UAC: A New Anticheat for ET

For the past few weeks, I have been trying to find a new anticheat for ET. TZAC did a good job for a while, but I think most of us can agree that it is time to move on.

You may have heard about the new AC being developed by TrackBase. While it does seem somewhat promising and I wish them the best of luck with it, we simply cannot afford to wait for a brand new anticheat to be made from scratch. I was forced to search for an already existing AC instead, one that would be ready in time for the Fall 2013 season.

I am pleased to announce that ET is now officially supported by Universal Anticheat!

image: M3V562T

Universal Anticheat (UAC) has been in development since 2006 by a coder named Slovakia DExUS and currently supports Battlefield 3, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4, and several other games. It has already proven itself on ClanBase in CoD2, so I am confident that it will do good things for ET in the upcoming EC/OC season.

Before I continue, however, I must admit that this is only a temporary solution. DExUS recently announced that he will be shutting down UAC on the 1st of January due to lack of time and motivation. This is obviously very unfortunate, but it's not something I didn't already know about, and it won't stop us from taking advantage of what UAC has to offer ET for the next 3-4 months.

So, how does UAC work?

Like our previous anticheat, UAC is primarily intended to be used in official clan matches. It runs on a system which requires a Match ID to be entered every time it is used.

image: 7Si7nyC

In ClanBase cup/ladder matches, the Match ID will be the WID at the end of the CB matchlink. (For example, in, the match ID is 1337.) If you are playing an IRC war or other non-official match, the Match ID can be anything unique and mutually agreed upon.

Simply select Enemy Territory, enter a Match ID, and check the box next to Start scanning. Then, open ET and play the match as usual. You can minimize at any time to check which players are currently actively scanning in the same Match ID. UAC will scan your memory/files and take screenshots at random times throughout the match. After the match is over, you must uncheck the box next to Start scanning. The scan logs and screenshots will then be uploaded, and you are free to review them in the same UAC window.

If UAC happens to take a few screenshots with your personal information in them, you can immediately delete them while reviewing the screenshots in your UAC window.

More information can be found in the User Manual.

WARNING: UAC scans your PC for cheats. This means that if you have any cheats at all on your PC, you risk getting banned, regardless of whether or not the cheats are ET-related and regardless of whether or not the cheats have been loaded. DExUS has expressed to me how serious he is about this, stating that he believes there is no reason for a clean player to have cheats on his PC. So, this is your one and only warning. Remove any and all cheats on your PC before using UAC.

Since the ClanBase website is currently down, I will wait to discuss in detail how UAC is going to work in ET on CB. We do plan to use it in the Fall 2013 season as well as in future ladder matches and will explain more when the time comes.

For now, simply create a UAC account if you haven't already, and try it out! You will be able to register your ID on ClanBase once the website is back online, then you'll be allowed to use UAC for official matches.Any questions or concerns? Feel free to PM me or leave a comment below, and I will try my best to make things as clear as possible. For general help regarding UAC, check out the FAQ. Also, feel free to join on IRC!

I will leave you all with a few words from United Kingdom MerlinatoR, regarding UAC and Crossfire:

Quote by MerlinatoRUAC Support for ET has come with great timing and should ease players minds for the upcoming season. The CF Fall Tournament will also be using UAC and we will follow whatever CB setup in terms of usage to keep it simple and easy for everyone playing. Thanks go out to ohurcool for making at least the next season of Enemy Territory tournaments more enjoyable for all involved.

It's not perfect, but it is better than nothing. It is the best option we have at the moment. Enjoy!

Really nice ik hope its working good in te last few months with et with a anticheat
Quote by ohurcoolBefore I continue, however, I must admit that this is only a temporary solution. DExUS recently announced that he will be shutting down UAC on the 1st of January due to lack of time and motivation. This is obviously very unfortunate, but it's not something I didn't already know about, and it won't stop us from taking advantage of what UAC has to offer ET for the next 3-4 months.
Well, that anything at all is
WARNING: UAC scans your PC for cheats. This means that if you have any cheats at all on your PC, you risk getting banned, regardless of whether or not the cheats are ET-related and regardless of whether or not the cheats have been loaded. DExUS has expressed to me how serious he is about this, stating that he believes there is no reason for a clean player to have cheats on his PC. So, this is your one and only warning. Remove any and all cheats on your PC before using UAC.

great :/ many people got cheats to make movies afaik. so I also have to delete my cheats which I use in other games?
You don't have to delete them, but they shouldn't be on your "gaming" PC. Keep them on another PC or HDD.
i dont currently have cheats on my pc, but in the past when i wanted to learn rifle, i would go into homehost and use a riflecam. im sure im not the only one who has done this.

i can also think of people using an old nexus or something to watch demos on wolfcam with
I understand, and that's why I included that paragraph in the news.

This is UAC's policy, not mine. I'm simply making sure everyone knows about it.
I did use that too, or the wallhack effect. And i have no idea if i stored it somewhere i cant currently find.
gonna enjoy my ban!:D
just format your harddrive, np
No, I do not understand. Any fucker that ever used any cheat should be banned. If the program works like that, it is amazing.

But as long as an idiot like you is involved. I have serious doubts about usability of such a program.
Um, what? I don't understand what you're trying to say.
It's bozar...
it was actually pretty damn beneficial so laugh all you want :D
Here's an idea: learn by doing. YOLO
but... i did this when you were still in diapers :PppPpP
t'was when i switched from rtcw to et and this weapon was new to everyone

its actually the fastest and least effort way to learn to rifle lol, takes you less than a minute to learn a shot and you dont actually need anyone else to tell you if it landed or not :)
Quote. i did this when you were still in diapers enjoying real life

corrected that for u :D
That's the point you fucking hacker. Learn to learn.
are you fucking kidding me? why the fuck would using an OUTDATED DETECTED riflecam in a HOMEHOST with NO OTHERS ever hurt anyone.

fucking jackass
Or cheating on jaymod, I gotta stop cheating on jaymod:o
too late xDDDD
once a cheater, always a cheater
i cheated once in et 2.55 on a fucking noquarter server 4,5years ago :PP and for the lulz sometimes in bf but never in et 2.6 so^^
Don't worry, it doesn't detect shit. I've got like all the cheats from adawolfa in my computer somewhere, but so far it hasn't detected any of them.
fuck no i wont delete my premium pack of hax
nice work :)
Theres some way to check who use UAC on the server?
Its able to force UAC on serverclient?
Its true that lagging like shit? (its scanning, so prolly its gonna lag)
Its possible to use UAC for IRC matches, I mean playing without matchID?

I dont get any of that from manual.
QuoteTheres some way to check who use UAC on the server?

No. You have to check your UAC window (as explained in the news).

QuoteIts able to force UAC on serverclient?

No, UAC is client-side only.

QuoteIts true that lagging like shit? (its scanning, so prolly its gonna lag)

It does not lag. I have used UAC several times already and haven't encountered any lag with it.

QuoteIts possible to use UAC for IRC matches, I mean playing without matchID?

It can be used for IRC matches, but you still need to enter a Match ID (as explained in the news).
QuoteNo. You have to check your UAC window.

But in UAC window you are able to check who actually use that software on the server?
What do you mean?
As I said, its possible to check who use UAC in random IRC war?
Only possible way is type same match guid as other players, right? Im just sorting out some informations because this manual thingy is just crap.
Right, you can check the UAC window while playing then check the scan logs & screenshots as well as each player's profile afterwards.
QuoteYou can minimize at any time to check which players are currently actively scanning in the same Match ID.

Quote If you are playing an IRC war or other non-official match, the Match ID can be anything unique and mutually agreed upon.

And prolly wont lag since it has so many users. if it would lag hard, ppl wouldnt use it.
Didnt someone just say its gonna be shut down ?
I guess you didn't bother to actually read the news or the comments before posting. :)
I like the idea how UAC is working. Good job ohurcool.
WARNING: UAC scans your PC for cheats. This means that if you have any cheats at all on your PC, you risk getting banned, regardless of whether or not the cheats are ET-related and regardless of whether or not the cheats have been loaded. DExUS has expressed to me how serious he is about this, stating that he believes there is no reason for a clean player to have cheats on his PC. So, this is your one and only warning. Remove any and all cheats on your PC before using UAC.

delete this line gg. Now all noobs who cheated without anticheat will get caught.
And those who make movies get banned, ye seems fair.
Who cares, most people making movies for ET now are all done by and about people nobody cares about.
and most ppl would become moviemakers :D
v55 swanidius, you'll be in next bustlist.
Nice effort, Cool! Good luck for the 3-4 months !
UAC already once droped ET because of all the false bans
I am aware of this.
How about RInput?
Doesn't give you an advantage so it should be allowed
I don't think it will be an issue.
I think we all had our time of installing bullshit programs that does god knows what...

So, my questions:
  1. Whats the detection method? Simple screenshots or hard drive scan isn't effective.
  2. When it scans the harddrive, i am assuming it only scans the game folder and subfolders. Should we be concerned about security issues?
  3. Since this is a pretty new situation, and all cheats work, somehow, differently, how can he detect cheats to a "new game" (to him atleast). Who tested it?

Whats the future after january? Good job CB / ohurcool! Cheers
QuoteI think we all had our time of installing bullshit programs that does god knows what...

QuoteUniversal Anticheat (UAC) has been in development since 2006 by a coder named Slovakia DExUS and currently supports Battlefield 3, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4, and several other games. It has already proven itself on ClanBase in CoD2, so I am confident that it will do good things for ET in the upcoming EC/OC season.

This is not some random program that has never ever been used before. It is safe and secure.

QuoteWhats the detection method? Simple screenshots or hard drive scan isn't effective.

It works similar to PB by scanning your memory/files for cheats. The screenshot system is not the only method of cheat detection. I realize that this is not the most reliable way of anticheating, but it's the only option we have atm.

QuoteWhen it scans the harddrive, i am assuming it only scans the game folder and subfolders. Should we be concerned about security issues?

See above. It does not scan your entire PC, but it also does not scan only your ET folders. This anticheat is used in MULTIPLE games by MULTIPLE leagues and does not have any "security issues".

QuoteSince this is a pretty new situation, and all cheats work, somehow, differently, how can he detect cheats to a "new game" (to him atleast). Who tested it?

I won't go into too much detail, but I can tell you that UAC does work. Basic cheats will be detected for sure, which is something that our previous anticheat was unable to do during the last few months of its life.

QuoteWhats the future after january?

I have no idea.
Thanks for your answer. The basic detection seems outdated then.

My main question is: what would happen if i rename some file to knowbot.exe, would it simple detect based on name?

Because the thing is, you can't magically find out the cheat if it is not working. File name match or even md5/hash match isn't effective, at all. A simple re-compile would make a cheat, undetected again, or even rename the .exe.
I don't think it works like that. You could try searching through the UAC forums and see if you can find a better answer there.

I'm not gonna pretend to be an expert on UAC, because I'm not, but I assume that little "glitches" like that have been encountered in other games already and therefore should not be an issue in ET.
Alright :) i am just reticent cuz it takes time to get a proper system working. It seemed way too fast, even with a working system as basis!
probably detect cheats by MD5 and not filename
Sounds really good, but the fact that it has been in ET sometime ago in 2009/2010? And banned people for FALSE information? There are players reputations at stake.. But yeah, I guess it's better than nothing. None AC is perfect.. GL! And i'm already waiting for the TrackBase AC that the polaks are making :-)
I wanted to help UAC2 beta out by getting some people to run the program and test it out a bit, normal for every anti-cheat to have bugs in the beggining, but in the end all of them were false, I remember when we were beta testing for SLAC, chaplja said that 90% of the people were being marked as cheating lol, but luckely during those times everything was 'silent detection' so it didn't go out of hand, but in the end all of this is expected and will be fixed.
good job CB ;)

thank you
Good job United States of Americaohurcool for buying ET another few months, from my experience of what has happened in the past, without an anti-cheat there is no way one can enjoy the game due to the sudden increase in paranoia and let's be serious here, what would stop you from cheating on a 10 year old free game with no guid tracking system except for your own dignity, even with an anti-cheat this game has been one of the most infested let alone without it, so the addition of UAC should definitely be one that should be greeted in open arms, it has done very well in the CoD scene were it is even more infested with 'professional' cheat makers, so it should do well for ET in the mean time, I wish you luck in finding a solution/AC for when UAC ends, this will be the biggest challenge for you and I wish you luck with it.
QuoteThe CF Fall Tournament

This a typo and supposed to be CB Fall or is there something coming up?
Not a typo! He was referring to the Crossfire 6on6 ET Fall 2013 Tournament which will be announced soon. :)
Barely any screenshots are ingame, mostly desktop/teamspeak/facebook
So there is a chance I would get banned for having a Diablo 2/WoW grinding bot on my pc?

Yeah, ciao.
oh you dirty belgium!
nice, thanks
ty for that antycheat :)
too much waiting scaning ... how to make "war" or offi with this problem ;P
looks nice, I like that you can go to the website and see who is online currently playing, I wish you could sort it by game but its good enough. Good luck
Waiting to get banned cause of FM13 money cheat

PS: When CB's site is back? Would like to sign up in OC!
Soon, I hope. :(
Same! If that isn't opened till friday is there any possibility to extent sign ups?
Most likely we will do that, or u can pm one of the admins and we will be able to manually add teams that were unable to sign-up, but the site should be up soon hopefully.
If signups were extended, it would have to be done by the Chiefs, not us. But as Aniky said, you can always send us a PM so that we can manually add your team if needed.
ET is great and alive! remember tomorrows cup #1 with money prizes!!
good job ohurcool!
does this thing detect image-et as a cheat?
Probably not, since it doesn't really give any unfair advantage to players while in-game.
It's still an injector and is known to have caused false positives with certain virus scanners as well.
Then I guess the best option would be to keep it on a flashdrive when it's not in use. :P
This is in my opinion a decent solution if you retains the activity of the game in mind. One thing is certain, no one would have found in some form a better solution.

Anyone who thinks that Jon must be justified for the weaknesses of UAC, can not really be taken seriously.
Where would we be without jon and clanbase? Some here are ungrateful and can only compete for attention.

Good job buddy, you keep the game alive!!
Thanks mate! :)
is everyone able to see screenshots from anyone else who hosted a game?
good job!
better than nothing even for 3 or 4 month
cool news
chaplja already selling uac undetected hack gg :D
unfortunately he only has to take the bypass methods that are already working for cod2/cod4 and implement them into the ET cheats :/
So i could get banned for having a money cheat for need for speed on my pc?
yes im obviously gona use this anticheat LOL
Yes, blame the money cheat for need for speed!
legimate concern
i could get banned for having cracks for example on my pc or do they review what was the cause after each ban?
yea i agree i have cracks for other games gta skyrim etc.
This anticheat has been used for several years in multiple games for multiple leagues.

While I don't have a clear answer for whether Program A or Program B is considered a cheat, I'm fairly certain that issues like this ("cracked" or other "cheat-like" programs) have already been encountered and won't be a problem for us.
For a teamporary solution this is pretty cool. Since i never buy any software i have some cracked files on my comp, hope its not a problem :p
police will knock on your door hf @ jail
cant really see this working out ;/ but ya, should be better than nothing
Thanks ohurbro
So, you are telling me that I can get banned just for having some old cracked version of CS1.6 on my PC? Or virtually for anything that AC does not like? Hmmm, very interesting...
No, I don't think I said that. Not every "cracked" or "cheat-like" program is considered a cheat.
QuoteThis means that if you have any cheats at all on your PC, you risk getting banned, regardless of whether or not the cheats are ET-related and regardless of whether or not the cheats have been loaded.

What exactly counts as "cheats"? I have plenty of software that would cause similar or otherwise suspicious behavior all over my harddrives.
Read my comments above and see

QuoteAs cheating is considered but not limited to:
  1. Activated 3rd party software or script that gives unfair adventage over other players (such as aimbot, wallhack, autoclicker)
  2. 3rd party software or script used for cheating present or installed on your computer while using UAC
  3. Modification of in-game parameters that can give unfair advantage over other players (such as lowering graphics settings to point that part of environment is not visible)
  4. Using any custom contrast or glowing textures/skins
Quote3rd party software or script used for cheating present or installed on your computer while using UAC

Aaaaaaaand I'm out. This pretty much narrows it down to just about.. anything, including notepad. :) I use plenty of software in a work related manner on daily basis that would flag me as potential cheater. Additionally to that, what I've heard and seen thus far from Robaciek's exploitation using the inbuilt screenshot feature.. I won't be bothering to install it, if that means no clanbase games... oh gosh whatever will I do, my life has no meaning nao!
Quoteused for cheating

Trust me, it would not bother me one bit if you chose not to install UAC.
Because we all know it went over so smoothly and well the first time around. UAC is a horrible implementation, period. The fact that I work with software that injects similar in a way cheats are very often used and have a multitude of compilers running that'll surely be flagged.. Not to mention my very sensitive and private data, much of it under NDA clauses even - which very often are present during the time I play, I do not want a random person having access to it merely by having or guessing our random match id and looking up my desktop screenshots (because why would it focus on the game, at all) before I have a chance to delete any of it? No, thanks.

You'd think these kind of things would bother you, even a tiny bit, as league admin..
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> on the bright side
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> thanks to UAC I made it into private queens channel
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> it takes screens right?
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> looked up razz
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> perfect screen of his irc
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> I already had my screens deleted
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> cuz of random firefox/irc stuff
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> this is madness tbh

<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> those screenshots
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> barely saw any ingame screens
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> mostly ts/irc/facebook
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> it's silly though
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> you can check any match going on at time
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> so you get match id
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> then you can just check it knowing who plays there
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> boom
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> SCREENSHOTS
If you had actually read my newspost and the user manual, you would know that screenshots are not uploaded until after you stop UAC from scanning, and you can instantly delete any screenshots that contain personal information immediately after they are uploaded.

I am completely open to discussing alternative anticheats if you happen to know a better one that is ready to be implemented right now.
Just a question, but what's the point of screenshots if you can delete them? :o
It's just a feature that most players seem to enjoy, being able to look through other users' screenshots. They can also help to detect certain cheats, although there are other ways to do so as well of course.

Also, all deleted screenshots are reviewed by DExUS before they get permanently deleted, just to make sure that cheaters aren't simply deleting screenshots which display their cheats.
So if we all just delete all screenshots because we dont want to risk any private data getting through and wont check every single screenshot after every war DexUS will check all 10k+ screenshots? GL but fails in reality.

Also, im a programmer so i could have some things that will be flagged. Is there any trial for this or is it instand ban? If so, can you appeal it afterwards?
Why would you have to delete all of your screenshots?

Screenshots are only taken while UAC is scanning, so if you only allow UAC to scan while you are actually playing ET and simply resist the urge to minimize frequently during matches, then there is no way UAC can take any "personal" screenshots.

And yes, DExUS regularly checks every single deleted screenshot. It does not "fail in reality"; it has been this way for almost 8 years.

False bans are not common and shouldn't be that much of an issue. Being a programmer does not automatically add you to the UAC cheater list...
"Why would you have to delete all of your screenshots?"
Because its a lazy way of making sure any private data is included.

Maybe it does not automatically add me to it, but i have thing like decompilers etc. Also do cheats for single player games count?
native linux support?
we request anwsers! NAO
Do you get private cheats for supporting this just like United States of America Peaches did when she funded Chapjla?

This will not be used for #ET Draft Cup.
nice terrible uac.
So it takes screenshots of desktop too and for how long after the game? or only the time its active?
It only takes screenshots of your desktop if you minimize ET while UAC is scanning. As I've said countless times already, screenshots are not uploaded until after you stop UAC from scanning, and you can instantly delete any screenshots that contain personal information immediately after they are uploaded.
Ah okay, thanks!
lol I don't see why people whine about screenshots of your desktop/irc/facebook etc, it is your own fault, simply close UAC when you are going to browse the internet, chat on irc or do whatever is not playing et and it wont take screenshots.. VERY hard
very well done ohurcool!
The point better this than nothing is not so correct. When was the last update of this for ET if it ever was? If they are closing UAC since it was not announced long time ago it means that they surely didn't lately work on ET cheat database is that correct? But well fuck it tz-ac was also bypassed, so people will atleast have some fear at this one also.
What? ET was not supported by UAC at all until I contacted DExUS a few weeks ago. The "last update" was yesterday when he finished adding support for ET.

How is UAC not better than nothing? Would you prefer to play without an anticheat with no way of identifying players in-game?
thats why I said that people will have some fear atleast :) but however there is surely totaly new way in identifying than tzac had, so in meantime you will collect almost unusefull data, since the new ac if it will be even comming for etpro will have another way again. So it means in this meanwhile people will be able to cheat, like were able at tzac and even if ban will placed it will not be usefull right? Since player can come back again at new ac. Same goes for guids tracing which were fail from day #1

Also there are few laws about keeping data and how long its allowed to keep data like IP and so on. I know project like tzac didn't have any kind of tos written (I haven't see a single word about that) but next who will make AC make sure you write terms of services to which users have to agree so you can also keep that data for longer time besides of user agreement to give data with installing AC and what kind of data is provided from user to AC. You can't just take all those "tracers" without users knowledge or agreements.
We still have all the old data from TZAC, and obviously all the bans on CB from TZAC are going to stay, so what's the problem? Yes, cheaters can return and create a UAC account, but they still won't be able to play in leagues.

We can keep whatever information we wish to keep; that is what you allowed us to do by using TZAC. It's the same on CB, CF, and GTV. If you don't want us to keep your IPs, e-mail addresses, etc. in our databases, then don't use what we have to offer.
You are saying that cheaters can return and create UAC account but won't be able to play in leagues? Leagues have only ip evidences, changing provider or calling provider to change static ip + create new account on clanbase is like welcome new player... if we exclude UAC monitoring data since UAC won't even stay long, like written above.

ESL had right to keep IP's for 3 months max for example (german law). you cannot just say that without any terms of agreements sites are able to keep for long time or even store data like hardware signatures without users knowledge. Don't say TZAC had that because it was kept secret and only tzac admins knew what kind of data was stored, untill someone big mouth started to share into public and people started to buy new pcs and even new routers. I'm not sure that even international law allows that if there is no explicit contract between users and service. Like when you register its written that you have to agree to use that account and that site has your information like lets say ip logged. Clanbase has toa like esl does... otherwise there would be suits already because of that.

You cannot just say that you are able to keep everything that you like if you own site, without users agreements or knowledge that data like that will be given away and I don't recall that tzac had that. We could call tzac spyware... thats why on first place you had to disable antivirus and firewall or add exception, because it was taking data that normal programs wouldn't. I have to say it was good data, but again users didn't know what kind of data it was untill someone started to help cheaters and told them everything that its logged. And i'm saying now this because i can, since tzac is not in use anymore...
I'm not saying it isn't possible to return while banned on CB, but it isn't any easier to do so just because a banned player can create a new UAC account. It was the same way on TZAC - banned players creating new accounts - yet we still managed to catch so many returners.

You make it sound so easy to get away with returning on ClanBase. :) I don't know how ESL worked, but our system at CB is a bit more sophisticated than you think. UAC stores IP and hardware information too, just like TZAC. And all data from UAC will also be saved, even after it's shut down.

ESL is German, so yes of course they are bound by strict policies. At ClanBase, however, we are not restricted in how long we can keep information. And yes, TZAC had a EULA that every player "signed" before using the software. There is nothing wrong with us retaining outdated information from our users.

Anyway, what does this have to do with UAC? And why does it bother you so much? What are you going to do - report us? To whom? Why?
I was saying to return when you cheat on UAC and get banned you wait 4 months and come back to new anticheat...

I was refering to CB page and not UAC 4 months edition (I know the difference of software being on users pc or just connecting to site and what kind of data site can see), you can't know what kind of informations will have new anticheat if there will be any. Thats why i'm saying that uac data might not be worth of anything, when we start to use another ac.

I don't have anything towards UAC, I'm just saying that tzac EULA did not have written that hdd, sft, g1, g2, g3 (g-shit was never explained to ESL admins but it was clearly unusefull) and so fuckin on will be taken. I don't care for UAC i'm sure they have that written down what will be taken, more professionaly than tzac had and not just some stupid eula example.
I was clearly pointing this out for next AC, to write some better agreements and more informations to users what kind of informations they will be giving out.
I don't understand... If you cheat on UAC, you get banned on CB for 6 or 12 months, so why does it matter if UAC will be shut down in 4 months? Users aren't going to be unbanned on CB for cheating on UAC just because UAC got shut down...

I wasn't talking about the specific data gained via scans; I simply meant the IPs and hardware information on the UAC website. This information will be kept even after UAC is shut down.

Honestly, I don't really get what you're trying to say in these comments. It seems like you're just rambling on about nothing for no apparent reason. If you want to discuss UAC, fine, but I'm not going to waste my time responding to this nonsense of yours over and over.
Well how come that you don't get it? I will put you this on other way
1. User has CB acc and UAC and cheats
2. User gets banned on CB and UAC for cheating
3. UAC is shutted down
4. New AC comes for ET
5. User creates new CB account, UAC old data does not even matter since he won't even use UAC anymore and by that you cant get his same informations and can't be sure that he is same user. Its like arnold party with new pc, same goes with new AC.
6. Happy playing forward.

Now if you will say that UAC will give out source which will be used on new ET AC so users will be giving out same informations, only by that you will be on same track. If so then its ok if not it means that 4 months of collecting large ammount of data is for nothing, like i have said few times about that.

Besides that we won't talk nonsense forward, lots of hardware data can be changed by software, also router mac and all those hardware serials and so on. I have tried and I saw it worked when I have checked infos it was changed and when I checked TZAC site that was confirmed, why it wouldn't be same with UAC or any other AC. Giving out false data is also possible, same goes for UAC, TZAC and PB screen blocking without any kind of cheats involved. And I wouldn't say that even that is worth of UAC ban if it would happen, just thats how I would activate my privacy.
It is you that doesn't get it, not me. How hard is it to understand? We still log IPs and other information on ClanBase, regardless of whether or not an AC is currently in use. According to your logic, it would be impossible to catch any player who was banned during the times of PB then returned during the times of TZAC, or who was banned during the times of TZAC and has returned now since it's been shut down.

Quote4 months of collecting large ammount of data is for nothing

What? An anticheat is an anticheat, regardless of how long it lasts or whether its data is "transferrable" or not. It is not "for nothing".

You are acting like an idiot and being completely unreasonable. Yes, UAC is not perfect. I have never said that it is. But it's not like we aren't going to use it just because it has some flaws.

You're just trying as hard as you can to point out every little thing that could go wrong. Do you have any better ideas? You're the one with all the answers, right? What should we be using instead of UAC? What would you do in my position? Not use an anticheat at all, because UAC isn't 100% flawless?

It's easy to find problems but not so easy to come up with solutions.
I had no intensions to say or did i even say that UAC is bad choice? At the moment there is nothing avalible i get that and i have never said about flaws of UAC since I have not even installed it... how can i review something what I did not use? I don't have answers for all specialy not from programs. Was just stating the facts of website vs program. You can keep whatever you like, you will not be able to trace down players when UAC is shut down if the next AC won't have same tracers. Thats all what I have wanted to say.
Quoteyou will not be able to trace down players when UAC is shut down if the next AC won't have same tracers

That is not true, at all, and the fact that you believe it makes you look very silly.
give me an example and I will admit my mistake :)
CB is down atm, and I don't have every single banned player's case memorized, so you'll have to wait for that.

But one example off the top of my head: Poland gnajda. He was around during PB, got banned, returned during TZAC, got banned again.
IP, GUID and NAME match is everything you get right? Was saying about IP's above... other 2 things are even easier to change. I hope you will not focus on IP's since also that is not so good proof today. I'm just sayin that you still can catch someone, but you can't be sure that new player is realy clean. But I will wait for more infos when CB comes up, you can even pm me if there is something what shouldn't be posted to all...

What do you think about this is it possible to be true or you will call me a liar, if so go read other cases worldwide.
Slovenian player called zmaj was playing on slovenian server when I have joined that server he was alone, so I have left, so it was about 30 secs I was on
After 2 years and checking or it was some other tracing site... I have seen there is a match with me and him. So I have got the same ip he had and we are both et players... so much small chances but IP he had was assigned to me by provider. So yes you can get same ip after some time, its even funnier when you see the player which are playing same game. Thats why IP's were not valid or strong proofs on ESL, it had to be same provider and also ammount of time the lowest. Even wrong and innocent players can get banned on IP proofs.
Yes, obviously IP matches are only valid if the match took place in a reasonable amount of time.
Yep ofcourse. And the best proof is static ip, noone can't get away from that ban :)
tmoe won't play on this therefore we aint participating in this ec, sorry fans!
same for sick6, subbi claims his aimbot seems to malfunction and primarily focuses bodyshots over headshots with UAC. :(
Why would you even bother with such an awful anticheat for 4 months?
Is there an alternative anticheat?
Not yet apparently, but you are probably better off supporting the anticheat being developed by trackbase instead of UAC which half of the community won't support.
Although I certainly do plan to support it if possible, the TrackBase AC is nowhere near ready. As explained in the newspost, with the Fall 2013 season starting soon, we need a solution right now. The only viable option is UAC.

If "half of the community" would rather play without an anticheat than use UAC, then it is a sad day for ET.
Use an anticheat that will screenshot your desktop when tabbed out? Ofcourse people don't want that.
Yes I have read that you can delete the screenshost but what is the point of having the screenshots at all?
It's just another feature of the AC and does help to detect certain cheats. I honestly don't understand why this is seen as such an issue by so many players. It literally takes less than 10 seconds to delete a screenshot.
Its completely useless.
If I can delete my desktop screenshots, cheaters can delete their screenshots
Everything you have expressed concern about so far has already been covered in previous comments of mine. :)

Quote by ohurcoolall deleted screenshots are reviewed by DExUS before they get permanently deleted, just to make sure that cheaters aren't simply deleting screenshots which display their cheats
People care about their privacy, enough reason not to use it.
Not to even mention the drama with moviemaker mods, cheats on other games etc.
Now it just looks like you're trying as hard as you can to hate UAC. Why?

As I said, you can immediately delete any and all screenshots with personal information on them. Where does privacy become an issue?

Yeah, it's a slight inconvenience to have to remove cheats and possibly other cheat-like programs from your PC. But I believe that the benefits (i.e. having an actual anticheat) outweigh the costs here.
Quote<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> those screenshots
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> barely saw any ingame screens
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> mostly ts/irc/facebook
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> it's silly though
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> you can check any match going on at time
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> so you get match id
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> then you can just check it knowing who plays there
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> boom
<randomselfdeclaredinternethero> SCREENSHOTS

Quote by ohurcoolall deleted screenshots are reviewed by DExUS before they get permanently deleted, just to make sure that cheaters aren't simply deleting screenshots which display their cheats

So DExUS is the one you have an issue with? Really? :P What could he possibly do with a screenshot or two of your Facebook page / IRC window / TS overlay? And why would he do anything? Besides, he's been running UAC for almost 8 years now; I'm pretty sure if he was involved in some sort of malicious activity due to his access to deleted screenshots, someone would have found out by now.

If it worries you that much, then simply try to resist the urge to open Facebook while UAC is scanning. :)
The fact that people not just DExUS but everyone using the software can see my desktop or whatever im looking at while tabbed out. Thats what concerns me. Whether its personal information, facebook or porn.
It doesn't matter. I think its wrong to force such an anticheat on people who just want to play ET competitively.
wow so just fking close the UAC if you are going to browse facebook or do whatever and problem solved? whats the big fking deal with that.
I don't know about you, but the time spent browsing random shit/being on irc exceeds the time of actually... playing. If you count warmups and waiting for players to connect as well. You can hardly quit UAC every single time you minimize, while on full or pauses or waiting for players to connect/ready. Additionally i'd like to know how it treats secondary displays as they.. do count as "desktop" after all.
Edit: It captures both and any additional monitors in its screenshots. Thus, even whilst playing and not minimized the entirety of my second screen is exposed... Yeah... No.
honestly? this is just useless whine wtf are you talking about. Simply don't do any of the super secret stuff you are worried about people seeing while playing et? (Like browsing "random shit/being on irc") WOW That must be a big deal.
UAC just takes screenshots while UAC is open and running not while its closed and you are on facebook, in case you got that wrong.
I'm aware of that, is the least that bothers me, it's... a horrible implementation, and intrusive, but still not as bad as the rest of the AC.
Well I guess you could make a batch or something similar that kills UAC whenever you minimize ET and restarts it when you restore ET's window.
Dunno, just an idea, maybe it's feasible, maybe not.
I thought we covered this. "Everyone using the software" can only view the screenshots which have not been deleted. It is not UAC's fault if you choose not to delete screenshots with personal information on them.

I'm not trying to force anything _bad_ here, just doing what I can to help keep the game alive. We simply have no choice but to use UAC in competition, as running ET cups without an anticheat is not an option.
Why's that? We had no issues running cups without PB either. In fact, to that point in time PB had still worked and supported ET even, we only abandoned it due to the fact that it increased a slight lag in performance for some (read, not all) players. The whole paranoia argument is rather silly. I simply refuse to accept that there's still as many "cheaters" in this game as there was 5 or 6 or even 10 years ago, the 5 or 6 guys that might do are easily pointed out within the first 20 seconds of the game too. There really is no real point to one. :) Not to mention UAC doesn't even prevent them from using their cheats or even playing once busted, it simply just flags them. Judging by the "Cheaters" page on their very own site there are currently a massive amount of "busted" players playing, all it really does is flag him with a red stamp "HEY DIS GUY HERE HAS SOME CRACKED GAME OR ANY OTHER KIND OF APPLICATION ON HIS PC THAT CAN OR MIGHT INJECT ITSELF INTO A PROCESS/MEMORY... I MEAN, THAT'S WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR, RIGHT? MIGHT AS WELL FLAG OTHERS FOR BEING ENCRYPTED, ENCRYPTED STUFF ALWAYS SMELLS OF BAD TO ME"
Without UAC, there is no reliable way of identifying players in-game. Less than a few hours after I gave teams permission to play their SC matches without TZAC, a certain group of lowlifes known as tMoe decided to use other players' aliases and play with a banned player. This is not something I want to deal with every single day.

Quotethe 5 or 6 guys that might do are easily pointed out within the first 20 seconds of the game too.

That's not true, and you know it.

QuoteJudging by the "Cheaters" page on their very own site there are currently a massive amount of "busted" players playing, all it really does is flag him

What's the problem there? A player is banned on UAC -> he gets banned on CB -> he can't play CB cup/ladder matches any more. Even if the UAC account was "blocked", he could simply create a new account and continue to play... TZAC was the same way. Players could create x number of accounts, but once they were banned on TZAC once, they were banned on CB. It is a competition anticheat designed to prevent cheaters from playing in competition.
Quotecertain group of lowlifes known as tMoe


how lowlife his life must be to spend shitloads of hours per day on keeping a dead game alive for 30 active players.
Even with 30 ETPro players someone is still strugling to keep it active. Calling ET a dead game is nonsense, check activity on trackbase 25k (active) ranked players, and there are a lots more which are playing on unranked servers or not known servers on trackbase.
Quote by WikipediaEmotional security is the measure of the stability of an individual's emotional state. Emotional insecurity or simply insecurity is a feeling of general unease or nervousness that may be triggered by perceiving of oneself to be vulnerable or inferior in some way, or a sense of vulnerability or instability which threatens one's self-image or ego.
why am I not surprised that you spent saturday evening/night on crossfire. I hope you enjoyed browsing gaming sites, and users' screenshots of your awesome anticheat whole night 8)
Quote by WikipediaEmotional security is the measure of the stability of an individual's emotional state. Emotional insecurity or simply insecurity is a feeling of general unease or nervousness that may be triggered by perceiving of oneself to be vulnerable or inferior in some way, or a sense of vulnerability or instability which threatens one's self-image or ego.
expected reply from someone as retarded as you are, who really don't have anything significant to say. cya and have fun keeping et alive the entire sunday
Does this mean I win?!
This ohurcool is a jumbo-sized retard, noticed it lately. He even thinks he "won an argument" when someone just gets tired of replying to his nosense, whiny posts with zero content.
fuck off fanatic, you spent just as much time trying to support/keep this game "alive" (from an admin perspective). Stop being a dick when someone else tries to do the same.

People like yourself flaming others that genuinely try and help the community is what will really kill the game in the end.
They can view them pretty much realtime right?
why would you be doing anything like this during a game though? you can stop scanning at any point so the second a game stops, untick 'scanning' review screenshot folder just incase it has desktop images or w/e - Delete said images (takes 5-10seconds) start scanning again when you get a new game.
Because of the endless waiting during warmup and pauses?
I see, never done that myself - if I get bored I just talk with my team mates.
lets say I would be paying with visa on web? We all know i just need my card number and 3 digits, which are not even covered on some sites since there are https for that. PB had screens aswell, but not on that weird way.
Are you serious? :D Why would you make a purchase while UAC is scanning? Why would you even open UAC in that instance?
big day, Cupra quoting me :D
If only people really cared aout their privacy...
because atleast in meantime something will be affecting even if that is huge effect or little it will be something from it.
Please try to make some sense.
sucking a cock would be great. I think I have made now better sense what you think?
Quotebecause atleast in meantime something will be affecting even if that is huge effect or little it will be something from it.
because TB staff will have more time to make AC for etpro, 4 months extension and in meantime people will stop cheating even if uac3 is effective or not some are afraid for their CB accounts.

Funny how retarded is this community, first they want new AC now when there is temporary alternative some are already saying they won't play fall cup on UAC 3. Same was in meanwhile with tzac and esl wire. People i got news for you tzac is gone motherfuckers! Make up your mind or stop playing CB offis :P
Gotta say this must be one of the most retarded things i've read in a while, hf with zero-activity cups :D
Thanks for the input! Any suggestions for us? Have you found an alternative anticheat perhaps? :)
I'd be more happy with a democrew who view the demos if someone is being suspected for cheating. Im pretty confident you lose a lot of teams from fall season because they dont want to use this AC which seems 1) complicated 2)retarded if you get banned for having cheats for other games
A democrew already exists, but it is rather useless if we have no way of identifying players in-game.

UAC is the only option we have right now. It only seems complicated and retarded to those who are too lazy to actually read and learn how it works.
You got a point about the identifying thingy, thats why I wanted TZ-AC to stay online, so you could atleast identify players and then democrew could decide if player is cheating.

And yes im too lazy to read UAC manual or stuff, because I already see one bugfix topic -> it will most likely be useless for cheat detecting and its buggy as fuck when i read the comments.
those comments are from the same people who complained that TZAC caused fps drops.
I never complained about TZAC :x
Man you realize this anticheat will only decrease the activity of the upcoming (uac-required) cups? Its sad to see cb admins are too fucking stupid to understand it.
TZAC was outdated and unreliable; it would not have stayed online regardless of whether or not we found a new anticheat.

So you completely ignored the actual UAC user manual / FAQ / forums and decided instead to regard the anticheat as useless and buggy based on one journal and a few misinformed comments? Okay.
You jump to conclusions, kid. I read it from other forums and asked a few friends who have been using UAC for ages, and they said the anti-cheat is shit, so I base my opinion to few friends who have nothing to do with enemy territory.
I'm the one jumping to conclusions? I bet you haven't even downloaded UAC yet.
Haven't I said it clearly enough I wont use this piece of shit software? If that means no opencup or ladder offis for me, so be it.
Fine with me. Maybe one day you'll learn to read and come up with your own opinions instead of being spoon-fed by others and jumping on bandwagons.
You really seem not to have any other life than enemy territory and crossfire, everytime I visit the site I see you bitching like a small girl to everyone who dont agree and asslick you. grow up, faggot

ohurcool: 1
Webe: 0
Not totally sure about this AC, never used it tho. I guess that's better than nothing, thank you for your work ohurcool!
Instead of whining on this AC and on this thread. you guys can always ask your questions and concerns on the UAC Forums, especially the part about what's legit and what's not. the creator of this AC will probably answer your questions in better detail.

Anyway, I cracked my neighbors' wifi months ago, will test this with a different IP and different account and see if Imagie-et and other movie making programs actually get detected.

nice work, got it downloaded and works seemingly fine. Waited for a screenshot to be taken to see how easy it is to delete it and it's very straight forward (takes literally 10seconds). Just close UAC when you are not playing :) or even easier just untick 'start scanning' and it will literally not scan or screenshot anymore, not rocket science so should be simple enough for everyone who cares about their 'private information'
ohurcool stupid shit dick fuck do you even admin???
gj ohurcool
How about WoW addons? I have to delete them too or not?
you sir, are retarded
That was a fucking joke jesus christ :((((((
What a shitty AC... holy cow ohurcool you dispoint me
best get deleting then ^^
got bank card numbers on pc not going to download my life is over, wheres the rope?
y u no contact me?
tried on pub, had no problem with it, eventho i got many cracked games/ software on my pc. it would be nice to force it from serverside, cus im mostly playin pub atm, but imo its better then no anticheat.
ugh, i hope this scan doesnt lag as much as pb did...
ok tried it. lags like shit, wont use.
It doesn't lag at all for me. Take a look around the website and see if others are having similar issues.
i play with laptop and my fps goes to 40-50 while its scanning. very annoying :( i will try to find solution tho.
I play with a laptop too and have stable 125 fps. :P
me jelly :(
btw just wondering, have u ever had problems with fps? it just seems for me impossible to play with fps over 80. what kind of laptop u have? or is there some secret settings i dont know about? :-D
Graphics Card
NVIDIA Geforce GT 630M

CPU Type
Intel Core i7-3520M 2.9GHz

no wonder
It only cost about $800! :P
It sounds difficult. All 12 players before a 6v6 match have to add the same match ID into the client in order to play a war. It's freaking hard to get 12 players on a server, let alone to make them use such a program and add the same ID and then join the server.

It obviously is simple but considering people are fucking lazy I don't see it working well.
Shush four eyes nobody asked you.
LOL u serıous about qddınt same match id for each player?

ıf ıt ıs, nıce crap antı cheat dont even want to ınstall thıs to play 2 games per months
So it's a "crap anti cheat" because you have to enter a Match ID before using it? Maybe you should move on to Tetris instead.

1) Play ET without an anticheat and with no reliable way of identifying players in-game. No need to enter any Match IDs.

2) Play ET with an anticheat and a reliable way of identifying players in-game. You are mildly inconvenienced by having to enter a Match ID before each match.

Pick one.
well, ppls are too lazy

when i was playing actively some teams were already taking aaaaggggeeessss to connect as 6, i cant think about them enterıng a fuckıng numbers of 6 characters :s

ofc ı lıke to play ET but for the lıttle amount of tıme ı played ıt on 2013, ı surely wont lıke waıtıng 20mıns each games to play one offı

ps: uac aınt bypassed by etbot anymore or ım wrong?
ps2: ım pretty sure ım able to know most of the tımes ıf enemys cheatıng
It is not UAC's fault that people are too lazy, though. I don't see how entering a Match ID can be such a hassle.
Didnt say its uac's fault, just said its bypassed i think.
Esl wire had the same thing, u had to enter match id, ppls already complained about that, i dont think its the main reason ppls dont like it tho
Really? Entering a single Match ID is too much work?
90% of the negative comments are from people who dont want to put in effort to delete screenshots / put it match ids / etc.
If you are referring to me, I am not too lazy to delete screenshots. The fact that anyone using the software can view my screenshots realtime is my concern.
ok, could you tell me the worst case scenario in terms of a screenshot upload? I mean, if it was to screenshot you alt+tab into the most personal/embarassing/private thing you do on the web.

All I can think of personally is if I was logging into online banking - but even that doesnt display passwords on screen etc. I guess if you were googling remedies for random afflictions that could be embarrassing. Facebook, I guess no one ever gets that personal on FB anyway.

also that 90% wasn't referring to anyone in particular, was quite a generalisation.
Pretty disappointed to see an opinion like this coming from you...
just wondering honestly what people do while INGAME :D

if it was 24/7, then I would agree.
Honestly half the time you've got ET on you're not actually playing, because you're waiting a) to find an opponent b) for opponent to show up c) for pauses to end d) between rounds/maps. So when you're "playing ET", you're pretty much doing whatever you'd do on your computer if you weren't "playing ET".

Also atleast I'm using more than one monitor and from what I've been reading UAC takes screenshots constantly from every monitor, so anyone would for example be able to follow all my IRC conversations.
in terms of finding opponent / waiting for them to showup - you can just turn off scanning for this period. pauses and between rounds maps - I think that is a personal choice thing, some players need to check facebook between rounds some do not. Second monitor thing is a different thing I guess, but I guess it could be used to cheat so understandable - at least you know though.

I personally am just going to check my screenshots after each game and delete any where I need to. I guess it is fortunate that I don't ever feel the need to alt tab and login to some sites or generally distract myself from the game, and it does surprise me that some people do :(
atleast for me the scan takes like 15 min and u cant pause it so :C
weird, check the thread ohurcool made about problems - I have 8tb of HD and it scans much quicker for me.

so not so bad I guess, still probably worth looking into why your scans take so long.
The things you can find out about someone with just a first name, phonenumber or bankaccountnumber.
btw I just checked UAC again, and as far as I can tell there is no real time viewing - you upload screenshots when you untick 'start scanning' (you don't upload screens while playing, I guess this is good for lag reduction too).

So if you play for an hour youll have 5-6 screenshots to look at as soon as you have stopped scanning and delete where needed.
the program laggs me like crazy when its scanning, and i still can't even look at my screenshots... they just turn out grey.
The gray/black screenshot issue is known, but it's not that big of a deal, as screenshots aren't really used too much in cheat detection.

I have not experienced any lag on UAC whatsoever, just like most other players. Try taking a look at or visiting the UAC website.
I won't be using UAC for some time, well most likely never, don't have time and will to find all those cheats over whole pc and because of that I don't wanna get banned :P so simple won't use it^^ besides of those scans over my pc just to play ET. Well no thanks I will stay on pub for some time :P i don't see a reason why would someone dictate by his own mind that if you have cheats on your pc you are cheater, if you don't use it in official games or when runing UAC. Using cheats for personal reasons, like setting pb for own server and so on, wouldn't call that a cheater, since i'm doing the same like this UAC testers and developers are, we could call them cheaters also, so after that I could also say that we have Chaplja2 anticheat, can't wait for undetected UAC cheats to be released than I mean WTF is with that statement of UAC staff...

Since I have projects and some kind of personal data on pc (well don't have we all?) and I wouldn't like that would be on screenshot which would some unknown person to me, which might not even be the one who would see that (well how the hell can I know how many persons does see that), check if it is a cheat and then erase, only because I would like to play an offi in meanwhile... well fuck it then :P

so sorry to all fans

shoutout to base, viko, lordi, m1tja, forsaken, wut, azpiliqueta, upload, webe, prodigy, ben and other less important people y u mad timbolina
As you wish. Just remember to let me know when you've come up with another solution which is perfect in every way with no flaws or problems whatsoever. I'll be waiting!
ow that ton of talk :) You don't need to type back everyone who is not going to use uac or is saying that uac is shit that kind of retarded answers. AND THERE CAN'T BE PERFECT...
Yeah, actually I do. I'm not going to let you get away with bashing all of this that I've helped get done when you don't even have any positive contributions of your own to add.
Besides I am grateful that you are trying hard for ET, never had something against you. I don't get it why others are not feeling the same with that. I have only said that I wont use it, since I have read on what kind of way it works and I just don't like that way. I'm not blaming you for anything.

but saw the shoutout, thanks
Why is it that most of the negative responses here are from people that stated they wont play without an AC
but also wont play with the only currently available AC for ET (even if only for a few months)? ... well sorry but that is just plain childish.

The only other alternative I see is /exec GoodGuyGary AC (for 3/4 months until a better, longer term option is available) aka "demo review committee" but that got flamed by the same negative people as well.
Because rule #1 of connecting the the internet is to avoid programs that scan your computer from a remote server????

What else is UAC taking screen shots of?? Passwords?? Account numbers?? Private information? This is the stupidest idea ever.
Screenshots are only taken while you have UAC running and scanning and only of that which you have displayed on your screen at the time, so if you simply resist the urge to do your online banking or open passwords.txt during matches, then there is no way UAC can take any "private" screenshots. Even if it does, screenshots are not uploaded until after you stop scanning, and you can immediately delete any "bad" ones.

It is not the "stupidest idea ever"; you just lack comprehension skills.
If it can detect hax programs on someone's computer, even if they're not running, it can detect anything.

Are you kidding me?? The people that allow a remote program to scan their computer are the ones lacking comprehension
No, not really. Have you ever heard of PunkBuster? It does basically the same thing.
Not true. You can have hax on your computer and not be running and play on a PB server.

Try again
UAC doesn't scan your entire PC if that's what you're implying. The anticheat is used in multiple games by multiple leagues and has no security issues whatsoever. Stop being so paranoid.
I'm only going off what I've read and my only paranoia is that if it's scanning your PC, as I had read, then would things like Key Gens for cracked Software show up as anything, etc.

Why do you always have to be so hostile?? Why don't you act like an administrator?
QuoteWhat else is UAC taking screen shots of?? Passwords?? Account numbers?? Private information?
QuoteI'm only going off what I've read

You clearly haven't read enough if you think UAC is capable of taking screenshots of your private information without your permission.

QuoteWhy do you always have to be so hostile?? Why don't you act like an administrator?

I don't think I was being hostile, but you did call UAC "the stupidest idea ever"... how did you expect me to react? And how exactly does an "administrator" act?

I've spent way too much time and effort on this to sit back and allow players to flame UAC without even bothering to learn how it works.
Then explain the part about how if someone has hacks on their computer, even if not using them, UAC will detect them?? Or is that not true?
It is possible, yes, but that doesn't mean it takes screenshots of every single thing on your PC.

If you have a better idea of which AC to use, I'm willing to listen.
It's not that I have a better idea, or I would have presented it. But as a guy who has been online since the early 90's and worked with computers since the mid-80's., I know that any program that is scanning your computer and reading files that are outside of it's intended purpose, in this case detecting cheaters in an online game, is dangerous.
I might agree with you if this was a brand new anticheat that had never existed before now, but UAC has been in use for almost 8 years now. It is not "dangerous" in the slightest.
You can also just stop playing this game or find a solution yourself if you're not gonna give up in this discussion anyway? I wish you gl with that.
Since I have no idea, how hard it is to make something like TZ-AC had, or simply copy it.
1) player id + nick + guid + ip
only these in that app, doesnt even has to be AC and then just have DEMO CREW or whatever you want to call it, or just simply let those players make demos/videos with someone who is suspicious..
Ohurcool, you did a great job. For a temporary solution its pretty cool, and all this whine here is just pathetic!
i just bet that hexedited random dll will bypass this shit anticheat, just better gather democrew where i can help you without problems
are you a wizard?
Great thing, together with the democrew, I really can't see why people are so butthurt about running a program of which they KNOW that takes screenshots if they don't close it.

Keep it up.
cheater trying to asslick CB admin, i see
So it will be forced for CB offis all right?
It will be used in the upcoming EC/OC season and will probably soon be mandatory for ladder matches as well.
Lol you dont wanna mess with those guys :)
I Find it funny that the guy who jumped in front window only after hes already in, pulls out the gun :D
You actually expect people to run a program that scans their entire HD a) it scans everything even private stuff. b) How do we know it doesn't share documents to his server c) it will lag.

You also expect people to format their HD in order to play with it, just to be sure they are not using any other program this anticheat might suspect of cheats... just brilliant.

The only argument so far i have read from you is ''if you have a better solution go for it''.

I rather not use this crap than have a program scan thru all my files and start looking into private things...

But ye what do i care, i don't play officials.
UAC doesn't scan your entire HD, and it doesn't lag. No one is being told to reformat anything. I am simply warning everyone that having cheats could be seen as an issue by the anticheat.

I think my argument is valid; the AC is not perfect, but it is the best option available at the moment. If someone else does happen to have a better solution, then I would of course be willing to listen, but from what I've seen so far nobody has anything else to offer. So, we'll use UAC.
i understand that this ohurcool guy is trying, but he seem to be failing nonstop lol
what about cf vote system about uac ? pointless if one guy decide for all to force it or not , or just in case force it just boycot it = D
Open when playing ET, close when not. oh ma ghad, so difficult, had to click buttons and stuff :S 8(
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