OpenCup 5on5 Playoffs announced!

image: 4ig9z9

[center]CB ET SW 5on5 OpenCup Spring 2010[/center]

Last Sunday, May the 30th, the Group Stage of this CB ET SW 5on5 OpenCup Spring 2010 has elapsed.
By now the Playoff Stage has started, within the Round of the last 16 clans in each League!

The Playoffs will be in following format:
  • The top 2 teams of each group reaching the playoffs
  • Playoffs are played in Single Elimination Mode
  • Wildcards are NOT usable anymore
  • Teams must challange each other by using the roster page
  • Teams are free to choose their maps from the maplist under rules criteria
  • All scores/changes etc must be send to [email protected]

The decision of the Chiefs

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0

The time has come. The Chiefs of Cups made their decision belong to the 'removal case'. By now the CB NationsCup XII isn't frozen anymore.

Following, here is the statement of the Chiefs:

The CB NC XII Case

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0

Currently the ClanBase Chief of Cup and his staff are looking into the situation about the three removed teams. At current I can not say anything of the outcome as we, the gamecrew, have offered our opinions and it is now on their hands.
I hope to keep you updated on any news regarding this and expect a response as soon as the end of the working week.

Source: ClanBase NC XII News

Removal of Croatia, Netherlands and Finland

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0

After a complaint about the lineup of team Croatia regarding the rule:

Quote by CB RulesPlayers are considered to still be members of any active clan they've been a member of (no matter how briefly) after 29th September 2008 until Monday of the 2nd Match Week of the cup. Activity for clans is defined as participating in any ClanBase competition (Hosted Cups and QuickCups which are not intended for National teams included, Friendlies excluded). Exceptions may apply.
National captains are expected to know the full clan history of any player they wish to field; not knowing it will not be an excuse to break this rule. If any doubt is possible about the membership of a certain player in a certain clan then the captain must always get permission from the supervisor before using that player. There is no limit on how many members of the same clan can be registered with a national team.

EuroCup Invite Show - Spring season 2009

EuroCup Spring Season Invites This Sunday!
Find out this Sunday who the invites are for the EuroCup Spring season live on CBRadio. Next to that, CBRadio will give out the two remaining QcK+ mouse pads from SteelSeries Limited Edition.

As the signups are closed, it seems only a matter of time before the titans amongst our games are selected to face each other and become this season's ultimate champion! This Sunday, ClanBase announces who these titans are for each EuroCup game.

Next to the #EuroCup announcement on IRC, we are able to give you a live show on CBRadio including interviews with people from the scene. Your hosts Belgium Nex and Netherlands Ins0mnia will entertain you and will give away the last two QcK+ pads from SteelSeries Limited edition. If you want a piece of that action, or you don't want to miss out which teams can consider themselves as the giants of your game, then tune in this Sunday at 20.00 CET on CBRadio.

Source: CB NEWS


The schedule:

20.00: Introduction
20.10: Enemy Territory
20.25: Call of Duty 2
20.40: Medal of Honor AA
20.55: SteelSeries Contest Part 1
21.00: Call of Duty 4
21.15: SteelSeries Contest Part 2
21.20: Counter-Strike: Source
21.35: Announcement of winners of both contests

CB NC XII Overview

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0

One month ago the image: cbico ClanBase NationsCup XII began. Following these four weeks of intense matches full of action, we’re now down to the all important battle for the playoffs, the candidates – the likes of Germany Germany and Belgium Belgium. But there's still everything to play for!

The Group Stage offered us many surprises, like Czech Republic Czech Republic having a streak of 4 wins in a row and thereby currently leading Group B. Or Spain Spain, currently 2nd place in Group A having only lost against the tournament favourites Poland Poland.
Regrettably, we’ve also had some disappointing teams this Season in the same way we have surprises. Having yet to win any map, Austria Austria and Hungary Hungary will have to battle hard to avoid the so called 'Wodden Spoon Award'. Being the overall most outsiding team Romania Romania is fulfilling the list.

Thursdays CB NC Action

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0

[center]Three matches of the CB NC XII will be played tonight[/center]
[center]Watch out![/center]

A clash of favorites!

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0

At the upcoming Sunday, we will see a prime example of Enemy Territory! Netherlands Netherlands and Finland Finland will fight each other. Both are clearly favorites for the playoffs - maybe more! On SupplDepot and Battery we will see if Netherlands Netherlands will find back into the group.

Group B is on a watch!

image: ncxiiblackbig2rv0

Here is one short preview of a match from the upcoming [center]CB NC XII Super Sunday[/center]

CB National teams coverage pages introduced

We are one week into the NationsCup XII Season and it's time to introduce a new feature: The national teams coverage pages! These pages will be used by the national teams to provide live updates and extra coverage about what's happening with their team on the different NationsCups.

image: ncxiismall

The national team pages are a pilot project this season and its aim is to provide even better coverage to all of you national team fans. In the pages you will be able to find news and updates about your team in the ClanBase NationsCups as well as fast links to the cups themselves. We are also looking into adding more features in the future.

We are happy to kick off the project with not less than 13 different national teams. Here's a link to the team pages for each team:

The people in charge of the pages are our wonderful National Team Managers. If you want to help out your team and become a National Team writer please address your National Team Manager. You can find the full list of Managers right here.

We wish all the national teams good luck and to all of you an eventful season!