Adroits ET Masters - Deals & Activities

image: etm_seedings_cf

We’ve been working very closely with WZZRD on making sure our visitors and competitors get the best available deals during the weekend of the Adroits ET Masters. From meal deals to Jägerombs to an ET-themed pub quiz with prizes to bootcamping deals, it’s clear to see that WZZRD are really looking forward to having us all there in just under a couple of weeks!

Meal deals – Available on Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd June

1x Cup of tea or coffee
1x Orange juice or bottled water
2x Ham and/or cheese sandwich

1x Cup of tea or coffee
1x Non-alcoholic drink (add €1 for RedBull)
1x Apple or orange
1x Mars Bar or Snickers
2x Ham and/or cheese sandwich

– All dinner deals come with lettuce & tomatoes
(Option 1 - €5.50)
1x French fries (inc. sauce)
1x Snack
1x Drink
(Option 2 - €6.50)
1x French fries (inc. sauce)
2x Snack
1x Drink

Other drink & food deals – Available all weekend

Bottle of water - €2
Beer w/ nachos combo - €5.50 (add €0.50 for cheese & jalapeños)
Large beer w/ nachos combo - €7 (add €0.50 for cheese & jalapeños)
Jägeromb - €5

8 chicken nuggets - €2.50
12 chicken nuggets - €3.75
Cheese & ham toasty - €2.90
Mars Bar - €1
Snickers - €1

(inc. butter & lettuce)
Ham roll - €1.50
Ham baguette - €2.50
Cheese roll - €1.50
Cheese baguette - €2.50
Cheese & ham salad roll - €1.50 (inc. butter, lettuce, tomato, cucumber & dill sauce)
Cheese & ham salad baguette - €2.50 (inc. butter, lettuce, tomato, cucumber & dill sauce)

Pub quiz – With an ET theme!
Since we have the luxury of no games on the Friday before the event kicks off, we decided to make the most of the free time! And what better way to do that than to run a pub quiz? There will probably be around 20 questions for you all to answer, each of them will relate to ET and the history of the community. Again, thanks to WZZRD (they’ve really done a lot for you guys!!) will be providing some prizes. Here are some details (we’ll update the prize list as we add more):

Date: Friday 1st June 2012
Time: 21:00 CEST
Entry fee: €5 per team of 3 or €2 per person (paid on the night)
Rules: Team or person with highest score wins. No cheating. If there is a draw, tie breaker will decide winner!
Prizes: Cinema tickets, a round of drinks, mystery prize supplied by Munchies + more!

WZZRD, again, are offering a great deal on ALL-DAY PC usage. There are 24 slots available and this offer is open to anybody attending the event. Those who book team slots (6 places) will receive priority over individual bookings (or non-team bookings). Here are the details on bootcamping:

Date: Friday 1st June 2012 – Only
Time: Setup from 12:00 until 04:00
To book: email sean [at] adroits dot net
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Coming to the event?
Nice Sean :)

One question tho. Ill be there on friday, and since Im only a spectator I ofcourse wont be paying. Can I still use a PC on fridaynight for lets say, a LAN 8o8 Baserace match? :D
Bootcampers receive priority on computers. Any PCs not being used for bootcamp can be rented out on an individual basis.
Ah oke, fair enough
no frikandel spezial? :D
Dinner (16:00 – 20:30)

WTF is wrong with this world? xD 16.. :D
so you would like to be it 19.00-20.00 so you can't chose it on your own?
Not my point tbh :D the thing, thats a very weird time for a portuguese guy. Why? We eat usually between 19.30 / 21.30... our restaurants are open till 00 usually.. and they make food till 22.30...23.. whatever, depends of place etc... thinking about eating at the dinner at 16.. is crazy :D
hmm Belgian people eat around 17-19 I guess and when going to restaurant rather 18-20, still I think having such a big period to be able to eat is nice and shouldn't be laughed at! ;)
Ye i was just talking about the time itself, not the period. I believe having such big one is a definitely a positive thing.

And well 17 is so early :D I eat my afternoon snack around this time... 16 / 17 LOl...
in norway, we eat dinner on weekdays before 16.00 and 18.00 normally.

On weekends its more likely to be 18.00 to 20.00

eating dinner at 23.00 is just weird:))) hehe

you go son!!!!
he's use to thouse times from alma!
some people in Poland eat dinner at 13 :P
And breakfast at 20? and lunch at 8? :D
in PL "dinner" doesn't mean the meal you eat at night. :P
yea we don't have for example lunch :p there is breakfest 7-11 am depends on people preferences, then dinner 13-19 and supper after that whenever you want ;p 3 meals / day are popular here ;p
thats sounds extremely weird :D what about your family routine/yourself? do u have a pattern or specific times?
usualy 6.30 breakfest
15-19 dinner/lucnh
21-23 supper (if thats right word for it :P)
but on weekends i eat randomly
my aunt and uncle who live in germany have "dinner" (warm meal) in the midday and the meal that we normally call breakfast in the evening :p Appereantly its normal there.
Well... Kinda. Most people that I know eat dinner / warm meal during midday (12 - 16) and eat cold food in the afternoon (18 - 20), but there are also families who eat warm twice a day (midday + afternoon). Most People are "like wtf?" when they hear that I eat dinner / warm food in the afternoon, so yeah its not common at all.
atleast in my family (when I was still living with my parents) everyone ate breakfast before leaving to work/school at 07-09, ate lunch at work/school at 11-12 and ate dinner at 16-17 after work/school :l
I'd think that it's a pretty common pattern in Finland

customs are different in other countries!
Ye i know and it's kinda interesting to learn how different we behave when it comes to eating patterns. The thing is, we eat our breakfast before we leave to university or whatever , between 6. 30 to 8.. we eat our lunch between 12-14 (i would say 13.30 max but dunno)... and the dinner between 19.30 / 21.30 (20 might be the most common).

We work 8 hours per day, considering the work time is somehow 9-13 and 14-18, so it's kinda impossible for us to eat the dinner so earlier :D normal people arrive at home at 18.30/19... prepare dinner etc = 20...
yeah, in Finland majority of people are working from 08:00 to 16:00
how many hours do you have to work per day? like 7 hours (+ 1 hour lunch break) ?
7 hour + 1hour lunch break? no wonder your country is so poor:P
Comment Ignored (+) , dunno why i even clicked...

Learn how to read properly.. It was a QUESTION... in fact we work 8 hours per day and since the crisis, some ppl work 8.5 hours :> usually 4 + 4 hours.. with a break in the middle, depends on company.. some ppl have 1 hour break.. some 1.5... some 2 ;D
Stating such a question implends that you know this work hours from your country. In germany its totally normal to work 10+ hours a day with 30 mins of pause.
8 hour work day is the standard in Finland (usually with a 30min paid/non-paid lunch break)

working over 8 hours a day on a regular basis isn't even allowed by law in Finland and employer has to pay extra for 8+ hour days
same here, except we have 1 hour to eat.. how can u eat in 30 mins? :o i mean, it would require the company to have a "eat service" or whatever... ppl here go home or to some restaurant near by, but that still takes time... more than 30 mins :>
My parents usually take the food with them to work, so that they can eat it there. Cuz where they work there is a fridge, a microwave oven, plates, coffee-machines and all that "kitchen stuff".
We're the same as the Fins. Usually 8 hour day with a 30 min paid break. Nobody goes to a restaurant... you bring in a sandwich / packed lunch or they'll be a shop like subway etc nearby.
To answer you and VanillAss, well by restaurant i dont mean this super awesome restaurants... I mean some kind of cheap restaurant with "daily food" (that what we call to this kind of menu.. it's cheaper). But yeah, due to crisis we see companies and ppl using this system u said... bringing in their food and use some room with a microwave etc ^^
is it ? we have 7h + 45min break :P
geh mal zu nem echten job:P
maschienenbau halt :P wobei ich hab oft so arbeitszeiten von 13-15std + pause :P
I almost never eat after 16:30 anymore
^^ i guess it depends on ppl schedule no? When do u go to sleep? For example, i eat my dinner sometimes at 23.30 lool (today is one of this days.. i arrive from university at 23.30...go to sleep at 4, wakeup at 12)...
well, im sure we would have loved to bootcomp from there, but to pay 120€ for playin like 3-4 hours is a way too much!

nevertheless good work there!
stray obviously likes to play a lot of computer games.
u asked me to bootcamp and now u wanna act "cool" ja? :D:D
How much will Redbull cost?
I guess somewhat like 2,50
Better get your own fake ones from some poor shop, will be much cheaper :P
Except you can't bring in your own food/drink to WZZRD.
Are you checking bags?
If you're caught with your own food/drink, WZZRD have the right to escort you. We can only ask you not to do it, but they can actually do something about it.

It's never been much of an issue in the past, people generally respect the venue owners for doing such a great thing for the community.
Just kidding man, I will not bring anything illegal in :O)
so basically leave bag outside venue, go out every now and then for lovely drink of your own+smoke and all is fine? :D
Lol... what happens if you leave a bag outside in Poland? :D Pretty sure a similar thing will happen there :D
They did smash my car, but did not steal my bag back then :p
They're a bit stupid there :D Look at Netherlands SimonKinsler
Ye, leave your bag @ the venue, I smell a NetherlandsRonner coming up :D
if the weather will be good nobody will be inside anyway ^^
ES is alot better. and cheaper
gj sean! :)
cu there bitches
Sounds awesome,
hope i can make it ^^
Nice job Sean, although the Jägerbomb - €5 needs a deal such as 2 for 7.50 imo unless they are giving you the whole can in redbull, in which case the price can still be lowered!
Well it takes quite a lot of beer to get me wasted and shots are a good fun alternative to getting smashed.
Plus Jägerbombs are so damn good!
thats true, but I feel not so smashed the other day, when I drink beer only
Got a wig for you already
define quite a lot
oh shut op robert, nobody wants to hear you brag about your polish beer consumption :s
oh u mad :D
jägermeister > beer :D
As much as I love Jäger, beer is 666x better and both are way overpriced at the LAN :sss
get ur own shit :D
Good prices compared to the last set of lans at wzzrd. Guess ill be getting their meal deals with chocomel. Also where is the chocomel deal here?
xD what is it with you foreigners and chocomel? :D Is it that different from your chocolate milk?
The whole chocomel started off with me and Sean... People caught on to how awesome it is after me and him drumming it into peoples head! :D
Let us win vs the cube and I will buy you a chocomel
On a serious note. Can you buy 2 case or the biggest packs of chocmel for me on your way to LAN? I can pay you as soon as you arrive, its just I doubt I will go to a cheap supermarket during my stay! :(
I'll be making sure we go to a supermarket to stock up. I have a few things to buy for taking home.
Fantastic! I promised teh wife I would bring a shed load back! :D
You might have to declare that amount of awesomeness at customs.
"Excuse me sir, how much awesomeness have you got in the trunk?!"

They aing gonna say that to me, I am captain awesome. I get the rubber glove treatment every time.
you might see that gamer guy at customs again, just remember you were representing team uk! :D
Mate, I was scared being in the car with KAMZ and mixer. They might have had plans to blow the ferry up man!
We got koop this time, son!
haha! Gotta come up with a new thing this time.
you seriously dont have chocomel in the UK? I think there's business opportunity here mr potty!
They used to sell it in the biggest chain of pubs in the UK. Scrapped it back in 2009 I think.
terrible blasphemy! Lets start a petition! :D

CU LAN boyo!
bring goot weed sir
be ready to pass out! :XD
lol, sure I will get you some chocomel! :D

edit: guess you can buy it yourself, be sure you go to Albert Heijn!
no hotdogs?
Good job Seanski and WZZRD!
bootcamp merc avi, as i doubt the cube will :D
Never say never! :D
too bad i'll miss that :<
1 bear 7€
i can drink 10 in poland for that money.
well yeah... poland...
thats with nachos, which normally cost around 3 euros or so I guess :) still way too expensive, I agree on that
like u go there to eat nachos. pls ;d
Good to see this, was way too pricey before
Is that all kosher?
now thats healthy food! :)

j/k, nice work.
I'll just go to the Albert Heijn to get my food, much cheaper tbh. Still nice initiative to make some deals for all us poor gamers!

image: tumblr_m3kckqElnC1r6asajo1_400
the breakfest/meals in general are pretty good deal tbh.
Nice little spit in the face of WZZRD. Good job!
How is that a spit in the face. They make these deals and we have the choice to either take it or get the alternative which for me is getting my own food from a supermarket.

Just because you made a deal with them doesn't mean I have to take it.

I will participate in the Pub quiz and I'll get drinks there, just choosing to get my own food.
You gonna eat before you attend the event then not eat at all until you leave?
Yes, I think I will. I think I will spend 2 straight days and nights in the WZZRD LAN centre.

What are you getting at? Is it not allowed to eat something besides these food deals?
I'm getting at the fact that WZZRD don't allow visitors to bring their own food and dirnk to the venue.
And I'm getting at the fact that I won't be at the venue all the time when I want to eat something. That's reasonable enough isn't it?
Yeah, it's reasonable enough. But, you made it out that although WZZRD are kind enough to reduce their regular prices specifically for all of us that weekend, you weren't willing to support them. I want them to see that we're all grateful and willing to take advantage of these deals. If they see people saying "well, I'll just eat elsewhere anyway" then, they'll probably think "what's the point?" and not bother for the next time we have an event there.
If even their "reduced prices" aren't market competitive maybe they should be reviewing their prices instead of thinking "what's the point?" next time there's an event.
They're not reducing it to be market competitive, lol. They've not reduced any products by this much at previous events, and have always sold out of things like Mars bars, Chocomel, toasties, burgers, nuggets, etc. They don't need to reduce pricing to bring more custom.
So what exactly is the problem?
There isn't any problem.
Why you getting all in Hope's face for no apparant reason then? If they sold out previously at higher prices I'm sure Hope shopping at the supermarket instead of paying 5€ for a sandwich won't be the final nail in their coffin.
I am bringing 400 0.5cl cans of beer and an American fridge with me, i am gonna selll them for 1.50 euro's on the parking lot hehe
You got yourself a customer.
you get a discount mate :)
That better be for the cube as well!!! :O)
if potty crumbs and urtier start drinking, 400 might not be enough :)
I get your point and I will definetly use these deals. It's just that I won't use it for every meal of the day. I'd rather spend more money on drinks than on the food there. Believe me they will get enough money from me as I can say from past experience.

Also I get that they want to see only positive reactions, but the truth is that I won't only use their deals; I'll get food from a supermarket aswell. If I can't even say that here without being accused of spitting on the entire WZZRD, then when am I allowed to say my opinion or state a fact that I am going to do at this LAN event?

Not all comments will be praising about whatever you post, deal with it.
is there any coffee shops left in enschede?
None left??

I can recommend Black Sea/ Miami tho
There are enough atleast half a year ago there were lol, tomorrow I will go to Enschede so I might as well check out.
Think he rather meant, where he as a foreigner can buy ;)
That would be nice + just get some prices please if its okay , just PM me

Tourists arent allowed to buy weed anymore? :-(
No if your not from NL you need a 'weed pass'
How i can get it?
Dunno im Dutch :D
Don't listen to him, Dutch people can apply for a "weed pass", foreigners can not, you're not supposed to buy weed here!
thats just not fair :x
BREAKFAST? A SANDWICH????? wheres the full english.. ross will not aprove to this.
what, a sandwich?
this guy still doesnt know how to reply
this seanza character is so weird with his 'WZZRD are kind enough to let us play there but oh noes guys dont bring ur own food or shit will get real'
This duNzy character should be coming to LAN instead of playing BF3 like a noob and making this Seanza character sad :(
Do they have 120hz screens there already?
Sadly not :(
1 in the admin/crew place :P

I did some small test with the screens yesterday they are 22" and allow a resolution for 60Hz at @ 1920x1080 but they can also be set on 75Hz with a resolution of 1080x1024(if I recall correctly). Today well test/fix all pc's so I can give you the correct information later.
Team Chocomel will be there in a week C YA
have fun all
Manly breakfast.
ecto diet
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