ClanBase ET EC 6on6 EuroCup XXV Invitations

image: cbecxxv_medium

Welcome to the invitations of the ClanBase ET SW 6on6 EuroCup XXV
image: s_head

Cup format

This 25th edition of the ClanBase ET SW 6on6 EuroCup will have a similar format to last season's EuroCup with 4 direct invites and 16 Qualifiers.

The group stage will be composed of 4 teams per group, with 4 groups in total, for 16 participating teams combined. Qualifier teams will be placed in pools. Each group will consist of one team from each pool. Thus producing the following:
  • The 4 Directly Invited teams will be placed in Pool 1.
  • The 16 Qualifier teams will be split up into 8 pairs; therefore producing 8 winners and 8 losers.
  • The 8 winners mentioned above will split up into 4 pairs as well, the 4 winners from this split up will proceed to Pool 2, the losers will proceed to Pool 3.
  • The remaining 8 teams which initially lost, will be split up into 4 pairs as well, and the 4 winners from this split up will proceed to Pool 4, while the 4 losers will drop out of EuroCup XXV and join the Premier Division of OpenCup Spring 2012.
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • radar
  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • missile_b3
The Invitations

Clans are selected for EuroCup participation based on their stability (i.e. the ability to complete leagues) and their strength as proven by official match results (or the results of their players in other clans). Practice results are irrelevant. Unproven clans only have been considered if their players have completed competitions with top clans before.

Direct invites

As announced earlier, this cup will feature 16 clans. From those 16 clans, 4 spots are filled with direct invites. The remaining 12 spots will be decided by qualification matches. The 4 invitations are ordered alphabetically by the flag of their country and the clannames as they appear on ClanBase. The 16 qualifiers are saved for last.

  • Europe aphesia Lightning FLoPJEHZ griim kReSti stownage vs Europe Domi Kirej Sh1zzle stib sTKz TOMOYO
  • Czech Republic denton Green_Clon malfoy milhAus Testi shisha vs Germany Artstar xAv kaze fanatic tornis kartez upload

  • Poland dialer lesti stexx Krein Lukey Frag'Stealer vs France aieuh bowler didi mustee jAu karen
  • Germany stRay Bl4d3 An7ho fireBall eujen gr0ss vs Europe fuchS bltzz Elviss Scarzy Specula statti

  • Poland numeric ska zMk hunter syriusZ WuT vs Germany Artifexx Buzzer caTcher laNgo vaNq vj7o
  • Europe bN MOTiF yEnch Sinnu PlAyer fostruM slajdan vs Germany huMM3L violy Kevji criatura draQ hunta kiwi boNg

  • Belgium Gifted AL1 Sup3r Jere uNDEAd chizz6l Lun4t1C vs Germany ScaTmaN snuble verunA cymky mKs eden
  • Europe gifty Dabster emorej lettu filuS rat zerender vs Europe toNi xcon seb1 varadi Nonix znArk

Qualifiers Schedule

  • 1st round : 09 April > 13 April
  • 2nd round : 13 April > 18 April

All the games not scheduled 2 days before the deadline, will be forced to the deadline
All qualifiers have to be played before Wednesday 18/04/2012 at 23h59.

These 4 direct invites and 16 qualifiers conclude this announcement. Missed something? No problem; everything covered by this announcement is now also posted at the Cup Page.

IRC Channel

Hereby I'd like to invite everyone to join Also there is a private channel for Clan Leaders and War Arrangers of EC teams: #EuroCup.priv (password on demand to admin) to talk about the invitations and cup. This is also the channel to join for coverage around all the matches (including qualifiers).


ClanBase Enemy Territory is always looking for devoted and dedicated people who are willing to help us out by writing match reports and supervising matches. If the idea of doing so interests you, please Apply As Cup Admin.


  • Belgium GoldoraK
  • Poland szczurek
Useful links

ClanBase ET SW 6on6 EuroCup XXV
Cup rules

Source: ClanBase ET EC 6on6 EuroCup XXV Invitations

Good luck and have fun everyone!

Thx to Poland fanatic for CF code
1 thing, GoldoraK is offline, so something may be fixed soon, hope that i did't fucked everything

GL HF all
i was fighting to have it published at time with head, now it is. ill pm you the entire
thx m8
hahahahahha lang0 @ ec quali ehehhehezezehehzeh
jacks vs zZz is a joke! rest looks fine!
since there's 2 rounds of quali's it's not so bad :p
but on of these got already a med seed and both dont deserve it on this izi way imo, but well its maybe just my opinion and its fine at all
an undeserved medium seed for one, what a tragedy, this is outrageous!
as i said, i might be wrong, but saw and heard of praccs which turned out very bad for u m8!
not my point
Nice news, gl to all teams!
Seems like i have been missing alot, didn't even knew the invites would be released today..
look what et has become

GL to you fags especially catcher but not to that weird italian guy who's bad at gaming ololol
QuotePractice results are irrelevant.

good, otherwise we wouldnt be there :D
Queenexis for sure!
Aww, aToOn :<<<<<<<
you know we have a quali right? :P

Issues. :O)
Wow, im impressed , you only got quali because you spoke with admins + admins are stupid these days, getting teams which were formed week before. :O)
I didn't speak 1 word to any admin and I guess they can confirm that for you (goldorak / szczurek). any more issues bothering you? you seem to have a lot of them.
Lets be honest, you didnt play any offis before signup or during the signups(since you did it "day" before) Be happy that you got quali for the lowest EC ever, skill level is like OC 2nd league 4 years ago...Cant be mad right? You achieved epic thing :_DDD

I mean afterall you got quali to a lowest EC. Just shows how desperate EC is...think about it ;)))))

Ohh and asking PH to sign up for EC because it too low :_DDD ;)))
why do you always open your mouth full of shit

+ we played together few times on irc at least, not even like others team, so why ur still opening ur crap hole
Irc wars :O))))))))))))))) fucking frog :DDDD jesus, what a great effort there !
you remind me of hummel with your exageration in every post like ":D:DD" ":)):(:(::(::):):" ":C:X:X:Z:D::D". you so desperately want people to agree/laugh with you it's unreal.

dudeee admit you will lose against iR and your "project" is pointless, have fun in this "EC" :O))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
if we lose our quali we'll play oc, happy? it's not "pointless" because i made the team to have fun.
shut up thats mean we are playing together, some didnt even play a single game yet

and ur fucking lowskiller so stfu u have no right to talk here
i dont understand what that guy is all about...

imo, atoon has a strong lu and can perform very well this EC.
not sure if hes serious or trying to troll but hes bad
awww, you come from the interwebz? :O)
who's PH? I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, all I did in CB was invite all of my members to the team & signup for the spring season.

e: oh, pussyhunters right. well yeah they competed in EC like the last 2 years so it seemed retarded that they signed up to OC, you disagree? also about your "4 years ago this is oc 2nd div" - nice one einstein, you know every allstar who plays right now started in a lower league? even your precious buddies, were playing OC max until 2010.
If you would know something you would have not wrote it :O)

We were actually 3on3 only before that BUT OK MR :O))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I assumed when you said "PH" it was something to do with my clan, so no I had no idea. and if you weren't completely retarded you'd know I am talking about each member of that clan. every single one of them played some league lower than EC before they finally made it. does that mean they didn't deserve to be there?
aww shit ;///
if you want my honest opinion, no as an individual I'm not good enough for EC. but I brought together a bunch of skilled players and we all get a long, we'll practice every week and contribute to the activity of ET.

e: and on a side note, everyone in my team has played EC before and so I think you overrate how much any of us care for getting into this season. though speaking for myself I felt more excited about getting into 3o3 premier a few years ago than getting here.
irony of the situation: we placed 5th this EC. :D
well, zed is one of the most dumb human creatures i have ever encountered in my life
fyi, ec or oc, we dont care

just so you know :p
Why are you even this upset about something? Is it because you never played anything higher than 3rd league? Artstar's team is a decent team and you know jackshit about it.
lol if you really think that, time for you to stop ET dude
what is your problem? a lot of comments coming from your mouth about atoon
wouldnt be suprised to see them winning both qualli games.
you forgot inspiron
lu's anywhere ?
so Aleks where shall we join?
I'm afraid we're too good for the current teams in ET :(


inb4 me suiciding because of dave
mcon direct invite afther getting owned by nbs? gg

also gl snuble squid koop [anyone I forgot because cannot into lineups] :O)
omg, hardest quali -_-'

Where da
Qualifiers Schedule

# 1st round : 09 April > 13 April
# 2nd round : 13 April > 18 April

All the games not scheduled 2 days before the deadline, will be forced to the deadline
If did not get an EC qualifier what the fuck are MYserious-gaming and Lost Soldiers doing on that list?
because they deserve a chance for it with latest result and activity
jari did good in cups better than MYs and jari is active too :S don't get it why they are not in
how come lost soldiers deserve it more than us ?
We finished the last open cup season at the second place bro! Soooooz
I highly doubt there's anyone who has recently played against Lost Soldiers, MYserious-gaming & and considers the least deserving clan for an EC qualifier.

I personally think the EC invitations should be done by someone who has played at the top level for a long time. In other words a person who has knowledge of the teams who have the potential to compete in EC and that's not you pal. Every time these things are published a great deal of injustice comes along, I wonder why..
never answer to such fools man!
lol u're such a joke :D
Lost 2nd in last OC Premier.

Jari winners of 2nd esl league? they lost vs both pharaons and mkida in et.tourney official recently. also afaik they haven't even played in OC premier before. so maybe let's see how they are doing in oc premier first, before putting them to EC.
Parent knocked Lost Soldiers out from ESL Winter League 2nd div playoffs with a weaker line-up than they have now. Plus the whole point of EC qualifiers is that the teams who don't qualify for EC are dropped into OC premier. I'm NOT saying would get into EC cause they would most likely lose the qualifier but they are more deserving of the chance than Lost Soldiers/MYserious-gaming which is obvious.
That would be because i was playing rifle sir
there are always few teams that are between EC Quali/OC Premier skill and admins just can't pick all of them

btw jari won once, lost soldiers won once too - 1 month before, so it's a draw :D
jari should get a qualifier instead of these lowbob-clans

can somebody remove this goldorak from cb-admins? he has done so many mistakes during his 'admin career' so you can fuck off really :D
Robaciek officially +1's you.
I'm wondering who would take goldorak's spot if he ever leaves.. He spends hours each day in doing his admin job and yeah, he makes mistakes but still, we should be happy to still have someone like him to do the job! :)

e: just my 2c about the whine about the admins.
I would love to see Finland Vanhaomena taking his spot. I'm not 100% sure if Finland Vanhaomena wants to be an admin, but I remember him saying it's possible.

I think he would be the best admin around.
so only fins in eurocup?
nah just kidding :D
Vanhaomena would never do such a dirty move. He is honourable person.
can't agree more, they were rly decent, and remain decent, compared to a few teams who doesn't deserve a spot
looooool where is :x
they showed a great perfomence the last few months and still no ec wth :(
dont wanna be offensive but they're not EC worthy imo, if they can get good results in OC premier its also fine :)
but still they r better than other teams, who r in ec qualifier :x
thats just my opinion^^
but well everyone has his own opinion thats normal^^
Well did you ever occur to you that there might not be lots of "EC worthy" clans to begin with, hence the expression LOWEST EC EVER? The point is which one deserves the spot more than the other.
if you think they deserved it more than other teams, insult admin please.
Jesus why would anyone go for insults when the logical thing to do is to reason with the admins. I'm not here to flame anybody, just pointing out facts and questioning the admins' judgement skills. And I don't even play with, I'm just a bystander.
jari deserved it alot more than as example lost or pharaons
that was 1 month ago, alot can change in that time, and if u go like this then jari deserved it more than lost atleast!
but if you go like this : yeah things can change in a month. even two month now
stop pretending were so much worse then all the other teams that wanted to get in

its the lowest ec ever why do u even wanna get into that shit? i for sure didnt want to
last year was lowest ec ever ;)
they're better than mkida, they deserved it
Thanks guys :)
gonna check ur ip from where u did post this... sb probably hacked your crossfire acc
shut up morron and drink! ;)
sup will all the jari whine btw?
they gave me 50€ to write it :D
Why prac results are irrelevant?

To promote activity or just the fact that admins have just no clue about teams so they can rate the teams through offi results?
because pracs are the place to test methods of attacking/defending, how someone performs in an offi is a good indicator of how they'd perform in a top tournament. sorry to see jari not getting quali, hope you don't fold.
How many offis you played :O)?

0 whoops, lowest EC ever, no one else were left there but your team :O) must be sad, i feel sorry for your poor team
Ohh that care level that i have to be honest :XD
Ragers be ragin' ;)
who cares.. do you care? I don't, you seem to give more a shit about my own team than me or any member of us.
what does it matter? They still have some good players and I bet they are better than most of the other teams in qualifiers.

and saying this is the lowest ec ever is just a fucking joke. I would say that it's the highest ec for a long time even without anexis
Why so mad about atoon?
Goldorak had you guys in mind. Same goes for cube and many other teams.. so now he just had to decide for 1 team out of these...

same flame would be te outcome if cube or jari would have come in the qualis.. so show that your ec worth in oc premier and njoy the next ec :)
what is theseeeeeeee
jari deserved the quali more than 2-3 teams listed up there tbh
TAG no invite? :@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
ye thats the bigger drama ;D
face me first u noob i know how to make u mad
gl guys
I don't understand the whine towards no qualis for they would have gone just as far as MYserious-gaming and Lost Soldiers are going to go
ye i think we would have gone as far but the thing is that we have been playing together for so long and we are better than some of those quali teams. I just dont understand what is the reason we are not in qualis. But im not mad we will play premier instead
No cube or Jari... this is madness!

But seriously how can admins justify not giving an EC spot to a lineup with urtier crumbs bff scarzy owzo and potty in and give a spot to STAR.. + jari a team that has beaten EE.
I think there should be a shedule with more teams.. not only cube and jari deserved a chance.. and it could be done with 2 rounds but I don't want to blame CB admins
Jari and EE played only 1 map. Imo that doesn't count as a legitimate victory since that game didn't end with atleast 4 rounds in their pocket.
oh the drama again :D
cu oc
Cu at OC my friend :)
have to leave wnbpro and join ls :D
What's the point to get raped in 3 ec games and kill the team? getting into ec doesnt mean shit, winning oc premier is something though!

Just play OC premier.. perform well there and stick together, wait for next eurocup.

I think there should be only like 8 teams in this EC. and all other med+"high" teams should fight in OC premier.

Queens, MPG, Finlantic6, TAG, Mouse control, NBS, BF, polagz

my goal isnt ec tbh
want to play a good oc season like last one :)
EuropeJacks : gifty Dabster emorej lettu filuS rat zerender ? D:
they are not performing as good as they should ;)
takes some time to get back from inactivity :)
EC won't wait a team if they didn't pracc enought
They just had to be back weeks ago.
they have been too inactive.. will get raped by any of those teams I mentioned. :o

If they pracced like 1 month then they would get pretty decent I think.
shut your whore mouth

U think ur team should be in the top-8 or what?
YES I4M TOP 8, we will rape faces to some teams & hurt their buts xx
I think there should be only like 8 teams in this EC. and all other med+"high" teams should fight in OC premier.

NBS ain't that good, atleast in the pracc we played em they were not impressive.
one prac doesnt mean shit, even we(fin6) lost a prac vs them.. and won all other 20 matches.
Hence I wrote "In the pracc we played agains them they weren't impressive"
so they werent impressive but they still won u? :-p
If I recall it correctly, they didn't win.
Maybe you should pick your opponents better??? bF not play for 6 months and win radar? :)
I didn't play on that radar.. if im not there to say what they do they are running like headless chickens :DD
hehe, I've noticed. We are incredibly rusty aswell :P
That would actually result in a larger amount of decent games now. Some of the selected teams wouldn't be guaranteed first place in OC 2nd.
That's what qualifiers are for. To see who is decent enough to give the direct invites a fight.

4-5 of these teams are :d
well said matiasm8
thx m8wiaderko
gg nice team gl
you too gg wp cu in the bfb2! HF GL! :D
wb gifty!
No Eurocup for GermanyAnexis eSports ?
no prizes = no gaming
Perhaps they boycott cb for other reasons.
Lovely how the Fins suck each others dick. Get over it and wait 1 more season. 8 Teams this season should have been more than enough, but then again I don't really care, hf everyone.
every year the same story,
better win oc first and then get raped in ec than getting raped in ec without having won something
Ehehehehehe :D
funny how much jari players raging!



glory years 2003 - 2007
EC.stRay, wtf?
don't think so
2 bad for jari they deserved it, gl teams
+1 I can see atleast 3 teams worse than jari here :D looks like aimonly teams deserves EC qualis more than real teams with teamplay.

ps: gl pour les qualis :)
thank you monsieur
z op
Finland should have got ec quali, deserves it a LOT more than, mYSERIOUS, pharaons etc

but all in all, looks good! good luck for the participaters
form team week before EC signups - get direct invite

They all saw you dedication...that was the braking point :/
gl PHA ! No offense to lost, MyS, STAR.ET & mkida but jari deserves EC (qualis) more than them :S
eventhough aren't really great aimwise they deserved qualis compared to other teams I can see listed there.
jacks vs sleeperz :D

funny invites..
whats so special about that match? I have seen many people pointing it out as the funniest one but so far I havent figured out why...
Well, for me it's funny since I managed both.
where are cbz ¿
stray in eurocup - et must be dead
there were worse players over the years who got in ec
I know, I am just kidding ;-)
+1 (ive been there..lolz)
Didnt read, dont care :DDDDD

Goldorak is homo :DDDDD DIE :DDD
Good luck everyone!
THE cube offline only :D?
Seems so :-(
It is fine, we can whoop some ass in div 3!
gl, I can understand why we haven't been given a quali. Don't think there is any need for the flame! We signed up and gave ourself a 7 out of 10 because we didnt know how we would do. I stick by the 7 out of 10 seeing as we haven't pracced much and we are still a fairly new team.

Keeping your honour intact I feel proud of you
I am still disapointed I am not getting my chance at EC (after 4 years of hard training!) But I guess from a cup admins point of view, they want games to be played on time and without forfiets. Can you gamble with a team like the CUBE? Not really as we don't even have a proper backup to replace crumbs when he is not online!

You be proud son, I represent what gamers should be brah!
I respected ur behaviour tbh, like many others did imo :)
cube will have a good future if you manage to stay together as a team :)
What I was meant to type was...

FUCK YOU ADMINS GIVE ME A FUCKING EC QUALI! Who the fuck are Queens and that lot anyways?! FFS LOWBOB NERD ADMINS.

Now I have straightened things up with the admins, I will get my way and they will be forced to give the CUBE a EC quali! :)
yeah well deserved imo :D

I saw some teams and they are not worth playing EC but they got quali this year,interesting stuff :D
free ec quali spot available :o

scatman ec ? lowest ec ever :XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
a) it's quali's
b) he played qualis in like 2008+2009 already afaik
not only qualis :)
missing Estonia
they didn't sign up
:\ should be a top5 team
It's Pussyhunters and theyre going to play div1
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