YAWn! implements Crossfire GUIDs

image: logo We are proud to announce that the well-known online identification tool YAWn! by Boozze Gaming's Belgium Tziek has recently been updated to implement the ET PunkBuster GUIDs entered on Crossfire !

When you look up a player on YAWn!, it will now check if the PB GUID for that player as it exists in the YAWn! database matches any of the GUIDs entered on Crossfire. If that is the case, you will be presented with the following new icon in the right column:

image: ico_notice The punkbuster guid is known to other game communities/leagues.

When you click the icon, it will take you to the page that tells you what username the player is registered on here at Crossfire, and clicking that username will take you directly to their profile.

But don't take my word for it, see for yourself:

Please note that the GUIDs as they are provided to YAWn! are updated on a regular interval basis. They will not show up immediately after inputting your GUID on your profile.

Crossfire 3: Changelog

Now that you have feasted your eyes upon Crossfire 3, let me tell you what there is to know about the new features of Crossfire 3:


- New design. Unless you've been living in a cave for the last few days, you'll have noticed it by now. We currently do not support personal skin settings, although we may allow for this in the future. Send your kudos to Angrykid, foonr, taLa who have all played a role in the evolution from the first new design to this one. Special thanks go out to BobbyDigital from Newcastle United for creating the kick-ass banner !

- Overall security improvements. This has been one of the main reasons for the development of Crossfire 3. You will notice that you will be asked to confirm actions such as deleting content, adding and removing buddies, entering in CrossFight, etc. These are made to force you to use POST data, so that simply following a link can no longer directly perform an operation such as adding a buddy, removing a buddy, etc in the way it was possible on Crossfire 2. All incoming POST data is checked for malicious content, and is secured to make sure all incoming POST data originates from Crossfire.

- Some new content types have been introduced, including Movies, Tutorials, Interviews.

- Introduction of the Sticky status. Many of the content types (except Journals) now allow for the Sticky status, in which case a post will be listed at the top, regardless of its posting date and time.

Welcome to the new server!

Dear Crossfire members,

As you will have surely noticed by now, recently the site has suffered some downtime. We have been unable to resolve this issue thus far, and are therefore moving to a new host. This server has been specifically designed for Crossfire, and is personally managed by the Crossfire Crew to ensure that you get the best possible experience.

We would like to thank Fragland for having provided us with their hosting services for all this time and baring with us through these difficult times. We will be of no further trouble to them.

image: x3mtrans
Another big thank you goes out to X3M Servers, who are kindly providing us with the new server to host Crossfire on. If you get a chance, check out their services by clicking on this link. You won't be disappointed, and we're sure we won't be either.

Thank you for understanding, and if all goes well this will be last and final downtime for Crossfire.
-- taLa.

Looks like the migration to the new X3M Server has been successful. The infamous error 28 should now be a thing of the past !

You may be wondering what xfire.lk2.de is in the URL you're getting. It is a temporary domain kindly provided for us by Belarus arni to ensure a smooth move to the new server. While you're using this domain, xfire.be and crossfire.nu will get updated to point to this server. Kudos to Belarus arni for planning the move to the new server and clearing up the DNS Darkness in my head!

The server has been tested and crossfire has been found to work on this server. However, if you do happen to find a glitch, please do not hesitate to let me know. You're the ones that keep this site running.

X3M Servers

Crossfire Announces ATi: The Mystery Sponsor

image: 1Crossfire_H_cmyk_S%20bTM
London, England. August 5th 2006

www.crossfire.nu has today announced support from ATI, the world leader in the design and manufacture of innovative 3D graphics, PC platform technologies and digital media silicon solutions, to send the Crossfire Community Team to Dallas, Texas to compete in Quakecon 2006.

Quakecon, the leading tournament for Enemy Territory, is offering $30,000 in cash prizes for their tournament in Dallas this year. With Quakecon announced just 21 days prior to the tournament European teams attending the “SuperBowl” of their game was a distant dream. Crossfire, the home of Enemy Territory, decided it was time to get the community together and send the very best of the European scene go to Dallas and return with the money to reinvest in the community.

With Crossfires community donating one Euro each to help send the team to Dallas in a Blue Peter appeal style, they selected a team and practice was underway. As the community persevered together the cost kept escalating as time went by and all hopes of attending seemed distant. However, when ATI heard of the communities plight they stepped up to the plate to make sure Crossfire would be attending Quakecon this year. In a feat of fantastic charity, ATI have sent not only the 5 man allstar lineup but also a documentary team to record all the action of the team and the event.

Crossfire Director Stuart Saw had this say:

Quote“We live in a world where gaming is becoming a profession, but within Enemy Territory's small corner we have just one event a year if we are lucky.”

Quote“ATI has given not only the team, but the whole community and opportunity to experience the pro-gaming scene. With the money we will win we can run

events that will change the face of our community forever. Our communities members came together in its time of need, and now we have the newest member,

ATI. Together we've shown everyone what gaming is all about, and that is being apart of a community.”