BFB 2 Teams, Seeds and Maplist

image: headrzr

The Lucky 16

Whilst you beautiful community have been signing up in your mass numbers, the Crossfire Council has been busy working behind the scenes to tabulate a list of privileged teams, lucky and skilled enough to compete in the upcoming Battle for Berlin 2. A process which is never easy and I am sure that once you see the list you will agree that this tournament is shaping up to be one hell of a competition with the skill of teams and individuals on offer.

There will obviously be those who are disappointed that they did not make the 16 and we can only apologize and ask that you stick together and push yourselves to enable entry to future tournaments. After all, you wont get far by constantly shuffling players and teams; something that we see too often in Enemy Territory.

Enough of the chitchat, please find below the list in rank order of those accepted to compete in Battle for Berlin 2! :

Battle for Berlin 2 Teams/Seeds[/h2]]

1. GermanyAnexis eSports - United Kingdom R0SS United Kingdom sqzz Belgium mAus Italy XyLoS Estonia Night Finland Squall

2. FinlandFinlantic 6 - Finland Iron Finland Jewe Finland Matias Finland OLBAA Finland Salaneuvos Finland twidi

3. EuropeQueens - Germany butchji United Kingdom razz Belgium chry Poland wiaderko Netherlands xperia Estonia freeze Iceland phyzic France karnaj

4. EuropeMPG - Finland miNd Latvia Clown Germany Drago Sweden Ngn Netherlands Perfo Estonia Subbi

5. NetherlandsMousecontrol - Netherlands saKen Netherlands joshua Netherlands SQuid Netherlands L4mpje Netherlands JALLAAAAAAA United Kingdomkoop

6. EuropeTag.ET - Netherlands Lightning Netherlands aphesia United Kingdom griim Germany stownage Germany kReSti Germany FLoPJEHZ

7. BelgiumBelgian Fraternity - Belgium Gifted Belgium AL1 Belgium Sup3r Belgium chizz6l Belgium uNDEAd Belgium Jere Belgium crook Netherlands Lun4t1C

8. PolandPolagz - Poland dialer Poland Frag`Stealer Poland Krein Poland lesti Poland Lukey Poland stexx

9. Germanyoxid - Turkey FiREBALL Germany Bl4d3 France An7ho Germany stRay Germany eujen Germany gr0ss

10. EuropeNBS - Belgium Player Belgium FostruM Estonia yEnch Estonia Sinnu Netherlands MOTiF Canada bN Sweden Slajdan

11. GermanyaToOn - United Kingdom Artstar Belgium kaze Francekartez Sweden tornis Poland upload Belgium xAv

12. Czech RepublicZeroE - Czech Republic denton Czech Republic Green_Clon Czech Republic malfoy Czech Republic milhAus Czech Republic ShiSha Netherlands Testi

13. EuropeDevastation - Norway Domi Poland Kirej Netherlands stib France TOMOYO Belgium Sh1zzle United Kingdom stKz

14. EuropezZz - Hungary Nonix Hungary sebi Hungary varadi Germany znArk Denmark xcN Finland toNi

15. FinlandJari.ET - Finland toMi Finland Stuka Finland t0psu Finland spuge Finland poksu Finland HIRVI Finland Blindi Finland Hazz

16. GermanyStar.ET - Germany draqii Germany humM3L Germany criatura Germany violy Germany Kevji Germany Fister Germany eiM Germany Kiwi

We can only thank those that have signed up whether accepted or not for allowing and making BFB 2 the most anticipated and competitive tournament around in ET's history. We cant forget the exceptional prizes that razer have offered, contributing to what is set to be a mouth watering tournament. All 16 teams have a shot at taking home a set of prizes unheard of in online ET competition.

We urge all teams to remember that they must follow the schedule set out (which you can find below). Also, that the players they have signed up with are set in stone and once you have participated in the tournament with one team, you cannot switch to another. As a side note, those that were not able to field backups can add at a later time in the tournament, so long as they haven't already competed for another team in BFB 2.

Battle for Berlin 2 Schedule[/h2]]

Tuesday 10th April – WB Round 1
Thursday 12th April – LB Round 1
Tuesday 17th April - WB Round 2
Thursday 19th April - LB Round 2
Tuesday 24th April - WB Round 3
Thursday 26th April - LB Round 3
Tuesday 1st May – WB Final and LB Round 4
Thursday 3rd May – LB Round 5 and LB Final
Sunday 6th May – Grand Final

Not only have the Crossfire Council been working on the teams and seeds for BFB 2, they have also been co-operating in determining the best map pool for such a competition. The results of the map are as follows:

Supply Depot
Bremen B3

Information regarding which round each map will be played will be announced tomorrow coinciding with the admin team announcement, should you need to contact someone in relation to BFB2.

For now though, i leave you with a list of teams ready to battle it out to be crowned Battle for Berlin 2 Champions and taking home the outstanding hardware prizes provided by Razer.

image: footrzr
gl all!

especially nbs ofc :D
+1 for the maplist :)
avi to roll kapaa if he gets a team ;)
nice.. finally more than 2 teams who fight for the crown :)
Nice, gl with tournament.
Really nice teams! Good luck to everyone!

Why no missile though? :(
2 x United Kingdom @ #1 seed - unheard of!
Well United Kingdom we are in the Nations Cup final :p
So many jokes, so many sneers
But all those oh-so-nears
Wear you down
Through the years
But I still see that tackle by Moore
And when Lineker scored
Bobby belting the ball
And Nobby Dancing

Three Lions on a shirt
Jules Rimet still gleaming
Thirty years of hurt
Never stopped me dreaming
Cymru am byth
He broke the language rule... ban.
Good luck everyone!
yehaa, looking forward to it!

gl to all
I want to see this shit at LAN as well! Very nice teams and lineups.

1. GermanyAnexis eSports - United Kingdom R0SS United Kingdom sqzz Belgium mAus Italy XyLoS Estonia Night Finland Squall

2. FinlandFinlantic 6 - Finland Iron Finland Jewe Finland Matias Finland OLBAA Finland Salaneuvos Finland twidi

3. EuropeQueens - Germany butchji United Kingdom razz Belgium chry Poland wiaderko Netherlands xperia Estonia freeze Iceland phyzic France karnaj

4. EuropeMPG - Finland miNd Latvia Clown Germany Drago Sweden Ngn Netherlands Perfo Estonia Subbi
The only way Squall can win is at lan with my keyboard.
Yea, we saw what happened at cc5!
Queens won't go to the LAN with that LU :D

Can't be.
this over 9000!
gL Dev bro's! <3
Dont see why NBS is seeded higher than us since they are not that good, but ah well time will tell.
previous results?
Explains then.
Ye I thought the same about dev and zzz
4-2 much yes? Nah I dont know why you are seeded that high/low whatever you wanna call it. You would win from most of those teams.
easy for anexis.
The Cube is missing
blame potty!
would be nice to play actively again so let me know if someone is searching 6th..
take this palyer gl!!
rosters are locked at 8 players from what I remember - needs confirmation though.
QuoteAs a side note, those that were not able to field backups can add at a later time in the tournament, so long as they haven't already competed for another team in BFB 2.
If it goes over the original 8 or not? wording I guess not ;)
8 is the maximium amount so teams won't be allowed additional backups on top of that, but if a team signed up with 6 or 7 players they still have the chance to add a backup player who hasn't played for any other team
so what I originally said was correct? :P
Yeah it was, I just understood that you meant it like "rosters are locked so you won't be able to join any team at this point". Sorry about that!
welcome to the team Belgium kapaa
needs witje as well :)
Dont see why is seeded higher than vae victis since they are not that good, but ah well time will tell. (and they lost from them yesterday) is seeded higher than any team that didn't sign up.
i know, it wasnt meant as argument towards the admins.
I know, it wasn't meant as an argument towards the adminsCrossfire Council.

didnt know that are better than mkida :D
but well admins have no clue
you changed line up quite a bit, guess it was that. but you certainly shouldve get into the cup ( you beat nbs at an offie= shouldve been enough )
imo they just looked at the lu and not the latest resuslts :)
mkidA - bltzZ sMirzZ mental fuchS Scarzy sPECULA

This is the roster you signed up with and we know for a fact that Scarzy doesen't play in your team and same should go for sMirzZ as well. Rosters you sign up with can't be changed, which is why you would've had to inform us of your new lineup in order to have the chance to be selected for the tournament.
i said to bltzz he has to write a message to u with the new lu
thats why I thought he did it
gona talk with him tonight -.-
and what exactly is your lineup?
bltzz, fizz, specula, fuchs, elviss, hunta - at least thats what it was on monday night
fizz and hunta merced for us
mAv + some1 else then?:D
How do you expect us to rank teams with a lineup they have submitted which is no longer relevant. We knew scarzy and smirzz were no longer part of your lineup but if your team is too lazy to give us details about your new lineup then how do you expect us to rank you?
sry what I wrote :x
could u put on the news how u did those seedings ?

I am still wondering about some weird rankings ^_^
We picked the best 16 teams based on potential, lineups, results, activity, stability
mhhh not gonna start a polemic about that, and no offense versus teams like Mythica but 11th rly ?
We used the average score of each council members rank's to get the final seed for each team.
more like bF 7th???? the fuck :D
Yeh lol I was surprised aswell..we should be top 5 tbfh
All the members of council ranked 16 best teams out of the sign up list in order from 1 to 16. After that we put the lists together by adding up the ranks given by each council member to get the avarage result (=final seeds). Rankings were made based on lineups, potential, activity, stability and results.
Nah seriously was more focused on (imo) mistakes on seeds, w/e gl to teams
nice, all nice.
need more Maps.... seriously 5 Maps are ridiculous.
karsiah plz
Practicing it during the nightly drafts ?!
love that map
you love black pervah also
idd great map
you should be in Crossfire Council with your great idea! instead of R0SS obviously.
needs missile
mouse control 5 players?
guess experia stabbed them for queens :d
koop 6th afaik
u know things i don't, or the opposit ? :D
5on6 nP :) Koop picking up the dutch rifle :)
good pickup :)
didn't know im counting for 2 players already ;o
was my mistake
Np, he does count for 2 :(
what kind of retarted council is this??? five maps? retarted council must be....
Fucking epic stuff!
Good luck guys, gonna be fun to watch
avi for this
A distinct lack of g5.
allways the same guys rly bored from ET
tbh when i saw these lineups, i thought. damn et is dead :(
i have the same seelings :/
So when there are always the same players, people say ET is dead and when there is new faces, people say ET is dead. ic
no, i mean like that the really top players are just gone or reformed with other top players that are left etc. i thikn in the past you couldn't preedict so easy who was gonna win cups etc cause there were more top teams or atleast more equal teams in skill at the top level
jeeeeeeuuuuuuuuujjjjj invite jeuuuujjj
Daif gonna roll them high, gonna roll them low. True BigBeats style
this needs the cube
HF all :(
Missile :-(
nice :) one additional map would be nice though
Im 12 and what is this
no ur seed #11, learn to read.

not that you're bad or anything.. but there are alot of more skilled teams, or they didnt sign up ;p
I dont think there are that many better teams than jari :)
gonna shoutcast the shit out of this.
-supply +karsiah and add library also :D
cool quite nice lineups
easy for team night
Australia Dersaidin providing 2 of the 5 maps!

Should be a few fun matches to watch.
4 great teams, and few possible surprisers! good matches incoming tbh
Mythica 11th :SD gl everyone!
GL Stkz :D:D:D
thanks scuba mate!!!!! come back to et!!!!!
pub only meight :D
problem officer?!
thought u were going for oc prem!? and its a brand new lu, just dont see how u got seeded so high :D
kaze signed us up here :p and I guess the seed is for potential or something, I chose a lineup of people I know would prac so thank fuck the bfb2 admins noticed that too :)
lucky bastards..we've got mpg in round 1 :(
i guess your chances wouldn't be better in any other round.. :p same for us
well at least we've beaten some of the other seeded teams.. but having one of the top4 in round 1 is pretty shit
unless you think you could beat queens/anexis/polagz/mcon/fin6/bf/tag it really makes no odds :D
would be nice to get past the first round tho would it not? =)
no doubt but you can't complain about good competition :p if you win it's some kind of accomplishment
missile! especially b3
fucking shit seeds anyhow you look these
pretty good teams actually
jacks missing !
Awesome :)
GL stkz :D:D:D
nice lineups, i guess i will watch some matches again :)
We, from bF, would like to say that we very much like this mappool & are eager to play w:et a couple nights a week =).

We could also add that playing vs polagz will keep you waiting very much long before they ruppirize or unpauserize, big shoutout to stexx!
touché about the waiting
blame stexx for pauses :p
So when exactly is today's announcement happening?
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