ET Reborn LAN

image: logo450pxnobg

Ladies and gentlemen: It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce a final confirmation that the ET Reborn LAN will take place! After three years, the ET community has once again proved that ET is alive in the form of another LAN! In less than three months, we've managed to make it a success, and we couldn't have done it without you.

We currently have eleven 6on6 teams signed up and fully paid for the LAN. However, we are still very interested in finding a twelfth team to ensure the success of the event. If you are interested in joining our LAN as the final team, please send a private message to me or timbolina as soon as possible.

Netherlands Timbolina and I would like to thank each and every person who helped to make the LAN possible. A special thanks goes to all of the LAN's donators. This event wouldn't be possible without each and every penny that has been donated so far. Donations are still more than welcome! Information about how to donate can be found below.

This is one more chance to show everyone why ET is the best game ever made. Anyone is welcome to join the LAN as a spectator from April 17th-19th. See you there!

Paid 3on3 teams are checked image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands Sebhes
United Kingdom Shaman
Finland Sherclock
image: icon_vinkje
Hungary Fobje
Hungary sebi
Netherlands Testi
image: icon_vinkje
Germany Ava
Netherlands hybrAtek
Netherlands L4mpje
image: icon_vinkje
United Kingdom crumbs
Germany eujen
Sweden Tites
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands Freddy
Finland Rsp
Finland smak
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands Bigsmoke
Netherlands Hellgast
Netherlands Terifire
image: icon_vinkje
Poland Baczo
Poland Pablo
Poland Sinnsyk
image: icon_vinkje
Germany FiREBALL
Germany KRESTi
Germany s1LENT
image: icon_vinkje
Belgium PlAyer
Finland Swanidius
Netherlands vanQ
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands GiZmOo
Netherlands outlAw
Netherlands iNsAne
image: icon_vinkje
Scotland razz
Germany stRay
United Kingdom sqzz
image: icon_vinkje
Finland Matias
Finland Salaneuvos
Finland twidi
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands Bossah
Netherlands mAxwell
Netherlands Thomm1e
image: icon_vinkje
Poland Abj
Poland dialer
Poland lesti
image: icon_vinkje

Paid 6on6 teams are checked image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands 7ele
Croatia Arma
Netherlands mAxwell
Netherlands Sebhes
United Kingdom Shaman
Finland Sherclock
image: icon_vinkje
Poland Blo0dje
Hungary Fobje
Netherlands jesse
Netherlands ratte
Hungary sebi
Netherlands Testi
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands Freddy
Finland Rsp
Norway Sinche
Finland smak
Finland Swanidius
Netherlands woott
image: icon_vinkje
Belgium Buzzer
Netherlands esSe
Germany eujen
Belgium PlAyer
Finland toNi
Netherlands vANQ
image: icon_vinkje
Germany drago
Slovenia JaKaZc
Sweden feruS
Estonia Nait
Netherlands Ronner
Germany urtier
image: icon_vinkje
Germany Ava
Netherlands GiZmOo
Netherlands hybrAtek
Netherlands iNsAne
Netherlands L4mpje
Netherlands outlAw
image: icon_vinkje
Germany Bl4d3
Germany FiREBALL
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany KRESTi
Germany sTOWNAGE
Germany stRay
image: icon_vinkje
Finland Iron
Finland Matias
Finland Salaneuvos
Netherlands SQuid
Malta toxic
Finland twidi
image: icon_vinkje
Netherlands aphesia
United Kingdom crumbs
Netherlands joop
Poland Kirej
Netherlands Lightning
United Kingdom med1xza
image: icon_vinkje
Belgium chry
United Kingdom koop
Netherlands M1lk
Scotland razz
United Kingdom R0SS
Wales sqzz
image: icon_vinkje (5/6)
Poland Abj
Poland blk
Poland dialer
Poland Frag'Stealer
Poland lesti
Poland Lockheed
image: icon_vinkje

Useful links
Like us on Facebook!
Teams Overivew, must read!
ET Reborn LAN 3on3 groups
ET Reborn LAN 6on6 groups
Poll results
LAN Schedule
Wzzrd café
Prizes, movie and more

If you wish to contribute to the LAN by a donation, we would be very grateful! Donations will be used for the following (depending on the amount of sign-ups):
  • Used to cover the cost of location/renting PC's and monitors;
  • Used to increase the prizepool.

As stated in this thread all payments will go via bank. If you wish to donate you can do so by sending it to this IBAN:
IBAN NL38 RABO 0301 1748 65 in the name of T. Bakker


In the description please add: donation [ nickname you are recognized with ]

Or you can donate via Paypal too by clicking on the image below

image: donate_hand

List of people who contributed by donating to the LAN
Netherlands 7ele & Switzerland v4ux13 (€10,-)
Belgium A random Belgian (€100,-)
Germany cheeze (€15,-)
Estonia Couchor & Estonia Friokir (€50,-)
Germany cutee (€5,-)
Norway Domi (€25,-)
Germany eujen (€100,-)
Germany Felix (€20,-)
Germany FimS (€20,-)
Netherlands Frop (€32,71)
Netherlands HunteR (€10,-)
Netherlands iNsAne (€15,-)
France KareNy (€15,-)
Finland Niko (€20,-)
United States of America ohurcool (€20,-)
Netherlands outlAw (€15,-)
Germany Rayzed (€5,-)
Netherlands rezta (€15,-)
Netherlands Robert (€32,71)
Netherlands Ronner (€70,-)
Finland sani (€20,-)
Estonia schnee (€10,-)
Finland Sherclock (€10,-)
Netherlands spree (€5,-)
Finland SR (€20,-)
Germany stRay (€25,-)
Sweden Tites (€20,-)
United Kingdom toerag (€20,-)
Romania unforgiven (€30,-)
Netherlands voice (€10,-)
Spain Winghaven (€10,-)
Poland zAAba (€5,-)
Anonymous 4x Anonymous

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions about the ET Reborn LAN!
You can find us on #ETReborn.
I made this journal to inform everybody that the LAN is confirmed. I'm really happy to tell you the great news. 3 Months ago I didn't expect to achieve this in such a short period. I've always stayed positive and I'm pleased I could prove many people wrong! Also a big thank you to everybody who helped us so far. Stay tuned, more news will follow the next few days.
Lekker jonge :)
gl sebhes and timbolina hope all arrangements go well
gl jin if u decide to go
rip all nubs
We will do our bests to make sure this will be an unique experience to all of us.
Sebhes is doing an awesome job! Guess timbo too but didnt have a talk to him about the lan! it is rly awesome that you both make this happen. You guys did the job and I hope and know that you wont stop doing so good things for us (the community) with making this again an event we will never forget. For others who doesn't see whats happening in the background I can just highlight Sebhes for so much time he alrdy invested to make thia happen!

SEE YOU THERE GUYS and lets have another great event together :)

e: you guys should also know that both of em arent earning any single euro out of everything. No! they don't even pay their hotelcosts and/or even their travelcosts out of the fees. No! the biggest and most interesting part about this is that they even think about taking some more money out of their own pockets to fullfill all the expetactions. so guys, if u love the game try to support it and those two good guys who are rly doing all these cool things for us. it shouldnt be too hard to donate like 5euros or so and u make them very happy and help them alot! pls think about it!
Thank you very much for the compliment. It's always nice when hard work is getting recognized by others. A special thank you too my partner in crime timbolina. Without him this wouldn't have been possible.
toNi on lan? get the fuck out. start looking for rifle erAse :D

Good luck everyone :)
good news, hf!
Time to find a sweet excuse to dodge the LAN (:
guess i'll cu there ;)
Rly well done guys, best of luck !!
good stuff, gl
well played Tim and Sebhes!
Lady mcbeth here
Credit given where credit is due, well done :p Didn't expect this to even get close to happening but you got it done. Will probably drop by on one of the days, gl hf to everyone playing :D
good job m8!
that's great! cu there. wp hf
well done guys!
Good job guys :)

Avi for the 12th 6on6 team!
Reborn artificial, totally
eujen und das geht mit alg 1 ? :D
der kann damit gut umgehen haha :D
how much stray donate ?
you should ask him yourself :P
good job
gotta smash some faces tho
Germany Rockit vs Germany neverbyte will be the grandfinal.
A guide to Enschede accomodation would be nice. Also a guide for train stations, bus stations, and address of this Wizzard Caffe. Some of us are new in this location and we don t know our way through it
whare're mAus, Wingh Clown..?
at least he did donate 100
provoking always helps to catch people 8 : ]
good effort there mate
Would love to come and play but I rather keep my image as good ET player :P, donated something for the lan :)
too bad, i read your (maus, clown, u) comments and looks very optimistic. bad troll : (
Quote At the end of the week we will need to confirm with Wzzrd if we want to use their location for the event.

Quotetimbolina 16 Mar 2015, 21:14
I meant the same thing with that sentence. Apology for the misunderstanding. A mail will be sent to Wzzrd tonight that we confirm our presence.

So what did they say? Is Wzzrd lan centre confirmed for this event?
Ik als ´xD Trickjump member sinds 2006 ben trots op mijn leider. Veel plezier!
haha :$ hoop dat je ook langskomt
En neem bier mee
where did my donation go
Added you to the list!
could someone just quick reply me on what date is the lan taking place since I'm too lazy to search for myself. I know it's some time in april, but
April 17th-19th
xD toNi @ LAN xD

Ebin troll xDd

btw sup Sander?
xD butchjii @ LAN xD

oh wait

  • Poland trivium mitro and Europe SICK3 are added to the list of 3on3 teams.
  • Like us on facebook! Have a preview of the wzzrd cafe: Facebook!
  • Today more information about the schedule of the LAN will be published.

Easy for erase :)
you know whats funn? there are people who get banned for playing knowingly with banned cheaters..
Cant u just su for once.
Great job Sebhes & Timbolina!

I will try to visit.
Where did you disappear to?
I don't have as much free time as I used to because of my study & job. The free time I have I prefer to spend with my family, girlfriend and mates. So basically real life toke over and other prioritization.

Fun note, I forgot that the LAN would happen last week. I actually went to the cinema yesterday. Too bad would have like to come by.
A random Belgian (€100,-) gj harry
i hope that those streams get recorded with ettv chat for watching and having fun later :)

good job guys°!
All the important related LAN posts can be found under "Useful links"
nice, i'll restall ET just for watch some matches !
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