Crossfire: Battle for Berlin

image: head

The Ultimate in Online ET Competition

Crossfire is proud to announce The Battle for Berlin tournament, an ET 6on6 premium tournament to prove who really is the game's elite force. This one off tournament will be open to the top 16 teams in the game who will fight it out in a double elimination bracket for the chance to lay their claim to the crown!

The goal behind this tournament is show once and for all how online competitions should be covered! Coverage will be this tournament's defining feature with fans left drooling at the prospect of upcoming matches. Newsposts, Interviews and Opinion Pieces aside, every Thursday will be 'Game of the Week' on QuadV with Shoutcasts of the matches along with other titillating entertainment.

This tournament is just the beginning of the next chapter in Crossfire's history, all being well Crossfire 4 will be released at some point during the event. Crossfire will also be forming a council, which will directly influence playing decisions such as configs and policies for this and all upcoming Crossfire events.

Signups and Prize Announcements are coming shortly. For now, prepare yourself for the greatest battle of your life! Additionally, if anyone would like to get involved in this tournament as a coverage admin feel free to drop me a message here on the site.

October 20th WB R1
October 22nd LB R1
October 27th WB R2
October 30th LB R2
November 3rd WB R3
November 6th LB R3
November 10th WB Final
November 12th LB R4 & R5
November 15th Grand Final

image: foot
Sick! Can't wait!
omg omg omg!!

sick stuff from toss!

but why the fuck is the title called Battle for berlin

didnt get it
hmmm bf1942 nostalgia anyone?
at first i was like you really skipped some history lessons, but than i was like oh i fell for the troll :(
are there even 16 teams
Would be very nice if this tournament could show up 16 skilled teams. Hope to see some old faces back and some new teams besides current clans with real leaders who can keep any lame group together and make it worthy to be considered as a team.

e: Hungary Jatszunk.
d: This worth much than CB:EC, already.
Awesome :D
so the cup is for the ec teams - top 16 teams? oO
e:would be nice to see crossfire hosting some kind of an EPS - EAS :o
what is EPS-EAS?
2 leagues - 12 teams or so
3 lowest after a season are going down into league 2
1,2 and 3rd going up into league 1 ;p
Its just like football
thats cool, but its a bit shit for players that aint as good as the players that are abel to play in those divisions.
like me
well there could be like 4 leagues or so ;o
Such things are always better handled by a CB or ESL imo.
there is a reason for the million of flamejournals towards CB and why the ET league for ESL are pretty dead :p
Whatever the big league org is in a game they're always gonna get flamed :D
yeh, thats true. But the flame keeps getting worse and worse, so there must be a reason for it :) gl with this top-16 team thingy tho
my idea which i have for more then 2years ..... but it's hard to make it. cause there are everytime teams dieing and shit and then u have to creat a schedule, maybe with a forced date to play or if they didn't found a day in the week that u force it then and who don't show up, will get a def lose, like the eas in esl.
Teams don't last several season.
Unless teams like anexis and such will come to play it too:=)
Reaction to Robacieks video!
Quotethe top 16 teams in the game

Not cool :[ A league moderated by Crossfire admins(the non-idiots) with leagues would be cool tho.
LAN in berlin?:) Nice post!
QuoteThe goal behind this tournament is show once and for all how online competitions should be covered! Coverage

Guess not
online lan in berlin!
Hope the real top teams will participate.
good job.. about time u did something :)
nice :DD
Get the real top teams in it and it should be awesome !
avi as backup!
You aren't allowed to do this, you have to make a 5on5 tournie instead and kill ET again!!!!!!

ps. Nice!
A BfB in ET? Trickery! ;)
nice work, like the banners but I had hoped for something new rather than double elim brackets from a group stage, not that I can think of much else.

e: oh not a group stage ;)
: )

Happy days!
I am avi for this !
Tosspot saving ET, yes he can :)
2 bad its not a LAN :D

Good luck to the teams! looks nice
AVI to play it !! /q me need skileld rifle
and skilled english :P
Quoteto prove who really is the games the elite force.

little error if im not mistaken?
thanks dez for poiting that out

ohh noo problem toss always here to help!
you're welcome
Looking forward to this! :)
why is it called battle for berlin?

sounds nice (:
ja man, aggro die fresse einschlagen :D
Why don't you explain what Berlin has to do with this?
why dont you explain why ur on cf but not on battlenet?
haha addicted nerd reinstalled SC2?
i jsut took a break ~~
that was a ridiculous short break :P
LIES ! it wasn't even one !
it was 2, except from the part i started the break on monday, and started again my weekend in the 2nd week, so about 11 days!!
looks nice, can you add more details such as format, maps etc?
Sounded awesome until this

Quote Crossfire will also be forming a council, which will directly influence playing decisions such as configs and policies for this and all upcoming Crossfire events.

Hope it's only for cf events :)))))
When I read that part, all I thought was "5v5 is coming back"
sounds rly nice!

would be amazing, if there was a real chance of a final somewhere in berlin/wherever
ok, ok guys. n811en will compete, featuring several stars of the prestigeous crossfight competition.
und alle so yeah
mach ma lieber [img] url [/img] :o
siehe recent comments
well, there should be also smth for non-top16 teams.. then its a good idea..
fuck yeaaaaaaaa
Quotefight it out in a double elimination bracket for the chance to lay their claim to the crown!

so do you have like 6th crowns then? one for every member? or how will this be handled?
seriously? I'm pretty sure it was just a figure of speech :D
how are you getting 6 crowns from that?
buying 6crowns from burger king :o
This tournament is a must for a Berlin City boy like me ! :)
Nice! Lookin good, I'm avi for this.
me and u 2v6 ftw?
sounds awesome!
So far I can only say GL as we don't have details yet
Awesome stuff but why only 16 teams.. Should be good tho
Nice stuff :)
vnice, also post looks pretty!
ohhh yeah =D
maybe this is the beginnig of something greater?
Sounds pretty awsome!
cant wait!
anexis participating?
Of course! I'm their sixth, btw. Ready to DOM-N-8!
got your pm m8, thx for the offer to join anexis but unfortunately i dont really have much time to play tbh.. gl with finding player tho.

much love.
hahaha and curry goes on the moon :DDDDDDD
:D problem?
what the fuck i dont member writting that haha :D
looking forward to it :)

hopefully some "oldschool" players who left will come back now.

and staying ofc
you chose the best city!! i will actually participate in rl et
its an online tournament
So where does the name come from? Just wanted something that kind of rhymes with "Battle"?
Maybe a WorldWar 2 reference..?
no way cant be
well thats a disappointment....
i really like this!
Looks really good, nice work toss!
are you giving other teams also the chance to participate, or are you going for an invite tournament?
pretty much invite only i gues. or something like "fight for the 3 last spots" :S
at first i was like: greaaaat a Lan in Berlin. Gonna be there for sure !

but then i realised: mhhh online only :(
Nice, but why Berlin ?:D
you really want someone to make a WWII 'joke', don't you?^^
Nah, I just don't get what for they included Berlin in the cup name.
still didn't? well ok, even though a few have mentioned it already:
WWII shooter <-> something that took place in WWII
finally a decent place, cu there ;D;DMX;D
learn to read retard
learn to read retard
learn to read retard
>people that think this is a LAN that will take place in Berlin
Great idea. Good work for everyone behind this project. If i can help somehow, be my guest.
Good work everyone involved to this project. Keep up good work !
O M G and the name is just perfect!
hope you keep these promises, sounds awesome and should increase the activity again
announce lan!
GL Germany nicon
avi for the cup pm
nice! hf to all involved.
gl with it
hope dignitas & anexis will be interested :P
they already are, I hope they are INTERESTED in playing

maybe put some effort into streaming?
maybe put some effort into shoutcast?
nice, i wish i were european
>people that think this is a LAN that will take place in Berlin
t34 is interested
:o tank thirty four :o?
lol team that was even worse than sof back in the days.
What's t34 ? :o I saw a lot of people who were exctited to hear that
Belgium Violence is Bad
more than that if you played RTCW!
t34 is always been with latvian core in ET. That's why i pointed out vib :D
include rtcw in this project too tosspot!
It's gonna be legen... Wait for it...
Sounds brilliant!
and shame on you people who don't get the reference.
avi for skilled team pm me
you stab me??? how you think that make me feelll???
I have no interest in playing CB but this sounds good.
thanks for letting us all know the news that we were all waiting for regarding your current activity level and current interests in terms of the competitive enemy territory scenery.
oh snap!

shits going down bruv

still playing?
still? Didn't I quit after brink final ? ;d
dunno, thought i saw u in some gtv lineup once
Got alot of fakers man, you know that!
I chuckled a bit at "council", but whatever gets the job done.

GL with this
So now you're forming a committee afterall, "The Man" selects his comrades, the man who is not in charge of the community, the man who youre not supposed to fight since he plays no role.. interesting.
why do you even bother replying if you dont say anything?
I've linked your comment to at least 10 other people. One person had a theory on what the fuck you were trying to say, but to be honest I think even they didn't know.

Decem, you've smoked too much and your brain has turned to jelly. My post made 100x more sense than yours and it wasn't even proper English.
isn't it pretty clear that he's trying to imply that TosspoT has said that he isn't in charge of the community and doesen't play a role in the decision regarding ET, but now is forming a committee to make sure that the decisions to be made will be suitable for him.

or then I just got it totally wrong..
Quotethe man who youre not supposed to fight since he plays no role.. interesting.

you're not supposed to criticize TosspoT for the decisions made (ie. change from 6on6 to 5on5) as he had no role in making them?
And what has any of this got to do with Crossfire announcing a new cup for people to play in?
I believe that his comment was only about this sentence in the news post: "Crossfire will also be forming a council, which will directly influence playing decisions such as configs and policies for this and all upcoming Crossfire events."
Thanks for the 'Decem -> English' translation service :D
you're most welcome!
pretty much what twidi said, but this has more history between me and tosspot (the person I wrote the message to ;)

I wrote a little something questioning the way things are handled within the community, you might remember since you replied to The Thread also (with the infamous 'wat').
I was lucky enough to receive an answer from the man itself while unfortunate enough to have his reply completely lack subjectivity. While at it, he happened to mention "your not fighting 'the man' anymore you're just waffling. "
Which is the point I want to return to, the man who doesn't make the calls 'anymore' simply just happens to form a committee / a panel of people who are in charge of "directly influencing playing decisions such as configs and policies for this and all upcoming Crossfire events".
man you're so dumb.. sure decem is retarded and obviously dropped out of school at a young age, but pretty easy to understand what he said
It would have been sufficient to say smth like oh nice, good job. But then i realised it was invite only for 16 teams and you couldnt even get into EC this season. Probably the reason ur pissed at this news.
You just seem to have it all figured out, dont you? :D
If you want to know my opinion about the news itself, it is great, more activity, no reason for me to be pissed, pretty self-explanatory actually.
It's just that I find your leaders activities sometimes amusing, no need to get mad my friend.
owned by ross, deal with it and gtfo
yo! my favorite nolifer, whats up?
pretty sure ur the one that sits on crossfire every hour of day and not me :(((
hehe, still being funny it seems :P
Looking forward to this. Hopefully get a few nice games out of this cup!
i expect to see pottys allstars playing
I wish I could say Potty's allstars were playing. But for now we are taking a short break from Gaming. We are focusing on gold at the olympics!
fuck, could of been a really great tournament... oh well, good luck at the olympics!
really! i was excited as i clicked stck
Name steelers! Have words, son.
i hope TosspoT lawsuits them !
Well, you might say even this battle for berlin is stealing the name from the RtCW tournament that Mortal organized ages ago. ;)
OH MY GOD. They look the most nerdiest people I have ever seen :DD
well yeah, i gotta agree there are less nerdier looking SC2 players then those 6 :D
Remember me of "USA Tourney Battle for Berlin" 2004 in Wolfenstein :)
nice stolen the event name, doesnt matter dQ is ready to win that shit.
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