First media release

Few expected this project to still be alive today, but here we are again. The game project formerly known as Axis Revenge currently undergoes renaming. Nevertheless this post is not all about the rebranding of the project, but publication of yet unreleased media. Our secretiveness is for a reason, yet still without further ado what this is all about:

image: wallpaper_lugerp08_small image: wallpaper_germansoldier_small

We aim to bring regular releases alike these to our followers in the future in order to show atleast a fraction of our work. Furthermore we present to you a first bit of the games backgroundstory. Anyone who wants to propose a new name for the project and the game is free to contribute either here or on our forums:

QuoteThe year is 1954; the Fuhrer is dead, the Allies are in disarray, and the Second Great War still holds sway over the destinies of millions. On 20th July, 1944, the German High Command successfully assassinated Adolf Hitler at the Wolf's Lair, generating chaos on both sides. The Soviets, full of vengeance and momentum from the turnaround at Stalingrad, simply could not be stopped; they perceived Hitler's death as a weakness in the German ranks and pushed forward with even greater vigor. The Americans initially contemplated a propaganda campaign to win over the disunited German public, but quickly abandoned it upon realization that if they did not act now, the Soviets would beat them to Berlin.

Neither event would come to pass. In a devastatingly effective use of propaganda, the German High Command made Hitler's death appear to be an Allied assassination--during a secret peace treaty, at that. Making it appear as if Hitler was negotiating a cease-fire in which the Allies would have retreated to their respective borders and accepted Germany's new boundaries, the new masters of the Third Reich both secured the public's loyalty to Hitler and dispelled wavering doubts as to the righteousness of the Nazi cause. The backlash was more fierce than the Allies could have ever anticipated; while German soldiers engaged them on the front lines, German civilians fought them in the streets, from the forests, and anywhere else they could conduct guerrilla warfare.