The CaseKing 5on5 ET Tournament by Team Decerto

image: casekingetcup
And so it is time for another cool tournament here at Team Decerto, as we announce our newest event sponsored by, and Challonge. We are talking about the Caseking 5on5 Enemy Territory Tournament.

This event is going to have 5 ZOWIE G-RF mousepad as prize, kindly provided by Caseking. The prize goes to the winner of the big final and we will cover all shipping costs. We mean to start with 16/32 team, but then this event has no limit, so everybody is welcome to take part of it.

The ZOWIE G-RF is the perfect mousepad for gamers who prefer an oversized surface with medium friction. We recommend this pad to gamers using low to medium sensitivity who want increased precision with every move with their mouse.

The RF mousepads are made of cloth, where the fibers are woven tightly. The methods and treatment used by ZOWIE makes the surface water-resistant and increases the lifetime and durability of the pad, as the tight fibers helps to reduce regular wear and tear of the surface.

As gamers and other professionals is often using their computer for an extensive period of time, it is important that the comfort is in top. The G-RF and P-RF mousepads has 4mm thickness for that added comfort that allows extended usage throughout the day or night.

The Tournament

Date: August 16th, 2011
Start Time: 20:00 CET
Number of Teams: 16/32+
Format: 5 on 5
SLAC: Mandatory
Sign Up: HERE
Team Information: HERE
Cup Admins: deCerto|ShAdOw, deCerto|mikeh and deCerto|baq

The Rules

• Players banned at ClanBase or ESL are banned from this tournament.
• Every participating team have to provide demos.
• Siding is allowed in all maps.
• All proven cheats will lead to team disqualification.
• At least two players from each team must idle at #team-decerto @quakenet.
• If any team is absent for longer than 15 minutes, the opponent team will be granted a forfeit win.
• All players must use SLAC and Linux/MAC users not allowed.
• All complaints are to be reported to the tournament admins at Team Decerto’s IRC channel.
• At least one member of each participating team must be able to click the “LIKE” button at our facebook page and must leave a comment to specify which team is he representing - Team Decerto FB
• ALL teams must provide contact information using the following forum thread.

Map Pool

• karsiah_te2
• adlernest
• supply
• radar
• sw_goldrush_te
• bremen_b3
Thanks for providing the prizes Casek!
casek on every news
nice casek
Thanks casek for prizes... ;)
• At least one member of each participating team must be able to click the “LIKE” button at our facebook page and must leave a comment to specify which team is he representing.

lol what? pls what is this, for what do you need that?!?!
thought same lold :d
No one is forcing you to do it. So if you are not interest in take part of the event simply dont do it and everybody happy.
answer is kinda obvious..
Yea but still, I want to see it written down for it is such a shit reason..
i don't have facebook, so i am not able to play that event :<
euros dont use facebook in general? or is just u :)?
Germans don't use it that much yet.
you're quite wrong tbh :P
(well depends on what 'much' means for you, but there are far more than 10 mio fb users in germany)
I might be wrong. I just know that you have or had some more popular site germans were using.
true that, but declining nowadays :)
studivz? x)
most likely for the same reason websites need users to generate clicks ;)
(marketing, and if you don't have facebook - creating a fake account on a website is REALLY hard^^)
nice from team-decerto to host another tournament, but I hope this time Caseking will pay out prizes unlike Xtream Hosting :)
I have been told that they will pay out
Yes Anderson, I understand your point and we really appreciate your patience. Sadly there is not much we can do to force them, even when we know their lack of deliverance and poor interest in delivering what was promised affect our image.

Sadly we can not respond for their acts and all we can do is to hope for the best in your case. But then this cup have nothing to do with Xtream Hosting and Caseking is known for their good service and top quality products. Not mentioning they are linked to one of the best retailers in Germany which is
I like your attitude and approach, keep it up!
Decerto are really good with the prizes. I got my mouse pad from them and i'm well paranoid!
Sing up???
edited, thanks!

im going to sign up but i do not have 5 players yet :)
• At least one member of each participating team must be able to click the “LIKE” button at our facebook page and must leave a comment to specify which team is he representing.

Synergy have signed up twice, should I remove one or they do have 2 teams?
Ey, I was interested in getting that pad! I see a chance to get it for free now höhö. Available for potential winner, can prac hardcore if necessary. /q NgN on irc or pm
Rifle avi for team qryme :-)
My homie casek is finally recognized as a superstar. Nice to hear that.
unfortunately unlikely to be avi that day, gl with the cup!
avi for a team or to make one :P
Jij hebt me nodig
image: happy-face-770659
avi as backup
• At least one member of each participating team must be able to click the “LIKE” button at our facebook page and must leave a comment to specify which team is he representing - Team Decerto FB

What if the players in that team prefer to keep their social life outside of ET? Shorely this would jeopardize it.
fake account nP
good point :D
How about u not to take part of the cup if so?
Who said anything about it effecting me? I just know quite alot of people who keep ET away from facebook; Therefore this rule is quite ridiculous.
nobody is forcing people to play this cup! though I agree it's a somewhat ridiculous "rule" I guess it's up to the hosts
Ye indeed, Bit extreme asking you to like something which many people might find a bit unsettling...

It's not, normal thing when it comes to eSPorts, noone of ur real life friend wont give a fuck bout u liking it + u can removie it from ur wall, learn to use facebook really.
Like I said I don't have a problem with it, and ye i know you can do that, but still, alot of people still have a problem with it. Learn to read.
Problem with what? u cant jhave any fucking problems with that, plain and simple
Not for some people, people are self concious about there involvement with esports, and then to link it their social life where its quite easily viewable. Thats the problem, you and i dont have it, so what? Others do.
wow... u dont have to link anything anywhere, hard to understand? Noone has to.
You clearly don't understand the concept of the English language.
oh boys, i give up.
I gave up along time ago trying to explain something so simple, yet you get confused with the easiest of words.

simple way:

like fb site

remove from wall & hide


noone sees it, u dont even have to see it, got it?

now, mind telling me how can anyone have any problems with that.
Even if you delete it, only removes it from your wall,

It shows up to others on news feed and recent activity, and history of that persons activity. Even if you comment, like or unlike.

People can have problems with that, if they dont want to associate there social life with esports. May not just be that, but they may not want other players from this community to see there facebook profile/pictures whatever.
My wild guess is that he understands the "concept" (whatever you want to mean with that) way better than you understand any language that you are a non-native speaker of.

To get back on topic: if you don't have a problem with something, but you think somebody might have, it's probably best to let those speak about their own problem themselves instead of trying to word it out for them.
Imagine there's going to be beef for dinner. You voice your concern "if any Hindu is coming for dinner, they can't eat this" and the beef is therefore thrown away and replaced with worse food. No Hindus ever show up and the beef was wasted, even though none of the eaters ever had a problem with it.
Maybe, but i dont need to learn any other language, so im fine.

Well, your example is highly unlikely to happen randomly. You would only voice your concern if it was foreseeable for a "Hindu" to come for dinner, not just random and out the blue.

Im just voicing that its a stupid rule to have for a one day cup, because people may feel uncomfortable with it, if they want to voice their own opinions, they can, but so will I, even it is for others.
lol that's probably because ur friends are nerds, there's no fucking way I would like that on facebook
avi for teams pm
avi for teams pm me
and good luck ;d
shalom, ma nishma?
All good,ma nisma mate?
everything fine
At least one member of each participating team must be able to click the “LIKE” button at our facebook page and must leave a comment to specify which team is he representing - Team Decerto FB.

You actually have to have an agreement from facebook to add that point there. Other than that, it's against the law of facebook. Seen lots of prized stuff cancelled because they didn't have the deal with fb (even from known companies).
Since whne is hosting competitions on facebook against the policies? there are an aweful lot of competitions where you have to "like" it in order to participate
Quote4. ...except the clicking of the "Like" button...
sounds legit to me
Quote4. must not condition registration or entry upon the user ... commenting on a Wall.
suppose they merely wanted them to do so for informational reasons, not to post certain content, but true, you got a point there :D
besides the great effort, what about putting the facebook button somewhere more popular on your website? Took me more than 7 seconds to find it one the homepage cuz it's just that small and still you look so desperate to get fans :) Might help

Good look with the cup
there is link to our fb in rules
nah, was checking your site, saw 130 fans and I consider this a reason why you only have 130 :)
I will use this reply to try to cover all concerns you seem to have regarding the facebook rule.

As it is stated in the facebook rules, we are not breaking any rule by asking you all to like us in facebook. The comment part of the rule is not meant to get more comments in our wall, is simply to control which teams are complying with the main part of the rule, as we can not know what team are you part of based on your name.

There is a certain point of truth among the fact that some people might not like the idea of making a VERY LITTLE effort and actually clicking the "LIKE" button, but then you all need to understand that as much as we like to host this kind of events in order to help the different communities we support grow, we as organization need to perceive some sort of benefit out of it. Asking you to like us in facebook is obviously a marketing strategy, although no everybody might understand some of the basic principles of marketing in general.

What for some people might result "stupid" for us is a way to grow supported in the communities we gladly have became part of. And for those with a very limited point of view and boxed ideas, you may need to keep in mind that you are not doing it for free in some sort of way, as you have an even chance to win something out of simple action.

Is hard to support communities in general, but it is even harder when the members of these communities have a very negative attitude and go around setting "STOP SIGNS" to themselves.

Hope this clear out our reasons to ask you what we think is a minimal effort, and so we expect to count with your kind support for this and future events.

Thank you very much for your time.
what do i have against ur facebook rule :c just said you should place the button more obvious on the website
Is this one day cup?
sticky for the day nP
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