NoQuery DDoS "Protection"

Quotesecurity through obscurity


This library embeds itself to linux servers by using the LD_PRELOAD environmental variable. It then checks all incoming packets, if the packet contains the q3 header followed by the query keywords getstatus or getinfo, then it simply drops the packet.

This causes your server not to respond to any master server queries or services like splatter ladder. All queries from applications such as HLSW will also be ignored. The attacker will therefore not be able to find out through these various utilities if the server is up.

As the server will not appear in the lists, or respond to any queries, it will not even show up on favourites. The only way to connect will be with:
/connect ip:port

Alienware Challenge Week 1 Voting

After throwing the lucky four contestants in the deep end and assigning them to find the "things that are unknown to most and bring us the human interest stories that matter" at the ESWC global finals, it is now time to decide who best performed in that task.

That decision will come down to you, the public voters, who have been following the exploits of the Alienware four as they backpack around Europe in a bid to win $5,000 and an Alienware M1x laptop.
The winner and runner-up of the public vote will not only be presented with extra money into their budget for that week, $150 and $100 respectively, but it will also go towards determining who wins the grand prize.

This week the challenge facing the contestants will be to learn more about street performers and street artists.

As it says on the Alienware Challenge website:
QuoteWe would like to see our contestants go out and meet the most interesting street performers they can find and blog about it. We want the contestants to learn about these street performers and let us know their stories. Ultimately, we would like each contestant to also go out and “learn the trade” from one of them, taking over the role of a street performer/artist and entertaining random pedestrians and bystanders in the streets. With a plethora of options available to them, ranging from musically inspired artists to painters, jugglers, card tricks, acrobatics, comedy, mime, living statues the contestants are sure to get some interesting stories for us to read this week.

Those of you who wish to cast your votes can do so here.

Before voting be sure to read through and watch the videos in each of the contender's blogs.


Posted on behalf of Heaven Media

Esports Heaven - ET One Night Wonder Finished

image: ONW-ETinn_umpAfter a slow start and 3 teams short of the tournament size things weren't looking very optimistic however the Esports Heaven – Enemy Territory – One Night Wonder tournament turned out to be a success.

As predicted United States of America Blight shot through the tournament reaching the finals with relative ease. After dominating Braundorf in 2:40 Blight had nothing to worry about for the second map Radar. Czech Republic inteRaction did manage to get in some nice frags towards the beginning of Radar and made some heads wonder about a 3rd map, however after capturing the West Radar parts, blight’s defences became as solid as the Solid Granite power up of Carmageddon (well done to those of you old school enough to get that reference). After a full hold on Radar Blight claimed them self place on the One Night Wonder and the YCN Hosting Internet Support.

Apart from the 3 unfilled spaces and the 1 forfeit win the Tournament received quite good interest and generally positive reviews from all the teams involved. There is no doubt that there will be more ET One Night Wonders to come from Esports Heaven after things quiet down from CiC7 in March, and maybe next time an alternative schedule will be run to better accommodate more teams who couldn’t show up early enough for the first game. Additionally YCN Hosting is looking to host several larger tournaments during Q2 of 2010.

Esports Heaven - ET One Night Wonder Tournament

image: ONW-ETinn_650

Esports Heaven in co-operation with YCN Hosting is proud to announce the Esports Heaven - Wolfenstein Enemy Territory - One Night Wonder Tournament.

This will be the first of many tournaments that Esports Heaven will be running for ET. Over the next few month we plan to bring more Publicity and Funding into the ET community.

This tournament will be scheduled for Wednesday the 24th of February and all matches will be played between 18:30 GMT and 23:00GMT. The tournament will be a Single Elimination bracket consist of either 8 or 16 Teams depending on how many teams apply.

We will be offering a prize of Full YCN Hosting Internet Support for the winning team. This includes Game Servers, Web Hosting, Voice Hosting, Bouncers and/or anything else a Team or Organisation would ever need.

If you have any further question please contact:
United Kingdom EYJohn
United Kingdom msh100
Estonia Edgar