God save the Queens!

image: dkw4qk3n

This newspost has nothing to do with today's date, just a coincidence. Along with recent announcements of major tournaments, one of the best Enemy Territory team in last year has decided to come back to active gaming. No one else than United Kingdom razz gathered once again finest ET players in order to win everything that is possible on the horizon.
United Kingdom The Queens is coming back with a new fresh lineup!

Although their last compostion presented impresive, the new one doesn't look any worse. With top aimers such as
Germany butchji, Netherlands xPERiA and Estonia frEeze with addition of the best engineer in the game Belgium chry and returning to the game polish riflemachine Poland wiaderko, they will walk on with full power towards glory and victory.

The Queens has placed in CB EuroCup XXIII and last seasons CB EuroCup XXIV and Battle For Berlin and they have obiously signed-up for next editions of these cups to defend the title!

The new Queens lineup looks as follows:

Quote by razzQueens is back and ready to keep our crown defended. We will be trying our best to achieve the best rank we can get and hopefully have some nice games for the viewers of ET. Got to thank all of the admins and people who contribute to this game and are helping to keep it alive.

Currently the team is searching for a MGC to get any support, so they will be able to present themselves on next offline event which is Adroits ET Master LAN.

gl, nice aim bro
god shave the queen
looks sick, gl.
gl :þ
1 day, 2 teams. How sick is that!
lol razz was talking about this on comms saying it was april fools.

sry for ruin.
interested whats actually the lineup..
nice first april joke ;:D
Quotewith addition of the best engineer in the game chry


but best of luck to razz and the team, very good to have more competition
didn't he get the best engi in 2011 award?
no clue, but saying hes best engi in the game is fucking hilarious
no one will replace Estonia Holz
Will believe tomorrow.
needs some image: fi miNd`
he plays too much lol
casek has spoken
omg butch
gl robo amanda and gimpface
haha terrible mix of players, have fun with your highest dmg competition on ts.

nice one
:P atleast they will have highest dmg :)
TAG to show how teamplay is done ! ":D"
seems like dave is confident!
My thoughts exactly, lol. :D
someone is strawberry jelly
April fools.
who play engi?:d ahh wiaderko only got bind to eng
chry? Really..
Like Butchji would play with those people. Would have felt for it if he wasn't listed there.
xperia razz: GL my MASTERS :D
*gathered :)
prepare ur anus anexis
gl have fun mates, especially razz chry and butchji :)
fail LU
Stunning lineup on paper but will it perform?

Good luck to Mikey, Seb, Robbi and Chry. Though I expected to see Jasper here too. :(
aww man you know their first names BOEM G5 !!!

xperia = amando van krevelen ^^ now you know his aswell

chry = **** de vos ^^ i forgot first name pfff
Fanx ali meight :P XD
:D wat ne beest zijt ge toch
rambos much
no one in there that is disciplined enough to do the dirty work. loads of damage dealers :)

PS. i see 6 ppl there that would want to play up on supply 1st stage :D not including wiaderko who rifles from up :D

brilliant lineup on paper, but i dont see it working as a team. too many players in there that are normally the stars.

good luck though!!
exactly my thoughts :D
a nice mix of teamplayers, gl hf
gl chry mate & co :)
it could work but i doupt it :x
well gl butchji and razz
gl rambos

Eventhough I like chry I dont think hes best eng. He basically a great spammer, like a good rifle would do, but instead of rnade he has mines. Thats just dmg dealing and annoying mines... not really engy job.
GOod Luck guys, I hope you will give some challenges to Annexis.
why would you put together a lineup without a single obj player? :D
its not april fools anymore mate just becoz u never got past med skill !
so mad bruuuuuuur
I imagine at least one or two of these guys wont rock up to LAN (if you get an MGC) so /countdown to first team change (of many other line-up changes to come).
gl guys :)
omg nice =)
wondering who from the medics will have to unbind the "I need ammo bind" to weaponclass 5, and actually will use it.
Hahahaha :)
wiaderko will be best medic every round
GL kanker queen!
So many brainers in this community who know so much about the game. :) Can some pm me with some insight knowledge please?
indeed, and apparently I need some aiming lessons :S help me out m8
You know where to find me, if you need aiming lessons m8. Can teach you how to play cod4 as well :3
chry kutstabber x
nice gl ;_)
gl razz, phyzic!
my sexy boy karnaj will own them<33
nice, gl guys
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