On Your Knees

image: dkw4qk3n

After a successful Spring season, the dominant United Kingdom Queens team who won the YCN ET Challenge and joint won the Clanbase EuroCup XXIII consisted of Germany FLoPJEHZ, Finland miNd, Iceland phyZiC, Scotland rAzZ, Wales sqzz and Malta toxic. The team has over summer disbanded and the remaining players decided to rebuild the squad for the Crossfire: Battle for Berlin 6on6 tournament!

With the core of the team changing completely, rAzZ and miNd have rebuilt the team as well as possible to replace their missing stars; some of the best, most highly rated and respected players over the years have been added to the new lineup including the Europe aMenti duo, Latvia Clown & Spain Winghaven who've been longterm teammates in clans since late 2006 will continue this together now in Fall 2011, joined by ex United Kingdom Dignitas powerhouse Poland kot, the notoriously destructive aimer Sweden NuggaN and Finland's NationsCup sensation Finland Lepari, Queens are ready to present to you their revised full lineup!

As you can see the backup spots consist of an inactive Netherlands perfo and Iceland phyZiC, both players have questionable activity but looking at their prime performances over the years, even at their least active they can surely get the job done in high level ET.

phyZiC 'rose to fame' in the last 12 months or so playing with a few different 5on5 and 3on3 teams, but proved to the community and his opponents that he could compete on this top level the most whilst playing with Netherlands OVERLOAd and Queens. Due to his ties to golf, work and adult life overall he doesn't have as much time to play as actively as he may want to, but as a backup he is still a powerful weapon to use when needed. As for perfo, there should be no introduction required but for those of you who are only aware of his time in Belgium WinFakt, in his prime he played with and against the very best in the game turning heads all across the community with smart and effective play. He has shown his skill in top tournaments in some of the best teams, such as Europe Evolve and Anonymous S. N. Battalion who've both placed highly in multiple highskilled leagues and cups.

To avoid confusion, I would like to point out that this is not the Queens lineup that will be competing in EuroCup XXIV due to a late forming of the team - but you will see them on ETTV servers competing in the Battle for Berlin tournament and possibly future announced cups!

sorry for any mistakes and lack of quotes from players, kinda tired & expected razz and miNd to be online for short interviews when I got here but they both have gone to sleep or something (WHAT'S THE WORLD COMING TO? OFFLINE AT 4AM?).

ps. thanks to Germany RazZaH for the mini-banner!
Crown of Kings.

Oh WAIT.......
Finally an opponent for that team that has Squalli in its lu. Forgot the name. *Fanboy alert*
Poor kamz got left out :D
he had issues with miNd
who doesnt, LoL :D
bet u never made him as mad as i did yesterday.. ended up parting priv channel and banning people in queens, he was so mad :s all because of a journal and cos i told him he was bad, nerds will be nerds lol
I bet I havent, he's usually so calm and stuff!
U did some good shit to him before from what I saw though :-)

To this date, he whines on comms that you ruined KRP.
I know, he reminds me about it on every journal I make about KRP. what do you think? did I ruin KRP?
only almighty ruins krp :)
ye, by being too low oppo and making all the KRP guys depressed by their shitness :P I dont miss our games
chains with kamz usually end up being high quality baby-talk about ET + smileys :D every time as funny :D
ah well, maybe next time :S fingers crossed
Second place in Battle for Berlin is yours
Nice post Arstar! <3
gl guys!
hf mates : ))
gl sergio! ;)
nice to see lepari back in action
so whats the EC lineup?
gl NgN :))
good team. Good luck nuggan!
gl nuggan sick aimer :p + nice post artstar =]
great lineup, gl!
razz low
not going to beat anexis, but gl
hf clw and wing
gl mind , razz & phyzic <3333
QuoteHe showed has shown his skill
old news, thanks kamz

e: lol busted cheater in lineup xDDD
Learn me some ET history please
Go easy on him, he's new.

Learn and teach are so different word, how can you even make a mistake like that.

/rage off
teach me how to use them properly ;)
You need to learn that yourself :)
Could be a strong team, depends a lot on activity I guess

Prac hard, go pro I'd say
Its a sick lineup, if they're more motivated than Anexis they could beat them.
say what
kot will do anything to be shoutcasted!
even being active? come on!
Every lineup with decent players that are motivated could beat "high" teams. Its a matter of teamplay and how they handle crossfire. With 2 out of 6 players being quite inactive in the last couple of months/years only time will tell.
why does phyzic play with noobs

rofl best players backup


et is dead
Two weeks.
Battle for Berlin just became a whole lot more interesting! :)
I guess this lineup got inspired by the recent anexis lineup? I'm not really sure but I think a number of those guys were CLESS/part of another clan when anexis' lineup got announced.
few inactive players, 2 weeks max i suspect
holy shit
omg would never fall on my knees infront of some ET nerds xDDDD !
sick lineup, but 7 man lineup?
ET is 7on7 now
Was thinking the same thing!
I think they don't know who's taking the 6th spot, we'll see.
Ah okay, either way it's still gonna be a pretty damn good lineup.
cool gl!
Nice lineup:) will be nice matches to watch
nice gl ;p
shouldnt kot play with rD against Queens this matchweek?

and sup with TAG w/o Clown?

e: and got fail achievement in his profile he was EC4th with diversus in XIV season :S
they are not playing the EC with their new line up if i can read correctly
oh right. tl;tr
Lepari playing with noobs
gl winghi :p
GL Lepari
not even close to anexis
next teams
Germany sNoOp
Netherlands teKoa
Belgium jere
Finland Olbaa
Germany KRESTi
Finland Matias

Poland dialer
United Kingdom Meez
United Kingdom Sheep
Finland Iron
Poland wiesiek
France karnaj

Highly doubt it
mmm, i don't know why you'd split up me + dialer + snoop + tekoa since we've all played together before, i mean the lineups are alright but they don't seem logical :!

i wanted to start something with perfo but he can't play nearly all the matchdays, i'm interested in this event but haven't had the time to look for a team, hang out on irc and all that shit
I'll come back aswell, inside info.
best fop back in business
nop im inactive
He didnt say UK fop.
ah ok must have misread
Isn't Clown in TAG| aswell?
Yes he is.
If Lepari does another doc run like he did in adlernest @ NC final vs BE, it'll be worth it.
Good luck kotka!!!11
Does Lepari even know hes in this team, cos I haven't seen him online in ages :D
yea ofcourse hes back in 2 weeks and i asked him offcourse :)
he wants to play 6on6 active again :)
Looks awesome! Gl on BFB!
could actually do well
gl mates
omg mind omg

Poor kamz got left out :D
:( fml

tbh been having sleepless nights since i didn't make the squad, after trying so hard and playing many hours each day:<
hf get your spam on kot and wing!
Finally something nice on TV!
that team name pretty much guarantees you 2nd place
Thats a rly nice team! this battle of berlin is going to be epic, ill be tuned in to every game for sure
That's the spirit!
maybe a bit offtopic but are you going to shoutcast!?
Yes - Thursday nights
That's the spirit! ;)
Nice team lycka till NugganN ;)
might even win a map vs k1ck cyber esports team, shit team tho XD
by that title I assumed there is going to be held some kind of gay parade :D
gl Clown&wing
well, they are Queens after all =S
Pervert title
gl guys

phyzic :)
gl wing,razz,mind :)
Oh! how dare you making such journals for other teams!

Will be good game to watch :)
Looking foward to catching up with GTV after university :)
how's medway?
Its alrite kinda dead on some days just gotta make use of whats there really whats canterbury sayin
Good luck kot.
assstar still licking bumholes i see

Quoteinactive phyzic

saw that freaking nerd playing every day offis ( including friday and saturday nights xDDDDDDDDDDDDD)

really inactive
how is he "licking bumholes"? he's been Queens' manager for a while now
you must have special powers man since ur the only one who saw that
a) i've known phyzic, razz and sqzz for quite a long time now so thats the reason i play with them from time to time and b) phyzic actually never plays so i don't know who you have been speccing on friday & saturdays L0L FRIENDLESS NERD ONLINE DAY N NIGHT
c) I couldn't care less and sorry for the fucks not being given
i love u bro
"That's a pretty fucking sik team" (C) Mayni.
why do UK people intentionally write bad english like "sik" instead of "sick" with grammar fails and shit.

Sik - slang for good.
Sick - unwell.
You show him.
daaamn son thanks for opening my eyes
No problem dunzybro.
Really nice ! gl guys
A serious competitor for first place gl !
nice line up .good luck guys
gl mind homo
no kamz no win

just like team uK!?
exactly like team uk!
haha, uk rolls estonia -> kamz leaves -> uk gets rolled by estonia!

uk replace kamz with baggiez -> almost lose to france and get raped by germany

uk = noobs
United Kingdom = United Kamz?!!?
höjja nuggan !
lets go ladies lets go huhu
Very nice lineup, could challenge anexis if you played active, gl. :)
gl razz, nuggan, kot, phyzic.. give em hell boyos

can't see it lasting tho, lepari as razz said, isn't gonna play until 2 weeks time so already a bit of a fail there, really doubt kot is super motivated to play and nuggan is a weird one, one minute motivated next he cba :D and well the spanish guy.. how many times has he come and gone, matter of time before phyzic goes into the main lineup. never really works out when u have like an 8 man lineup (like toxic said)

but u have 3 extremely nerdy players in razz, mind and clown so who knows.. but i see some conflicts happening as soon as things don't go the way as planned.

anyway hope it works out^^
Why arent these guys asking you to join their team?
Aint that quite obvious :D.
No, can you explain?
Not good enuff, obviously.

lol@ hes reply down below, only reason he played back to month ago was that there was noone else avaible to play, kamz would be never part of real team itself due we having better players and nicer guys
let's be really honest here and stop lying, i was always above u in queens, hell there were times where i had to tell people to let u play because they didn't want u.. :[

queens winning ratio was surely greater when i played, but im not saying that was just because of me, obviously my presence motivates others to play better as well, etc.. i'm just awesome 6on6 player tbh, i know how to play it and how and when to spam
Quotelet's be really honest here and stop lying, i was always above u in queens, hell there were times where i had to tell people to let u play because they didn't want u.. :[

Was this the reason why u were kicked out in the first place we build Queens.ET again?

Quotequeens winning ratio was surely greater when i played, but im not saying that was just because of me, obviously my presence motivates others to play better as well, etc

i've never been kicked out of queens, i have refused to play once and now this time, i'm inactive so again, unavailable to play.~

my name was always guaranteed, even before razz at times.. that's how much influence i had on everybody, personality gives u that, u have zero personality so that's why u won't really part of the "crew" but just laughed at most times

so let's stop making stuff up mind, it's getting a bit embarrassing for u :()

it's also pretty funny how u type on cf and irc and then you are so quiet like a mouse on comms :Dd
19:30 <@razz```> kamz was never gona be in any of my teams
19:30 <@razz```> just mixed with him
19:30 <@razz```> i like him
19:30 <@razz```> but no

Think we're done here, have fun partying
linking razz to discussion? :d means that much to you? :d

fake logs :DD

oke off out now bibuy! hf speaking to razz about me :D
Im going to clear some things up.
Queens throughout all the last few months has not been a team, it was been a mixture of all my friends and we have just played together, so dont no why anyone is pointing out who was or is leader, its a game at the end of the day so chill the fuck out.
Queens was the team that won YCN and Eurocup, and Everyone knows who played for the team as it is in this News section.
Queens now is a new lineup, witch consists of hardly any of the players we have been playing with the last few months because simply they were Mixes playing under the Queens TAG.

Kamz stop saying shit to mind, maybe Next NC you will get your deserved place over your rival enemy Famous UK Best fop and ENG. BaggieZ

miNd Stop making fake logs to attimedate my good mate Manjoori or ill replace you with Ati_
The baggiez bomb. BOOM.
I remember declining and the team not wanting mind and they went playing with mant or smth. Can't remember which team it was. I've been inactive since brink final, don't even have ET installed anymore since ages, why you bringin my name up anyway FU MAN CU AT LAN FISTFIGHT luv ya brah
This is the real Story.
Comeback and take miNd's spot please mate <3
18 hours in gym, 6 hours sleep, no time left for ET ;_;
c45 i guess :D
first lol @ serious post


what's this next nc/mad about not being in queens... you of all people know i don't play et anymore :D and even if i did, don't think i'd play for uk again ;) much as i love u all, u blew it big time last season!

so to clarify, i am not available for nc, i am not available for queens, i'm still interested in ET from spectating pov but won't be playing any time in the near future..
Will miss you bro, peacex
Long party that was
us mature students are smarter and don't party until 2 in the morning because we know we have to study :)

beats sitting online all day anyways :P
Ok Kamz nice editing your comments, luckily i took a screenshot to back my self up :)) you posted 2 hours after u left last nite to go to a party, fuck me that was one helluva long party xD
u mis-read what i said, ye i went to party and the edit was made just because i don't actually need to brag about it.. but like i just said, don't need to party until late because im doing a masters end of the day, would be foolish to forget that :))
cool story bro
not that you'd know what it's like to be in education..

what was i thinking! :D
Listen you little faggot, i left school at 16 worked till i was nearly 20 and havnt managed to find a job yet, you lazed about since 1999 playing PC games and didnt really achieve fuk all well done bro.
so mad bro

go cut the grass!:D
stop been a cunt and give me my tenner back you jakey! :D
hahaha come up to my house on thursday or phone me u little bitch come online more often
hey you owe me it and you should come to mine ya litter cunt up for joining the gym mate 16.99 a month im going mon - fri up for it laddy?
not needed, he does weights after every round! D:
logs aint fake :P
fake logs are fake bro, mind just mega mad cos he couldn't handle the truth :s

<razz> lol those logs are fake kamz

the thing with mind is, he gets all excited like a kid when he's in some team like this, it's clearly all he lives for but i mean it was only the other day he was chatting normal and now after this, he's been acting weird and ego which is a real shame :( don't really like two-faced guys :< i guess that's why nobody from fin et scene wants anything to do with him and he'll never play for team finland :s (which is obviously a dream for him)
mind always mad. such hardcore reallifer has so much time to be mad on the internetsz :)))
busy real-lifing
haven't played for like 2 months now lol, too busy with uni

but i dunno if ur being sarcastic here but i was part of queens when i was actively playing anyway, me razz sqzz ross was the core and then the others would be chosen (flopjeh, mind, nuggan, phyzic, karnaj, kresti, phyzic, jinosta, emorej, olbaa, xylos, etc based on who was avi, i.e. if xylos wasn't avi, we'd settle for mind)

so if i was active and playing, probably would have been me razz nuggan kot mind (no xylos no win:<) phyzic or something like that, i'd never play with clown or winghaven, have some pride unlike others :D and also clown is really bad and no offense, he really proved how overrated he is since 6on6 came back already, maybe he'll perform better in the big cups but he was far from impressive in all the one day cups
22:05 <@razz```> haha
22:05 < miNd> :DDD

Do you really believe in what u are saying?
dont be mad bro, fake logs won't achieve anything
Quotehaven't played for like 2 months now lol, been just browsing crossfire and been on irc five hours a day

but i dunno if ur being sarcastic here but i was never part of queens when i was actively playing anyway, razz sqzz ross was the core and then the others would be chosen flopjeh, mind, nuggan, phyzic, jinosta etc etc

so if i was active and playing, probably would have been playing some clan like zZz since i'd never get to play with clown or winghaven due them being better than me so there would be no use for me


oh mind oh mind, so clueless, everybody would always flame u behind ur back lol :(

laughed at by finnish guys (krp) as well as queens :D

in all honesty, i felt sorry for u at times :p
Happens, cant please everyone
can't please anyone*
lazio > miNd
tru dat. and thats sayin somethin
haha idd, mind was so mad when rage spanked sth :D

did u know he paid ensam money to play that game? :DDDDDDDDDDDD

u still mad because they didnt picked u after 7 years of ET :DDDDD

eventho baggiez isnt playing 24/7 ET he is still better than you will ever be XD
come on man, that's baby trolling, i was doing that ages ago
i cant see this team being active with the same 6, and it isnt as good as anexis thing...

however, still much love and good luck :)
gl hf boys :). Looking forward to watch some of your matches.
I remember at Netherlands CC7 where Belgium Raslov, Germany Kuraigu and me were walking to our hotelroom in the middle of the night when Kuraigu asked "Hey guys, you know who is in room n°1?". While I was saying I didnt know Kuraigu bounced on the door a couple of times as it it was a boxing-competition. Raslov then said he thought it was Winghaven and Meez's bedroom.

I was like "yeah ... fuck this shit, just going to stroll down the hallway without a care in the world."", Kuraigu and Raslov dissapeared into the lobby and hid like faglords while my end of the hallway ... was a dead end. Guess which way of the hallway Winghaven chose to investigate, he ran into me standing behind a corner and was like :

Told him it wasn't me and even though he probably didnt believe me, he didn't go terminator-must-destroy on me.

For the record : Winghaven is not that scary as a guy even though he's quite muscular, but the look in his eyes was the one of Terminator looking for John Connor, fuck me.
wing is like a midget :P

though he is one of the nicest guys around :)
I'm not that shoooooort! :p

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! =D
i was like 1 head taller than you at aef :PPPP
Winghaven is a really nice guy, he fun to hang out with!
waaaat? can't remember anything of that :DDD

wtf happened exactly? :D
exactly what I described, how can you not remember :<

you & meez were quite angry we woke you as you had to get up very early to play, it was in that appartment-complex a 10/15 min drive away from wizzard
can't remember that :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

i guess meez / clown would remember, i wasnt that drunk to imagine an entire scenario happening :D
Lol... I'm pretty amazed, we always talk about winghaven and the others who left ET and here we comes. fucking sick line up. going to watch ETTV again!
Winghaven has been playing some 3on3's lately.
dream team : DDD
scroll up to witness kamz destroying mind
you are just witnessing everyone what a huge nerd you are - once again. :D
already like 10 people told me haha mind got raged:D
Not sure what you mean with that, Im not defending him or anything, I find you both pretty amusing.
That's the whole point :DD

But you seem to have mistaken me for somebody who cares about what you think of me :s Sorry but I couldn't give a rat's arsehole mate!
U find it amusing that i fix up lies kamz makes here? I mean i find it hilarious someone can make up shit like he does on a news like this, i know that pretty much all of the users here knows hes full of shit, but some doesnt and it needs to be fixed
only thing that needs to be fixed is your life..

you've played gaming at a serious level actively for around 6-7 years now, follow all the esports crap on a daily basis and play around 10 games actively, and still i've won more than u just by playing a dead game called brink lol

harsh but true

and u know everything im saying is true, everybody does laugh at u, we just witnessed that in queens.et with ross, razz, mant and others all making fun of u until u had to start banning and pretending to go afk :D
+1 well said mate
make a journal with all the irc logs pics or whatever+arguments, so we can see/discuss and vote on u guys. like KAMZ VS MIND.

Must say that I read almost all the reply's and this flame its just quite epic. Dont think you have skill to play with Queens but its not fair 10 vs kamz.

this flame is nothing, should see some old team uk captaincy arguments.
ahahahaha post some logs pleaseee :DDDDD<3333
like your 10th reply to me in the last 2 days, quit stalking brah
like in the same topic, quit replying brah
woot :)

gl <3
what are you talking about?
mm i might have read it wrong :O
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