Decerto get OVERLOADEd

It is time to "Overload" the system and give Decerto|ET a new face. Today we announce a new stage in our Enemy Territory division development as 99% of the team have a new shape.

K1ck.ET is back after summer break

image: et_banner

Now that the summer of 2011 is fading away fast, it's time for our EstoniaK1ck Enemy Territory team to resume activity. After a short stop for the vacations period, our Estonian guys got back some old acquaintances and they will come back right at the Clanbase Eurocup XXIV with a 6 man team, as the ET competitions have reverted to the 6on6 format once again.

The CaseKing 5on5 ET Tournament by Team Decerto

image: casekingetcup
And so it is time for another cool tournament here at Team Decerto, as we announce our newest event sponsored by, and Challonge. We are talking about the Caseking 5on5 Enemy Territory Tournament.

The ET Xtream Cup by Team Decerto

image: logoetcup

Today we are very glad to announce our latest event, this time in cooperation with Xtream Hosting and their great staff. As we already had the chance to run a Enemy Territory cup some weeks ago, which we gladly inform was a huge success, it certainly was a solid option to go with for our next event.

Therefore Team Decerto and Xtream Hosting announce the Xtream Cup: Enemy Territory, which will be hosted this upcoming April 25th at 20:00 CET.

Nation Voice & Team Decerto Enemy Territory Cup

image: logoetcup

This upcoming April 11th we gonna be hosting the Nation Voice ET Challenge with some attractive prizes for the participant teams and hopefully some of the best teams in this game, taking part.

K1ck with ET again!

image: et_banner

Enemy Territory has always been a game dear to K1ck eSports Club and whenever we have the chance to play it competitively, we always move forward. After some success in the past with some different teams and players from several countries, today we would like to present the new team coming mainly from Estonia.

This team has been playing major cups for some time now and was ranked 8th in the Crossfire ET European Top 10 October Rankings as you can see in the following list: