CB ET NationsCup XVI: Captains Announced

After three weeks of applying, one week of voting, and a few days of decision-making, we are proud to announce the ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI team captains!

No less than 484 votes were cast for a total of 85 candidates and 34 nations.

image: ncxvi_big


Some captains have already been added to their nation's clan page. If you still need to be added or given Trustee status, please contact your National Team Manager as soon as possible.

Captains from nations without a National Team Manager should send an e-mail to [email protected] instead.

It is very important that all captains immediately start building their rosters for the cup! There is not an APL (Allowed Player List) in the NationsCup, which means that players must be on your nation's clan page before they can play.

Players can be added throughout the tournament as well.


  • 16/01 - Captains announced
  • 21/01 - Groups published
  • 27/01 - Start of the first matchweek

Nationality and Residency Requirements

1) A player has the nationality and residency of country X.
The player can play for country X without further delay.

2) A player has the nationality of country Y, but lives in country X.
The player can play for country Y without further delay. There is a limit to 2 players per team.
The player can play for country X without further delay, if they've lived there for 1 year. There is a limit to 1 player per team.

3) A player has double nationalities, both country X and country Y, and lives in country Y.
The player can play for country Y without further delay.
The player can play for country X if he can provide a legal document which proves he has the nationality of that country.

Note: If a player has already played for 1 country in the past, then he cannot play for another country.

See the NationsCup FAQ for more information.

Contact Us

Any questions or comments? Feel free to message us on IRC at #clanbase.et or send us a PM on ClanBase, and we will answer as soon as possible.

Captains: The private IRC channel for this NC is #ETNCXVI - ask an admin on IRC for the password.


Please keep in mind that the above list of nations and captains is not the final list of participating nations in this cup! The groups will be announced soon.

All captains should have their lineups ready by Monday 21st. Please either post your lineup in the Cup Forum or send it to us via PM. Feel free to post them here as well!

There will be no qualifiers this NC season. Instead, we will be simply inviting the first 32 nations with full 6-player lineups ready to play.

Good luck!

ClanBase ET NationsCup XVI

omg Jon ure late omg
Heard anim was paying people 10 dollars a vote.
Prepare for the team spam :)
gl to all

p.s. if you think you deserve a place in team poland, message me 8)
Elviss do repry!
skontaktuje sie z zaba i avi!
bylem szybszy! :XD
hi there avi as rifle
got 2 riflers already, don't need another one :p
I think I deserve a spot >_<
put kirej, most active, best and coolest guy
me me me in team poland!
winq zagra za szoteczke harnasi
put me in coach
maybe next year waki
Unfair, that you can be UK's capt!

image: koop
dont be so proud,you only got 2 more votes than him ;)
Who said im proud?
He should have had more tbh, i heard kamz and potty were telling random jaymod players to vote for him + making journals for it etc :-)
quite sure you also talked with your mates to vote you,totally comprehensible
I probably asked a maximum of 4-5 people to vote
and isnt it the content of the votes that matter rather than how many?

if you have 5 highskillers voting for you with a decent reason, it should be worth more than 10 random people who dont even play etpro that voted
so you asked more people to vote for you then potty did to vote for waki (only me afaik), so u only won because u asked these 4-5 people!!

haha waki wins bb no0b
potty asked random people, he even made a journal about it
well its not like i follow cF and read journals

but to say i'm trying to get people to vote for waki is lolz
funny how UK never fails to create drama even with less than ten active players left :O)
there are more than 10, just less than 10 top-players.
nice made up story bro

if u think i actually care that much then LoL and i aint talkin about league of lamerz
anyone should be proud considering the effort potty etc went to convince people to vote for waki, surprised he got more tbfh

maybe i missed something here, i really doubt potty actually gives a fuck and bothered asking anybody :P
actually, he did ask plenty of people. no point in pretending now lets be honest.
I asked less than 5 people off my xfire/steam list. I also asked in the cubes private chan but crumbs said he'd been asked to vote for someone else already :)
then plus all those who "boom voted" after you made the cf journal
loud and clear ( let the mad begin )
btw why no qualifiers?

would make it much better/fun tbh
United Kingdom
[4th] Poland
[5th] Germany/Netherlands/Estonia
[6th] France/Sweden
Poland will have basically same team as last year, doubt you can say that about .be and .fi
Estonia will be much higher, serius comebacks incoming :)
Belgium 3rd ? :p
based on last NC most likely yeah.
Based on who's still active... :p
alleen met het super trio eron viko piet
Niets boven dat Belgen trio.
United Kingdom
gl to all :)
Maybe Russia needs a captain?
Russia zentic for russia!
love that guy!
antho sucks, same players incoming
you have to take sMIRZz in. or try him at least out, you won't regret.
el salvador ?
iceland :P :P :P :P :P ;) ;)
QuoteThere will be no qualifiers this NC season. Instead, we will be simply inviting the first 32 nations with full 6-player lineups ready to play.

Guess Denmark wont make it then. I will be away till monday atleast. Retsev should be the captain then.
It was mostly aimed at the smaller/newer nations - Luxembourg, Mexico, El Salvador, etc.

No need to worry!
Oh ok good. Because I got a pretty tough situation right now and I'm not going to be home before sunday night.... But I will do my best to get a squad together.

Keep the good work up!
Well, the first matchweek doesn't start until the 27th, but it'd be nice to see a 6-man lineup as soon as possible.

why no qualis? most of those teams already gathered 6 players :P .whats the problem in doing group for Lux Mex Salvador and hmm Brazil/India and let winner play in qualis(they would have 2-4 days to gather lineup)? then 2nd 3rd and 4th teams would be able to replace teams w/o 6 players.
We've simply made the decision not to have qualifiers.
dangerous :P imo some1 from Luxembourg Denmark Spain Italy or Croatia might gather lineup too late :P

what happend to argentina?
The captain hasn't responded to any of our PMs, and we have serious doubts that he'll be able to gather 6 players to play.

Please understand that we're not trying to slam the door in anyone's face here, just doing what we think is best.
hup holland hup
hope captains actually look around for players not just pick there friends, which could be massive fail
it'll be friends teams only, pretty sure about it
The scene isnt that big anymore to invite "none friends" players... everyone knows everyone.. mostly :)
that doesnt mean everyone are friends :)
So your saying that all NC's in the last 5 years or so have been massive fail? Correct you are sir !
I doubt you'll have a spot m8
QuoteThe player can play for country X if he can provide a legal document which proves he has the nationality of that country.

I'll report to the foreign affairs office.

4th UK
5th France
cheaters & kids assemble for the most prestigious tournament in ET !
gl end!
the end needs more United States of AmericaHornet United States of AmericaXpLosive United States of AmericaHighbrid and United States of AmericaNike
all trash players who got mediocre when everyone stopped playing in NA
why so serious tupac I thought you were dead :/

The End knows what I'm talking about, because all of them were in *MIA* minus hornet I just added him cuz he hanged out with *MIA*
Stray, pm me :DD
France Team france for th3 win
Ta tag i det här Tornis!
nice gl!
I am disappoint
what happened to Argentina ?
Lets do this =)
Parabéns ;)
Boa sorte.
Boa sorte :)
Fanatic got 4 votes and captain, i see what u did there
btw I'm a the captain of the Enemy Territory Quake Wars national team. Awesome! Only played the game for a few hours against some pub bots.

They probably knew I was talented.
Sorry, just realized what you meant by this comment! I've sent a PM to your National Team Manager who will sort it out as soon as he can. :P
Poliisikoira is the real captain of Team Finland. He got most votes but not chosen by CB admins. Now I demand CB to change this result and add Poliisikoira as captain.
swani got 21 votes and poliisikoira 19 :s
gradz, voted for u! <3<3
im actually quite surprised no one complained about stray being the german captain til now :DDDD

anyways gl hf
my comment was realted to stray
ein bekanntes gesicht & du lebst juchu :D
weil cf tot ist und es niemanden mehr juckt und stray doch schon immer der Kapitän des untergehenden schiffs sein wollte lul
Aggro for Team GER <3
danke für die antwort, das erklärt mir die welt
the biggest disapointment for czech republic ever...
greenclon or mnew would be much better instead of t4mj...
anyway I am really sad that czechs are the first candidates for the wooden spoon award with t4mjes new talent crew.. well voted tyvole...
all of cb admins are captains

t4Mj is the only one. It's normal, to be honest - if you check out the other NCs that CB is running, you'll find quite a few of the admins are also captains.
really nice corruption on some of the countries...

Timbolina and xperia got same amount of votes on netherlands

same happens with Chile, casek and m@x got same number of votes

And the most funny country was Romania,where Stary has been announced as captain even when he got 2 less votes than nQw.Wussie.


Edit: Also Norway and Portugal
if u read it well :
* wussie got fake vote and his main goal is to fold team romania during the first week
* casek and M@x - only 1 vote so we chose the stability with casek
* same for NL Timbola and xPERIA we chose the stability

For norway - snuble wasnt sure to be able to participate and for portugal we select the most active player

Any others useful comment ?
I totally agree xPERiA is a great captain and he will do fine as always.

But why does that mean I am instable?
no no ^^ its a global words
hes not talkign about you

but about the team nl

he take again xperia for stability reason, and well, there can be more reasons also.
Ok ok, I understand that I have less experience on NC level etc.
why changing captain with probably full line up if u already have a good one and its the same as the last edition :p
yesterday u were team NL captain and today you r in team luxeburg! thats so instable :D
I've never been in team NL m8
i meant candidate* :P
Still not in team NL
lollool so desperate to play in NationsCup that you are able to betray your beautiful country :S
i'm just joking man :P I didnt say u shouldnt play for Luxembourg. You asked why You r unstable so I said that u cant choose one country to play for :D
dont get it serious m8 :P
I always thought votes were only to guide the admins, that they weren't final at all.
Correct, the final decision is always up to us. We also look at who votes and why they vote.
what does he mean about Norway?

btw, dont think I said that i was unsure if I could play . i said in a thread that i wad unsure if I was good enough to play for the team atm, depending on who is ready to play:)

anyway, I support Zodiac 100 % , just curious what the comment from magico was about.
honestly ...same for me
lots of love bro!
you got same amount of votes both of you ;)
ahhh. my bet is that we got 0 votes both of us then:)

anyway, CB made the right decision. i tried to vote for zodiac yesterday, but saw I was 2 days late.. if I had made it in time, he would anyway be capt. so good choise by CB:)
lots of love to you as well bro:)

Im giving out truckloads of love tonight!
lots of love to you as well bro:)

Im giving out truckloads of love tonight!
M@x voted for me, and i voted for him, we just don't give a fuck.

also he doesnt play ET anymore, he just sing up as captain to piss me off.
maybe on chile you dont care as is true that you only got 1 vote each one,but dont think that the same happens with Netherlands (15/15) or Portugal (5/5). And about the romanian case... I WANT TO BELIEVE :D
Well, you're right. is not the same in another countries. but in chile, Wfd - JhonCiber - Le4sh , etc couldn't vote because they barely use CB and their forgot the password.

And CB never send their recovery password, if you don't belive you can ask ohurcool, infact Wfd and JohnCiber wrote an email linking their account and their Vote.

people couldn't vote. CB was bugged, didn't send the recovery password to their emails
wasnt xperia captain in last NC with good result?

and remember that CB crew decides who will be captain and "vote system" is only helpful tool for them. it isnt obligatory to choose candidate with the biggest amount of votes...
for this season final result are based on players votes, except for wussie but as you may know UNFORGIVEN and 2 others use fake account to vote for wussie.
Just singing up as a captain to piss you off: wow now that's hilarious, nice hobby he found himself there!
whats wrong with norway now? :)
president dead

country on fire

people crazy

end of .no
is this a country ? :)
Nothing magico mad he dont want u as cpt
:D but im cute
where can we see the numbers of vote?
tu ne peut pas, tout ce que je peut te dire c'est tu n'as eu que 1 vote.
Je peux te faire un screenshot mais je ne veux pas de leak donc je ne le ferai pas mais tu n'as eu que 1 vote de la part de narvalo : http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=16714444
Et isoh? il était loin du compte ou là encore tu as choisi la stabilité ? (pas de sarcasme hein je me fout que an7ho soit capitaine et j'pense que isoh aussi :p)
Non il n'as pas été élu par continuité ou autre, il as eu plus de votes
isoh got 2 less votes than an7ho,if that is what you mean,not gonna say anything else coz an7ho is an old mate :)
i have nothing against an7ho either but i was just curious to know what were the result of the vote :)

Good to know isoh had some fans & i'm sure that France can reach top3 if an7ho make the best choices :))
Ce n'était pas par rapport a moi, juste une simple question :) je savais des le début que je n'allais pas avoir beaucoup de votes ;)
Tkt pas je sais
You can't, but magico can because he is/was a CB CoD4 admin.
Exact he is cb admin for cod4 but he forgot a major rules, sharing private admin info, like vote result on others game then his own, to public is not allowed and even we dont have nothing to hide, this is totaly no allowed
I will report it to COC

fanatic got 4 votes and hes captain, says all
nice info you got there :D
Why are you doing this? You're an inactive CoD4 admin with no right to spam that kind of information all over this page just to boost your ego or something. We worked hard on selecting captains, and I'm not going to let you attempt to make us look bad simply because you have access to some numbers. You of all people should know how the NC captain selection process works.

I must say I'm a bit disappointed.
nothing against u,but goldorak :)

and btw you have no right to tell me what to say or not...
Regardless, the votes are not meant to be public, and you should know that...
Why would the votes have to remain secret ?

I'm glad to know those "numbers" and i have nothing against your choices :))
Votes are simply to be anonymous, out of respect to both those who applied and those who voted.

Glad you support our "choices" though!
Of course votes have to remain anonymous. I was simply wondering why we cannot see the results and the numbers (how many people voted for that person and so on...) because hiding that is a good way not to justify your choices if you choose someone that have less votes that someone else.

ye my english suck :))
They do not pick the captains on the amount of votes. Ofcourse, the votes will have some influence on their choices, but the final decision is always up to the CB NC admins.

Also (this sentence is not pointed towards you) I dont get all the flame about the chosen NC captains, it's not like it would change anything.
Me ? for what ?
Excuse me but Wussie was asking for votes on public romanian jaymod server and also making forum posts etc, and just asking when was the last time when Wussie played an offi or played at all?
jaymod players can also vote ;) nothing illegal there

gl as cap tho

gogog :-)
Finnish vote rigged as hell
you should confront magico
i guess it's not d=

swani 21
poliisikoira 19
this proves what? i know at least 30 people who voted for the Dog but apparently he isn't jewish enough for Clanbase.
so cb deleted some votes? :d if you're certain there were +30 votes on him
No, it isn't even possible to delete votes.
Yes it is.
No, it's not.
Yes, it is, don't be ignorant. It's merely a column in clanbase's database.
...Well, obviously everything is able to be deleted if you put it that way. I was referring to the fact that there is no "delete" button or something similar. Kinda silly to argue about this anyway - the point is, we didn't delete any votes. :P
hf everyone
i want to belvie
Team Mexico Team Mexico: Sevenup Anonymous Team El Salvador: mr_lag
at least some guys with salvadoran IP wrote some comments, so they exists :P
ale oszukane brahi mial wygrac
gl all :D
putain fait chier !
gna emigrate, brb
fanamate! <3
gore pakora chup kar sala benchod :D

Gl buzzer antho mate :))))
I demand a recount on the votes received by Torm :D
what the fuck is all this drama and scrabbling going on lol, this is probably the last nc in et as it stands, grow the fuck up and just enjoy it instead of acting like kids.
thats it, fumble in for you
im not playing this nc anyway :D
You will not play for your Queen, Elizabeth II ?

image: Queen-Elizabeth-II-at-the-Olympics-meme-06
cu at lan faggot
Who the fuck is Scope ?
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