Anexis eSports Win Battle for Berlin 2

image: headrzr

The Finals!

image: winanx2

Anexis won twice!

image: anxfin62

The Battle for Berlin II is coming to its dramatic conclusion. Tonight, Tuesday the 8th, will be the last match day as both the Lower Bracket Final and the Grand Final will be played. We, the coverage crew, have put our heads together once again to provide you with everything you could wish to see before the games, so please read on!

To make sure you won’t miss out on anything we prepared a little change to the frontpage of crossfire. The stream will be embedded to the frontpage and some special artwork will pop up next to it. So don’t be shocked if the site looks different! Of course ETTV will be provided as well but we encourage everyone to join the stream. TosspoT will be casting again and mlmn will be streaming it. Voice servers will also be available and will pop up on GamesTV as usually.

The Grand final is going to be played about 15 minutes after the lower bracket final so if you want to make a bet on it make sure to be quick after the LB final ended.

image: s_head

Lower Bracket Final

The Lower Bracket Final will be played between seed number one, Anexis, and seed number two, Finlantic 6. This game was supposed to be the Grand Final according to the seeds so you can expect nothing less than an absolutely stunning game! One sided games won’t be seen tomorrow. The odds are in favor of Anexis, but rumors say that Anexis hasn’t been playing together since their last official while Finlantic has been practicing hard.

image: anxfin62

image: anxw

image: game32969image: fin6

Interview with United Kingdom R0SS

How have you prepared for the game?
Well without sounding dramatic or like most ET players that use the preperation as an excuse for their future performance, the preperation has not been great due to me being away for a long weekend due to family problems. However, before that we have had some solid pracs and put the time and effort in to improve on some flaws we noticed from the Queens game

what do you think of your opponents?
Well Finland Finlantic 6 have to be respected and are one of the teams that we knew would be there or thereabouts come the end of the tournament. They were seeded 2nd afterall and find themselves battling with us for a place in the grand final. They have some great individuals and with the all Finland Finnish lineup have some great communication and teamplay to add to their individual talents. I would say though that in my eyes the team lacks a "Finland Squall" which would solidify and strengthen their team a lot more. However, we wont underestimate them as i have seen the result of them brushing aside Europe mPG 4-0 however I wasnt able to watch the game.

If we manage to progress to the final we will meet Europe Queens who knocked us out in the WB Final. The mapchoice came as a shock to us and if it wasn't for some errors I believe it would and should have been a double fullhold on radar. Goldrush was just a poor display and we have worked on some weak areas that we noticed. Although preperation has not been great the past weekend, i feel more comfortable and prepared for what Europe Queens have to offer us. If we manage to get to the final they are the clear favourites with us having to win twice, but i feel confident and motivated enough to do it, as does the whole of Europe Anexis

What do you think that your chances are to win the Finals?
Again we are pretty aware of the task in hand of trying to win BFB 2 but dont want to concentrate on that final until we hopefully get there. Overlooking Finland Finlantic 6 would be a huge error. However, just to answer the question we are confident in what we have changed and now we have played Europe Queens a few more teams we feel better prepared and aware of how they are going to set up. Being part of the team that beat Dignitas 8-0 in the EC final and playing along side Night and Squall who have come from the LB in Lan competition to go on and win the tournament gives me confidence and motivation to prove we are still the number 1 team

What are your strong/weak points?
Our strong points have to be our experience and talent individually. Our weak point has to be our teamplay

Most Valuable Player of the tournament so far?
Hard to say, judging an MVP before the 2 biggest games is hard. I would probably give it to Belgium chry although im not always a big fan of the way he plays.

Player to watch?
I would always recommend watching United Kingdom sqZz as he is one if not the best players to have ever played this game. Finland Matias is always a great player to watch from F6, he is a perfect medic and probably Germany Butchji vs Belgium mAus if we get to the finals for pure aim

Interview with Finland Twidi

How have you prepared for the game?
We didn't get the preparation we would've wanted today as we were missing a player, but other than that we've been playing a lot and also looked to improve our tactics and gameplay constantly instead of just playing and playing. So we should definitely be on our top shape and we can't put the blame on bad preparation in case we lose.

What do you think of your opponents?
Europe Anexis definitely is one of the best teams around and before the season I was actually expecting them to be the number one without a question. They haven't quite been able to reach the form people were expecting, but still they are an excellent team and I believe that they'll get even better as the LAN comes closer.

What do you think that your chances are to win the Finals?
I think that we have good chances to beat Europe Anexis. In my opinion Finland us, Europe Anexis and Europe Queens are very close to the same level and it's always hard to predict the outcome when two of these three teams face each other. It all comes down to the day's form and individual performances.

What are your strong/weak points?
I'd say that our strong points are teamplay and excellent comms. We all have played a lot together and know how everyone place which allows us to switch positions fastly with no problems. I can't stretch the importance of comms enough, if you don't get enough calls and information from all the players you won't be nearly as good as a team.

As for our weak point I'd mention unstable performances. Some of our players are a bit moody and might happen to have a bad day so we aren't always able to perform on the same level.

Most Valuable Player of the tournament so far?
From my point of view Finland OLBAA has been the MVP so far, followed closely by United Kingdom Baggiez and Finland squalli. Finland OLBAA has been carrying us with stunning performances, United Kingdom Baggiez boosted Europe WinFakt to a whole new level and Finland squalli has been shining out from Europe Anexis when others haven't been able to perform on their top level.

Player to watch
Finland OLBAA. I don't think that I need to explain this one much further. Definitely a key player for us and against teams like Europe Anexis and Europe WinFakt we have to rely on his aiming skills quite a lot.

Your predictions about tonight's matches?
I'm expecting the game against Europe Anexis to be very close and I wouldn't be surprised if we'll have to play a decider. Like I said the team which will be on a better form tomorrow will win and it can be either of us, but obviously I believe that we can win it to make our way into the final. 4-2 for us.
QuoteAnexis vs f6: I'm not so sure about this one. Anexis' recent defeat probably shook them awake and I'm quite certain they will try to take the upper hand in the duel against f6. The Finns are a very strong team and I can see them winning at least one map and I'm rooting for them in this matchup. It's gonna be a close game and I'm pretty sure the winner will take it 4-2. If I had to call a winner I'd say Anexis but I wouldn't dare bet my beloved GTV money on either of them.
- Netherlands Perfo

QuoteLB final Anexis vs F6: Me myself have played both of these teams. Both great teams with great players. This match up could be very entertaining but I doubt that F6 has what it takes to beat Anexis. WB final didn't go as well as planned for Anexis but with little more practice im pretty sure that they can take this. I'd say that Anexis should take the match 4:0, but if the Fins are in a great shape, they could even snatch a map from Anexis. End result 4:0 or 4:2 to Anexis.
- Estonia Sinnu

QuoteThe Finns couldn't impress me yet with their play. I haven't seen them play vs MPG, so probably I've missed their best game. I don't see them winning against Anexis, I'll predict a 4-0 victory for R0SS & co, but the Finlantic 6 might take a map.
- Belgium Jere

image: s_foot

image: s_head

Grand Final

Queens, a team put together by raZz, recently is picked up by Winfakt to praticipate in the Adroits ET Masters LAN event. The team was seeded as third but managed to save themself a second place already! Before the tournament they got a lot of critic about being aim only, but they have proven different. With the addition of Baggiez to their lineup many people changed their mind about this team after they won versus the ‘unbeatable’ Anexis. Queens will go into the finals knowing that the opponent will have to beat them twice to steal their prestigious crown and along with that the top prizes sponsored by Razer.

image: winanx2

image: wint

image: game33000

image: anxw

Interview with Winfakt![/h2]]
-in progress-


QuoteGrand final: If Queens play with Baggiez like they did last time against Anexis (and I think they will) I'm convinced Queens will be the best team this tournament. Both of anexis (rejuvenated) and the Finns will be able to give them a run for their Megalodons and Deathadders but I don't see either of them winning to be honest. Even Though I anticipated Queens to not do very well in this tournament they have really surprised me, and the additiom of Baggiez made them even stronger. He's the prime player to be spectating in the Grand Final and I'm sure he'll live up to expectations.
- Netherlands Perfo

QuoteGrand Final vs Queens:
Queens are 1 of the top3 teams in ET atm, without no doubt. The WB final they played really well vs Anexis and took it home. We (Nbs) just played them on Sunday in EC and as they were missing their leader/pillar Chry, they didn't look as strong as we thought. With Chry being able to play the Grand Final, it's going to be hard for both(which ever gets to the Grand Final) teams.
F6: If Fin6 will manage to come out on top in the LB final, It's going to be extremely hard for them to beat Queens. The Fins have shown some really great plays recently (like vs MPG). Coming from LB and having to beat Queens twice to take the trophy, I guess it's quite impossible, but well, only time would tell. Grand final Queens vs F6 1st game 4:0 Queens.
Anexis: If Anexis comes out on top, as I predicted, it's gonna be a hell of a match once again. Having to win twice is going to require a point-on game for Anexis. They can't allow to make any big mistakes. I guess that the Grand Final Queens vs Anexis 1st game 4:0 to Anexis and 4:2 to Anexis.
May the best team win.
- Estonia Sinnu

QuoteThe final should be really interesting. Anexis will be hungry for revanche and Queens will go into this match very confident. Anexis wins first game 4-2 and Queens wins the second one with 4-0.
- Belgium Jere

image: s_foot


6 x Razer Megalodons & 6 x Razer DeathAdders
6 x Razer DeathAdders
6 x Razer Mouse Bungees

poll: Who will win BFB II



Since this is probably one of the last newspost about the Battle for Berlin II, I will take the opportunity to thank everyone involved from our sponsor Razer to all the people that contributed and of course the participants
Head admins
United Kingdom TosspoT, United Kingdom R0SS
Coverage and game supervisors
Germany SPU9, United Kingdom MerlinatoR, Finland twidi, Poland fanatic
Netherlands wra1th, Estonia Skeit, Germany Ekto, Germany nicon, Poland sonNy Poland Yoddha and Poland Krein
Art work/Movie
Portugal ag0n, Germany RazZaH , Finland twidi , Germany chosen
Poland Krein, Belgium fishbotx Poland sonNy and Sweden Malmen
The crossfire council:
Estonia Night, Latvia Clown, Germany Urtier, United Kingdom R0SS, Finland twidi
Everyone at specially United Kingdom Msh100 and Netherlands h3ll
And of course all the players

image: footrzr
Quote Grand Final vs Queens:
Queens are 1 of the top3 teams in ET atm, without no doubt. The WB final they played really well vs Anexis and took it home.
awesome work simon and everybody involved!

gl f6
winfakt got this
good stuff, hopefully some great entertainment. Will be tuning in :)
Don't let me down mAus
gonna be so great watching this on malmen's stream, just hit play & relax :) <3
nice graphics and such! should be an interesting match

"Some of our players are a bit moody and might happen to have a bad day so we aren't always able to perform on the same level." Ironilta rindit bännii offipäivinä ja niitä edeltävinä!
need to get back in shape mAus, Night and sqZz!

gl hf both
nice images :D good work, and gl
good news post
well done. good luck everybody :)
Finland Finns watching hockey instead of praccing today, so... :(
Nice news post! Looking forward to some great entertainment tonight
Dat front page ! :o
good luck anexis
awesome stuff! gl teams
Amazing write up and layout!

This match will be pretty darn close imo

gl both!
Really enjoyable to read & to watch. Keep it up bro. However, what happened to frag of the week videos?
ag0n is busy graduating and will probably continue when he's done with that.
What Simon said... i've been busy with last works because i don't have university during this week, but we have parties every night / ceremonies n stuff because we are graduating n stuff... so i will resume the #2 #3 next friday...
nice one mate :)
Nice to see people who are still trying to keep the game alive, great job Simonkinsler and spectecular cover;)
Ur coverages are great! Too bad i will miss the match due to prac, but i hope i could see even a little of the grand final!
your prac has just been cancelled.
Ok, gonna inform others. Thanks for informing!
no problem - if they deny it, let me know who they are and I'll ban them.
k, i dont think they want that to happen!
no u aint banning us!

its our first pracc with the team, 2 days before the first official :D

and there are replays :D

btw u coming to adroits?
go jewe!
I have time to watch a match tonight so you gotta win
But but... I wanted the mouse bungee! :[
I saw your 6man frag spree! pretty nice =D
News post looks so professional, Queens vs Anexis for the final tbh and it will go to a second game.
gj and gl :) sadly I can't watch those games :(
looking good..
Awesome stuff :) Well done everyone involved in this!
Good job! and thx for the great tournament and coverage. :)
if you're really thankful hit a 6 man panzer tonight!
Can I do that, im pretty good panzer..
Anyone hits a 6 man tonight gets a special prize
6 man rifle is good too? :D
try to hit with the stick already noob

But you'll have to convince my teammates first to give me the panzer, because getting to use panzer isn't really the easiest task do. I think it's easier to get a 6 man panzer kill than to get to use this mass destruction weapon I'm afraid! :(
i hope you're starting the show today some minutes earlier with some specials, like a cool intro, an interview or anything else m8
prepare to be disapointed.

this is booooooooooooooooooooooooring :<<

well last chance: be the tosspot u have been at the quakecon when Team Crossfire played :)
The volume on the cast is low as shit
We need louder in game sounds!
wp fins!
quality of the stream is not good..
dunno why tosspot is always forgetting United KingdomMerlinatoR & GermanySPU9 at his shoutouts about the writers group... they did also so awesome and not less than people he mentioned!
If you look at the shoutout list it's actually extremely long ;)
Was nice to spectate :)
sadly the stream lagged at me.. dunno if it was my net
ggs! why there arent more cups like this?
probably because Razer doesn't throw stuff at cup organisers on a weekly basis
ggs and grats Anexis, was an excellent tournament!
Awesome tournament, loved the coverage and loving razer for those prizes <3
Can I have your headset please?
No, razz was too mean to us in the pracs
He was mean to us in the offi
I am so sorry :(
Can I have your headset please?
why you don't continue playing at queens? :S
They invited me to LAN but I'm kinda broke. If we won the tournament then I'd about break even financially, and each position below 1st would be a big loss. Plus most of my LAN mates from the last 6 years aren't going to this event.

Wanted that headset though :(
Too bad, with you they might actually have had the chance to win lan :[

and still, no
this is really sad :S
i think you are a very good player ;)
*no asslicking here*
gr8 tourney gr8 coverage gr8 prizes happy days, thanks to all the admins etc who put effort into right ups and stu for the shoutcasts. wp to all the people that participated.
nice games, was fun to watch after 5 year break or so :P)
look whos alive!!
Je, me and Gza both watched the show. Brings back some memories :) Great work!
nice :D

I'm curious what brought you to watch the show?
Night and last week I was just browsing and discovered the WB final show. After the WB finals it was no brainer to watch the grand finals :)
great matches.
what was the max viewer peak ?

winfakt did a great game toooooooooo
Viewer Peak: 394 <- ETTV
Overall Viewerpeak: 824
824-394=430 <-stream

of course this are only computers tuned into ETTV/Stream we estimate about ~2400 viewers with an average of 3 viewers per computer!

keep it going bro, u are like sqzz going to revive someone . in your case is ET
u just cant stop him...
night did it again?
that man is just too gooooooooooooood
Night was good. But squall did better and so did R0SS. There wasn't realy a MVP at anexis.
Great coverage :)
Great coverages and tournament, great matches also! Let's hope for such tournaments in the future too!
i knew that anexis will win told you :) they got amazing team
Quoteif you wan’t

Come on man, what happened to everything I taught you? :sadface:
Congrats Anexis & well done Queens/Winfakt you surpassed my expectations for sure. I hope further tournaments with such support occur in the future for ET. :)
pff some random #3rd div teams main news?!
stream was awesome
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