Battle For Berlin - Winner Bracket Quarter final results

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Winner Bracket Quarter Final results!

The quarter finals of the Winner Bracket in the Battle For Berlin are now over. Below you can find full match results, short match summary's and comments from each of the winning sides.

The winners of tonight's games will advance to the Winner Bracket Semi Finals, which will take place next Thursday. The losers will drop down into the second round of the Loser Bracket to face the victors from last Sunday.

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Game #1

Seed 1 vs. Seed 8

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Europe Anexis

United Kingdom R0SS
Estonia Night
Finland Squall
United Kingdom Sqzz
Belgium mAus
Italy XyLoS

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Russia disQonnect

Russia humM3l
Russia Jago
Russia jOKE
Germany Kevji
Germany boNg
Germany predi
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Match report.[/h3]]

Europe Anexis beat a spirited Russia disQonnect team 4:0 to advance to the second round of the Battle For Berlin Loser Bracket. As with all games this evening the opening map was Missile and Europe Anexis on the Allied side, had little trouble in securing the flag and a plant on the opening stage. Their Russian opponents managed to hold the command post area for a few spawns but were soon overrun. With 5 minutes gone in the round, Italy XyLoS was boasting 17 frags as he constantly found the frags to force the Russia disQonnect side back. However, his rifles no longer found their mark as the Russians managed to squeeze a few more crucial minutes out of their last stage defence, only for United Kingdom sqzz to grab the documents, and once the little Welshman has his hands on the documents the round is all but over. 7:48 time set.

Once Russia disQonnect begun their attack, they met stern resistance from the Axis crossfire. A few minutes into the round, Russia Jago raced along the upper walkway and dived through the window to cap the flag. Unfortunately for him, when his team-mates respawned they were met with grenades from Belgium mAus, United Kingdom R0SS and Italy XyLoS - gibbing their engineers and allowing Europe Anexis to recap the flag and all but end the round.

Russia disQonnect picked adlernest as their map and begun the map in fine style, securing a dynamite plant within the opening 20 seconds. The respawning Axis side made short work of the pistol toting Allies and defused with ease. Within a few spawns the Russians planted again and this time they managed to defend it to take them to the next stage. With Europe Anexis spread to defend the documents and the command post simultaneously, the Allied side took their chance and after Germany tiMo landed a 3 man frag, Germany predi found himself with the documents and made a break for it. Russia disQonnect were looking to set a fast time and they did just that, meeting little resistance on the doc-run to set a time of 3:35.

Not wanting to let the game go to a decider, Europe Anexis planted within the opening 30 seconds and had the first stage complete within the opening minute. With their backs to the wall, the Axis side crumbled under the pressure and their last stage defence capitulated, allowing Finland Squall to steal the documents from under their noses. Russia disQonnect were all down on long-spawn and the Fin ran virtually uncontested to the transmitter to secure the documents with time to spare.

Europe Anexis advance to the Winner Bracket semi-finals to take on Netherlands MouseControl while the losers of tonight's game Russia disQonnect drop to the Loser Bracket and will play against Finland Turboapinat on Sunday, in what is sure to be a close game.

Quote by Anexis.R0SSAfter a pretty convincing win over dQ - even though we were sloppy on adlernest defence, we will face the Winner of b2k and MouseControl. I would like to say that I believe dQ have the potential to go far in the tournament and they played like they already had it in their mindset that they would lose. I feel confident that we will beat either MouseControl or b2k 4-0 in the next match, but we're looking forward to it.

Quote by disQonnect.humm3lWe played well on both maps in my opinion, on missile we had more dmg than team Anexis but our teamplay didn't work that well. On adler we set a 3 mins time and can't hold it (like always). Against anexis you need to take that chance, you never get a 2nd one. Nevermind - we looking forward to the next games, today we showed again that we are not so far away from the top 3.

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Game #2

Seed 4 vs. Seed 12

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Netherlands MouseControl

Netherlands joshua
Netherlands saKen
Netherlands SQuid
France An7ho
Poland zMk
Poland fanatic
Slovakia filuS
Netherlands spho
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Poland b2k

Poland l4z
Poland Abject
Poland w1lko
Poland WuT
Poland syriusZ
Poland mag
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Match report.[/h3]]

Netherlands MouseControl started Missile as the Axis side but were quickly on the backfoot as the aggressive Polish team Poland b2k swarmed them from the start. Despite multifrags from Netherlands joshua and Netherlands SQuid, the Poles got the revives and took the first stage within the opening minute. With Netherlands MouseControl on the back-foot, the Allies tried to capitalise and secure the objective on the second stage. The Axis however, had other ideas, and set up a strong crossfire in the courtyard. They defended a number of attack with ease until they were undone by a sly doc-run which forced them back to the last stage. A 4-man artillery from France An7ho prevented Poland b2k from rolling over their last stage defence, but not for long as strong teamplay from the Allied side saw them steal and secure the rocket controls to set a highly respectable time of 6:45.

Netherlands MouseControl begun their attack well by quickly planting a dynamite at the left door and when Poland zMk plucked fellow rifle Poland l4z out of the air with a garand frag, the first stage was over. A double backrape frag from Netherlands SQuid saw the Allies take the command post area and give his side 3 minutes to complete the following 2 stages. Time was running out and Slovakia filuS took a dramatic leap for the Power Supply and secured it, only to die to a landmine leaving the button unpressed. Precious seconds dripped off the clock as the Allies struggled desperately to press the button and press it they did, with 1 minute 20 seconds remaining, giving us a nail-biting finale. Netherlands MouseControl poured into the courtyard and in doing so they lined up like fish in a barrel for the MG-42 wielding Poland mag, who helped himself to an 8 man frag to end the hopes of the Allied side.

Netherlands MouseControl picked supply and begun the round by walking into a 3 man airstrike thrown by Poland w1lko. They failed to get anything done for a few spawns before they secured a downstairs plant, which the Poles were defusing comfortably until a grenade out of nowhere from Netherlands joshua killed and gibbed both defusing engineers. With 5 minutes of the round gone, Netherlands MouseControl had blown East and built the command post. Poland Abject was on fire, raking up over 20 kills in this time, however the rest of his team weren't on such fine form and they were quickly forced to retreat to the classic upstairs defence of supply last stage. The defence didn't last long and with his team desperately fighting to gain control of the truck area, Poland mag decided it was a good time to change the colours of his tag and while he attempted to do so his team-mates got slaughtered around him. The Allies escorted the truck up the hill to set a time of 9:30.

Netherlands MouseControl used the momentum they gained from the end of the previous round as they set up a textbook supply first stage defence. With very few individual actions of note, they held Poland b2k with ease for a demoralising flag-fullhold and with it took the upper hand for the upcoming deciding round.

Everyone's favourite decider map, radar, was picked via elimination. Poland b2k began on the Allied side and within 2 minutes they had blown the main gate, side gate and built the command post. Securing the East parts wasn't a problem for the Poles but as per norm with radar, tackling the West parts is a much sterner test. Netherlands MouseControl set up a solid defence, deep behind the West parts and as is often the case for the Allies, their attacks became disjointed and the Axis made quick work of the 1s & 2s that their opponents were attacking with. 2 minutes left on the clock and only a handful of times did Poland b2k get up onto the parts, only to die each time to landmines or the Axis respawn. As the clock ticked down the Allies began to attack with more urgency and the Axis defended more chaotically, but there was no moment of brilliance from the Poles which would secure them the West parts. Fullhold.

Netherlands MouseControl were beginning to turn the screw and since the end of supply had looked a completely different, superior team. They breezed through the first stage, securing a plants on main and side. Main gate was defused but by doing so Poland b2k stretched their defense too thin and lost the bunker. They lost command post equally fast and Netherlands saKen took East the long route unopposed to give the Allies 9 minutes to attack West. A few attacks were defended but it wasn't long before the Allies broke through. A four man kill, including 3 with a colt from Netherlands joshua (who had been consistently topping the damage) gave Netherlands MouseControl the window of opportunity they needed to take the West parts and run them into the truck and into the semi-finals.

We will see Netherlands MouseControl take on Europe Anexis in the semi finals next Thursday and the plucky Poles Poland b2k drop the to Loser Bracket to play against Europe Splendid.

Quote by MouseControl.SaKenUnfortunately the game was delayed a bit because someone called BFB Robert decided to start muting enemy players. After these inconveniences were resolved the game started and we got rolled on missile as expected, supply went pretty smooth and we managed to recover from an early screw up on radar. GG

Quote by b2k.syriusZI am not gonna lie, we kinda expected to lose vs mCon since they got a really good lineup and we hardly play any pracs this week. Our goal was to win missile (mission accomplished) and then bremen or adler as decider, unfortunately it didn't work :D. I still think we could have taken it if I didn't play like shit but I promise to do better next round! Gratz to mCon, hopefully we will meet again so we can take our revenge!

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Game #3

Seed 3 vs. Seed 11

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Europe Queens

United Kingdom razz
Latvia Clown
Finland miNd
Finland Lepari
Sweden NuggaN
Poland kot
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Czech Republic Zero Empathy

Czech Republic denton
Czech Republic Green_Clon
Czech Republic malfoy
Czech Republic milhAus
Netherlands L4mpje
Poland ridji
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Match report.[/h3]]

Europe Queens were made to work for their victory against the newly named Czech Republic Zero Empathy side. Missile was the first map and Europe Queens started on the Allied side. After some early to-and-fro on the first stage they were able to secure a plant on the gate and capture the flag. With roughly 11 minutes remaining they transmitted the documents and opened the gate to the last stage, where they were met by Czech Republic Green_Clon and his MG42 who picked up a 3 man frag, with Czech Republic denton cleaning up the rest. The Czech's had set up a decent last stage defence and with the support of the MG42 they were able to prevent Europe Queens entering the courtyard. An over-zealous mass selfkill from the Axis allowed the Allies to almost build but Czech Republic denton was there again with his rifle, landing a superb 2 man shot to deny the build. Despite a 2 man panzer from Czech Republic Green_Clon, Europe Queens were able to complete the map to set a time of 8:45.

Czech Republic Zero Empathy were attacking now, but they were attacking into Sweden NuggaN and the Swede was in the mood to party, mowing down wave after wave of Allied reinforcements. It took the Czech's over 4 minutes to secure the flag and once they did they ran through the next 2 stages with ease. An over-aggressive Europe Queens defence allowed Netherlands L4mpje to secure the documents to open the gate to give Czech Republic Zero Empathy 2 minutes to beat the clock. Unfortunately, Latvia Clown was waiting and he was keen to improve on his 4-22 stats from the first round. His MG42 made short work of the dying Allied pushes and the clock expired to give Europe Queens a 2:0 lead.

Czech Republic Zero Empathy took radar and attacked first. Their first push was towards the side and they secured a fast plant. With the Europe Queens defence occupied with defending side, Czech Republic denton was able to take down two Axis players on fullspawn and cap the flag. Europe Queens set up a standard 6v6 radar main/side defence with 4 at side and 2 at main. The 2 players at main were met by 6 waiting Czech's who steamrolled through to the West parts. Europe Queens were lucky to spawn just in the nick of time to prevent losing West, as the parts were dropped amidst a scramble on the main road. Czech Republic Zero Empathy moved to attack the command post but the combination of Finland miNd's rifle and Latvia Clown constantly backraping meant that such attacks were foiled. When the Allies switched to main rush, Latvia Clown had already predicted the switch and was waiting with his MG42, cleaning up the rush. The Allies eventually secured side and took East but with Sweden NuggaN and United Kingdom razz raking up the damage and frags, Czech Republic Zero Empathy were unable to get near West.

At this point the score was 3:0 and the game was lost, but Czech Republic Zero Empathy were not about to forfeit the last round. They began on defence and were surprised when United Kingdom razz took an early covert and jumped up the side entrance. Despite a double grenade kill, Europe Queens were unable to take the command post at this time. Finland Lepari would prove the difference maker as he landed a 3 man frag to clear the way for his side. The bunker had already been secured and main had already been blown, leaving us only the last stage. Poland kot quickly took and secured East leaving Czech Republic Zero Empathy with almost 9 minutes to defend West from one of the tournament favourites. The underdog spirit rose within them and they set up a formidable West defence. Europe Queens lack of recent practice and their inability to field a consistent lineup showed as they lacked organisation in attack, and their attacks fell time after time to the organised Czech defence. With 4 minutes remaining Finland miNd grabbed the parts, only to be downed by Czech Republic Green_Clon, who subsequently returned West. Europe Queens got their act together and began attacking as a team, pushing through the Axis back spawn. Each time they took too long to move through and were met by impressive Axis crossfire as they tried to approach the West parts. With only a minute remaining United Kingdom razz took the parts and made a run for the command post. Czech Republic Zero Empathy scored the frags and established a defence at the truck. As the clock ticked down to the last 10 seconds, the grenades and artilleries rained in. United Kingdom razz made a desperate late dive for the truck but was downed centimeters short. Czech Republic Zero Empathy earned themselves a great deal of respect with their last round performance and certainly gave Europe Queens plenty to ponder before their Semi Final game next week.

This result means we will be seeing Europe Queens versus Europe G2P in the Semi Finals and Czech Republic Zero Empathy against Estonia k1ck in the Loser Bracket on Sunday.

Quote by Queens.miNdOk gaming, not happy with our performance but it was expected due it was first game of this week, hopefully we are able to get some pracs done for a better performance.

Quote by Zero Empathy.dentonWe were ready to face the worst evils tonight but the game itself turned out to be pretty even. Sure we were held on some stages too long for comfort but in the end both maps brought some intense moments. I am glad at least Radar defense worked well. This loss didn't break us like others but left us in high spirits for the future.

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Game #4

Seed 7 vs. Seed 2

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Europe TAG

Netherlands Lightning
Netherlands Hope
Germany urtier
Finland twidi
Poland dialer
Poland Krein
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Europe g2p

Belgium chry
Belgium Jere
United Kingdom griim
Germany Bl4d3
Germany Kresti
Germany sTOWNAGE

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Match report.[/h3]]

In tonight's late game Europe TAG took on Europe G2P. Unfortunately, Europe G2P had trouble assembling their 6 players in time and had to forfeit the first map. The game finally got underway at 25 minutes past the hour. In Europe TAG's first game, Finland twidi was plagued by connection problems causing him to ping well over 150, limiting his usefulness to solider weapons only - today however, his ping was normal, and this did not stop him using his beloved MG42. On every stage of missile he lay down and mounted his MG42, mowing down the Allies of Europe G2P and proving to be a constant thorn in the side. The late start didn't seem to bother Europe G2P and despite being heavily outdamaged, they marched onwards with the objective in sight and through superior teamplay they managed to progress through each stage a few minutes at a time. Belgium Jere topped the kills by some distance, though mainly because he was picking off Finland twidi at every available opportunity. Time set of 7:44.

If Europe TAG, now playing on the Allied side, could set a time then they would take the 4:0 victory and knock Europe G2P down into the lower bracket. Knowing that their winner-bracket life was on the line seemed to cause pressure within the Europe G2P ranks as their first stage defence was over in moments. Finland twidi crept down the left hand side to plant a dynamite, only to find out that he had miss-planted. Fortunately for him however, his teammates managed to secure the flag. With 4 minutes remaining Europe TAG had built the command post and Poland Krein, documents in hand, was looking for an opportunity to secure the documents to open the gate to the last stage. This opportunity never came as he was lugered by the impressive Belgium Jere, who by this point was almost doubling the frags of anyone else on the server. The match drifted into dead-time as the Allies could find no way through the Axis defence and we were set up for a decider.

Europe TAG, being the veterans they are, selected radar as the decider - as any self-respecting ET player should. Europe G2P started on the Allied side and pushed for the main gate, securing and successfully defending their plant in the first rush. Their attack on side nicely summarised the game up to this point, with 7 (4 from Netherlands Lightning) frags coming in on the Europe G2P side but some fantastic medic work from United Kingdom Griim and Germany kReSti saw them take control of the command post and set up their final stage attack. United Kingdom Griim took the East parts and ran them into the truck under a hail of fire from Finland twidi and with 7 minutes left on the clock the Allied side began to push towards West. At this moment in time, United Kingdom Griim had stats of 1-15, but was showing that with the right balance in your team, not every player needs to score frags and he was doing his role to great effect. Europe TAG fell back behind West and and began to turtle, invited pressure from the Europe G2P side. This pressure finally tolled but not before the Axis had dragged out a precious few minutes, with Europe G2P finally setting a time of 8:48.

Poland Krein was Europe TAG's standout performer of the first round and he begun the second round in fine style as he scored a triple-kill to ease his side into the forward bunker. They were met with strong resistance and repelled for a few minutes before the defence fell and with 6 minutes on the clock, the Allies of Europe TAG had secured main and blown side. Europe TAG main rushed, catching a sleeping Europe G2P defence off-guard, and they mowed right through allowing Poland dialer to snatch the valuable West parts and secure them in the truck. 5 minutes remaining and the Allies turned their attention to side, where they were greeted by the waiting Belgium chry, who with the aid of some well placed land-mines, helped himself to 5 frags to delay the incoming push. Germany Bl4d3 mounted the MG and held Europe TAG at bay and with time running out the Allies tried to main-rush again. Belgium chry was waiting again and this time got himself a 7 man frag. Time ticked down and the subsequent main rushes lost steam, giving Europe G2P the 4:2 victory.

Europe G2P will play against Europe Queens in the Winner Bracket semi finals next Thursday, in a game which could be considered the tournaments first real 5-star matchup. Europe TAG drop to the Loser Bracket and take on Germany oxid on Sunday.

Quote by G2P.KrestiWe are sorry for our delay, we had some really big problems. chry just had some internal problems with his football club and couldn't make it on time and stownage wanted to reboot since of windows updates but it took longer as expected :D. So we lost our first map but after that we just had a great performance and it was really easy on missile. Radar was close but we could hold it. We are sorry for the delay hope the next match will be better.

Quote by TAG.urtierIn a close fight we were able to grab the first map. A little overconfident we probably took it too easy and didn't manage to keep the performance over the second map. With a bit of luck (and better play!) we could have taken radar probably, but it didn't work out this way. GGs to g2p and good luck to them in the next round.

Full Schedule:[/u]
Thu October 20th
Sun October 23rd
Thu October 27th
Sun October 30th
Thu November 3rd
Sun November 6th
Thu November 10th
Sun November 13th
Tue November 15th

Winner's Bracket Round 1
Loser's Bracket Round 1
Winner's Bracket Quarter Finals
Loser's Bracket Round 2
Winner's Bracket Semi Finals
Loser's Bracket Round 3
Winner's Bracket Final
Loser's Bracket Round 4 & 5
Grand Final

Map #1: bremen_b3
Map #1: adler
Map #1: missile
Map #1: radar
Team's choice for both maps
Map #1: supply
Team's choice for both maps
Map #1: sw_goldrush_te
Team's choice for both maps

image: foot
this keeps getting longer and longer :D n1 job as always
Nice lecture
nice job :)

and its Germany predi btw, same for timo i think
nice gj
nice read, good work Alan
Loved it.
rolls got nerded on laptop :P
good work baggiez :)
what is this urtier :D In a close fight we were able to grab the first map hahahahaaa
you talking like you actually think you really won a map :D
meeeh rustig kameraad!!!
I think you trolled someone hard =)
Jere sick rifle. g2p will win because they have the best rifle in the game atm
I specced jere yesterday during the match, he was playing amazing but I haven't specced xylos in a while. but I agree with you that the final probably is going to be anexis vs g2p. Next thrusday we will see if g2p is able to win from the Queens.
xylos full of shit, leaning and falling back constantly. I hate to spec him. Best rifles to spec atm is Jere and mind, both aggressive players.
playing aggressive is nice for speccing purpose,I agree, but playing defensive isn't bad by definition
yea, but im pretty sure that for example mind can easily win games for his team, which i havent seen from xylos yet, he has not been anything special.
the team xylos plays in doesnt rly need him to save the day
yes. But in my opinion the best riflers in the game atm is Sample (if he would stop using drugs and get back into shape), mind and after that Jere.

And your team is sick.
Sample is and always have been the best! <3
Sami vanha nisti, tule takaisin <3
Finnish rifle best rifle.
but in some moments he's crucial for the match imo
ross will cover for him, np
hes way over ross but you got your point :)
Tbh dont rly think that but ok :D
xylos is way over R0SS, R0SS is overweight

it sorta rhymes, doesnt it?
Good report!
great report !
really nice report keep up the work
Fuckin dave, man
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