ESL WAC 1on1 Test Cup

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As TZAC is currently not working that well, we have decided to bring a new anticheat to the scene, an ESL Anticheat. This anticheat, called Wire Anti-Cheat can only be used for ESL Leagues & Cups, as it is a private anticheat. It won't cover any external leagues, or tournament, just those cups, ladders, and features hosted on the ESL Website.

ESL Wire Anti-Cheat is just a Software capable of guarding a game under a fair play with no Cheats. It really needs a full support from most players, since it might not work properly as expected. This means we will just focus on collecting possible mistakes / errors may appear during the usage of this Software. That's why we have created a Test Cup, with the following details:
  • Date: Sunday, 5th of February, 16 CET
  • Format: 1on1
  • Best of ONE map
  • Mappool: Valhalla, Multi_huntplace, sillyctf, ctf_multi
  • SIGN UP!!!
In order to play in this cup, you will first need an ESL account and also to download the Wire Anti-Cheat. You will also need to setup your WAC like in the tutorial. We'll be providing full IRC support for those who have issues with installing WAC. However, before asking for help, please read the FAQ and the tutorial.
[center]Check out our ESL Wire-Anticheat Newspost for more informations[/center]
[center]SIGN UP IN THE WAC TEST CUP![/center]
gonna check dat cheats on it :dddddddddddddddddddd
haha :DDDD n1 joke :D
Theoretical question: If this is an anticheat test cup do you actually want people to try cheating? And if they got busted they wouldnt be banned? And if they are not to admit that they were trying?

We're mostly interested on how the users respond to the anti-cheat and what issues do they have with it.
Reasonable, GL
why not using this as main Ac if tzac goes down ?
I guess it's bound with ESL matchlink
Car ils ont pas envie que CB l'utilise ! car ESL > CB
lol si seulement tu savais :)
Mais tout le monde sait
si tu savais ce qui se dit entre eux et nous voila ce que je voulais dire
a little late to post in here, but i have experienced huge FPS laggs with ESL wire, when i have played cs 1.6 with it.
Just to clarify - trying to test cheats/bypass/etc in any way is absolutely forbidden, no exceptions!
u can just ask some random busted polak to test anykind of cheats and u can see what AC gonna detect :)
Sure I understand it, but I was just wondering if anything like testing cheats was going to proove that AC is actually working for ET cheats. I dont know much about this, dont know how it works, or if there are similar cheats and its processes for COD/CS/QL ect. I have no idea how the heureistic works, or detect cheats and how are they different one from another. So thats why asked, if you wanna also test cheats, not just user and HW friendliness.
thats probably for esl admin, so we know with what cheat we can play :P
ESL has paid programmers, testers etc to write and test WAC. They already tested and are testing cheats on WAC. You should not test cheats, you will be banned.
What we want is a large number of players to test how WAC is affecting users with different OS(operating systems), antivirus, graphic cards, drivers etc. so they can solve any problem that may appear.
Also WAC was implemented with succes on many other games and has banned many players, so I think the ones in charge of WAC know what are doing.
Also, as long as ET exists on ESL the anticheat will have support.
Hope I answered some answers
Yes, thank you. I understand what are you trying to do. You got all the credit. Another theoretical question. Is there an email, or ftp where can players send cheats for programmers to be tested? Model situation: Excheater wanna do something good for community and post his hax somewhere to appear if it is spottable?
yes. check inbox :)
Anyone can submit cheats to the ET admins e.g. by support ticket and they will forward on up to the WAC staff

The purpose of the cup is for the ET admins to test WAC with the ET community,

A) for players to test it and learn how to use it and

B) to see what problems the ET community has with it so that they can provide better support if/when WAC is used in ESL ET tournaments
need prooves it can bust cheaters
still working with ESL? keep it up!:)
dude...i became a high admin in the Spanish section...although in europe i am kinda..'shit', i have a lot of work in spain, so ofc ill keep it up :D
It's awesome, even busted a team poland cs 1.6 player already, + you can download the whole config stuff of players which are cvar checked if I remember right (at least in cod4)
what about a list of busted cheaters in et?
have you ever played ET with WAC?Sign up for the cup, get a aimbot, and you will be the first on the list :D
holly shit he is alive
Quoteeven busted a team poland cs 1.6 player already

4 more to go
nickname of that polish guy?
Oh nice, just wondering is this anti cheat just to be used for esl?
read you blind fucker
read you blind fucker
I think you should have another look at the news as you obviously missed the vital part of it.
QuoteThis anticheat, called Wire Anti-Cheat can only be used for ESL Leagues & Cups, as it is a private anticheat

3 years later, but nice try btw
Obviously W:ET in not the only supported game, so it is quite in time.
i know wire is really great on other games, but ET is over (:)
dla Polakow ta nazwa jest w sam raz. "ej chlopaki, wlaczcie WACka"
o kurwa ale zabawne
no tez tak mysle h3h3
Please wait for an admin to add you to the list of participants.
Fix the web of ESL (loads of bugs with chrome) and I'll prefer ESL over CB. ;D
gief screens / examples and i'll try :O!
Sometime I have to click on the main menus (upper toolbar & middle toolbar) to be able to go through the sub menus over there. And the buildup of the site could be a bit easier (make sure that all the configs and installers are up do date).
its not the site problem, its your browser not handling it
And that's what I mentioned, having problems with chrome (read my 1st post and most likely you can locate it yourself). The browser itself works fine on any other web so am not going to change it just because ESL can't handle CHROME.
Have Chrome, no problem
I use chrome for ESL, no problems
i truly think the whole site sucks :p stopped using it few years ago cuz couldn't find anything needed there
ask, and we'll help :)
SLAC/TZAC is currently out of date due to Chaplja's public declaration that he had no funding but it's my understanding that he'll begin work on the project again soon.

I'm also aware that as of today there are multiple cheats working on TZAC (which isn't good enough) but surely waiting for TZAC to update is better than overlapping anticheats?
maybe chaplja can work with ESL wire/tzac?
highly unlikely from both perspectives
why's that ? Wouldn't be good to work together with ESL providing maybe financial support while chaplja could develop the anticheat future more and try to get more cheats detected within time and make it more successful, like he said, all he needs is just some refound for his time spended with the AC itself.
Coders only like working with their own code, it's a fucking ballache trying to work with others code.
not saying that he would had to change code or anti-cheat, simply saying as ESL as provider of financial support and chaplja as providing his anti cheat TZAC with his own code and so on
I think ESL have a strict policy against employing ex-cheaters and ex-cheatcoders
Actualy we are not forcing anything into any single tournament. This is a test. If TZAC dissappears later on , it is better to have something that at least works, than something that doesn't. Time will tell i guess.
well back then we decided to not push WAC into ESL ET competitions as SLAC/TZAC was rising and did a great job. This is 'just' a testcup to see how it runs in a competetive ET scenario and how much things have to be fixed. Given the case TZAC goes down at some point (which it looks like to me tbh) it is good to have an alternative :)

Give it a shot, just give some feedback people. This clearly isnt a move against TZAC or CB. But when there are only few AC alternatives left we should be prepared for any case ;)
or maybe in this case, work together with some ppl who have connections over MGC and rest of support crews thats existing in e-sport and try to get some support for chaplja's tzac instead of trying to search for another anti cheat when u already have one which only need some financial support and should be working good again.
so esl admin have to find financial support for chalpja? o_O
im saying it as an option of one of many that could be done if there would be enough of motivation for it everything could be done..
ET isnt popular enough to keep running an EMS on ESL, they prolly cant find some support from mgc, or only stupid one will give support (money)

because as chalpja said he doesnt need server or smth related to internet.
what's the problem with having multiple anti-cheats? I only see pro's tbh
What are the pros of multiple anticheats?
It's harder to crack more than one anti-cheat than only one. Cheaters might have to use different cheats too.
You're listing the pros of having multiple anticheats that don't work, which is basically redundant. Assuming TZAC is effective post-update, I see no reason why players should have to use more than 1 private-client for their own anticheat.
an anti-cheat will never be perfect, having multiple anti-cheats makes it harder to cheat so why wouln't we use multiple anti-cheats?
Perfect meaning that there is absolutely no possible cheat out that there will ever work on it - no.
Perfect in that the vast majority of players can play happily in the knowledge that their opponents are not cheating - sure.

TZAC had a long period in which many 'known cheaters' were unable to cheat. Add to that that TZAC is easy to use and 'got the job done' and I for one was happy with it. Once it's updated again I'm sure there will be no problems.

If TZAC disappears without update then sure, bring on other solutions, but personally I'd rather not dabble with multiple anticheats that only serve the purpose of the first.
pardon us for wanting to test a possible future ac for ET... most likely tzac will die, is it so bad if we want an alternative?
is it so bad if we want an alternative? - no, ofcourse not. But like I said before:

"SLAC/TZAC is currently out of date due to Chaplja's public declaration that he had no funding but it's my understanding that he'll begin work on the project again soon.

I'm also aware that as of today there are multiple cheats working on TZAC (which isn't good enough) but surely waiting for TZAC to update is better than overlapping anticheats?"
i wouldn't think of this as an overlap, the reason for that is that esl wire would only apply to esl events since it's a private ac, so they say. also if tzac makes a worthy comeback i don't see the reason why esl wouldn't back down and give it another chance if it so proves efficient. meanwhile i'll just have fun playing my first 1on1 cup while serving a good purpose.
Quotepardon us for wanting to test a possible future ac for ET...

for me it is little backstab against CB because when people are searching for Anti Cheat solutions , he do it for all the community and not only for ESL cups , the big problem for ESL is ClanBase , they have the two most important tournaments in ET : EC/NC !

For sure if tzac is going to die and ESL is single one with Anti Cheat ready , you go to become the only community so why not recover EC / NC in ESL ? :) I'm sure you already thought of all this :D

this project suck bcuz we have 2 solutions :

delete CB
use 2 Anti Cheats

first of all we did not plan anything against CB. The anticheat works exactly like the old Aequitas, and the old Aequitas worked for ESL games only. ESL Wire works exactly the same in that way. I might say, ESL Wire began to be coded not for ET, but we asked to support ET as a special request.
We have been using TZAC until now, Wire was not the main AC because of the community, as you stated, you wouldn't use an AC which just supports ESL and not CB.

Now the main question, why would ESL code an Anticheat for CB?

Regarding EC & NC etc... time will tell. We are just testing in this cup an anticheat, and you are talking about drafting whole CB into ESL. You are talking about the patient, and as i said, time and, specially, community, will tell.
yeah yeah sure , i just give my opinion , and i watch more in futur bcuz for sure if tzac stop and if put your AC ready , for sure people are going to play with ESL bcuz no more choice exept /quit ET !!

For sure i prefere play ESL only than nothing !!!

anyway GL !!!
why searching alternative for tzac rather than searching a group of ppl willing to help / provide support for tzac instead? We all know tzac has been successful anticheat till chaplja stoped updating it and im sure it can provide that line of work future more with some help of other ppl donating or supporting his project.
No one's searching for anything, ESL Wire is already here, why not use it if TZAC doesn't keep up? I don't see how hard it can be to understand.

Go ahead and make the first donation, I know I won't. Paying for an AC for a free dying game...
Cus maybe ESL wire is only for ESL based matches which does not include CB into it, yet theres tzac already existing as well, being a very decent anti-cheat, and im sure theres alot of MGC or ppl who have financial status to provide some support to him to keep and maintain tzac online and updating as well, i would donate myself first if i would be rich, doesn't matter if its free and old game, if i would had the cash i wouldn't mind to donate for some game i like to play since quite some time.
ESL Wire is only for ESL, no shit, tell me something I don't already know. The reason for such was already said in a comment somewhere on this news post already. Don't you think it's better than not having anything at all/outdated tzac? And if there are sources that have the money for it's support and haven't done it so already, I don't see it suddenly changed. Not to mention chap said he didn't want donations, go figure...
I know its better than nothing, but still just cus noone answered by now, doesnt mean that there really isnt anyone at this moment that wouldnt be willing to show support, u just have to ask right ppl and they would be the ones finding some support, donations/partnerships anything would be cool for him to maintain the project up at least for the duration of time before some MGC would be interested in making a contract like it was done at past with SL.
QuoteThis anticheat, called Wire Anti-Cheat can only be used for ESL Leagues & Cups, as it is a private anticheat.

That is why... It is a terrible solution
Keep reading.
i don't know if you mean having 'multiple anticheats' with having both anticheats runing at the same time. WAC doesn't work with TZAC. TZAC launches your ET game exactly after runing TZAC, exactly like WAC does. What would you mean if you mix both? 2 ET.exe opened ^^
I honestly dont know if running 2 anti-cheats will work, as Im no computer wiz but it might end up working just as shitty as running 2 different anti virus programs? worth a try tho :]
he said TZAC 2.0 is sure to come, let's wait for that
i find the esl site the most user unfriendly website ever, it's so freaking confusing! i can never find what i want...

firstly, where can i get all of those maps? some i've never heard of.
secondly, how will this cup work? should i just wait till i get some sort of message against who i will play?

It surely is true it is not the easiest website to browse. But how can it be with the shitloads of functions it has. I can promise anyone that takes the guides that are available and invests 10-15min time will find pretty much everything he needs at that point.

Having that said, I always smile at the examples given, why the page is supposedly so shit to browse. Because often enough they are just not true. If you really want to know where you can find those maps the FIRST page you browse for Enemy Territory in the ESL, the MAINPAGE, has a list of downloads. There e.g. among other places (1on1 ladder, ...) you can find the maps.

Download Sites: none

still wondering how this cup will work, do i need to show up at some sort of irc channel?
ok this is funny :D Guess the download is toooo old then, was there since 2006 or smth
Sure I can find everything if I read/watch a tutorial but I think your 'design' lacks logic if I need to read a TuT to browse a site normally.
yes horrible site
Is it possible to turn off certain functions of the site? Cause that would make it a lot easier. Just like parts of gtv you can turn off or filter out. Not sure if this is possible atm, as I dont really do anything with ESL :]
ESL Admins are your friends!

Maps can be found on the main ESL EU ET page(look at downloads):
As for the second question, the cup will start on Sunday, 16 CET. You can find out your opponent via the tournament tree here:
Or, you can join on IRC and find your opponent there. ;)
Stopped reading after
QuoteThis anticheat, called Wire Anti-Cheat can only be used for ESL Leagues & Cups

I'm not sure the community wants to support that kinda "ESL only" AC.
better one than none, thats what I'd think. Also, just because this would be working and available, it must not mean the other is abandoned.
long time bro! sup? ^^
much, uni stuff and holiday preparation. pretty much 24/7 rl ;oo
lol, unexpected haha :P
Well you should use ladder matches like random wars...
In other words, this is ESL's way off killing Clanbase and any other leagues. You offer the solution if TZAC fails, which kind of forces people to play ESL.
better than not playing at all?
Ye but ESL is an absolute joke of an organization. Id rather play cheaters, or not at all than be forced to play ESL to have a fair game. Talk about killing the community.
you are pretty retarded
And whys that? ET needs a community anti-cheat. Not a one man band.
Surely that would be better but there isnt any new one coming around the corner (if TZAC goes down), simple truth.

On top of that WAC can be used along a "community anti-cheat" without a problem (iirc, been off topic for a long time). So whether it exists and is used in ESL changes nothing about that, but it increases the level of security in ESL games.
That ESL can not and should not offer their services to other leagues is an obvious economic choice.
I have no problems with it running alongside TZAC. The bigger picture is, IF TZAC fails, ET will be without a anti-cheat, only one which runs through ESL. Now put that into perspective; People will use cheats more freely, public servers will be without protection? Officials via CB, One day cups etc will not be as active (This is if people do decide to take advantage of the no anticheat, cheat and piss nerds off causing them not to play) - Who will want to play cheaters? It will force people to use ESL, and as far as im aware, majority of the community dislikes ESL (Not 100% sure, but i always see complaints, not as active as other leagues, and i too have had a few bad experiences with ESL). If ESL is going to release a anti-cheat and its successful, it should be released on a wider scale than just ESL. TZAC helped more leagues become active, with it gone, ET is more than on its way to die. Its already half dead. Personally, if TZAC is going to shut down, WAC should fill its boots and be released to all leagues etc, not just ESL, otherwise there's no point in even releasing it.
it's not a matter of releasing WAC as it's been out for quite some time now and forced in multiple ESL games ( we had to use it for the Brink championship qualifiers for example). There is no reason for ESL to have people use it outside of their ESL officials.
A lot of bots being used at tzac atm are most likely dedected by pb if you add streams like ggc, gv, pbbans, punksbusted etc
PB and TZAC are meant not to work together. The server where you want to play with TZAC can't have PB running on it.
The purpose of a league (the ESL) is to have people playing in it

The purpose of a league developing it's own anticheat is to help protect itself against cheaters, and at the same time to make the league more attractive

Thousands of players have paid premium to pay for the development of WAC and other features to make the ESL a better, easier place to play (e.g. Versus)

However, if you want to play a pcw or even another league official with WAC, you basically can already using Gather

The ET staff would also like to get Versus active in ET in future
When the situation is what it is now, it is time to put aside your personal interest and your so-called "economic choices" and start working for the community -which infact will be an advantage if you can think more than 1 month ahead
Simply no. Not for ET. ET is a joke compared to other games and competitions at ESL.
you are an joke compared to ET community
QuoteYe but ESL is an absolute joke of an organization. Id rather play cheaters, or not at all than be forced to play ESL to have a fair game. Talk about killing the community.

You do that in CB officials :)
Yeah? That's kind of his point.

wouldnt have problem playing esl more often, actually waited for that to happen :p
as far as i already tested it once long time ago i think?
i dont think it was working then :P
but ive tried esl wire before in other games
Nice move, good luck with it.
I like , ESL is the future , after the ESL WinterCup it looks like ESL do a lot better than CB did yrs ago, the CB site is not up to date and old , ESL can easy get better sponsored cups !

I allready played with WAC , its good , it doesnt protect all atm but the cheats u need buy costs like 400€ + or 30-40 1 Month :D so poor polaks cant buy it :-p

Will there be a VS! mode for ET too? Would be awesome!
Versus is on the way... ;)
QuoteESL can easy get better sponsored cups !

the prob is ET is not so known for ESL exept summer/winter cups and EMS for sure but as
Rockit bo said :

QuoteET is a joke compared to other games and competitions at ESL.

for sure sponsors are going to support best ESL games and not ET because this game is awesome for us but all the new nolife are going to play bf3 , COD and stuff and not ET man , for me ESL is more for new games and not 10 years old one :)

cus all those nubs got 0 skills when it comes to ET and play real FPS game not some 1hit joke shit over the doors bullshit games.
free game = free cheat cant see any reason to buy cheat for 10 y old game nonsense
so many people bought cheats for a free game ;)
Actually...did you have any problem with it? that's what i am just interested in ...for now :S
Problem with?
their anticheat
Ehm no , if its sounds so ... i actually like WAC more than TZAC coz its save ! :)
not getting an erection?
Ask my wife ;)
no need:) I asked my wife and she said you did not have any problems with erection..

now i wonder how she knows.:(
hahahaha :D
dont get why people would have anything against Wire, TZAC doesnt do its job anymore and i doubt it ever will, woudlnt trust it anyway. Its in ESL's interest to get their own AC working well so the support would be obviously better than one person doing it pro bono. I dont remember CB beeing a serious organization ever, its easier to browse and thats the only reason i see why people stick to it, just beeing lazy. ESL is what can get ET back beeing actually an active and getting EMS back would be a fucking amazing thing to see.

Oh and by the way, for all the ESL/WAC haters, you have admins to contact if you have problems, they're actually the reason why EMS was held way after it should have been closed for ET. Seems like they're doing their job properly.
Finally !

Remove frag maps (vahlala and Huntplace) and add other obj maps (ctf_well & the_station) and i'm avi :D
It might take too long if opponents are of same skill in the obj maps. We don't want to make it a long cup since we know players want to practice with their NC teams & other teams... ;)
Hmmm ok.
I'll maybe signup and get rolled then :D
i don't really care about maps, as said in the post...i am just interested in checking if the anticheat works properly for the players. I don't even care who wins the cup, but i would care to finish as soon as possible to run right afterwards another test cup for the ones who were not avi, or the ones who played and didn't play so many games.
will we have ES Wire.ET Beta test pocal? :D
we can still stop our project, trying to just revive the ET as it is. The biggest problem is the anticheat, current ones don't work, ours will, until a better one comes up. You choose now:
- trophy: ET alive
- Just quit or play cheaters.
I didn't want to be arrogant ...
me neither, i am just stating facts. All of you have a decision to make, that's all.
I already registered ;)
You can get through with p7 at css, so its shit..
But Good job :)
Well done!
What's with these english cunts nagging about WAC?
chaplja do your job !!! thx
what's the use of it if it can't be used outside? you play leagues but you can't pracc cuz cheaters will take over IRC wars again
yeah so many cheaters my eyes are bleeding!!!!!!!!!
ESL Wire supports everything hosted at, means:
- gathers
- cups
- ladders
- tournaments
- versus

=> with thegather and versus system you have 2 great and easy ways to find and actually play against other teams or even mixed teams - without being an "official match" like cup/ladder

these matches can be considered as "IRC" war or train war
do all these work for ET? + great to see you back man
yes everythinig works for ET
there have been gathers in the past, several times (check my recent journals (quite old^^)
versus system is new but ET will be part of it - if the community wants

again: this is no ESL overtake or whatever you want to call it but we want to keep ET alive and playable (without cheaters). The only way to ensure that is to use some features the ESL provides if there is no alternative pushed by the community.
never said it's overtake, wouldn't even mind pushing CB aside but the thing is you kinda make us use your site that many people find not user-friendly :/
I have nothing against ESL, but a different anticheat for (around) 5 matches per year?
Why 5 matches?
Let's say you play in group of 4, that gives you 4 games, if you make it to playoffs and lose everything that's +2. Makes 5. He probably implies that ESL rarely makes cups for ET.
That's going to change, of course. :)
Even starting this month.
Well then just get proper admin crew or else youre killing ET.
Please be quiet, ESL has a good principal;

quantity over quality.
like who???

surely not you.
well surely not me because current crew is retarded so I don't want to work with them :)
you would just add to the retarded level.
nope. you would
why only for esl,private?

u should better help this community and make it public
i'd like it, but i wont play ESL only :(
You just blew my mind.
nice to see an alternative
signed up, but I'm actually too busy, so don't accept or remove me pls :s
Good luck,I'm in.
every etplayer gives him 5 euros and he could work
"can only be used to play esl"

uhm no thanks!
haha, had to use this shit in Brink aswell. Almost lost us a match
meh. I don't like the idea with the new anti-cheat for ESL only. Better work on a monopoly instead, if you want to draw peoples attention.
I don't care if it's ESL only, as long as we can play cheat free!
nice effort :P
Its cool to see that actually ESL provided the support over ET game as of its age, but still dislike the fact that its only ment for ESL cups / ladders only, due to CB being still big part of ET competitive playing, should be considered as well to provide it for their cups and ladders, as if tzac really goes down, they will stay without any alternative for anticheat.

My best solution would be still, instead of providing ESL anti-cheat, rather find a group of ppl willing to support chaplja's tzac, as he did pretty good job at past when he was working with SL together and im sure if someone would actually do step forward and provide that financial support for tzac he would be able to work again on it and provide better protection over cheats like it was at beginning.
You just have one good reason for you guys to support ET whit this Anti-cheat and that is to kick CB and bring ESL into ET.. But if that happens, we kick CB + EC/NC's will you bring "esl ec or nc" or other new cups? I know my english isnt so good but i hope you know what i mean..
ESL only :s
ignoring the other issues, why is it 1on1 rather than 3on3, 6on6, etc?
cus they dont care about the tournament itself, they only care to test the anti-cheat to see how it works, if theres any bugs and rest of stuffs so they can work on fixing it, and the 1on1 format is fastest way to test it with plenty of ppl trying it at same time.
I was able to figure out that much myself, but 3on3/6on6 are obviously more popular than 1on1, so a cup with one of those formats would bring more sign ups --> more players --> more testers, no?
maybe 3on3, dobut at top of teams for 6on6 as there's alot of NC matches going on at these days, so most of the ppl just want to have proper clan / nc prac without testing and disturbing prac itself, while 3on3 could be possibly the format to pick upon to test it, but guess should be done with announcement couple of days before so there would be time for ppl to sign up and play it, or maybe they just lack time as if i recon one of the admins said they will run another cup straight after this one, to test it again for the ppl not being able to play at this time given.


gl with that
you think that your anti-cheat will be any more effective?, nope i dont think so
Surely it would make more sense to allow the anti cheat for all games ( IRC WARS etc...) But force the client to launch the anti cheat through your website.

We get an anti cheat for everything.

You get ten times the amount of hits on your website.
Big companies like that don't like free games like ET. We as a community would support ET as we do indeed enjoy ET and like to play. We wouldn't support and pay for an anti-cheat for another game like Outdated Doom 2 engine lookalike full of dirty hacking scum, make no money from anything.

Unless someone in the ET community with a decent amount of money puts it into it, we're fucked.

I think it's about time you get in contact with Splash Damage (as a community), Tosspot would be the best bet. Need to explain to them the current situation, rule breakers and predicted end of ET. Offering SD a nice offer will (maybe) make them turn to ET once again. If we can get official support back, it's a big big positive.

ET won't survive unless a big company or generous players help with monies. It's all about money :(.

Go to the SplashDamage forum, make a topic - everyone join and post.

Speculation has been going around about a new ET/RTCW. There's been recently news posts and plenty of polls on their site suggesting a new game, they said 2012 is a big year, which somehow got related to the ET/RTCW section.

Maybe that's why the master server is down (big massive update) or whole new game?:)
You missed the point, it would make more sense commercially for esl to allow the ac to be used in all formats as they would gain more hits on their website, like 5000 more a day!
i think wac was created to secure ESL offi, not to become main anti cheat

(dont know about others games, but i think game like cod4 are still running with pb as main ac.
well this seems like a good opportunity for ESL.
seems like its not their goal, too much work imo
cod4 in ESL is WIRE forced.
I do agree with your point, but hits to a website isn't really enough :(. I'm quite sure they earn quite a bit of money from their services, they're rather big in the CSS scene afaik.

This anti-cheat won't go ahead, it's only talk. Yes it's great people are still showing interest, they need to focus on TZAC. Currently TZAC is useless but it works! Chaplja needs to hire more coders (who he can obviously trust) and work in a team. Doing small projects is hard enough, let alone the programming side and web side.

I read that he was being greedy and didn't want to lose out when TZAC made it big, but I think some companies do need a boost from others. He's started supporting other games, which imo wasn't in the original layout. I have no idea why he expanded into CoD4 and such, to me SLAC/TZAC was for ET only.

TZAC will work if he gets more people working with him, even coding cheat detection methods and helping him. Even I could do that.

I edited the post btw, at the end is new.
would be really nice if he could teamup with some other coders and actually work as a team, would bring alot more progress into anti-cheat itself.
inb4 wolfenstein 2

:D, they seen that it failed, there's 0/0 servers.
but they only care about $$$, not what we etplayers like :p
You won't need IRC Wars after we implement all features in our section
find sn4ke's comment, a bit up
Link me :S
If Chap will take care of Tzac as he used to do, no one will force you to play with WAC(as we didnt before), but if he dosen't what would you do? /quit ET, go back to PB or give WAC a chance?
I'm honestly used to Tzac, if its good(atm is getting worse) I don't see the point of replaceing it, the problem is, are you sure Chap will suport it next months? no you are not.
The heads of ESL don't give a shit about ET based clicks on the ESL website, to few ppl playing it, the only reason they implemented WAC on ET is that admins like Mister, Foamea etc are still dedicated to ET and asked them. Also as admins we don't get paid shit,we aren't admins for money, we are admins because we want to do something for this beautiful game. So, where is the Capitalism?

Sorry if you are offended, it was not my intention.
i would be admin too but noone wants me >.<
wont be a bad thing to let actuall cheaters test just so the community can trust it.
maybe we should have gl0be, icesun and m4ti to test WAC it's not that they care about getting busted
ask em to make a team;p but if you let them play you still dont know if the ac is good since they wont try to hide it anyway;p
it sux that it is only able in esl, you should at least allow it to use in one day cups.
ESL will get a new format and platform for ET ...

You can create ESL cups + you got still Ladder which getting more active + the versus! mode...

Its like #et.gather you just need to signup , votemap & play ... thats awesome

I hope the ET community take the chance and accept ESL ... its a new chance for the game and ET :)
ahh ok, i read Sn4kes posts above and it really looks promising but we'll see, esl didnt really gain approval from et players
now code the site again TY
should be tested here:
and see how it really works :D!
just create a cheat everyone have to play with, and force settings for example to aimhumunvalue "0"
link to your ESL account? then I'll forward the bug to devs
Parent Also if you do report something to the devs then add that the program doesn't want to remember my logins even though I enabled it.
I mean, I need the link to your ESL account. The link it gives you for game section depends on your account, so users from country X are sent to the section of that country)

remembering login info, my guess would be a permissions problem with where ever wire stores the login info, does the problem still happen when you are administrator? (just to test)
Edited the link on my 1st reply to my profile. Am the only user on windows so therefore admin as well.
Also, you might want to look into this as well:
its not a trojan, but i'll fix it latter. Stupid JS file -.- I blame foamea :DDD

could you check please if..visiting the following link: pops up another alert?

i can select ET, choose ET lancher but wire said: cant find register key, would u start without it ? do i have to play without a lancher on WIRE :(
i'll give u in pvt screens
there are two ET games to be added from the list.. (yes bug xD), did you try to add the other one?
Yep I did, the other one seems to be fine.
I don't know if anyone have asked but I couldn't be arsed to read through the all comments and all.

What kind of detection system does WAC use? Silent/insta kick. Screenshots are included I suppose.
How big is database of detected cheats in ET? I have never seen anyone uses WAC with ET so there should be many cheats which are undetected.

ESL is going to take over ET scene if this AC is going to be success. CB without anticheat will die. Especially if EMS comes back.
What kind of detection system does WAC use?=> Silent, you don't need to know anything else..
Screenshots are included I suppose. => Kept internal. Non public.
How big is database of detected cheats in ET? => Why are you interested in this? :D
I have never seen anyone uses WAC with ET so there should be many cheats which are undetected. => Time will tell

ESL is going to take over ET scene if this AC is going to be success. => Either it is a sucess or not, it is all in favour of the community. As said you have to choose between supporting us, or wait until a bigger project comes out for ET globaly.

CB without anticheat will die. Especially if EMS comes back. => I actualy doubt ET will have its EMS back, although everything may happen.
Quoteyou don't need to know anything else..

QuoteWhy are you interested in this? :D

why the mysterious answers? his questions are quite valid if WAC is to be the sole anticheat used for ET, not everyone blindly trusts ESL to make the game "cheat-free"...
Maybe I can bring some light into your darkness :)

We can't describe the way WAC works with this silent detection, because of so many cheaters here that can read. That's the main reason for these mysterious answers.

The screenshots are kept internal because it shows how cheats are detected. That's why TZAC deletes them after some time.

I can't tell you how big is the database of detected cheats since, again, cheaters might take advantage of this.

If you have other questions, feel free to ask. We're going to answer to all the questions that you have concerning WAC.
Quotewhy the mysterious answers?

QuoteSpain M1st3r
QuoteHow big is database of detected cheats in ET?

Does this help you? At my admin time (and this is several months or already years ago? :D) we contributed already all known ET cheats to the WAC team. This was just a short time after WAC had been released. We thought about it the first time, but as you can see now, things changed and it is today more important than ever before.
Esl da best :D shoutout ZaD
Does it support Linux?
no, that's really bad we know.
But you're going to fix this, right?
Now that's gay. Not that I personally use Linux but I know there are some, and again, they are kicked out.
i know. But you have to understand, wire anticheat was not made for ET. It was made to replace our old anticheat called Aequitas which supported Windows only, because Aequitas did support games which community using linux was almost 1%. The beneficts doing linux support would be none.
ET is not a game included in those games which linux users are around 20% or so, but it is something we cannot do.
I got your point, thanks for explaining
QuoteThis anticheat, called Wire Anti-Cheat can only be used for ESL Leagues & Cups

err...? If people wont have an anticheat outside of ESL, there wont be anyone searching for mixes nor irc wars nor pubs, meaning people will lose interest in playing. Nobody is gonna play ET "just cause they can play ESL".

I appreciate the effort, but look at the bigger picture :-(
so what? is it better to play with cheaters? 8D
First time using the program.
Am I sepose to add the cup some where in the client?
How will I know who to play?
What's the IRC channel?
You don't need to add the cup. You will exec the game through the matches that will be generated on your account. After that you can connect to the server... :)

The IRC channel is
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