BeNe Cup more battles!

image: 484benecupbanner

After a lot of problems in match week 1 we've reached matchweek 2.

First of all I need to apologize to the ones who mad their bets on Netherlands Groningen, due the problems with getting 6 man I wasnt able to place the line-up that were going to play with. I also need to apologize to the ones who wanted to spectate the match Netherlands Gelderland vs Belgium Limburg, due my fault the ETTV wasn't able to reach the server.

image: game31144 image: game31145image: game31147

For this week we have the following matches to be played:

Netherlands Groningen VS Belgium West-Vlaanderen
Belgium Limburg VS Belgium Antwerpen
Netherlands Zuid-Holland VS Netherlands Noord-Brabant
Belgium Wallonie VS Netherlands Utrecht

Please schedule your match and don't force me to force matches on sunday evening again.

BRACKET:[/b]]image: 222Image5
bF cup winners :)
they lost though! :p
Because chizz6l was playing with one arm :D
could u be any happier xDdddd
change photo ;/
np for wallonie
Cannot be this photo bigger please?
As if NetherlandsGroningen could ever win against almighty BelgiumVlaams Brabant with riflepro BelgiumJery
Resize this photo, please.
np for wallonie
unexpected results
np for wallonie
i can upload my demo if someone want (gelderland-limburg)
no one cares, Limburg lost, that's the only thing what happened! ":D"
zowiezo dage goe gespeeld hebt dan hé, anders als ge hebt liggen sucken vraagt ge da niet :P
khb met 1 arm gespeeld :P arm is gebroken
hoe lief :P je arm breken voor die manne :P happy valentines day G-land !!
LOL G-land hahaha GAY-land hahaha I get the joke:D
Brabant will deliver :)
Its funny how the limburg people react about the score..
They telling everybody they played sucky blabla, and we all know its true.. but just stop it, and play serious the next time, if you want to beat us,, peaseeoutta
Hun 6de had zijn arm gebroken en heeft dan maar met 1 arm gespeeld, maar blijf vooral stoer doen :D
Doet hij niet, benoemt alleen de feiten
Quoteplay serious the next time, if you want to beat us,, peaseeoutta

Haha ja die noobs man, met 1 arm spelen omdat je arm gebroken is, zo ego haha :))))
Grow testicles limburg :D
LOOOOOL limburg lost??? :D Ddd probably didnt play serious i guess ... cant be another option lol :D ! wtf ! haha they wanted to make that noob gelderland happy i suppose?

haha well done limburg ! atleast one team is friendly & are so decent hearted that they give away a free victory (elo hell) to other less fortunate teams

LOOL limburg :p my heroes <3
Wat zit je dom te praten telkens?
dit zegt meer over hun dan over ons haha :) geniaal toch die reacties :DDD
idd, als ze het niks boeien kunnen ze net zo goed uit de Bene CUP :D
daarom zijn we verloren eh smartass:XD
ja? speel dan de volgende matches dan ook helemaal niet meer.
mooie exuusjes enzo.. beter stppen ze :)
XDDDDDDD mooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr stoepttttt daomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
ja ik snap ook wel dat jullie voor de grap speelde haha,, kan toch nooit dat wij wonnen ;D wel jullie best doen volgede match he ;)
Thats the plan , Stan.
lu: zuid-holland?
ask xperia
loooooooooooooool limburg lost:D prolly overpracced for their match against gelderland and didnt have any concentration left :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
pfff:s you cracked the code!!!!
waaaaaaaaaaaarom L4mpje best NL rifle on the moment so :-)
lol :D ! haha no waiiiiiii joséééé :D !

pfff groningen
heeft zuid-holland nog een pro nodig?
wdupp bruhh?? rustig ff checke hoe het met de et scene gaat..
speel je nog veel?
af en toe wel :)
Limburg really bad, they should quit et.
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