ET NationsCup XV Captains

image: ncxv_medium

After a long and hard night work of counting votes (cheers for Belgium GoldoraK!), finally the time has come to introduce you the National Captains of the NationsCup XV - Enemy Territory.

The voting stage is over and it is about time to reveal to you, your captains for this season. Thanks to everyone who signed up and we would like to thank YOU all for voting! Not less than 575 votes were cast, for a total of 81 candidates for 30 nations even if 8 candidates had 0 votes.

Curious how many votes each candidate received? Click![/b]]
  • Australia biggz-: 3
  • Austria DonMatthias: 1
  • Belgium Gifted: 35
  • Canada anim: 8
  • Chile casek: 7
  • Columbia Paper: 1
  • Croatia danL: 6
  • Czech Republic malfoy: 16
  • Germany shmoe: 52
  • Estonia Sinnu: 13
  • Finland twidi: 39
  • France An7ho: 19
  • Hungary s3b: 1
  • Iceland rNz: 4
  • India Singh: 1
  • Israel montage: 10
  • Italy Gabri22: 7
  • Netherlands xPERiA: 29
  • Norway snuble: 4
  • Poland dialer: 48
  • Portugal karias: 11
  • Romania bulletproof: 12
  • Russia Arcadia: 8
  • Sweden tornis: 12
  • Switzerland kneJii: 7
  • Slovenia m1ke: 5
  • Ukraine malczik: 1
  • United Kingdom Artstar: 13
  • United States of America Sl!ck: 6

Congratulations to all winners! All captains should contact their National Team Managers immediately to get added to National Teams (if already not there) and to start assembling the NC ET team for this cup, as players also need to be added to the National Team ClanBase page before the qualifiers start!

Important note :
  • Not every team has a National Team Managers. And captains should mail [email protected] to be added.
  • Players can be added throughout the tournament.
  • All captains should provide the lineups before Qualifier Week - 11th of January (pref via Other News section or pm to GoldoraK) to prevent dropouts during the season.


image: ek3mkn

Nationality and Residency Requirements

Have nationality and residency of country X:
The player can play without further delay.

Have nationality Y, but live in country X:
The player can play for country Y without further delay. There is a limit to 2 players per team.
The player can play for country X without further delay, if they've lived there for 1 year. There is a limit to 1 player per team.

Have double nationalities, both country X and country Y:
The player can play for the country of residency, without further delay.
The player can play for his other nationality (which he doesn't live in) if he can provide a legal document which says he has the nationality of that country.
Important: A player cannot play for another country after he has played for a certain country in the past.

See NationsCup FAQ for further information.


If you have any suggestions or questions about anything, feel free to leave a comment or visit us at and we will answer as soon as possible.
* team captains - private irc chan for this ET NC XV #NationsCupXV pm an admin (Belgium Goldorak, Poland szczurek or
Czech Republic t4MjEE) for the password.

Important Info

Please keep in mind that this is not the list of participating nations! The (possible) qualifiers and groups will be announced later on this week!

CupSupervisor: Belgium GoldoraK
Co-Sup: Poland szczurek
Chief of the Referee's: Czech Republic t4MjEE

Original Clanbase newspost
NationsCup XV - Enemy Territory
good job.finally cb starts doing things on time
love i spend more then 3 hours counting yesterday to do this....but thx anyway :)
Nice layout much better then the other post, well done
et missing you
he is comming back :)
finland have someone with over 20k tzac id as a captain rofl, newschool or cheater you choose.
not marked as cheater on CB or TZAC and he got a total of 39 votes without fake 2nd with vote is Poliisikoira with 10 ^^
would have been fun to see poliisi koira as captain :D =lowest team finland ever
haista sinä paska
toi ku tulee sulta ni se todella merkitsee mulle paljon
mikä vitun leso? mee jo vittuun ei kiinnosta oikeesti
this is some kinds of cheating!!
karias? must be fake
amando ik wil in.
Belgium, here I come!
me to Belgium Here i come
what happened to team bosnia :XD?
player for team bosnia was not from ET scene but from CS.
Team United Kingdom: Artstar
hehe they fell for for my trap :) team uk lineup raskl darkrider fumble iceq nyke + merc from irc
griim is all u need to win this shit
sorry no pro's in my lineup :)
take United KingdomtheeZakji then!
omg for last time no pros..
grats on being captain :)

R0SS, sqzz, razz, koop, Mztik, griim

BU: Meez, Baggiez, crmbs, Jinosta
Mztik disappeared last years NC
Meez no idea if he's willing to play active
Baggiez no idea if he's willing to play active
Jinosta needs new internet
crumbs can't play at his uni place or something

thx btw :)
You have Kamz to thank for Mztik's departure. He was by far the best stable, all rounder medic ever to come out of the UK.
yeah sucks that he quit :[
dont think griim wants to play
a trap within a trap ?? because IceQ is in your lineup XD
IceQ is in every team.
Important: A player cannot play for another country after he has played for a certain country in the past.

this is the best rule for nc :-)
looks ok but 575 vote is rly low :D
xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD syriusz i jego mycie :D
only 29 teams for 32 slots :( too bad coz im sure teams like Turkey Spain Ireland Latvia would be able to find ~6 players...
ye,,, spain cud get a team ffs
nah, just happyface plays, no avi players
gj Gold0raK. This should be interesting
gl casek, danL, knejii, m1ke & malfoy !
danke, auch dir viel glück ;)
thx, same to you buddy :)
gl captains! hopefully TosspoT will cast some games :P
Finland Sample
Finland Squall
Finland ensam
Finland Iron
Finland Matias
Finland Vanhaomena / olBaa / kapaa

something like this.
No twidi ? :(
well I think players listed are simply better but twidi is also good. anyway, this lineup fields 2 rifles and have like 3 guys capable of doing the engi stuff so I dont need a reason for yet another engi, some aimer/good medic would be nice for the 6th spot I guess. simply so many multiclassers there >_<
Altsi should be part of your anarchy team as well.
maybe, I just dont really know him so for me its hard to say.
u need walle!
but he angst so no, I originally put him as 6th but..
take kmble
- ensam / army
- Iron / me/sample both better rifles/smg's easily.
- kapaa / doesnt play afaik

I think it's probably gonna be something like this, yeah.
finland and netherlands have too many good players hard to field 6 for NC :)
gl gifted, mike, dialer :)
gl casek,ArtstAr,xPERIA,destiny ;p

like you had any chance :p
yes i guess cos szczurek didnt
u wouldnt win anyways so cut ur ego
widze nowy pojazd masz ze nawet w osiagnieciach w profilu sobie wpisales
xD az sie nie chce odpowiadac na tak marne pancze
promen new seareal!
olis iha jees : squall sample iron matias ensam/kapaa ja sitte yks peluri karsinnal :/
why 2 rifles? or sample as smg? and I'd say if olbaa would become active for this he should be in there for kapaa. and twidi is smg engi too i guess? he would be good replace for ensam if he'd have good internet.

engrish but you get the point
sample as smg, yeah like I said in comment some good aimer medic so olbaa in, but vanhaomena is also good aimer. ensam is sick so I wouldnt change him for twidi.
agree about ensam, but he is still in the army for 3 more months :(
yeah that makes the difference :P was sorta the out of the head plausible lineup and ensam had to be there :d
slick ftw!
and good job artstar :)
Fuck you
Très madde
nice.good luck bullet
good luck bullet ! :)
GL gifted, arnar, sinnu, anim!
like Team India will get lineup lol

gl to all captains
umad ?
cuz ur not smart enough to be a polish captain?
how did YJZZ not win :S
Finland to take unless I am invited to UK lineup.
That only works if they also take Jason, you are useless without him ;o
Don't know what you are on about, he is useless with me!
Grats Artstar!



Ended 4th in 2004..

my guess is that they would struggle today:)
get raziel back then
would struggle more than the lowskillers
not if his aim is still decent (if he carried on playing games)
doubt he would ever be on par with current aimers, could never in a million years compete with the likes of phyzic/nuggan/maus/kresti
well that is for sure, but maybe better as his norway teammates
well when you think of aimers like zodiac and eirik :P
Thanks for remembering me. :d
actually always forgot you're norwegian :< damn you dnan playing with my brains
I am Dutch ;) But just living here in Norway for 5 years now.
5?! Jezus wat gaat de tijd snel.
Ja echt he :D
Now stop dreaming about 2004 and come back to 2012. :D
Come back to norway!! We missed you on the prax this week:)
Flying back today ;) Will be home too late to game today though ;D
next game is next week so np:)
Actually, they'd wreck the rest of the norwegian competition, hands down. But you never played with or against them, so what would you know.
lol man.. take a chillpill:)

If those guys suddently would return to play, without playing ET for 7-8 years, yeah i think they would struggle.

Rather than that,its true what you say.. i havent played with or against them, im only impressed they managed 4th! which Norway never will be able to do again in ET imo.
where's IceQ?
ArtstAr only had 13 votes, I wonder how many voted I got before I got removed
karias team capitan : D

LOL!!! this made my day
:D you mad bro?
GL Bullet
Loled @ the captains with 1 vote :D
DonMatthias: 1 :D gl ;)
:) thx
there was no reason to vote for me since i was the only candidate
best excuse ;)
Win this stuff gifted
gl tornis :)
Gl donmatthias!
gl squid
PM me if you want to play for Team Belgium.
heuu me i pm u :)
heuu me i pm u :)
eeey mateke!

pmmeke gestuurd, laat maar iet weten wanneer we praccen.
btw , we have to speak dutch to go in team belgium , others can't go
so true!!!
We won't mention xAv, he is kinda vlaams..
hehe too bad the skill level from the walloons cant compare to the flemish players anymore. The only active/decent walloon player atm is Buzzer, but he still only played oc premier ( even final) & I think eden plays as well & aims pretty good? Thats about it!
i didn't say i wanted to go in team belgium btw , i'm inactive since september now(notime) , but even when xAv was in team belgium , he couldn't play a lot even if he wasn't that bad.
We can't communicate if we can't speak dutch that's all about it and everybody knows it ;)
U flemish will always let flemish people play instead of the waloons cuz we can't communicate , that's all i wanted to say.
But ye there isn't any walloon good enough atm to play in Belgium's team i agree with that don't worry ;)

GL anyway for this NC , and hf
when there would be like 2 or more good walloons, then we'd pick them and talk English on comms for sure, just dont see a reason to do it now as all good players are flemish
Ca va'kes, vanaf de kwartfinales moogt ge me roepen. Altijd avi!
good job Belgiumgold0rak !
Fuck, I should've signed up for Ireland captain. Would be my one chance to play NC.
still possible
Ah, they'll probably make a problem of me not having an Irish passport :-(
They didnt make it a problem with me playing for norway? :P
Did you have to show any papers that proved you really live there?
Nope, I have Dutch nationality so that would've been a slight problem ;) They just checked my IP and saw it was Norwegian, apparently that was enough.
Cool. Hopefully NC XVI is here soon :-}
Shouldn't be a problem if you lived there for atleast 1 year, (becuase it was well known to people I was Dutch, but live in Norway)
no not possible anymore
cmon whats more important? gathering as much nations as its possible(there propably wont be qualis anyway so we still got over 2 weeks to first matches) or respecting rules. I think 90% of community as well as all NC capitans would agree to add 2 or 3 teams(with capitan and full lineup prepared) to the tournament just to fill all 32 slots :)
You could've used legendary former team-Ireland and now pub-superstar Sakura. :(
I know :-(

Team Ireland would've been VPL!
who is this rNz!?!111++?+?!!
some lowskiller very bad player
no idea but looks like almost 25% of Iceland voted for him :S
Good work!
Poland Poland

Poland Frag`Stealer
Poland zMk
Poland numeric
Poland dialer
Poland hunter
Poland palemki/fanatic

Poland Krein
Poland wiaderko
Poland syriusz
Poland stexx
Poland Elviss
quite good player actually
not saying he isnt, but hes so god damn rambo.. :)
sometimes it's needed i guess! :p
so many inactive players ? :(
uf dobrze ze na ciebie nie zaglosowalem!

all better than you hihi
They already have hunter as a brainless rambo, no need for 2 :-(
kirej better thn fanatic hunter en that other polak
uhm.. what? xD
Missing key player Poland Kirej
numeric i wiaderko graja?
If wiadro would be available, he would be first team. No doubt.
zmk ok dialer ok reszta nie : D
:D i co na kogo bys wymienil niby te reszte 10 graczy co nie sa ok?
kot,abj,palemki,fanatic/stexx.syriusz,zmk moj LU : D
abj to jakas nowa gwiazda 3ciej ligi OC?
Abj to abject gracz ligi EC
Team Russia: Arcadia
Who what where? oh nvm, its not like they will win at least one map
Firstly, I would like to thank the 5 players that have voted for me and congratulate the players who became captains for the first time.

I hope the cup will run smooth, with no delays or drop-outs.

See you on the battlefield!
sem glasoval!
Dobil si 2 glasova!
res, od koga pa? :D
iNert & ?????? :)
Important: A player cannot play for another country after he has played for a certain country in the past.

Problem humm3l? :DDDDDDDDDDD
Hummel have a passeport and the German Nationality - hes ALLOWED to play for GERMANY

Afaik newschooler, he has played few CB NC's for Team Russia before.

care to explain?
He played for russia in CB hosted NC, same case as zerender who wasnt allowed play for germany after he moved there...
humm3l play for Russia on another NC hosted by CF - not by CB.
So he can play now on this NC

problem mini-clip maker ?
Hummel have a passeport and the German Nationality - hes ALLOWED to play for GERMANY
You can say what u want, hes allowed

Oh, wait.
Ho wait - ur an idiot
Wow, that is an exceptionally mature comment and represents Clanbase well. Would you like to explain your comment a bit more, what is that assumtion based on?

Or is it just too painful to notice that the joke hit the spot? Should i feel sorry for someone?
yes i will once again because it seems u cant read more then 2 comment before being tired
QuoteImportant: A player cannot play for another country after he has played for a certain country in the past.

QuoteHummel have a passeport and the German Nationality - hes ALLOWED to play for GERMANY
You can say what u want, hes allowed

Quoteyes i will once again because it seems u cant read more then 2 comment before being tired

So instead of admitting you are wrong, you just accuse everyone else. Maybe just look in the mirror and see the dumb retard with no manners looking back?

Or will you come up with some "clever" comeback just like you did with the last respond?

People like you kill ET, Clanbase and Crossfire. Well done once again.

explain this. CB ET NationsCup X. CB... CLAN BASE? uh?

not following your own rules? brb contacting high cb chief

edit: keep wondering why ppl you guys are _bad_ admins... just keep wondering... someone not allowed for ages, u come and allow. rofl
ok contact him - ill give u his link if u want and he will said same as me his passeport was german so he can.
btw as i said dont think shmoe will select him to play for germany so ur whine is usless
I wouldn't contact him rofl... hummel causes no damage to me, couldn't care less. But yet again, the cup haven't really started and you guys are already showing how to be a bad admin. Why do you have a rule if you break if 1s after?
Well it's the same in a international football team, ppl play for other countries and if they get naturalized they're allowed to play for the country even if they've played before for a different country :P
actually that is not how it is..
What then ?
You are not allowed to play for another country once you've played an official game for your own..

and before you go around acting like you'll know it better...

Quote by wikipediaUnless geopolitical changes play a role, players are generally not allowed to switch nationalities if they have made senior appearances for one FIFA-recognised country in competitive fixtures. One exception is Thiago Motta, who has caps for Brazil in competitive fixtures but in 2011 received special permission from FIFA to represent Italy.[20] Friendly match appearances do not commit a player to one country; Jermaine Jones played several friendlies for Germany in 2008 but has played for the United States since 2010.[21] A second instance is English-born defender Alex Bruce, who has two caps for the Republic of Ireland in official friendly matches, and following a successful summer 2011 application to FIFA he received approval to represent Northern Ireland in future.[22][23] A FIFA Player's Status Committee is responsible for making such judgements.[24][25]

FIFA takes punitive action against teams that field ineligible players. In August 2011, FIFA expelled Syria from the 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification process following the appearance of George Mourad in a senior qualification match against Tajikistan. Mourad had made friendly match appearances for Sweden earlier in his career, but had not requested permission from FIFA to change national associations prior to playing for Syria.[26]

There are no restrictions on players that wish to switch national associations at youth level. Alex Zahavi has represented the Israel under-21s, the United States under-20s, the Portugal under-19s, the Portugal under-18s and the Portugal under-17s.[27]
In football ok, but what about Basketball ?

E: i just asked cause I didn't know..... BUT HEY LETS GET ALL DEFENSIVE ON THE INTRAWEBS
I couldn't care less what it's like in basketball
official competitive
I think once you play for senior national team, you cannot play in another one
ouch, wrong!

According to the FIFA, you cant play for another country after you played once for the A team of one country.
u can if u played only in friendly matches.

in happened in Poland one guy played 4 friendly matches and scored 2 goals for Israel team this summer and after he knew that Israel wont play on EURO he decided to play for Poland coz he got Poland passport, fortunately he get injured and didnt play in 2011 anymore :P
y, i forgot that the match must be an official one.
U can play for another country unless u played official non friendly match(continental championships and qualis/worldcup and qualis/confederations cup), for another team.
no no u have to contact him - dont take me as a fool, im doing always what im saying so do the same go on this is his link go on pm him and dont forget to ask him to read the passeport of hummel.
lol bad admin - u want my place ? spreading hours and hours to do the job as most as we can for the com, or i would like to say for idiot like you who whined always and always maybe cause of ur ego...

Come on do it pm the big boss and for me i will ask to add u on the CB crew, ill give u the 2nd spot for NC and ill let u doing ALL the job, u seems to be high qualified for it
ahaha calling me ego, idiot n stuff just proves how good admin you are again. Plus your arguments about me are just wrong, but as i said, you keep giving me proof of how good you are!

And i have a life, university (graduating this year) n stuff, too busy for such job, thats why i wouldn't take such place. If you can't handle as you said, give it away then. I'm sure there is more capable guys with free time and passion to do it.
request to add u on the et.crew entered - u will be added during the next few days.
be prepared to WORK for the com
what i dont get is u say he cant play if he played for another nation but your allowing him to play for 2 different nations?

I have Dutch, French, Spanish and English passport. Let's say I played for Team NL(not that i did, just example), the next season I could play for FR, season after ES and again UK?

Weird rule tbh, I'd say just make the nationscup to where people live(IP Location?) instead of passports.. Also contradicts, allowing someone with multiple passports to play for multiple nations while saying you cant play for different nations...

Atleast explain why these 2 rules are there?
don't even try adeto mate. He is biased to allow him, no matter what you say it won't matter as you can see from all my comments. You will end up being called ego tard.

He doesn't even explain why he is allowed.

And btw gold0rak, you don't even need a passport inside europe. I can actually claim i am a immigrant.
what are you james bond?
His passport doesnt matter? He PLAYED for russia (You know, another country???) So by following YOUR rules he shouldn't be allowed to play for Germany (Not saying that he would be playing, but its a good example)
If you didnt notice, that rule doesnt say anything about players having multiple nationalities. Its pretty clear actually, if you played for other nation in CB NC before, you cant play under different flag anymore, simple as that. And there is no rule superseeding this one as well. As admin, you should be able to interpretate rules correctly and even if you do a mistake, be a man and admit you were wrong. Your stubborness and lack of arguments to make your case make you look like a fool, not others pointing out to your incompetence.
He is explaining himself by claiming he is a cb puppy doing what the superiors told him to. loool
as you can see i asked him twice, shown he played few times for cb russia, you can even see it, he got added to team russia at cb at 2006 2007 2009 afaik..the rule itself leaves no doubt to any normal people, except to the guys that should create/know it :D how amazing.

I am about to boycott cb forever till crossfire launches its how cup system. Unless this admins gtfo, they are bad and don't even admit or wanna learn with their mistakes. That just makes all the work or time that gold0rak claims, U S E L E S S .
You're now added to the admin team for this NC welcome on the team and be online the 10/01 for the first tuto - no u dont have to be as ur admining skil is enough to manage an important cup like the NC.

So welcome and you will be the first ref for the 1st qualifier game.

loool :D u so crazy mate! I don't have enough skills for that, neither patience.

But you still stand to your words even after reading a ex cb admin opinion and alot more opinions about how it works?
He didn't ever mention he would do your "job" better as you do now.
So you could either quit your immature behaviour or don't do a thing at all.

ag0n is simply pointing to the rules, and you seem to break this particular one. frozz pointed out an example in the past, so I don't see why all the sudden you feel like changing your own rules.

To make a point clear, no, we do not feel like being a cb or nc admin because most of us got better things to do. Don't make me talk about ego, as that's probably the only reason you signed up for an admin task.

Now I suggest you stick to the rules or more people will turn their back. We do complain simply because of the fact, not particulary because of a player who won't play anyways.

Move along, nothing to see here...
Just Fuck You - you didnt get it HUMMEL WILL NOT PARTICIPATE TO THE it enough clear ??? even he had german nationality he WILL NOT its so crazy that ur so idiot that u CANT UNDERSTAND IT

and regarding this :

QuoteTo make a point clear, no, we do not feel like being a cb or nc admin because most of us got better things to do. Don't make me talk about ego, as that's probably the only reason you signed up for an admin task.

did i have to LOLOLLOLLLL at end of all time or !!! the reason im admin is for my ego ^^ the best laugh ever, im admin since 3 years
I completely understood your statement. That doesn't mean I have to agree with it. No need to insult me and call me an "idiot", let's keep it a decent conversation. I clearly stated that it is the fact, that you break your own rule, bothers most people.

You seem to lack the needed maturity. Read your reply towards me, even my youngest brother has a better sense of understanding. Try, take and accept critism. If you can't handle your anger, please, follow an anger management course.

We shouldn't be discussing, a real shame somebody with a brain of a wallnut is put in such position. You might understand once you're out of puberty. You even seem to have trouble well-forming a quote, and that for a guy who often has to write articles. Sad, very sad.
dont talk about my ego i will not treat u as an idiot - u dont know me
That's probably the most common reason somebody takes an admin spot at a somewhat popular website, yet, not many will admit it.
Quote... even he had german nationality he WILL NOT its so crazy that ur so idiot that u CANT UNDERSTAND IT ...

You didn't insult me when you replied on the "ego" topic. But that's not the point of my conversation. ag0n his reply below describes it, he hits a nail on the head.
stop talking shit you dickhole, especially when you don't know the guy you're just looking like a fucking retard talking about puberty and such.
Need a tissue?
yet again, a coin have always two sides, your words can be used against this argument.
Don't you understand it's not about hummel? according to your previous statements and the way you understood the rules, ALOT of players would have double nationality, which means they could be playing for 2 national teams (not at same time obviously).

We just want you to man up and admit it's a mistake. It's not about anyone doing the job better, or a particular player. And as i said before, as a admin you should take care of the words you use. Telling a player to fuck off isn't the best way to deal with a problem.

Man up!
its not about having german passport, ofc he has it and if he didnt play for russia he would be allowed to play for germany 120%. i'm pretty sure he played for russia in CB NC

but in CB it was ALWAYS that you cant play for 2 nations, no matter what. i'm well informed about this case because when we wanted CroatiaSweden blaze to play with us, we werent allowed to apply him because he played for sweden in the past NC, EVENTHOUGH he has croatian passport...
Thats a good example actually. I remember that issue with blazer.
Question remains, who is retarded enough to leave beautiful swedish girls for Croatia ? ;)
obviously you are stupid enough to reply to my comment without even any clue about situation.

a) blaze was born in cro,lived there until love,speaks cro in his family and living in sweden still
b) i'm pretty sure croatia has even better chicks
y so serious tho :(
cuz i dont like when random ppl comment with no reason +they are wrong
rofl :D was a joke, no need to get emotional over it, mr. "not random".
but humm3L got german passport and he's allowed to play, don't you get it? almighty Gold0raK has spoken so you can't deny.

after all those years germany may be weak enough to take humm3L, because back in days it wasn't necessary but now, well after all he's got his passport aye? XD
im asking myself why everybody busy arguing on a player who WILL SURELY NOT play for germany on this NC......
Because the rules contradict your statement.

QuoteImportant: A player cannot play for another country after he has played for a certain country in the past.

QuoteHummel have a passeport and the German Nationality - hes ALLOWED to play for GERMANY

Both can't be true, so either the rules are wrong or you are wrong. Without a specific exception there is no way for both to be correct. You're also doing a terrible job explaining the situation and you seem to rely mostly on insults instead of information.
yeah sure after 2 days trying to explain the he will not play - and recieve only whine because he apply as cpt, im bored of it - k thx bb

And this is answer of head admin about this :

Quotereply to GoldoraK Sun Dec 25th 2011 20:51
There is no contradiction. A question you quoted is similar to "A player has double nationality. He played for country X. Now he wants to play for country Y. Is this allowed?", but it that case player doesn't have double nationality (you can live abroad but don't have to have second nationality).
Question is formed and states player already played for country Y, now he wants to play for country X where he was born. - That's not allowed. You can play only for one country you've chosen.
QuoteQuestion is formed and states player already played for country Y, now he wants to play for country X where he was born. - That's not allowed. ---->>***You can play only for one country you've chosen.*** <<-----

I have no idea what you asked the admin and the date is 25th Dec so it can't be regarding this exact discussion, but it pretty damn sure seems like he also disagrees with your statement about Humm3ls availability.

Quote by Random cb nerdieQuestion is formed and states player already played for country Y, now he wants to play for country X where he was born. - That's not allowed. You can play only for one country you've chosen.

Enough said, as he said, once you have chosen you can't play for another country....
my face when spotting my own comments from years ago
image: template
there is always a nostalgic feel uh? :) feels good, all the time wasted creates a good mood with all these old memories :)
fun times are never wasted tho
Il a joué pour la Russie il y a environ 2/3 ans.
if hummel plays for team germany, i will cry....
He can't as you can see from the rules. He played for russia atleast 1 or 2 cb nc's, and played the cf /worldcup and the 3v3 cup for russia...
you are talking so much crap shit sry, i played for germany the 3on3 NationsCup wit FiREBALL strAy & me!
3on3 NC had nothing to do with CB
Didn't FiREBALL play for Turkey as well?
Played allready for germany in cod4 twice :D ban me now hahaha, and the upper chiefs allowed me but shmoe getting the captain stuff :)
As i said, i dont care what you did at cod4, and it's nothing personal.. i'm just stating the rules mate, take it easy...
looking forward to see all the line-ups :o
ColumbiaColombia to win qualifier
how many votes other captain received?
less really less
DonMatthias: 1 etc

gl an7ho !
gratz all captains
lol captains, not even heard of half of them :D
most captains don't play, they just organize the teams maybe :)
don't worry i've heard of you!


fanatic?? new cb admin ?? ;>
no i build the news he see it on CB he post it on CF - but any modification must be asked before posting
How to be a cb captain with 1 vote :

-Live in a 3rd world coutry.
-Apply as captain.
-Vote for your application.
Nerd that is so untrue!
1st of all, you can't vote for yourself, and 2nd, I didn't had a single vote (LOL), Goldorak was nice enough to give me one vote :D
How many votes did I get???
I voted for you
Haha, I guess I shouldn't wait around for an invitation for the team then?
Next year we got this!

You should be Canada's 6th imo
United States of AmericaChamp
United States of Americaopiate
United States of Americakhardio
United States of AmericaEvo
United States of AmericaSilva
United States of AmericaDominator
United States of AmericaTwoguns

et is dead
Didn't know known hackers and ex wnb multihackers were allowed to play NC and on CB for that matter.
So what. hes still a fuckin goof.
and he needs to be banned ( opiate )
ur kidding me...
Laughing at these nerds freaking out at obvious troll. Khardi is Canadian.
could of fooled me.
Didnt know I was playing for USA =O
NC Capt., and you're quitting ET. Yikes. Unless you've decided not to.
gl Austria don, Belgium gifted, Francean7ho and Hungary seb1.

A pity that spain is not playing anymore :<
just step up and build a team. you still got the chance. just pm goldorak.
Quote Gold0raK on 05/01/12, 17:38:11

no not possible anymore

Anyway think there arent even 6 players who would like to play NC for team Spain...
hmm i guess if you had 6 players, he would allow you guys to play in this NC! you should try! i see that radifz/gengis plays some 3on3s sometimes, maybe try to get wing + Some other guys (im not really into spanish et scenee;)
cid,gengis,radifz,flat,methoj,magico, maybe winghaven :O
need more zwei thant its ok
CiD + NC = ET + dead
cmon gather 6 players talk to other capitans or whole community to support u with negotiating in clanbase admins. I think everyone is interested in filling as much as its possible slots for this cup(the most prestigious ET cup atm)!
indeed its a shame, i think there would be enough players, and i would play if there were lack of players
Go snuble! :)
HOW MUCH VOTES I GET???????????????
u got 10 votes
Et moi? ^^
GL Dialer.
gl team switzerland!
<3 Montage
Estonia lineup?
gifted you popular beast get in there son! :D
avi for team aus!
shit NC incoming except for Finland, NL, Sweden and Poland.

An7ho prend maxuh straf emorej et démerde toi avec les 2 autres :D
Quoteshit NC incoming except for Finland, NL, Sweden and Poland.

huh? :D if you're talking about captains/lineups, don't think that it's going to be a very shitty one for BE/DE for example
Yea i sayd that bcs of captain and not lineups.

Gifted captain Team BE srsly :D shit lu incoming ( no offence gifm8 ) but i miss the good old time with lio vila acid etc...
Same for Germany, i wanna see urtier butchji snoop playing but not stownage blade kresti... ( no offence ofc ).

soz for my english twidi, hope u undersand.
Times change and so do the lineups, you can't except all the countries to be able to maintain their lineups consisting of your favourite players. Belgium and Germany are both in a really good situation as they have loads of players who are very active and have recently played in the top teams (this can't be said about Finland for example).

I don't see why you would take inactive old players instead of new active players, unless they're still better than the new guys. Personally I don't think that lio, vila and acid could challenge the likes of Jere, chry and Sup3r at the moment. Belgium is able to gather one of the most competitive lineups and it'll be very very far from a shit lineup compared to the competition. Germany is in a similiar situation and judging by the draft tournament I'm pretty sure their captain shmoe would love to see atleast butchji playing for them, but then we come to the other problem which is that not everyone is willing or interested to play in NC. For example xperia (captain of NL) just stated that perfo didn't want to play this season, which is a huge loss for their team and I'm sure that everyone would've wanted to see him play.

edit: Also I would be interested to hear why you think that Sweden isn't going to have a shit season based on their lineup (compared to Belgium and Germany)? Sweden hasn't been that succesful in NC for ages and they haven't had almost any newcomers making their way to the top within last couple years. Of course their lineup hasn't been published yet so all we can do is speculate, but I don't think that they can go very far with just nuggan and slajdan being the only active top players from Sweden right now.
About Finland, some oldschoolers are still active and i hope gonna see in the lineups, squall sample etc... but its ur choice not mine and gl with that :D

Pretty sure even with inactive old players its gonna be more famous and popular, sorry but i prefer spec old players with shiity skill NOW than new players with pro aim.

This Belgium Team with lio vila mAus vila acid jetro will be and will stay the best belgium team but its my opinion

"For example xperia (captain of NL) just stated that perfo didn't want to play this season"
Maybe he already knew the line up and dont wanna play with some of new NL team members.
This Belgium Team with lio vila mAus vila acid jetro will be and will stay the best belgium team but its my opinion

didnt vila jetro lio co get busted?! nice loving cheater NC lineups gg
soz my bad , but they didnt cheated when this team BE win everything right ?
When did Belgium win anything in ET? :D I can only remember them getting 2nd places after Finland. Besides, I'd say that only lio and mAus out of those players were core players in their NC lineup.
maxuh et emorej ne sont pas disponibles pour jouer cette NC & strAf n'est dispo qu'un soir par semaine :/
Même en étant inactif ou non disponible, ils sont bien meilleur que certain dans la LU. bref gl à toi et Aniki !!
Merci bien ;) mais le fait est que strAf est dispo une fois dans la semaine, sans savoir quel jour précisément & comme je le disais avant, emo & max sont pas intéressés pour jouer cette saison voilà tout.
I remember something like 5 years ago, humm3l was playing for Russia, i'm pretty sure i reffed a match of him 2/3 years ago as well, so he shouldn't be allowed.

zerender had the same problem

inb4 toxic plays for united kingdom
see what you did killerboy -.- leaving cb behind and allowing such admins, omg omg!
hes not he was allowed to apply as cpt because born in germany but he will not play for germany
lets punish them!
Curious how many votes each candidate received? Click!

Yes I want to know how much each of them had.. not only the winners.
Big mistake not voting me
Would have been insta win
GL dialer!

was fking close till the end ;d
Oh Well :)
what all the fuzz about hummel being allowed for ger or not?
you could probably right now form two different lineups for Germany before you'd even consider fielding him :P
no offence hum
same retard every year..
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