Gaming2Perfection mixes things up

image: g2plogo

Ever since SAGE and the split up of MVP, our previous team, we were determined to get back into the scene as a serious contender. In our search for a decent and stable team our eye got caught by Belgium belgian Fraternity. However, with the start of the CB Eurocup only few days ahead some of the bF-squad were no longer willing to go on with the team leaving us on the lookout for some fresh blood to fill the ranks. With the lineup we've come up with we believe we have a strong chance to fullfill our goal of competing with the top teams out there starting off with the Clanbase Eurocup and the upcomming Battle for Berlin.

Here's the new G2P.ET lineup:

Germany Bl4d3
Belgium Chry
United Kingdom Griim
Belgium Jere
Germany kReSti
Germany stownage

Here's what Germany kReSti and United Kingdom Griim had to say about the newly formed team:

Quote by kReStiI was really glad when shmoe pm'ed me to play for g2p as they are a good organisation with nice support for lan. When I heard they were rebuilding belgian Fraternity since some of the belgian guys went inactive right before EC i was thrilled to play with Jere and chry. Looking for 3 more players we picked up Bl4d3 and stownage and finally griim. I am really glad with this final lineup seeying I've played with all of them before so I think we will do fine and try to compete with the new Anexis lineup, no matter how strong they look now we will give our best out there.

Quote by GriimI wanted to play another OC with zZz but due to outside commitments & complications we were unable to get 6 online for pracs and in all likelihood offis. So this was a good opportunity to play active ET again.

about damn time to announce it, shame on you for da stab though Dave!
rather be late then rush things up before they are set in stone ;)
Nice, good luck.
wheres s1LENT? :c
playing for Limbo
gl stownage :D<3
griim stabbing zZz??
nice line up
lol bunch of germans and DAVEEE



cool, gl guys :)
Nice team but still can't see them challenging anexis :(
"starting off with the Clanbase Eurocup" :)
dave lowest EC player again!?!?!
heehe gl dave!
gl jeremate.
good luck guys !
waar ga gie ton spelen
you shouldnt be allowed to play in EC...
gl to chry and jere tho :)
why not? its not like it matters any :l, more competition
still its not a bad thing, i think rules should be modified little when something like this happens
yeah why not....nice team
they play in bF's spot :P
some would say the same about a lot of players in there though ;)
tag scared much?
gl guys :-)
nice gl!
gl Jere <3
h0h0h0 thx
sorry chry bitch but I'm not a traitor :D
Gl griiiim <3 <3 <3
Anexis vs g2p?
Date and time pls..
gl griim
atm the team that a see can do a decent match vs anexis
no they cant
n1 griim, stabbing much latley?
Anexis vs g2p? no way Anexis win =)
heard that one b4, g2p won 4-0

yeye with other LU
gl , nice lineup 8)
gl kresti stowni und blade
good luck bois :)
vg thomas & daniel :)
GL Giel <3
gl griim, kresti & stownage :)
gl guys, rape em hard dave :)
hf Jere
gl german fraternity ! :D
hitler fraternity ! :D
bobs only bobs
kresti too good
Wie heist tele?

E: Wo

E2: Was
why even bother?

anexis killed ET anyway with this new lineup

kanker homos
let's kill anexis then?
anexis worst lineup since ages
everything with night is an improvement
he lost a lot of his glance
And yet he is still the best player in ET.
opinions are like assholes. everybody has one.
There's no doubt about night. he is the most successful player ever to play this game and there is no team, which wont take Estonia Night. You cant say it about any other player.
you can say the same about other players...
Wouldnt pick for example toxic over squall. or maus over reload.

but night I would pick over any of them.
u cant compare toxic with squall, they got completly different gamestyles
There's no player with Estonia Night's gamestyle. Many try, but they dont come near it.
And those were random examples, didnt think much about them.
Of course night is one of the most experienced players with his success up to the most skilled level of ET. The problem here is just, that performance is a matter of the present state not trophies from the past and that one thing is what I wanted to point out. I am sure he knows it by himself.
And in the present state he is still the best. Night has never depended on aim. Other skills dont vary so much when you make a comeback or dont play so actively.
he plays only really good with his mates he plays for a long time. the key concept there is teamplay and that is the thing that matters most in ET.
ee, not really?

With the newschool Estonia Team-Eesti they won NC and came 2nd or 3rd the other one. and there was only Estonia Reload who was his mate.

Now look at team limbo. I watched their first EC game when they played without night. They sucked hard. And now with night they win teams they shouldnt be able to win.
i remember when i was capt and uk steam rolled ee, good times.. man i was so awesome
But when it mattered, you lost :D
didn't play that one, so don't care, all i know is that i'm awesome
Could say it alot for other players.
example before saying yes
Example is to climb out of Nights ass. Their is alot of other players who have the same impact on a team, and have achieved as much as Night. Night is valued as one of the best ET players, not the best.
I said examples. Can I haz them ?
Matias, Mystic, mAus, reload... many more
mystic no, matias no, mAus only for some people.
Matias, Mystic, mAus, reload... many more

night > matias
night > mystic
night > maus
night > reload
night > many more
i smell fanbw0y
he is right. And saying that night isnt the best and most achieved ET player of all time is quite idiotic.

You just cant name anyone else who is anywhere near that level.
sure he is the best and most achieved player in the game, but saying NO ONE is ANYWHERE NEAR his level is quite exaggerated
why the attitude?
well its true aint it?
i mean, the only current team that could even stand a chance of defeating this team is queens' best lineup, right?
no such thing soz, im inactive
they killed ET cause of an "unbeatable" lineup? lol.
like et never had dominant lineups before
But then it had 10 times the player base and could survive dominant lineups. And there always was strong teams agaisnt them : cdap - pi, zP, demiurge, northern-darkness against idle when they dominated. But now, there's no team that could challenge them.
I liked the part kanker homos


e. i love you nerdface
hf kresti <3
not so cool lineup but gl hero
hf kresti!
gl ! ;]
gl mr.murphy
chry rrr :D
Toog :)
Shit just got real!
gl chry, jere, blade, kresti and stownage
gl @ oc
ok team gl
gl dave u buttplug
gl dave <3 stownage, kresti
gl chry and jere <3
image: +_1b9a2eadf0389664cc359e363c9abb21

gl chry krest^^
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