G2P gets Most Valuable

image: g2plogo

The team that was amongst the TOP3 a few months back, got restored and found a new home.
It has been a long and bumpy road, but in the end everything was wrapped up in a few days.
With Francekarnaj rising from inactivity and 3 highly motivated polish Allstars, Germanyshmoe and Netherlands7ele finally found the missing pieces to finish their Lan lineup.
The Team will finish the EuroCup and has now exactly one month to prepare for the upcoming SAGE-Lan.

G2P are:

Netherlandsg2p 7ele
Polandg2p Frag'Stealer!
Franceg2p karnaj
Polandg2p numeric
Polandg2p zMk

To give you a deeper insight, we have prepared some statements, starting of with the ET-Manager of Gaming2Perfection, BelgiumP5Y:

QuoteWith the addition of this strong lineup we make our comeback to the W:ET scene.
We here at G2P have good faith that this team is the right choice to represent us in both on- and offline upcoming events. We hope that they will reach their set goals finishing the Eurocup and at the upcoming SAGE-Lan as well as other future events.

Teammanager Germanyshmoe had the following to say:

QuoteWe had a really great time with the rockit team. Thats why it hit me really hard when KREST and sTOWNAGE finally left the allegedly sinking ship, altho replacements for GermanyFLoPJEHZ and GermanyreAz had already been found. It was a huge disappointment and I totally lost my motivation to do anything at all in the Enemy Territory Scene. But that only lasted for about half a day, and I started to work on a new lineup that would compete on that same evening in the EC playoffs. The result of a defeat was kinda expected, but it still was a fun night, and worth the effort. Netherlands7ele and I agreed to stay in contact and to look out for opportunities for a Lan team. When we were contacted by the g2p Management they made us an offer we couldn't refuse. After a few talks with Polandnumeric, the plan to rebuild MVP was established and I am now looking forward to attend another Lan with such a promising lineup. Huge thanks go to Gaming2Perfection who gave us the opportunity for this highly anticipated reunion. This would not be possible without their support and their passion for the game.

And finally, the teams new rifle Netherlands7ele is glad to share his thoughts:

QuoteAfter the lineup problems at target i was happy and fortunate to join the german Rockit team. Unfortunately it was a short stay and the team coped with unresolvable lineup problems that followed eachother up rapidly. After the last 2 left to Nordic me and shmoe talked about the possibilities which ultimately formed into the lineup and organisation you see now. For this i want to thank shmoe who worked hard and made most of this possible. I'm very excited to be playing with this strong lineup and feel confident we will be able to cause some damage to the other teams. I want to thank #g2p for their fast and adequate service and i'm looking forward to perform under their flag.

Gaming2Perfection - #g2p @ quakenet

- posted on behalf of team management
2 riflers? Hope you put some prac into this LAN, I'm looking forward to some pretty nice games :P
7ele is a good smg and a great eng/fops, they should do fine
Why u so nice person?
7ele is ma homeboy, old school kapoks n all dat shit :)
You were in kapoks?!? Still think 7ele is better than zmk with the rnade though :P
i was in kapoks briefly, but i always mixed with those guys :P
nice memories you brought up there :)
7ele rifles.
either way! :D
2 rifles;P{
7ele is a good smg and a great eng/fops, they should do fine
gl, nice to see :}

soz if it was mentioned somewhere but who's gonna be the rifle of tele/zmk?:d
havent seen zmk playing smg in a long time =$
he was swapping all the time with wiaderko in authentic if i remember correctly. Some of them were better on radar, the other one @ different one. Dunno if it was wiadro or someone else :d
that was a long time ago xD
Not quite, zMk has played as smg eng for Team Poland not that long ago :P
I mean when zmk + wiadro were in auth was a while ago ;P
GL Tele :D
nice, gl :)
gl guys <3
This team is going to give me a headache
Shocking! :D
You're flaming all teams so np.
Quote by UNNAMED POLISH PRO (4TH AT EVERY LAN)This team is going to be so fucking shit
only cus they can beat you.
ya fuck face.
hmm nice, lets see how tele does at lan :P
He wasn't that impressive online :D
like others are :>
he already played at E-Series :P
met lowteams :p
gelukkig was jij erbij om de pown op te schroeven
al die haat :(
http://www.gamestv.org/event/25928-fif-red-by-g2p-vs-overload/statistics/ low team vs lanwinner. i know doesnt say much in a mix but still not that bad of a lan performance. (he replaced fostrum)
yer, well see :p
good lineup !
ziomek i numer zatancza : )
Niceee linup!!
Gl & Hf 7ele! ;)

Thanks to shmoe
Interesting player combination methinks. A lot of these players are more damage orientated so I'm wondering how they will compare to some of them teams the players have represented before.
+1 let's wait and see
gooooood luck zeeemaaaaak :o)
gl m8s :)
and karnaj in same team +7ele =insta win
who's gonna handle the rifle? ziomek or 7ele ?

gl ziomek and hugay <3
nice to see one more good team going, gl guys!

still selling my ticket guys, hurry up xD
got one already as I told ya ;)
was not pointed towards u, just in general :p
i felt spoken too :s
what? ":D" ? I already knew he bought the ticket from you, I'm not a mongoloid u know :)
i know was just about
Quotestill selling my ticket guys, hurry up xD
thought its about meh :)
offer still stands bromans!
good lucks
i only see ngrs 8)
aiiiiiil roja
i guess karnaj is going to play riffle !
gl pawel, robert & maciek
hf karnaj, jebat :P
lol thanks jebat ^^
horrible lineup
Looks great. 7ele will play as engi?
Gl numeric & karnaj!
title would be 'g2p gets More Valuable' since this doesnt make any sense whatsoever
I had a different title, but Mr. Shmoe wanted me to change it.
the teams name is MVP aka "most valuable players".. so it does make sense..
actually it doesnt.
kami sure is a rich dude :D
Trouvez l'intru!
Only average players, what u wanna achieve with this lineup ?
QuoteOnly average players

If u thing he's good compare him with mAus. Isn't it funny? : D
so anyone other than mAus is just "average"? ok
You gotta "thing" more!
still a tight decision tbh. the polak rolls.
horrible lineup
Im not being offensive, but who is 7ele?
i saw this name half a decade back unlike yours :]
As I said, Im not being offensive..
And I cant see what has this supposed to do with me?

I havent seen 7ele playing for a top-notch team, which I think that this team definitely is..
im not offensive neither, just stated a fact
well i guess if you play for so long without taking too many breaks he would eventually get where he is now
played for some pretty good teams back when ET was more lively
who are you? oh a lagger
why reply if you dont get noticed by my reply
i bet you are so retarded that you will reply to that
Tele is the beast, doesn't like publicity just does his thing
tele? 100x better than you laggy cunt.
Are you fucking mentally deranged or something?
What has this supposed to do with me?

but, just to ease your insane mind, I have absolutely 0 doubts that he's better than me.
LOL 0 doubts cmon freezeboy :) you're a lagging powner :)
Im shit, face it :(
lol at how they alkl mad, suck more eles cock.

Ps. Ele is Okäish rifle, but lacks of experience
gl guys :)
Bonne chance Hugo
merci l'ancien ;-)
gl pawel jablonski matey and bogosse hugo
nice lineup! Good luck 7ele and lets see how many lineup changes tele's team will have this time :D
who is 7ele
nice lineup, gl
lekker zeg 7ele, gl
gl tele<3
gl frag'stealer!
Holy fuck tele, lekker bezig kerel :D

Succes! :)
good luck 7ele and mates ;)
from the first sight i thought shmoe is in the lineup :D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D::D
G2P got Jaymod squad as well , gl :P
and ur point is....
they tell me

gl 7ele mate :p
GL 7ele :) !!
gl hugo m8 :))
looking forward to see pawel get owned at lan once more!
Gl 7ele!
gl tele, im counting days till u manage to break this team apart too:D
Good luck, 7ele and karnaj! AND ZMKK
GL nick, nice that you get another chance to shine :)
who the fuck is 7ele?????
karnaj muscles carry hard
no way, he's gettin' in cL :D
MVP nuthing without me! Goodluck
soo true :D, and it aint mvp mate!
mvp owned my friend
you suck druwyn
good team, special gl for tele ;)
Im not being offensive, but who is 7ele?
The guy who was on your mom last night.
Thought of that all by yourself?
immer diese asozialen eingebildeten deutschen!
so, the former team was rockit?

dude wtf @ too much drop / players going to others clans in one fucking season.

ps: gl everyone except k4RN4jJ 8)
GL guys Telefusion <3 hugo j espère que tu résiste a la vodka pcq a la lan ces 3 coton tiges géant y vont te souler !!! :D
lol t'inquietes je m'entraine tous les jours en ce moment x)
Im not being freeze, but who is offensive?
Gl frenchie =)
7ele & karnaj <3
thanks powner <3
gl 7ele, you got yourself a nice team now :)
alot of spam incomming from tele :), gl bud
gl karnaj, en espérant que ça dure pas deux semaines.
merci l ami ;-)
Sup team Poland.
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