TZAC2 Released

image: tzac

TZAC2 has been released and you can get it from the downloads section. You have to update, the old TZAC cannot be used anymore. Please note that the 'Start the game' button is gone - after you login, TZAC will automatically detect a running game (only one instance at a time) and keep running in background. You don't have to run TZAC again after you quit the game and decide to play again.

Screenshot capturing Is temporarily disabled and will be put back online later. If you're experiencing problems, please ask in this topic and do not create new ones. You can uninstall the old version of TZAC by running the uninstaller from the start menu and then deleting the %APPDATA%TZAC folder on your computer manually.

NOTE: In some cases, you may have to reboot your computer if you started the old TZAC since the last boot

for problems, use the original news-topic

Direct link

UPDATE: If you want to fix the "Cannot load the driver, try running as administrator" error message, do this:

Open command prompt (cmd.exe) as administrator and type this: sc delete tizeqdrv
Don't bother updating yet though, servers with tzac addon are useless.
cannot connect to tzac servers, already deleted old TZAC :{D

e: can connect to TZAC servers now :)
post all problems at tzac page please.
how you get it to work?
It just updated itself and then could connect to the servers with the addons too.
works for me atleast ;)

ps: i can connect to tzac addon servers xD
most of users can't connect to tzac addon servers :)
ye thats why i said i can, wouldnt have posted it otherwise :D
I can connect to TZAC servers to.

Deleted the old version, installed the new version, added this at the Target ET shortcut "+set fs_game etpro".
Logged in, started ET, copy'd the IP in the console, AND THERE I WAS!
The driver seems to be loaded fine , but this instance of the tzac client could not attach to it , please try again. Please note that you cannot run multiple instances of TZAC at the same time .
try reboot your pc ;s
same problem : //
u deleted old tzac ? If not do it and then try reboot etc i dont have any other ideas
i do everything , uninstall avast , unistall old TZAC , use the registry clean and nothing....
you cant do anything about it. khaplja needs to fix it.
so if i got the same problems im not able to play right? cool
If i want to start the game I add ip;pw to that "Apply match ID", press it, then it should start?

tl;dr h3h3, dont like reading :P
I guess so. But my fucking tzac dont want to work. Trying to run it as administrator several times, and still nothing.
QuotePlease note that the 'Start the game' button is gone - after you login, TZAC will automatically detect a running game (only one instance at a time) and keep running in background. You don't have to run TZAC again after you quit the game and decide to play again.
Nice good work :)
good job! can't start the game with tzac so it's time to come back to almighty all seeing eye!
woo! Can't wait to try it out, but not going to boot windows now :3
the fuck, im logged, cool, now how to lauch the game ?
you don't have button to START GAME

you just open like u used to in 2010
tryin to test it on nbs 1 but then message sayin me it's a tzac forced serv. dafuq is this?
Am I able to connect to pb servers in ET without problems?
wasn't that one of the new key features? would be fucking awesome tho.
I just took the risk and tried it, after 2 hours of playing, nothing, works fine!
Dont know why, but i have fps drops per 2-3 sec..
Guys , i do like one of TZAC users now :

" fixed it now, had to deinstall tzac, reboot, install tzac2, reboot and it works. To connect to a tzac add-on server, u have to load etpro manually before u join, tho. "

and it works for me too : ))
didnt work for me.... still same problem..
+1 TimbolinA ):
i want to be able to connect trough tzac...
I think you don't have this now to eliminate multiple tzac clients (for cod4, et, cod2), now there is just 1 client for all those games and you start games manually
yeah, its sucks so much now. if that shit alteast minimized into fucking tray but no, I have to start tzac manually first and then start ET. GG MUCH EASIER NOW
1. stop ragin
2. get hlsw/ase
3. cu lan
1. impussibru
2. I have hlsw, still I have to turn tzac first and then I have to start ET (so instead of 1 step I have to make 2)
3. cu lan
I've been a fan since 2009, I'll have you know.
i hate to load etpro first, blah /quit ET
works for me ;)
Great :)
no problems here.. gj
Posted by chaplja on 5 May 2012 12:51:41

UPDATE: If you want to fix the "Cannot load the driver, try running as administrator" error message, do this:

Open command prompt (cmd.exe) as administrator and type this: sc delete tizeqdrv
thank you
Why no " Start game " button anymore :-(

How i can paly now?! :/

image: lol
Just start ET like you did before without TZAC.
run as admin and it works , thx!
Welt der Kriegskunst!
dont play it anymore :))
same, but used to play it for a long long time
Wat bist du denn für'n Nerd drölftausend Spiele :D altaaa
Soviele sinds nun auch nicht ...
I prefered the old injector so much, no ill have to press two buttons to start ET with tzac.. earlier I could just press my pinned TZAC launcher and "Start game"..

please bring back old injector and not this shit
This is the kind of shit that will get moviemakers/testclipmakers banned.
ye exactly what i was wondering
Abort the process in taskmanager?
People will forget about that...

I think you should do something that it only recognizes the ET.exe in c:/nocheatet but not the ET.exe in c:/cheatET you know :P
lol thats true...
I have to be careful :x
You'd know all about that !
thnx for reminding lol :o
lagging with new tzac :///
same did u fix it?
delete pb folder & it hopefully will work! :)
oh thanks it worked! :)
The driver seems to be loaded fine , but this instance of the tzac client could not attach to it , please try again. Please note that you cannot run multiple instances of TZAC at the same time .

Restarted etc,

fuck this shit

I want to launch et via tzac like I did before....
"Got the "Can't load the driver" error? Type this in command prompt as admin: sc delete tizeqdrv"
doesn't fix the problem
I have UAC off so I'm I don't have to do anything like run as admin aye

e: works xoxo

but honestly that many steps for a simple anticheat, I mean cmon....
worked for me after a reboot, but the constant lags make me wish I had pb back. I'll wait on tzac 2.0.1
works w/o problems
can I somehow create two shortcuts for ET though, one with pb enabled, one disabled? as it starts the pb.exe's anyways atm (dno if it may cause any lags)
I experienced a pb init failure on some servers with tzac!
This server requires TZAC

Fuck hell...TZAC is loaded, how to run this fckn game? ((
make sure u run bot as admin. U just leave tzac open and start ET normally like u'd do without tzac
yeah, but i cant run it as admin, cause my mouse right click did not working (( rockfellah...any bets?
There's a button next to right Ctrl.
My OS is WinXP SP3
When i run tzac as administrator got it COULDNT INITIALIZE TZAC DATA STORAGE...tired really
image: 2m0g9x

When I run et.exe as admin and I want to connect to a server it says I dont have tzac enabled!?!?!?
had that and i think i just allowed folders in my AV and then just reupdated and it worked
had the same, working fine after rebooting PC
I've got few questions.
1. Will it still take pictures?
2. Will it only take pictures when the game is launched?
3. Does it have autoban now?
oh someone is scared that tzac will take pictures during u r watching porns :DDDD

joking, jep would know that aswell
Like that didnt pass through ur mind?? :D
well before ur comment not, but now :DD
Screenshots are temporarily disabled and it'll take them only while the game is running.
what should happen on this planet for you to consider making a QL anticheat
What are the new features?
play on PB enabled servers
( better detection engine? )
So, just login & open the game?
I liked the first tzac better :<
works perfect for me well done chaplja
works ok but got some lag spikes in my lagometer but I dont know if its related to the server or tzac itself
Fucking gay, it still asks me to run it as admin.
W7? If so, change the UAC settings.
No, I play in my college sometimes, and I don't have admin privileges over there. This is fucking retarded.. SLAC didn't need admin privileges. =/
I don't know maybe it's just me, but I feel like I have fps drops since new tzac more often :9
perhaps you and every other polaks should be allowed to play without it then :9
big thumbs up for what chpalja does,if i would have been in his place and read just 1 flame/troll/insult comment as i read by now,i would have salute u and let u burn among the cheaters
Yea but you're a cancermongol, he isn't
why not keep it the way it was, barely any cheaters out there and all these fucking add-ons make this game really really anoying.
woody speaks the fucking truth
you can play on pb servers with tzac now
I know the introduced problems are annoying, but that is something I will blame you for (the users). During past few months while I was asking for testers, I had perhaps 10-15 in total. If you and the cod guys were willing to help just a little bit, everything would have been fixed before the switch to v2. In the final tests I did with those who were ready to help (it was no more than 5 minutes) there was no problems and thus I decided to release.
so you blame your inability to create a proper anti-cheat on the users. Basically a problem that occurs on everyone's computer is not findable? tbh, that's incredibly sad. testers are actually quite unneccessary, because usually an anti-cheat coder should be able to find out problems by himself. I think your AC engine does constantly scan the memory for cheats, that might be a possible reason for the occuring lags, it might be, because ET cant access the moemory? The lags are on a very regular interval and they got the same length
He's doing this job for free. It's something we, the users, could provide him with. And the problems are different, so are the user PCs and software they are running on it.
still, he wanted to create a version 2 of tzac, and he cant blame it on the users easy as that.
He was just waiting for better support with different users testing it. I did test it before the release, got my problems fixed.
i didnt test it, everything works fine for me, because i got an awesome pc, but 2 of my mates got fps lag problems with their tzac, so you need an 8 core pc nowadays to play ET or what? :D
Don't ask me. They just need to report the lags and chaplja usually fixes something for them (least it's like that for me).
Your post is so fucking full of bullshit, incredible!
totally, maybe i did underrate him a lil bit, atleast it's fixed now
You have no clue, unthankful piece of...
grow up bitch!
i think you haven't gotten the sense of my sentence basically, 1. of all chaplja didn't really ask for any testers, he just wrote it on his tzac page, 2. i was one of the willing testers, but when i wanted to test it, nothing worked, not even tzac as itself appeared when i was ingame, basically it was just an application in the background, which didn't do anything, so how shall we (the users) find out problems? I am just arguing with him for the users, because it wasnt our fault, easy as that.
he had journals about needing testers, he also asked for testers at irc and tzac website.
"journals", that's a great way to get many testers, isn't it?
maybe it should have been a newspost or anything similar. Well I just luckily found the post on the tzac site, so i basically was willing to test it, but i couldn't help in anyway, because nothing was working, and you couldnt join servers nor tzac seemed to be enabled
there might have been new also, not sure
basically my point is, that at the point he wanted testers, you couldn't have helped him, since you weren't able to see if tzac2 actually works, it didn't detect the et.exe, so the testers were useless
Not even Microsoft with all their billions can do it, so why should a one man development team be expected to?

Sorry but you have no idea what it takes to create a stable piece of Software (or even remotely close to stable), so please do not criticize someone not being able to create an issue free application.
compare microsoft to apple, maybe you see, that it is possible to create an almost perfect application, didnt say, that he isnt allowed to make mistakes, everyone does, but i was just complaining about the fact, that he is blaming the users for the occuring mistakes.
he asked for testers, no enough applied. You need large amount of testers to avoid issues like the ones experienced on release because the range of variables for potential issues are almost beyond control.

He gave the community a chance to reduce the range of variables and potential issues, they didn't accept and now complain when it doesn't work! I would be annoyed as well!

I don't like bugs/errors as much as the next person but take a step back and consider what is required to get this sort of thing to work anywhere near perfectly.

Also the reason why Apple's stuff works more often than not (compared to Microsoft) is because they have a lot less variables to work with. Once again think about the amount of devices and systems that rely on Microsoft vs Apple and then you will understand why they have more issues.
basically he asked for testers, there's no doubt, definitely, BUT, as many people were willing to help out with testing, nothing worked, you know, i also downloaded it on the 1st release date, but i couldnt join tzac servers, i could join servers in general, but tzac just wasn't enabled, so obviously there was no error nor bug occuring, because it basically was just my et.exe. So how is he allowed to blame us (the users) for not supporting him? There was nothing, the users could have done at that time, they weren't even able to give feedback, because of that.
Did you not read his comment? All those that applied for testing reported issues and they were resolved pre public release.

As not enough people applied to the testing phase, a greater range of potential issues were not identified during this phase (pre-public release).

Users were able to give feedback during that testing phase, not enough opted in for it and so this is the result and why he blames the community. He can't fix what he doesn't know exists as an issue.

Is he supposed to own 100 different PCs and variations of Windows installations just to test and debug? Fairly unrealistic for someone doing this for free.

Now he has to resolve these issues post go-live which he tried to avoid but the community didn't support him enough.
didn't talk about the whole testing period, was just talking about the time directly after he has searched for testers.
chaplja is right he didn't had enough testers so no point to whine now if you notice bugs please report them.

I'd like to add i have sporadic lagz aswell also sometimes Tzac restarts my pc prolly many will say i've infected pc etc... but
-I've scanned my pc twice haven't find no infections whatsoever
-after i¨ve removed tzac and cleaned my registry everything was working fine
is it possible that tzac is doing background scans so that might overloads my ram(have enough ram i think to run ET and tzac together :P) or whatever.
Other then this i didn't have any other issues i even started tzac2.0 without removing older versions none of above mentioned bugs.

Another thing i'd like to reffer is "PB enabled is shit" while running tzac can you plz create something like in older version and remove that bs named pb while we use tzac

Thank you chaplja
looks like its fixed now. Thanks!
My FPS is 100 and ping is 48 stable
Feels like im playing with 50 hz while im using 100..
Humm, without START button its kinda gay for HLSW users... Or am I wrong?
the driver seems to be loaded fine, but this instance of the TZAC client could not attach to it, please note that you cannot run multiple instances of TZAC at the same time


image: tzacerror
Had it when my previous tzac version wasnt uninstalled.
deleted, PC restarted and installed?:D
more icons :D
btw i'm not sure but i think you can be banned for dyno timer
How can I start playing then? cant see the button to open the game :D
you have to start the game like you did before SLAC.. just run the ET.exe
If i just run ET.exe it asks me for the slac lol
setuper, u need to setup the game
shit new tzac
it just need updates im sure it will be better than earlier :)
Dear god, lagging all the freaking time! (fps lagg)
work fine for me
work fine for me
Thankyou chaplja works well and its nice just to have a background service well done thankyou
need "Start the game" button :[
Well done,you are doing a great job.
Just too bad it doesn't minimize to try,and I pretty much miss this "start the game" button :(
Fucking great job. You make an update and the benefit I get -> FPS dropping to 45-85 in SUPPLY and ADLERNEST.

Well done dog, well done.
well done, thank you for your work :)
work fine for me , thank you for your work :)
seems working but impossible to join not any server even BIO or else :/ this mean public or private server

image: mini_563151impossibletojoin

tzac and ET run as admin
first start tzac as admin,than start et as worked for me that way
i just got a question.
Wasn´t it possible to make the old tzac.exe to just update itwhen you open it to the new version?
It's ALL-in-ONE now Torm, accept it.
Srsly ... 20 TIMES , TWEENTY TIMES i open & close TZAC till i could join a server ... Why is that TZAC version so buggy? :/
you're lucky mine is working but i cant still enter any server :/
Start TZAC as Admin and ET , try it 20 times .. then it worked.. all the fucking time close it open as admin close it open as admin... srsly... :/ its strange sometimes ^^
Does the server run old tzac add-on? if they aren't then it is quite odd.
done as admin but still not working :/
same i've fixed rebooting the pc. Starting tzac wait few mins, open ET and load ETPRO mod and after i can play on BIO or NBS
this work, thx u
speak to fast, trying since more then an hour and shit NOT WORKING....lets go back to old tzac plz and solve bug on this before sharing it ^^
sometimes happen to me aswell that tzac says: U need tzac anticheat to join the server bla bla

close the game, reopen it, load etpro and try again :(
Many guys including me don't have any problem with TZAC. You just didn't install it correctly, or didn't delete every, doesn't run it as admin or dunno..
I delete all , i installed it right and run all as Admin , for first hours i didnt had any problem too , first in the evening TZAC kicked me and then i could connect coz i dont got TZAC ....

its surly not my fault :)
just trying to help :)
Good grief. This was the easiest update ever.
First off, I didn't uninstall the old TZAC, just installed TZAC 2, ran it, logged in, started ET from xFire. connected, no prob
easiest ye, bust i have several lag spikes that let me see ppl teletransporting, like a little packetloss every time plus fps drops that let me hate play :D mouse is kinda freezing or moving less smoother than before..BULLSHIT! my G400 is useless :D
pff work nly 1 time now its shit again :/ grrrr
i dont blame tzac but i think it needs more fixes cus atm atleast for me, but seems others got same problems, it's like PB on :D
me have fps lagz like hell :/
happy to hear about new tzac , sad that i had to make new account for tzac because password was too hard to remember :)
multi account, ban!
get life ?
why wld u use a new anticheat in the middle of a season? all the bugs and crap will just cause problems like they always do...

Introduce these things inbetween seasons so it can be fully tested.
thanks jonas brother.
fucking awesome that i need to close and open it 5000 times and when i finally get to server it lags

E: forgot to run et as admin.. now it connects normally but dunno if it still causes lags since bio is full :|
it's shit. need minimize to tray
Weird thing. Frm USA, I ping Nbs 1 in Belgium at 148 and Bio in UK at 279
Yeah, I agree on Minimizing to tray. I haven't had any lag spikes
I hope that he will add a launcher to launch the games from tzac platform.
Also, minimize to tray.

I had to uninstall the old tzac to be able to connect to a tzac server...
This is how I got TZAC2 working with 1st try:

1. Uninstall TZAC @ Control Panel
2. Search for tzac at C:\ & Delete everything manually
3. Run CCleaner both applications & registery (save registery backup)
4. Reboot
5. Install TZAC using the setup (Run as administrator)
6. Reboot
7. Run TZAC as administrator
8. Login using the right nick & password (remember lower/upper case)
9. Run ET as administrator
10. Select mods -> ETPro
11. Connect to IP
12. Profit
This is how I got TZAC2 working with 1st try:

1. install TZAC2
2. login
3. profit
I got a big problem i lost my old password for tzac, and i try to request a new one but he didnt send the mail. So i start to make a new account, that mail i didnt receive aswell :D

i got offi in 2 hours , what to do?
basically, u are fucked :D
Exactly... lol
Whats happen with the "Match id" button should i add there a offi match id? before we play
It's mostly used by CoD guys, but ET players can use it as well.
"If the Software erroneously captures a screenshot of data not related to the Games (e.g. data outside of the Games' screen), Licensors shall not be liable for any damages arising out of this error"

I dont like this line in License agreement.

How it is with this tzac and pb servers? Does this version block PB processes, what if I forgot to turn it off and connect to PB server?
I have never read license agreement, but this can be valid reason not to use tzac, huge deal breaker. If tzac captures screenshot showing some personal or sensitive data outside ET, they have to be reliable for any damage caused by this.
That is why I havent agreed it yet. Earlier I had no problem with it, TZAC´s on game´s on, TZAC´s off game´s off. But now, when it runs in background!? I sometimes pay by credit card and screenshot with filled data about it send on, going public?! That can pretty much ruin my bank account. I think I will install TZAC before every match I will ever play and uninstall after finishing it.
You can always turn it on every time you want to play and close it after you stop playing, it doesn't have to run in the backround, least I am doing so since it's causing trouble with me browsing in google chrome.
it work only twice during the last 5 hours and got fucking shit lag fps that i never have.....and need to shut down my antivirus, i dont want to shut down my antivirus ho god

Simply unplayable
fucking FPS laggz... u didn't do a good job.
if u login to tzac with np but when connecting to a tzac server it says that u dont have tzac enabled

run tzac as admin, and run et.exe as admin and it will work
lagging like shit - got 125 without problems - can even get 333... plz fix!

got framelaggs every 2 secs...
if you have lags, please tell me if you've got an nvidia graphics card
yes personally i have nvidia Geforce GTX 470 - latest driver 296.10
I dont want to be an ass cause its good that you fixed some things...but lags shouldnt depend on the vid card and should be fixed on the TZAC client side and not by some work-around.

It's a known problem and it's not always application's fault..
ye, nvidia geforce gtx 580 - same driver as goldorak ( 296.10 )
add the "start the game button" please
agree :(

add "start the game button"

OMG, you don't NEED the start game button. Just start TZAC, minimize it and then start et, or join a server via xFire, etc
I want minimize to tray :(
seems to work, thanks
add the "start the game button" please
I have nVidia 9800 no lags
So what is new? Other than that no: "Start the game button"
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