zP take on Idle in Crossfire PGA Qualifiers

image: 1pga_27

zP & CDAP are going to Poland! Timmy O'Toole lives on!

Tonights Scores
Belgium Finest 4-0 Latvia vib
Europe aMenti 4-2 Sweden noll8
Europe zP 4-0 Europe idle
Europe CDAP.PI > Belgium Finest
Europe aMenti 0-4 Europe CDAP.PI
Europe idle 0-4 Europe CDAP.PI

“When I grow up I want to beat Idle”, Said young Timmy O’Toole before he fell down the well. It was a crying shame that he fell down that well, but tonight we’ll see whether we have a challenger or two that may just be able to live out his dream!

Tonight at 20:30 CET Idle face the first of the potential suitors to their throne that they’ve sat on for oh so long. It will come in the winners bracket of the Crossfire PGA Qualifiers and it will see the real test of this winter season. The Qualifying process has seen 11 teams all put their money where their mouth is and bid for glory, and must be taken as a serious evaluation as to where competitive ET stands at the moment. And with that said, both zP and aMenti are using this as an opportunity to test their skill against idle.

zP vs aMenti Match report

zP beat aMenti last night 4-2 in a game that really looked like it could have gone either way, another night and aMenti may have come away the victors from this one. The first map was aMenti’s choice, and it was Supply Depot, and after the way zP man handled Finest on this map in the game previously, I was surprised to see the difficulty they had with aMenti. Indeed it was aMenti that held onto the first stage for a good 12 minutes or more, and in 5on5 that’s even longer than it sounds. zP could only hold aMenti for some 8 minutes, and having lost the first and second stage to some really well timed attacks from aMenti, the zP side were fortunate to put 8 minutes on the board.

With momentum in their favour, aMenti pushed onto Frostbite and grabbed the first stage with a big boost over the side wall, and moved on to an early document grab. The zP boat was rocking for sure, they even stabled the boat and went on to hold without any real trouble for just short of 10 minutes. Their attack was of similar early strength to that of aMenti, with a side push leading to an early document grab, however it wasn’t to succeed either. After knocking at the door a couple of times, zP got the documents home with about 4 minutes to spare.

Onto Goldrush for the final map, and zP would attack this time with some real purpose moving through each stage efficiently, needing just over a minute for the first stage and then solidly breaking down their opponents to get the documents. Objective carrier Butchji may have counted himself fortunate to get those documents in the back of the truck after a small piece of indecision combined with a grenade from Winghaven and a respawn from the Axis left him gasping for breath after putting the document in the truck with only 5 minutes played and the time then being set at about 6 minutes.

Again though it was aMenti’s first attacks that caught zP on the back foot, their opening attack was timed well with an Axis spawn time and a nice triple Thompson frag from engineer Xylos allowed aMenti access to the tank and with the Axis team respawning on top of them. They (zP) got caught on a long spawn and aMenti went straight down to axis spawn, and moved the tank and built the command post unchallenged. zP would eventually stave off the attacks long enough to cull off aMenti however, the allied side did have time for two document grabs and will look at Goldrush as a map they might have felt they could have won.
aMenti went into this game with two gaping problems in their team, dAvid is currently out of action with personal issues and aCozz had been downed with internet problems this past week. Additionally, they were desperate for as much preparation time as possible as they’d not been practicing the 5on5 format. Absolutely none of that was evident in the way they played, they looked coherent, they looked organised and their timing was really good. A team with a bunch of problems, managed to cause zP a whole load of problems.

Looking at aMenti and zP

The most impressive player from aMenti for me was Winghaven, and for me to say that is quite something. I personally always felt Winghaven’s success was deep rooted in the long time he’d spent with wArning and the way that the team of wArning had grown around him, to utilise his panzering and skillset, much like any panzer will tell you, it hard to move from team to team, as your teammates need to learn to understand how you (the panzer) play. And ever since leaving wArning I’ve really not been blown away by Winghaven, however last night he impressed me to no end and the reason he impressed me is the biggest flaw in the way zP play.

These two teams represent two very different styles of playsets within ET, and it is something of an oldschool vs newschool mentality that draws this out. Winghaven has adapted his play, to use the map, the weapons and the clock to simply annoy the hell out of his opponents and he is fantastic at it. So many times I saw him in positions you as an Allied attacker would not except an Axis player to be, and because you don’t expect it, he instantly has an advantage over you in the battle, whether that’s with a gun or with a grenade he’s already primed, he did this all night long, the last man standing in a position he really shouldn’t be in, picking up frags you don’t expect him to, and plain and simple it’s a bitch to play against. This isn’t spam however, spam doesn’t have the element of the brain, where as Winghaven certainly appears to be a clever player. aMenti caught zP on their (aMenti’s) first stage Supply offence. Winghaven was sat in upper tunnels leaned over the edge waiting to see the self killing push from zP, as soon as they rushed past, he dropped behind them not even bothering to chase and rushed in calling for the allied attack, the result was then infact aMenti getting the first stage instantly but also the next spawn Winghaven going covert and opening the door for his team with the Axis down for a while. The Spanish fun doesn’t stop there either, once the door is open he charges forward and lands a double grenade onto the respawning axis team as they come out of the depot, they didn’t think he was going to be there, he picked up an “annoying” 2 man frag, and he used his brain to read the situation that allowed him forward in the first place.

That whole “annoying” and I use the word annoying as a compliment in this case, is completely absent from zP, they’re very much of an older mindset where the mp40 will rule over all, and indeed they’ve some fantastic aimers and in a combination of Butchji and Potter they’ve players that will always deliver a lot of damage given on the stats board. However sometimes that isn’t enough, sometimes you need that something extra that Winghaven was able to deliver. Its that something that would have lost you a game against Dignitas back in the day, but now is that something that will win you the game against aMenti. The only player on that team capable of delivering it, is Gifty, in Crossfire vs KiH at Quakecon this year, he played the annoying role perfectly, using the rifle, and his regular grenades to great effect. Whether he’s able to do it in the same way in this new team, time will tell, but last night he was not .

zP vs Idle

So now zP go on to face Idle, and Idle are given their first real taste as to whether they’ll actually need to practice this season. zP will look at this game and probably thank their lucky stars that they’re not playing Winghaven again, however they’ll know all too well about the threat of r3vers and his ability both with the rifle nade and more importantly, r3vers times everything to opposition spawn, which is just the flaw Winghaven exposed last night.

Speaking of Night, the most successful player in ET history may NOT play this evening as a change in his family holiday schedule has opened up massive dilemma for the team and the player. What does this all mean? Well, if Night doesn’t play then we’ll see an Idle side like non before it. Night is most certainly Mr. Idle and all roads leading to Idle go via him. Does that mean Idle cant win without him? I don’t think so, they’re still a long way above everyone else, however they’re going to have to adjust in a way they’ve not experienced before.

zP will get their shot at Idle first thing tonight, but aMenti may get a second bite at the cherry. They currently lie in the losers bracket and one would expect them to progress to the loser bracket final, and face either zP or Idle. One thing is for sure, The Crossfire PGA Qualifiers will be concluded tonight, and that means Idle will face zP once and then either zP or another team again! There are two shots and the idle title today!

Follow the whole of the evenings entertainment on Inside the Game with TosspoT and ETTV at GamesTV.org

Estonia Idle vs Europe zP
Time: 20:30 CET
Shoutcast: iTG`TosspoT
Bracket: Tourney Bracket
lucky bastards, Germany VP should get one of those spots...
damn mappool, based on LUCK, not on skill.

anyway nice written and good luck @ idle, hope you will get your first achievment for your Crossfire Clan site.
if i didnt know you were german, i would've known it now.
and you are member of fnatic, right?
fayntic, get reading skills :)
sry@u fnatic-h3llf1sh
very very good games... will be a nice game.. zP have a nice team play.. idle too.. :D gl both
what will be the line-ups?

idle: urtier, senji, night, jakazs and r3vers teKoa backup

zP: potter, darky, butchji, gifty, hatred and rapture dunno who will be backup :x maybe gifty just like last time
Nice written.
Nice engrish :D
Is my engLish wrong? =/
nicely* or writing*
Longass story and a sticky news item.

Shameless promotion for your own team imo :-P
Anyone have demos of the zP - Amenti game?
I'll also be away for the idle game :(
really well played zP, exciting and close match.

gl vs idle :P

gifty!! <3
gifty actually did the annoying role nice on frost, you wrote a nice conclusion but i would add and fix some stuff after watching the demo.

About wingo, he improved and learned alot in amenti but I disagree about something you wrote, "its hard to move from team to team, as your teammates need to learn to understand how you (the panzer) play"
Actually he learns how 2 play with the teams game style and not his own style.
And you dont need 2 understand how a panzer plays, in every team a panzer does the same you just have players that do it better.

About david and acozz these weeks as I said before, indeed unlucky, well just need 2 get back in track these next weeks and show what we know in 6on6 @ ESL.

Nice written anyways.
Really nice report. Looking foward for the idle vs zP.
gl, idle will win this time i think
Topic should be " Winghaven ". :-o
nice flag!
one of the best games i'e ever seen on ettv, but </3 aMenti :(
both idle and zP will come to pga?
The qualifiers aren't finished yet.
i know, but two teams, first and second in qualifiers, are going to poznan?
fuck, my english sucks a big one, i have much to learn :(
"...but two teams, first and second in qualifiers, are going to poznan?"

yep, right.
4-2 with much luck for zP
is there a place to find some demos?
Nice article, although biassed. I think we'll see the real "tests of this winter season" later on this year.
My sucking up to Winghaven is bias?
Great news, I sure hope zP is going to take the victory
nice egoboost winghaven!
line ups?
tekoas fanboys will be happy :P
afaik Tekoa no longer plays in the standard lineup of idle and became a backup player
He is 6th player right?
Only if he has to
thats why they are happy: he could play
Quotespam doesn’t have the element of the brain

spam without brain is just pointless,
spam with timing = pwnage

Quoter3vers times everything to opposition spawn

tbh, whole idle tax are based upon timing. When i specced UQ it amazed me how much of a skill gap there is between them and idle. Whenever idle plays grush their first stage defence almost looks like an offence, perfectly timed whereas UQ just spams the chokepoints without to much timing, at least not to the level idle develloped it. (soz kv, nice aim though :)

along with timing, idle learned a lot of lessons from their defeat against parodia in EC. Comparing the idle tax when they were still playing against parodia it seems like they have become much more adaptive. They lost vs parodia on radar because east got overrun and still they spawned at ammo cabinets instead of making a 6 man spawn at the forward hut. If you spec idle these days you will see them changing spawnpoints & tax much faster to make sure they dont lose control of the game or get spawnraped.

thats idle last strong point. Their tax make sure they cannot get spawnraped. I'm not saying you cannot spawnrape them, but its very difficult (unless you perfectly know their tax, hi2u aMenti^Holz) They always leave spawn in such a disciplined way making sure that the chances of two players getting spawnraped on a map like sd2 is almost impossible.

and indeed. Night = mr. Idle

great article stu
Nicely written and basically gospel :)
nice zP! wp awesome game. Im so glad i forgot to bet shit loads of money on idle
grats zP!
And i won g-money
me too ! only i didn't bet much on zp :<
FUCKING IDLE WNBS , lost 800 GG fuck off k thx bye , bitchez.
going to nade u all :x
lal unexpected idle :o
Not so unbeatable after all ^^
But nice playing both teamz :p
zP > idle .
cdap > idle.
cdap > urtier senji revers jaka tekoa
cdap < idle.ee (INCLUDING night)
idle was really disappointing
congrats to zp and cdap.

butch is my lover tbh
no idle in Poland........? I rly wanted to see them :<
congratz cdap and zp
zP & CDAP are going to Poland!

lets hope so!
gl in poland
CDAP - the new Rewind.et
welcome to pyrrrre ;P
Maybe if was 6on6 idle didnt loose.. Long live 5on5 ;p
Idle are nothing without my bedbuddy Holz
I think snoopi aus ossiland can roll over the world in kristian van heugten aka porshemaker's team.
lol rapt6rr ;)
One day come and visit me with ur trabi :))
rap leave wS come play for me :)
I already left wS and im already in com :)
why did you leave...anyways..dude seemed like you were acarrying wS they will most likely disband now that your gone to be honest
unexpected :O
Rapt6rr *com :p
unexpected :o)
idle sux idle sux idle sux idle sux
no, idle sux
idle > you
-=> you sux more than idle :)
we're not talking about me vs idle but idle vs all :D
idle lost everything so idle sux :]
k you are right :)
Night :<
Waiting forward to see perfo @ the lan!
gratz! gl perfo @ lan
n1 zP I knew you can make it
omg i luv perfo
omfg how can idle looze? :x
coz they sux ?

And so the reign of idle ends. But will they be back?
(+hx^biqq) next matches with night and they go for another month unbeaten
(+idle^r3vers) hx^biqq 2 beers on 3 months

Lekker pepperfo :o)
hf @ LAN
:> fenks joopie
Ga je naar de LAN? En wie nog meer? :P
ja ik hoop natuurlijk wel te gaan, en kris en snoop en tox komen hoogstwaarschijnlijk ook.
Cool, en zorg dat je de Mac niet te vaak tegenkomt, want kris wilt daar altijd naar binnen >(
Is daar toch gezellig ? :>
en fobje dan
beter, met deze lineup moeten jullie doorgaan :D

ff poepen brb
CONGRATZ IDLEPWNER!1!11oneoneone!!11!
:P kzie je daar wel
kom jij ook dan dushi
cYa @ Poland
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