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Go -> http://youtube.com/hipOlaLegende2

Quote by Merry christmas & Happy new year ET:W
image: noel2012

Quote by Me IRL
  • Name : Julien
  • From image: fr
  • Can Speak image: fr image: uk

Quote by My Info InGameimage: F2004120317403800000[email protected]image: msn
image: axfirebo0 etnex
image: et InGame Nick : nexiSm aka nex
image: tzac TZAC ID - nexism (00005672)
image: 01 Spam My Inbox :D

Quote by Web Site

image: homepage16


image: enemyterritoryCurrently playing for :

image: arrow_right_green

image: clessx

image: enemyterritoryPrevious clans

image: arrowrightblue image: fr ExtaZ (2011) http://www.acampadaparis.com/_/rsrc/1307017584000/system/app/images/attach_icons/icon_img.gif[/img]]
image: extazbanner
Pohaa, Anomaly, Pastrana, Blend, BuNeD, nexiSm.
image: arrowrightblue image: fr Vindication Team eSport (2011) EuphooRia, FaMa$, Pro/sper, xPL, GirljZE, Avidus, nexiSm
image: arrowrightblue image: fr OMG (2011) EuphooRia, FaMa$, GirljZE, sANTu, Prosper, Avidus, BuNeD, nexiSm.
image: arrowrightblue image: fr ImGaming (2011) http://www.acampadaparis.com/_/rsrc/1307017584000/system/app/images/attach_icons/icon_img.gif[/img]]
image: imteamsignaturewebsite
Merej, NuggaN, nexiSm, Tr0ll, zAx, CREap, Pohaa, Pastrana, BuNeD .
image: arrowrightblue image: eu The eXtinct (2011)http://www.acampadaparis.com/_/rsrc/1307017584000/system/app/images/attach_icons/icon_img.gif[/img]]
image: extinctlogo
image: cfmw7 crAzy, fAbi, Foxis, Blend, nexiSm, Anomaly, Terva, ShiSha.
image: arrowrightblue image: fr ImGaming (2010)
image: arrowrightblue image: fr Shine (2010)
image: arrowrightblue image: fr w@n (Why @ name?) (2010)
image: arrowrightblue image: fr #WTH (Win the honnor?) (2009)
image: arrowrightblue image: fr #NoLife* (2009)
image: arrowrightblue image: fr GDTP (Gun does the brain) (2009)

image: homepage16

My Productions


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Memory8 GB
StorageYes on Ati
GraphicsAti Readon HD series 7850
SoundMicro-phone USB
Operating SystemWin Se7en Pro 64 Bit
MonitorAsus 19 P
KeyboardLogitech Media Keyboard G110
MouseRazer diamonk back 3G
MousepadDon't have , play on the wall
Connection2 mega