WinFakt adds some Queens

image: queens11ljk5

The rumours have been running around this community for quite some time now and we can finally confirm it. EuropeWinFakt is going to recruit EuropeQueens.ET and will sent them to the Adroits ET-Masters. The lineup is a little bit different from the one currently fighting in BFB2 but it still boasts some amazing players and is definitely a force to be reckoned with!

Scotland Druwyn “razz” Fraser
Belgium Giel “chry” Devos
Netherlands Amando “xPERIA” van Krevelen
Germany Sebastian "butchji" Kupke
Poland Michal "wiaderko" Waszak
Poland Maciek “Fragstealer” Polawski

Felix Schlüter, head of WinFakt's ET division had the following to say
QuoteWe are extremely happy to once more have the opportunity to invest into such an awesome game. Most of our managers played Enemy Territory at one point in their career or are still playing it so we felt the personal need to support the game as well as this amazing team. The team is filled with some of the best players currently playing and has a really good mixture of teamplay, skill and experience. I have been working with them for the past few weeks negotiating their switch to WinFakt and it has been a pleasure so far. I am sure the team is going to represent WinFakt in the best possible way and I am looking forward to their performance especially at the ET-Masters lan next month.

Team WinFakt's manager Nico"Rayzed"Schneider released the following statement
QuoteEven though Enemy Territory isn't as big as it used to be some years ago, we felt an almost personal urge to support this old (but gold) game once again. After a long time thinking, whether or not to pick up Enemy Territory, we needed even more time to figure out, which team we will pick up. Everyone involved with Team WinFakt's management has a connection with this game and we wanted to get the best team available. To be honest, I think we made a pretty good pick and we all hope to see our team coming out on top of the ET Masters event and the still running online tournaments. We want to thank our new players for joining up with us but also our sponsors, WinFakt, Steelseries, xHarbour and YCN-Hosting who made this possible.
The main shoutout goes to our fans who support our teams on all events we attend.

And of course we also have a player statement, Scotland Druwyn “razz” Fraser added the following
QuoteWe are extremely proud to join this amazing organisation and will do whatever we can to represent them in the best possible way. It is a rough time for Enemy Territory and we are thankful that WinFakt is, once more entering the Enemy Territory scene and are happy to have their support! We would like to thank their management aswell as their sponsors, SteelSeries, xHarbour and YCN-Hosting.

Let's see how they will perform at the ETM!

Source: WinFakt
Misses United Kingdom Baggiez.
extremely good luck
gl QueensFakt. I hope Poland wiadro makes up for Anonymous WinFakt!


image: armadon “xPERIA” van Krevelen
lol dat FS
didnt see this coming!
arsch:P <3
:D:D cu at Enschede mate :)
gl chry m8

sad to not see Baggiez there though :(
suis sur que c est monkey sa encore
what's chry doing in these lineups?
good luck queens
Great for both parties as the team provides a guaranteed top 2 finish in BFB 2 and is more than likely a top 3 finish for the Adroits ET Masters. Lets just hope both the team and the org stay around for the foreseeable future
If I wouldnt have to keep this newspost serious due to my function in one of the mentioned parties, I would tell you that they will end the ETM on place one :P
gl in consulation final razz
hope u get out of groups this time razz =D

gl, hope you can put up a fight at lan!

gl boys! see you at lan :D
WinFakt is shit and stealing money: P
idk how long you've been working there, but you should propably know
if you think so:)
if longer than a year
lol ?? :D tell me how :p
Stop stealing money vincent man...
gl guys :) especially butch, maciek, chry and xperia :)
Didn't know you were part of the org Felix :D
Please call me MKP ;D
word 'amazing' used 4 times in those quotes. this is really amazing shit right there.
*5 times and fixed
butchji, you should be happy that you're not polish with that surname :D
what does it mean?
Meaning is close to 'poop' :)
Felix you faggot, also good luck AmandoX
cheers buddy ! loyal fanboy x shoutout tonight if u r watching
waiting to spec Amando “xPERIA” van Krevelen @ lan
hahaha sure man ill save you a vip seat ;-)
nice gl
Gl boys
WinFakt offering full LAN sponsor?
Awesome :)
good luck. great lineup
gl guys!
looks sick on the paper once again, hopefully you dont fail at lan :P
gl razz chry and co :)
gl guyz :)
>being felix
Butchji KUPKE :D
is that BelgiumKevin (fop) on that banner?
Squally and baggiez?
omg butchji"""""""""""""""""""!
who is going to revive?
the opponent, when we facerape them
i will revive myself :D
cya @ LAN xperia :-P
;-) cu there
gl boys, cu at lan <3
can't fucking wait! finally no more unhitolbaa finns :S :D cu there :P
hahah! plzz !
winfakt adds some queers
Nice quotes, good luck!
very nice,
razz you told me last night you're not gonna go and you're going to go to rockness festival instead why you lying
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