)

you must surely prefer ESL admins rofl
That says more about the other admins really..
idd, always found goldorak kinda helpful :o)
intake ec material
Trivium :XD

ETAimer! :D
nice! RoyalBlood signed! ;)
so SLAC ID is nowdays only valid guid? I don't have to add PB/ETPRO guid anymore?
only slac id afaik
FinlandKRP ready to roll i see
matches 6/5 , Rating 1 , EC no!

i see :D
need team
need a-levels :'(
what the fuck Oo
What did he said?
the .gif he posted Oo was a bit... strange...

he has a intresting fetish (dog & hen O.O) i won't be able to sleep tonight
well you have the worst English I've ever seen and you're an admin. that is just WRONG
Me to im still loving you, really. And personaly i dont understand why you're so angry, maybe u need a therapy who knows
he is just doing his job, care about the fact his English is less good. Just let him do his work & stop the never ending whine towards him?
well he's not exactly doing his job well either but cba to refer to that, fail English is more obvious...

and besides CB requires good English from their admins so wtf is this?
For the first time ever I actually agree with Robaciek.

CB requires their admins to have good English and Goldorak isnt exactly known for doing his job well... ;)
Doesn't change the fact that he's a good admin

and after all, we (at least I do) understand him, wich is the most important, isn't it?
ugly polak is always right, don't question him please ..
Well it would be nice if admin would be able to speak and understand English, or do you disagree?

I cannot be arsed to check quotes from him, till this day I havent quite figured out what he was trying to say back then.
Its true that it might take some time to understand him or make him understand something, but at least he listens, he responds, he tries to solve the problem, wich other admins don't.

Maybe its just because I understand (and speak a little) French (his native language) that my conversations with him are usually more fluent that those he has with others.
Yeah well every admin I ever had to associate with in clanbase (lion kb) did listen and talk to me and help me.
That's a bit biased. Obviously that's what you've experienced, you can't talk of it like if it'd be the case for everyone. An admin will always, no matter how impartial he or she is, make enemies. Just like you probably hold a grudge towards other admins, other players enjoy dealing with them because they get along. That's just the way it is yeaaa
Untrue, I don't get along with Killerboy, but I think he's a good admin

I don't get along with Lion (cause I hardly know him), but I think he's a good admin

what you said might be the case for a lot of ppl, but it isnt for me, I'm not that biased
Ok well, I guess that's good for you then :P

That wasn't really what I was trying to point at though, what I was saying is that that is the picture you've got of this admin in question. So if I told you that I've been treated bad by this admin and that he completely misunderstood everything I was trying to tell him because of his language barrier, you'd still deny that he's to blame?

As an admin there is no way that you'll be able to unite everyone under one banner, it's not even possible to be a fair and just admin without stepping on some toes, some will always disapprove of what you decide and how you handle a situation.
QuoteAs an admin there is no way that you'll be able to unite everyone under one banner, it's not even possible to be a fair and just admin without stepping on some toes, some will always disapprove of what you decide and how you handle a situation.

Well yeah, thats about the most logic thing there is... every1 knows that, dno why you're pointing that out

And basicly I just replied because I think its unfair to call some1 a bad admin just because of his poor English
I pointed it out because you said that he's a good admin like if it was a fact, basing that statement solely on your own experiences.
A fact isnt a fact untill its proven so, therefor what I said was an opinion (stated in a certain way), because I gave no proof whatsoever to support that 'fact'.
QuoteDoesn't change the fact that he's a good admin

Never mind :P I don't really care, I just don't agree with that :)
We all like to state our opinions as if they are facts (at least I do), to make them count more :)

Just another tactical way or arguing :), makes no sense, but works on a lot of ppl :)
Quotebut at least he listens, he responds, he tries to solve the problem, wich other admins don't.

Lion > *
I never said Lion was a bad admin
I never said you said he was a bad admin ;)
pff, like my english is good :D!
you're a giant retard and still admin various events, goldorak is doing a much better job than you have been doing.
you still mad cuz you cannot into request?
you mad ???????????
you pick server where you have 10 ping and your opponent has 100. still think it doesn't give you advantage?
wtf u talking lol?? who are u why reply me??
gl all :~>
I hope you'll do something about teams dropping out and giving forfeits. It's getting fucking annoying.
How can an admin do anything about that?
By eg not allowing last seasons dropouts to join. There are multiple teams that dropped out more than 1 seasons in a row...always the same guys.
those 'teams' are usually mixes, that change every season. How can u not allow a new formed team (read as mix) then?
talking about GermanyHIGHBOT?!
Trust me, he can ;)
ye, like removing a team which already won, saying u did not show up

in 2on2 - will do
cant say about other formats atm ;p
squad.ee for direct invite!
well ye :D k1ck
Why is jere signed up for 3 teams?
I'm playing with Power Gaming. Winfakt = lineup without me, which is the third team you're talking about? :o
like u would play with lows like me :s
this joke isnt even funny as it could never be possible!

how do you see the teams signed up?
click the signup tingy
searching one guy :D
next season 1on1 oc?
only lowskilled aimers complain about 2o2 / 3o3 : p
need team !
Last matchweek is when?
Y E E E E S !
btw sorry but i gotta say that main OC banner is ugly :/ paint.
Since when are you posting on this website :D
lol :D dunno, just sometimes
yet another cup for the last 3 years i cant play.
Run these tournaments over times when students can play imo. Run first match week at the end of march cause the times atm mean the cups runs through our exams :(. First matchweek 28.3.2011 would be ideal. Your running the 3on3 and 2on2 cup on the 4.04.2011 just run that and the 5on5 cup a week earlier. Youl get more signups aswell if you did from students. Il be avi for the group stages but not any further. pff

conclusion: join a team that wont make it past the group stages
i'm a student and able to play these cups, what makes it impossible for you to play? do you lock yourself up during exams?
i dont play ET at uni over the last 3 years, only when i come home in the holidays. Only played some games over the last few days for fun.

Im playing with 640x480 resolution, 40 fps, 13 inch laptop screen and a ball mouse with no mousepad, some shit wooden chair and 250 + ping. Still beat you the other day :DDD. + its 3rd year exams and if im playing ET during these exams i know my work will slack in May as a result. Dont intend to waste £30,000 for the sake of raping face in OC in May tbh.

not exactly 'ideal' playing conditions for a competition either. Im back for 4 weeks for easter, if OC started a week before i came back that would be fine cause i still roll with this shit laptop so could slap an OC team in the group stages fine with it. Then i could play all the matches during easter at home on my epic desktop and win OC premier.
so you're saying CB should host their competitions according to your (UK) university holiday schedule??

won't bother dignifying the other part of your post with a response.
Yeah, why would they not change their competition just for the English?!
lord knows, if only they had found out sooner we wouldn't be going through all this trouble!
Exactly what I was thinking! :Oooo
im not demanding a change im simply saying that i can never play OC/EC/NC/ESL ladders, winter cups or anything because of uni.

its just anoying :)
if it makes you feel better: nobody misses you, lowball :DDDDDDDDDDDD
Why no EC for krp? :s
CBA to play too serious, we'd lose at some point

having a four-year winning-streak is hard :S
dont be mad cause you cant beat me :(
nyke losing matches in ET??? what is the world coming to.
im not good enough :<

signed up
need team :)
OVERLOAd gaming


nice backstabbing us razz! :D
online only team :D
what u trying to say here pawel?
might need 2 players to play 3on3 with(2nd div), pmme here if you are nice guys and not huge ego :o)
.... hehe NAPALM* come back ... i niema ze boli ktos tu dostanie po czapce ;p
Most Vaulable Players

ye typo, should be vaultable
nice new lineup rockit
theORYGINALS theo Poland 10000 / 10000 9 Wants
cmon where is 5on5 Spring 2011 OpenCup Server configs? Do not stop traditions!!!
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