Team-Refuse takes ET team

image: 2wecb54

Today we are proud to annouce that Team-Refuse has taken on board former "Team-Cube". After many changes over the last few months Team-Refuse finally have a finished lineup within Enemy Territory! Team-Refuse.ET have their sights on the First Major ET LAN of the year "SAGE LAN" Previously known as "TLR eSports Challenge".

I give you the new #Team-Refuse ET team:
United Kingdom Potty
Netherlands Ronner
Netherlands L4mpje
Czech Republic Green_clon
Czech Republic malfoy
Quote by Here is a small Statement from Team Leader Refuse`PottyI am glad that Team Refuse have shown interest in supporting Enemy Territory. It is a step forward for the team and the game. Even though we know we are not going to win we aim to represent Refuse the best we possibly can! Thanks to Airborne for hanign on to our team while we had a few line up problems. We will see you all at LAN.

Quote by Statement from Team Refuse Managing Director Refuse`AirborneHere at Team Refuse we are always looking for promising, dedicated teams with an abundance of skill and we`ve be lucky enough to find that in our new ET squad, with the enthusiasm they have showed in the past few weeks we were very quickly excited about the prospect of them representing us at future LAN events.

IRC: #Team-Refuse
looks cool,

goodluck United KingdomPotty cunt
nice gl guys :P
Nice lineup, gl guys x
Cheers, hows your pracs going now?
thought you were brink only now or has it died?
Still playing brink but I had this signup for lan so thought I would play! :D
missing K3vin
GL Ron, you old git! :)
nice lu, i guess weakest link ronner???
Ronner is the Brains behind our team!
haha, I think i'll be ok this time round! I still need to buy you a beer or 2! :D
are you crazy?

Ronner ( if this is the same old guy i know ) is a great player!
same one. but i'm not a great player
oh oke.. sorry dan..
potty stabber
Stab you in za face :<
gl marian & ondra
gl pothead & ronner
Kevin! Haven't spoken to you in a few days :(
Best of luck vihreeklooni :>
Gooooooooood luck boyssssssssssssssssss!
really weird lineup :d gl potteh
Green_Clon stabber .
He said "I have milhaus so much, cannot play with him anymore" sorry to inform you :(

haha, and you think it was a joke :D
not really,iR didnt want to go on LAN :S
go ronner go!
gl :)
but the old man Ronner needs to long to press f3 button ;D
I was having a smoke mate :) soz!
np :D
gl in the future :> nice team
See you in Enschede GreenClon <3 GL!
GL Green_Clon :)
wtf is this
good luck!
Gl potty + lampje!
interesting lineup :D gl
very interesting Eddom8 :D!
wtf is this
gl Greene (:
I read potty so +1, gl!
Gl nice line up ! Nice team to play against too ! :)
why am i not in lu ? :/
gl l4mpje
gl all ! :)
sexy lu, gl!!
gl m8 :)))
hf potty, although I have only played against malfoy seems like a decent player

gl boys.
GreenClon, gl mate.
inb4 l4mpje lan dodging
nice. GL GC and ronner!
cya there
lol ron:D
Gratz and GL potty! :)
Thought you are all in for Brink potty:o

tho gl lampje and potty
gl potty :)
GL potty mate!
Looks likes a nice LU
Nie overdrijven hè lelijke Wouter : DDD
Never heard of Team-Refuse, but GL Potty!
gl G-Cloon, malfoy
hf potty ronner green_clon & lampje :)
like potty still cares about ET, he's playing Brink 24/7 anyway :p
you pwned us yesterday, not cool...

gl & hf Potty and Ronner :) cya there
Yay!, Malfoy striking back to Enschede! :)

Good luck both Malfoy and Green_Clon ;)
Two weeks.
gl in oc
nice lineup, Good Luck!
hf ronner & greeenieeee ;*
image: Ronner+dildo

pic stays epic :p
fuck off me u hohoho gedoe :D
The ronner with a condom on his head pic is more epic I think. But this one sure damaged my "image" ;-)
lol upload that condom pic :D I want to see it!

yeah this one will follow you forever I guess :p
I don't have it. It's posted a couple times on CF before, but can't find where.
gl potty, l4mpje
good luck greenclonm8 :)
gl l4mpje
gl ron, potty !
This has ruined all my lan jokes about L4mpje, arghe. Gl mate.
good luck Green_clon&Potty
gl ronner potty and co :)
gl ronner =)
hope u have enough time!
enough time?
to play? since u r old and have a rl :PPP!!
ooh sure I have some time left :)
gl green_clon, maybe see you there :D
gl Potty and L4mpje
Good luck guys, see you there :)
cu there :)
gl lampje & potty
gl Green_Clon & malfoy !
potty old m8 gl tho
GL Brno pwners =)
did someone say "Main news"?
gl mates :)
gl lampje
give em hell Ronner give em hell!
gl potty and gl kale homo! if you need last min backup u know how to find me :P
Sa7zzzzzzz! I hope you are going to come over to enschede for a smoke with me at lan? Even if it's just for the day :D
i dont know for sure whats gonna happen, ill see if i drop by and smoke with some oldskoolers ;) if i come ill bring you some proper weed :P
Haha, should meet me wednesday morning in amsterdam because I am going to go buy some weeeeed. Any you suggest are the best atm? Also which shops? I remember you said the dumpkink or something was good.
dampkring is always good, really near central station. Also Greenhouse or Barneys is really good. If u goto Greenhouse buy some Alaskan Ice, pretty popular around here lately. Really good weed. Ill see what i can arrange at work and if im not at some project! Wanna meet up with herbal to so well see!
gl ronner
imba name for a team
Please join as a backup!
Refuse refuse refuse (it is actual sentence :D)
Haha, crazy bastard!
need more killerboyvids by ronner
hf your 2 weeks playing together.
Lan is 4 weeks away so np for smashing that record like I smashed your mums box.
hf Ronner :)
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