Team Latvia arrives.

Probably last but definetly not least Team Latvia is ready to announce their lineup for this season. Last two nation cups have been sort of successful for our little nation, this year, we will try to do even better, and hopefully get past the 1st round of playoffs. It hasnt been easy to form a nation team this year for us, good players arent growing on trees here in Latvia, any et players for that matter, but we have done as good as we could so here is the result:

Latvia Clown (C)
Latvia vinyl
Latvia fuzz
Latvia dunno
Latvia speedy
Latvia Mata Estonia

Statement by fuzz:

We wish other nations good luck and hopefully alot of fun :)
gl :D, Clown @ latvia NC? wtf

oh wait, he's my teammate...
go fuzzi gooo =D
gl speedy, dunno & the rest!
stfu stupid noone, im 100% better then everyone of you! and even pub nub zivs and hes girlfriend pwnd you , your ex clans plz? you are just a little russian noone! btw clown i will kick you soon dude ..
hf mates .
wtf has Mata to do with latvia ?:/
One of the parents afaik.
wtf are u doing in xfire firday night 0:03 ??
might be nolife problems ?
hahahah fuzz :D
gL dunn3ns0hn
waiting for Kurbad's comment!
Gl ladies.. lol @ Loekino -_-
search some merc you could pracc with, clown overbooked :P
gl Clown
GL clown and co. <3
gl fuzz !
isnt dunno a rus
your banner dont works
doesn't work*

btw pillars!
first team without a stupid fucking ugly banner
i cant agree :/
go matatata
this banner wins
Mataz0R & C|ownmon! :* gl guys!
Mata has special lag scripts that make him invincible... ask vio!
Best statement ever
they introduced immigration policy in Latvia to get 6th player...
There is no pubz in GW.
fun 2 dunno
2006 or 2016 you always be stupid russian.. and one day i will send u guys home to mother russia!
btw i dont read hitler books, and im not NAZI, u cant handle it stupid wnb
someone is need to be WACKED!
You are not nazi, you just, probably by accident use Hitler pictures as your avatars, have swastika anywhere where is possible to place it, and speak like SIEG HEIL. Ok I understand now, no problem meight.

You flame like everyone who present Latvia in ET except you and your buddy nazis is fucking communist/occupant (nice PS skills btw) or what other shit you have in your small head, but your fucked brain don't understand that only person with some kind of problems here is you. Now wonder you have been already visited by police.

And please restrain from your comments about skill, I don`t want to hear anything about skill from busted cheater (such a lowlife you are).

You shallow cunt.
hmm. u let russians to play in NC team? latvian-russians aint latvians imo. same as estonian-russians aint estonians. they are immigrants who came here 60 years ago. NC team should consist ppl whos nationality is same as its country (gg english :P)

russians in baltic countrys are same as random netherlands guy living in finland.

they allways whine about being discriminated - who the fuck cares.
they allways whine that russian language should be 2nd official languange in country they live - haha burn
they allways whine that they dont have enough right - who the fuck cares . they should go back to theyr motherland if things are so-so bad where they live.

i would buy a train ticket to siberia for them myself if they would go
Noone here whines about your mentioned problems. (i mean from team, not whole situation in country) You throw everyone in same bag, don't. This is game not a politics so please, don't mix this shit together.

Ofcource, not all here is 100% Latvian-Arian blood, but still everyone here is citizen and will try to represent our country at best. People like kurbads are making big black dirty spots on country ET's reputation, not this nation team.

Don't bring your hate here.

so by your logic, if u marry russian girl, and u will have kids, they(estonian-russian kids) should go to siberia, right? n141 logic.
only the peeps who whine about being discriminated
so if u born in airplane, your country was..?
btw why your face call for bat?
did you see yourself in the mirror? :-)
look at yourself poor guy, your parents drunk too much or lose you in forest?
wow, looks like u have a lot of spare time for games, when do you work, or only your wife is working and bringing home money to pay for internet? gl @ life(if u have one ofc).
ugly duckling Tim, i have good work and i study @ university
what's the prob then?
dick is too small?
xexe dont be so nervous little virtual dick measurer
i guess u have been preparing jokes for this NC for the whole year, dumb fuck
die bitch ;>
Hate will solve all problems, really! Go back to selling motherboards asswipe.
exacly like marauder said.
i have russian girlfriend too . she thinks allmost like me , whiners should go to russia :) so im not talking about everyone, just those who are morons . talk about how big and good CCCR was and so on
Do you really think i would allow such people to play in my country's nation team if they would say CCCP is great n shit? I respect everyone who respects me and my country. Im no communist, but im not a nazi either, i decide on my own who is a good respectable person and who is a fucking retard. Kurbads and all of his followers are like that, they throw everyone in the same bag as fuzz said.
but still u like russian language better..
You are an idiot, i dont like any language better, grow up retard.
u little asslicker.. hide your real name dude. btw i have logs how u came to "team-latvia" few years ago, showing your trickjump skills in fueldump ! lol
Go and asslick youre nazi fellows and STFU! This isn't about if you like the team or not. They don't like you and you don't like them. Period.
Age: 14 ( 11 February 1992 ), grow up little eesti pokemon, u rly dont deserving my comment
You should learn english and grow out of computer games :/ At least I aint as childish as you are.
27 ( 14 April 1979 )

27 + retard = nolife.
66 ( 1 January 1940 )

66 + stupid + nub + fanboi + wnb + niga = rus shit.
I think you are a racist :/
sending ppl like you to afrecia would solve all those problems much faster.
I agree with you :P

It was so funny when Putin invited the russians back from the Baltic countries, but they didn't want to go because living in Russia would be shit.
u get the point what i trying to tell them, they all (except clown, but he lives in country, where occupants and occupant seeds are most then 50%) are russian speeking, anti-latvians.. kolja, sergey, petrov etc.. this is nation team Latvia? NO! Just play with your own Russia flag and i wish u good luck.
And fuzzy-sergey dont talk about skill, u are and always been low skilled nub.
well im sic and tired of listening russian language everywhere. thank god theres only 25% russians of whole population (and going less) but still , too much.

i know maybe 50 words in russian, just didnt want to learn that. hate that language. so ugly and full of z,&#347;,&#378; letters.
yes i would need that @ work but noone forces me to speak it. if client is a usual russian-speaking-bitch i just ignore him and talk estonian/english/finnish. too bad those sergeis/ivans/vladimirs dont understand anything else than russian.

in other hand . a normal young russian who has learnd estonian very well and speaks it clearly. noone discriminates him. all door are open for him and everyone are nice to him if he respects Estonia. but still i wouldnt want too see russian names in goverment or other important places.ministers or president - Jevgeni or Mihhail? rofl thank u not. Miss Estonia - russian girl? hell no. its just ... isnt right.

3rd. russians allways call those facists or hitler-friends who hate ppl like them. thats so funny. they just dont understand why i like Waffen SS soldiers who were estonians and who fighted against CCCR. they see it as bad thing. too bad for them.
i dont love hitler or something but i agree with things he wanted. e.g. only white ppl in europe, nigers and asians should be where they are.

only one good thing happened to Estonia while we were under CCCP. we dont have that moslem shiet here as all other EU countrys have like in sweden/france/uk/germany because CCCP didnt let them into Estonia. . thank god i dont have to see some black/brown ugly faces in streets and hear that allah shit all day :)
lol , russian saying is like: If u running to beat 2 estonians , ull catch 5.

rus > est irl , dont try to argue with that.
how can rus > est
every day we see russian drugaddicts or drunks in the tv here.. u dont know shit about russians or what they have done to us..
russians have stolen ur internetz?
kid, you know what is "propaganda"? seems like u dont.
my granddad was sent to a prison camp in siberia and was on death row by russians for doing nothing
, thats propaganda?
WoW, mister, now blame all russians from all countries cause they are such fucktards and sent your grandparents to siberia. ;) idiot

lets start to blame all americans cause they have started war in iraq, afghanistan.
lets start to blame all japanese cause they attacked americans @ pearl harbour.
lets start to blame all yermans cause they tortured & killed a lot of people in Europe during 2WW.
i meant the russians who did terrible things to our country, who occupied us and are still here and who say they are discriminated
anway, this argument is pointless
LoL, they surely are. Didn't you know "occupation" was like 60 years ago?
estonia declared independence in 1991
what does it have to do with people that "occupied" you 60 years ago. get brains@ebay.
u dont seem to be getting the point, cause ur a slav urself
and u really have to have an insult at the end of ur post all the time.
dude, you are saying nonsense. cant you understand that people which planned your "occupation" are from communistic party and it was FUCKING 60 YEARS ago. go to school.
those who were occupiers are now 80+ years old. but their children still live here. most ofthem still think that they "saved" us from germany and are hereos. they still think that it was the best thing ever happened to estonia and they still love russia.

+ much of them thonk that thy are better than estonians. my girlfriend is russian and she has told my many things abot ppl she knows so thts not bs. these are estonian-russians
yes they must have A LOT of children, like 25% of whole population. ngr pls.
enough for disurbing normal ppl.

tho yes, in west and southern areas theres pretty few russians but in capital city , allmost 40%. they are fucking everywhere.

every 9th of may they celebrate with CCCP flags + talk about how brave they are and saved Estonia. saved from fucking who? thats occupation.

every 22 september they gather togheter and talk to press how they saved Estonia.. again. 22september is a day when red army entered Estonia capital city , Tallinn. Shot down our flag with machineguns and replaced it with red one.

that not fucking normal.
and btw dunno. if u REALLY dont understand this then u must be really a child of a russian...
you didnt get my point, do you?
ur point is what? lets forget it , its 60years ago? because they already live here and theres so much of them , then maybe second official language should be russian? let them run around with red flags + tshirts where is written "CCCP" and we should not get angry because of that ? let them talk bullshit everywhere "omg omg estonians are so bad, they dont let us study in our own language, they force us to speak estonian blalblabla" ?

dude , they should feel the same as my people did.

they should be thankful that we dont send them out of country right now.
again. there was a research. most of them even didnt know who is prime minster of estonia.
most of them didnt even know the words of Estonia natioanl anthem.
most of them dont even feel anything when they see our beautiful national flag.

that aint a fucking citizen. thats immigrant who should be very quiet.

what's left? suicide!

but seriously dude you should lower your HATE level.
OFCOURSE they surely dont know who is prime minister, they surely hate estonian flag, man you know everything. did you researched it yourself?
you didnt get my point at all. you are changing themes too fast.
well i just guess u dont have anything to say to me if thats all u can write :) too bad , my slavish friend
ok, i know that's hard to agree with me that u cant get my point at all. My point was the actual amount of people that connected with real "occupators" in Estonia cant be big, and talk like all of russians or other nationalities are "occupators", like Kurbads does.

P.S. YES I surely have nothing to say.

P.S.S. These "occupators" would be killed if they wouldnt perform orders from party.
ur saying totally bullshit , ur so cool @ internet , try to say that all irl.
pm for dunn0 nuke pics, he is latvian RLY@22111````1
ets start to blame all japanese cause they attacked americans @ pearl harbour. read history little russian boy ffs.
You're even more racist than Kurbads.
Btw, if you are really 27, then you are pathetic. You are almost 30 and still playing computer games :x Grow up bitch.
i know where mata is living
Can I touch You ?
only if u wash ur hands
This team need kurbads :(

Kurbads > dunn0

no Vegas :) this team need to change flag Russia.. i dont play with russian nubz. And yes Kurbads > dunno x5!
I still got lagz, imo kurbads hax meh :'(
nice ss sol

my nade btw o/
true, i can see "STE" written on that nade :-)
gL 2 Latvia
good luck <3
fuzz will pwn :)
gl and hf mates ! :)
gl to vinyl, dunno and other guys! :)
hf to all nation teams playing against latvia
yes, it'll be fun!
latvia uit altijd lastig
Gl Latvia..

have fun clown=)
Gl team-Latvia!
gl fuzz!
negaaars gl ;>
lol "gl mates"
hf fuzz ;>
Lies, i'm med+ like everyone at xfire. And there really isnt any pub in gw.
gl latvia :))
gl vinyl clown fuzz and dunno <3
gl clown =)
flag was offensive?
" It hasnt been easy to form a nation team this year for us, good players arent growing on trees here in Latvia, any et players for that matter, but we have done as good as we could so here is the result"
Haven't heard you've tried out Luciann, Loland, Sieger... :X
Still gl&hf&tere eesti vabarik
Have they even asked? Have they even played 1 open cup or ANYTHING aside from latvian public for that matter? Im sorry, but i wont be taking pub-only players...
Leagues - No. Simple clanwars - Yes. And a lot.
Don't judge players because of only playing in open cups and shit like that - you know that in our country there are not much players and you should pay attention to even those who haven't really played any leagues or cups. I'm not going to demand to pick them ASAP in team, just letting you know that there IS players with a lot better future than for example speedy (omg).
they are maybe good, but unexperienced
Wtf you have against me ? Yes i dont play et about half year (gw ownz), and I would be really happy, if someone could take my place (if it would be better for team), but where are your pr0 playz0rs, playing at pubz ? Maybe i'm not high+ player, but I have some experience, I played in all Nation cups. And where was you ? Whined @ ettv about some nazi stuff, that dont have anything with Enemy Territory...
p.s. If someone want to play in nation team, he should know the game and understand it. But when we got only one!!! server in Latvia with baserace 24/7, how can Clown chose someone from there ?
stfu stupid noone, im 100% better then everyone of you! and even pub nub zivs and hes girlfriend pwnd you , your ex clans plz? you are just a little russian asslicker! btw clown i will kick you soon dude ..
stupid asslicker i can OWN you anytime u want @ 1on1 ettv plz.
man ur such a retard (c) , can u die for me and all other people here? thanx.
imo lituania should play nc too :>
neky=1 man army!
neky and totto!
12 against 6 is a bit unfair.
Only just noticed this, anyone else spouting this kinda racist bullshit will be banned.
hint: this thread is full of this shit, check upper comments
Didn't read it all before - embarassing for interface & kurbads really :/
Nellie - u have never been under russia ocupation . u never had to live together with those arrogant morons who think that they are someking of kings.

vessaR - in finland , russians are 0.6% of population. u barely see them i guess. in here its 25%.

so basicly ppl who have never lived in Estonia dont know shit.

and d227_speedy - if a african guy borns in Estonia then that doesnt make him estonian if his mother language isnt estonian or he doesnt respect the country, its history and its ppl.
so even if u live in lithuania but ur mother language isnt lithuanian then u are just dude who lives there.
so same with russians here. i got plenty of russian-estonian friends who speak estonian clearly. for me they are estonians. but too bad - there are not much of those kind of ppl. mostly there are ivans , jevgenis and vladimirs who just whine how everyone are discriminating them and they should have more right , everbody should speak russian with them and so on
haha dude, u should reread all posts u have written, it's full of opposite points & prejudices.
actually at the moment only you whine about it all (blaming about all negative things in your country on others not on yourself), didnt see any russian estonians and havent seen @ media that they actually whine.
QuoteNellie - u have never been under russia ocupation

You lived @ 40-50's? Or you still feel that russians want to occupy you? I guess you dont know shit yourself. It's redicilous, your view is 100% influenced by media, parents, which hate all russians cause they were being sent to siberia. And guess what? Goverment were sending to siberia russians too. It's like blaming all americans for Bush's radical actions. But you are still whining, after 50years. Dont you think it's absolutely stupid? And you say you still feel this occupation? You must be totally retarded.
I can hardly believe that in Estonia there are a lot of people that dont speak estonian, considering there is only 25% russians.
about 350000 ppl whos mother language aint estonian.
lately there was a research. about 20% of them speaks estonian normaly. about 40% allmost none. other 40% can say something if they must.

but biggest problem is their attitude. most of them dont even want to try .. they just want to speak russian. in shops , at streets. etc
weren't you talking about all russians recently? that's their problem if they dont speak estonian, u shouldnt care.
Sorry but it was quote to Interface post. I worked all my summer hollidays with afroamerican guy, he was/is really good guy and i dont have anything against him. But when someone come to MY country (yes kurbad its my country to and you cant do anything here) dont work and just live here on taxes, that I pay to government, it makes me angry. Nellie, if you are so "good guy", you should nuke all kurbad's posts, because they hurts alot people living in Latvia/Estonia (yes Interface you are retard like kurbad).
p.s. I apologize about a shit, that xfire users read here, and for my bad english ( yes i learned lithuanian in England better than english because I worked on lithuanians there).
can i meat you ? and take your little niga too
anyway ESTONIA mata on rtcw pwnz :p
kall fucking russian nabs n they low fanbos im ZE ONLY ONE REAL LATVIAN and i own by real skill all of you nubs.. tnx cu
ps. call ma cheeter now tnx.. stupid virtual neveiksminiueki(YES my english sux im best! im best everyway.. no med+ her stupid nup!)
27 year old man.

YE SURE! Acting like 12 years old.
sorry mr. noone
np mr. retard
kurbads - tard , natural.
Can't believe how much blatant racism I have to read here Oo.
crazy shit in here -.-
image: dunywithlenin
pm dunn0 for same "latvian" skill.. delate my post once again and i fuck this stupid teenie forum.. no offencive
drinking has damaged your head?
nah. he just doesnt like a guy if his named "ivan, sergei , vladimir, jevgeni, vjadseslav, igor, etc" like all other arian ppl

specialy if they f0kin make a picture with stalin , lenin or with other braindead mothafucka
Dude it's photoshopped by our only true latvian here.

And again, you don't understand that the way you act now is no better than the way these russians acts which you described in your country problems, pure ignorance.

Your opinions here is based pure on kurbads expressions? Look at how he writes, you are supporting such a braindead person? Please.
busted again ffs :<
black sorry :<
ffs stop spam latvian*
sorry my enish dont works :<
raZz? nop fuZz :{
kurwa ma jebany w pizdu?
maan, you are really stupid 8))

p.s. i feel sorry for you 8(
oh noes admins deleted all :<

omg communists are overtaked this forum i guess :D
pm loekino for forum-skill, tnx
O RILI ORILI O RILI FUCKING TARD BRUHAHAHAHAH lol k die noone , i wnb u progamer
doin leik fine nd stuff im just beyin annoyed couse of my internet nd thiz the game lazt night leik 4-0 for Israel and i didnt play nd stuff couse of my sucky net ;< wanna cry with me?
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