The viking squad of Denmark

image: dknc0at

Year 1992 AD.:
QuoteThis years Eurocup in football was held in Sweden, and one of the late teams to join the tournament was Denmark, who joined because Jugoslavia was not eligible to go, because of the war.
These finals was won by the Danish national team, who surprised all by beating The Netherlands in the semifinal, and the mighty squad of Yermany in the final.

Enough with the history leasons...

The Danish Enemy Territory community has become alot smaller since the previous nations-cup, but that doesn't prevent the community from creating a team representing the Danish flag. The lineup for this season is:

Denmark Squash (captain) - (Sleeperz)

Denmark Bamze (nSens)
Denmark bLAZ3R (coitio)
Denmark Fisken (Sleeperz)
Denmark Freezer (nSens)
Denmark gyzr (ex-SpreadingDeath)
Denmark Xcn (Sleeperz)

Denmark Arachon (backup) - (coitio)
Denmark Goscinny (backup) - (Sleeperz)

We hope that we are able to make some upsets during the entire season of ClanBase NationsCup. Who ever thinks different will be brutally raped by ze mighty vikings of ze north :)

gl dudes
wooooooo bamze <3
thx m8 <3 :p
hail to the norsemen
gl arachon but where's -=oBs3rv3r=-?
I'm just a backup :P
Because I have to much stuff going on right now :)
like the i-views?
Sorry, but they are on stand-by at the moment :(
unexpected :P :> dont delete it :>
Of course I wont delete it :D
think obs said no thx to NC this year
mog1 uttttalande :<
Where's frode? :<
GL Bamze <3 :D i still love you ;)
thx my beloved norwegian m8 ;) (I LOVE YOU TOO!)
gl, you will need it
gl hf guys :))
good luck danes!
vikings \o/
i played with half of them :|

GL !!!

:p gratz :D and thx m8 ;)
hf Anders....KUULAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thx Nakama man <3
same flag as year before :/

gl anywayz :)
zZz whiners <3
not even a single name what i would remember from 2001-2004. newskool is coming ?
u dont know gyzr! wtf

btw gl gyzr (dont know the rest ^^)
You got served by ALIS, when you where in aD in 2004 :P
Teh famous interface i lol'd.
gl gyzr :)
Blazer, the man..If he can't do it, NO ONE CAN!!!!!

How's the €1000 cat? :)

AND WHY ISNT Denmark JH IN THERE??? He is like the no1 active player in denmark!!
no oBs no fun :c, gl though!
no oBs is no game
zotte oBs !
christa :<<<
gl gyzer
go Arachon<3
gl gayzor or should I say... MESQI?!?
Wow who spelled "Denmark" wrong in the banner?
xcn suckz
u should have taken kasper aka pussie instead of xcn
xcn was probably just licking squash's ass all the time
GL Ara & blAZ3R!
Held og lykke! :-)
Thx and GL with "real life" ;)
gl arachon, and the rest ofc
danske vikingar e ingenting i forhold t norske! plyndring å voldtekt ftw!!!
GL Arachon! <3
<3 blaz3r!
blazer;ara concentrate on coitio

who cares about their nation
Good luck coitio guys :D
lycka till Squash
go Denmark! n gl :-)
need Ankel!!!

and where's christa & oBs?
You'll need oBs.
I know only 3 players lal
Denmark got terrible statistics:P
Held og lykke boys.
Lets make the playoffs!
Need oBs tbh :(
gl Arachon !
GL, I only know some sleeperz dudes so i dont say anything of the lineup :)
Maybe this year DK will get it's first match victory....Or then again, looking at the squad, I think not...
Elegant team !!

need Lillebror in that lineup
Uanset lineup havde din kommentar været lige harsk så smut du bare ud leg lidt med din ven "lillbror" =]
kan se du fangede essensen af det jeg sagde... :oP

han kan da ikke være dårligere end bamze :S

Men er vel ret ligegyldigt da DK ikke kommer med....
The Danish Enemy Territory community has become alot smaller .... What community ... mega rofl

Face it u suck bigtime, dont embarrass yourselves again !
& you are? John "wanted 2 b" TossSpot? xD rufl
i miss Darkie :(
gl goes to:
Denmark gyzr <3
Denmark Arachon

but no Denmark oBs = suckage :(

need Denmark oBs!
gl bLaz3r :-)
gl blaze :)

only know blazer and gyzr tbh
no oBs ;{
gl gyzr and squash
gl danskerkill <3
DenmarkArachon and DenmarkbLAZ3R ftw!
the unhitable arachon and blazer :>
Unhittable??!?! wtf
yesterday ... :p
gl Arachon & bLAZ3R
where is oBs?
nice web!
gl xcN !!! :)

gl xcN :*
gl neighbors :)
QuoteHowever, due to late subscriptions we had to put Denmark & Bulgaria on the waiting list.

gl @ waiting list
I was wery surprised that sigups were closed over 1 day before deadline after having spoken to an admin (Lab) 2 dayes before...the signup aplication was sent 23 hours+ before deadline....this is how it goes:

Irc log:

Session Start: Sun Nov 05 00:09:01 2006
Session Ident: [CB]lab
[00:09] Session Ident: [CB]lab ([email protected])
[00:09] <[CB]lab> hello Squash is Denmark going to signup to NC X
[00:09] <[CB]lab> ?
[00:09] <Squash> yea i hope so
[00:09] <Squash> ;)
[00:09] <Squash> ehm havnt finnished gathring a team yet
[00:09] <[CB]lab> ok, justbasking becouse we didnt recived any denmark signup so far
[00:10] <Squash> its the 8th the last day to sign up right?
[00:10] <[CB]lab> yes
[00:10] <Squash> ok
[00:10] <[CB]lab> but better for us to gather all signupos earlier :)
[00:10] <Squash> i asume we will play but its onlt like 85% sure right now
[00:10] <[CB]lab> ok
[00:10] <[CB]lab> gl with gathering team then
[00:10] <Squash> thx
Session Close: Sun Nov 05 01:27:47 2006

The only reason why i waited so long to sign up was because i didn't want DK to look bad by signing up with an uncommitted team that later would leave and give forfeit as the team has done the last couple of years.

This has not been Arachons fault but the players that have agreed to play and haven't full filled their promises

This year i was proud to gather a team that actually have commitment far beyond the teams of the last couple of years.

Players might not be as well known as the players of former NC teams but let that not fool u....being know does NOT make a team...alot of 2 weeks clans with "top players" speaks for it self...

I still hope that we get a chance to play and that the decision to close signups before deadline leaving us out haven't crushed the spirit of the Danish team.

Just my 2 cents

hope blazer leaves now and comes playing with us -.-
Ye u r sutch a nice gay Generalz thx fo the support ;)
i must say your a good leader
nice start by signing up to late
I see u cant read either?

This conversation ends use he cant read anyway :/
GO Sqz \o/ =)
Thx Blitz <3 !
Have fun bLAZ3R.
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