E-Series LAN to host ET?

Known for its Call of Duty 4 tournaments, the E-Series LAN organisers are offering Enemy Territory a chance to feature at their LANs. In a move to try and better the offline event activity of ET, I spoke with the event organisers about running an ET edition of the E-Series. However, before we want to commit ourselves to anything, we want to test the water first of all.

Should the event go ahead, it will be held at the Kaos Gaming LAN centre which is located in Weesp, The Netherlands (about a 15-20 minute drive from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam) on Sunday the 15th of May. It will be a one day event just as the previous Call of Duty 4 events have been, and the prizes will be cash and hardware (amounts dependant on team attendance). To get things started, I suggested a 6-team event and see how it goes from there. We’re going to need an admin to ensure things go smoothly on the day as well.

As the location is within the Benelux region, and isn't catered for "top" teams, we're hoping to see some lower-end Dutch / Belgian mix teams enter into this tournament. It's fantastic experience in a LAN environment and will almost certainly better the competition within the ET scene. Attending these events is also a fantastic opportunity to bring more multi-gaming organisations into the community.

To keep things plain and simple, I'm going to list what we already have, what we need and the LAN information (entry etc.):

What we have
  • A venue
  • 30 PCsimage: e-series_small
  • Shout cast and streaming facilities
  • Hardware prizes

What we need
  • 6 teams to signup
  • 1 admin (or 2 for Games TV purposes)
  • Your support to make the event a success

LAN information
  • Location: Kaos Gaming Centre, Weesp, The Netherlands
  • Entry: €175 per team (€35 per player)
  • Date: Sunday 15th May 2011
  • Prizes: €500 + hardware for 1st place / Hardware for 2nd place (prizes subject to increase)

Send an email to seanza(at)tlr-esports.com if you would like to register your team, volunteer or if you would like to provide some feedback. If you’re registering your team, please include the following information:
  • Team name
  • Team contact

Once I have received some interest from teams looking to attend and admins looking to help, I'll be able to confirm the event and provide an official announcement about the event. If you have any questions, ask below and try to keep flame away from this post.

You can now post your team name along with line up in the stickied forum thread I created: CLICK!
Good idea though :)
Good idea though :)
looks cool, i dont think it will be a problem to find 6 teams for this lan.,
good luck!
Sounds nice :)
you are doing great job Seanza, keep it up!
nice job, keep et alive!

but 175€? i assume that`s the price for a team to join?!
Yup, per team. Will clarify that in news post, thanks!
this is on my birthday :P
Hope you can get teams in this so that an i-series can take place. LAN in the uk would be fantastic :)
+1 but iseries will be harder and much more expensive
i42 weekend costs like £90 for 3 days + tent plot (:D) afaik
yeh but enterance fees are like 100 quid per player
atleast that what i thought they were but i could have read it wrong :p

i wanted to go with a mate from uni to play CSS 5on5 but its just too expensive

to attend as a spectator or casual player isn't too bad i guess
yea to attend a day its like £10, I went a few editions back and got over £10 of stuff in free hand outs within the first 10mins. :)
i-series have a pretty good casual set-up so i'm sure it wouldn't be a problem + cheap flights from malta to the uk & more accessibility, so at least for me, anything in the uk is much better than central europe.
+ what merl said :P
yeh but for most eu players it will be worse (apparently :p)
depends on WHERE in the uk. can only repeat it over and over again, flights to birmingham are CHEAAAAP...so are the ones to glasgow xD
I'd organise an ET tournament in Glasgow.
make it a big lan then, and no BYOC (can't take my pc on a plane :P)
guess staying there isn't that expensive either, not from what i saw, when i was there... but only stayed @ friends house :)

sounds like a good deal to me - everyone gets there easily and on a cheap way, staying there is not expensive either, probably housing for the lan is not as expensive either, if there is a fitting place? WIN WIN WIN :)
i-series is BYOC.
i only have a laptop :)
You do realise this isn't i-series btw, but e-series, right? :D
oh crap... yeah.... ooops :D i should just delete this whole chain of comments :D
yes u retard!
bF is in :P !
i aint no partyer
leugens, feestneus die je der bent :$
no :$ its only 1 day :$ then i cant sleep with you :s:s:$ xoxo
Nice to hear. :)
lol need 40 ppl to make LAN, this game will never die!

but on the other 175 euro + low looking prize + 18 days to start makes this event impossible to happen :D
1 month and 18 days ;)

but ye, low entree, having a pc whole day (so no switching pc's) and some pricemoney looks quite ok + you dont even need to pay hotel or anything, just transport and entree fee
ik zie dees nog wel zitten trouwens :p
ja ik ook wel, kost bijna niks
ma kga u daar wel afmake jere :s denkt er nog is goed over na eh :s xx
kzen da tog al gewoon x
Gewoon doen denk?
ja als iedereen kan
lol true we got 28th march not april :D
great move just I guess most low-mid teams will be feared away by the "high" entrance fee in comparison to the prizes up for grab. Its about half of the entryfee of the upcoming TLR Lan and has far less money to grab (leave away less matches, social effect and stuff). Yet if there are teams going it would be an awesome series to have.
less official matches yes
less matches no
The prizemoney listed is a minimum. We'll be working on squeezing every last cent into the prizepot to make it as much as possible.
yea I also figured ppl dont need accomondation and stuff so its alot cheaper
ok for 1 day event but :
When does it start and when does it finish ?
I'll find that out for you. I think usually it's about 09:00 - 23:00. I'll work on a schedule based on 6 teams and see what we can do.
We may be interested.
It doesn't cost so much [no hostel, only 175/team]. But starting at 9 force us to come the day before an sleep at the hostel. Will see and will tell you ;]
13:00 - 01:00/02:00 ;)
Try not to start too early, as most teams going prefer not to take hotels. I think starting around 11 am or smth would be good.
Got a setup time of 10.30 in my 1st schedule draft. As for hotels and stuff, TLR.CoD4 have attended this event 3 times in a row with players from Belgium, Holland and Germany and haven't had to get a hotel. I think once they stayed at another player's house, but it will be ok to travel early in the morning.

If they can do it, anybody can do it.
ye 10.30 is fine, just not too early ;)
probably will start at 13h and end at 4 in the morning :)
people to sleep at their computers and go home early the next day :D
Nice, very nice.
lol cu there
Kroseanza is on a roll! Keep up the good work.
looking good man! we will most likely sign up for this.
Cya there Tele mate!
you going? :)
Nice, very nice.
Avi for benelux mix :)

wow very nice!
looks decent, gl
i can easily do that! Nice and close to mah home, so yeah avi for a team!
gaat gij adminne?
Heb al genoeg werk met AEF!
Oh btw, Weesp is such a shitty fucking city :D
Oh Ted, I expected better from you! <3
i grew up near Weesp, it sux so hard :D All the ppl from there are pretty retarded! But still i'll probably go if i get a team so <3
You're banned for that comment, Theodore!
now I know where you get it from:d
do it in belgium omg!
Looks good with that entry fee and prize pot
Some lan in england pls...
I suppose those 6 teams is a minimum? :s

but I'd go!
Pretty much, but it's a nice number to deal with for the first event, so I don't think we'd be expanding that for the 1st edition.
enhanced? get felix to sponsor us!
bring back photo...
Belgium gexx (ex. SkS) and Belgium varit (ex. 6aHgA, pstarZ) avi
Great news for ET. The cod events at E-Series are really well ran and look like a good day. For the sake of low entrance costs and no accommodation needed, i hope to see many Benelux players, even be it in mix teams. Lets try and make this a regular thing!
and you spec the new talents?
6 teams ??

better to do 3on3, so 10 teams, just an idea
Good idea, but I don't think I'll be there. Good luck for those who will!
We'll pull together some team to attend this epic lan.
see you there!
Avi for a mixteam! PM me!
only players, who live in the near of amsterdam will attend. why should some british guys come to a "lan" for 1 Day? :O
You're right, it's not worth it for a UK person to travel. Unless they plan on spending more time there.
all lans in nerderland :-s
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